The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 513: , Jing Shirong was actually poisoned

Chapter 513, Jing Shirong was actually poisoned

 Let alone Sister Ying, maybe even Jing Shirong himself didn’t know when he was poisoned.

Qi Yuanming was also very panicked after hearing this, and asked the old medicine king in confusion, "You mean my brother was poisoned three years ago?"

He really didn't notice this.

Sister Ying asked him, "Think carefully, did you eat any unusual food three years ago?"

Qi Yuanming recalled carefully, “We have been on the road in the past few years, and all we eat is dry food.”

Even if you eat it in an inn, it is not poisonous.


"I remembered it. One time A Jing and I were having dinner in a restaurant, and Zhao and Zhou happened to come over. At that time, they served us wine. A Jing and I didn't want to drink it at first, but out of His Majesty's favor, we drank it. ”

 But after drinking, there was no reaction, and everything was fine when they got home, so they didn't think much about it.

Is it possible that the glass of wine was poisoned?

 But he was also drunk at that time, how could he be fine?

Hearing this, the old Medicine King came over to feel his pulse, and then his brows tightened and then relaxed.

 Ask him, "Did you eat anything after drinking?"

Qi Yuanming recalled it, but couldn’t remember it.

 “I can’t remember clearly.”

 Three years ago, it was about drinking. He really couldn't remember it for a while.

The old medicine king said to him, "I will take some of your blood to see if you have ever been poisoned by this kind of poison. By the way, let's see if the antidote has any effect on this poison."

Qi Yuanming generously said yes, rolled up his sleeves and let him pick it up.

 The old Medicine King picked a small dish, and then went to the side to study with the Medicine King and Gu Gu.

Sister Ying's heart tightened. She didn't expect things to turn out like this.

 She was stunned for a moment uneasily, and wanted to cook, but she was completely confused.

Seeing her like this, Brother Sen took her wrist and took her to the kitchen to calm down.

Qi Yuanming also came over and poured her a glass of water.


Sister Ying shook her head, feeling a little weak.

 Sen Geer poured hot water for her like a warm man, added some honey, stirred it, and then handed it to her.

 “Drink. My mother will feel bad if she sees you like this.”

 Speaking of Mrs. Wu, the corners of Sister Ying's eyes became moist, "I miss my mother."

Brother Sen knelt down like a warm brother, touched her eldest sister's head, and comforted her, "When my brother-in-law wakes up, I will take you back to find my mother. Don't cry."

 He has always been a man of few words, but to be able to say so many heart-warming words is already very thoughtful.

Sister Ying looked at Brother Sen squatting on the ground and felt that the youngest brother seemed to have grown up.

She wiped her tears, took a deep breath, and cheered herself up.

"Okay, I won't cry. The boat will straighten out when it reaches the bridge. Brother Rong will be fine."

Since the old medicine king has seen the poison in Jing Shirong's body, he probably already has a way to detoxify it.

Brother Sen nodded, "Yes. Moreover, the old medicine king also collected Brother Qi's blood just now. If we can find out why the poison in Brother Qi's body did not react, we can revive my brother-in-law."

Sister Ying nodded, knowing that his reasoning was correct.

Since Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong drank the poisonous wine together, Qi Yuanming was able to be well, presumably he must have eaten something that was incompatible with the sleeping poison.

If Old Medicine King can find that kind of food and successfully test it, it will be just around the corner for Jing Shirong to wake up.

 Thinking about it this way, I feel much better.

Qi Yuanming also said, "Yes. We all want to be more open-minded. Gu and they are all here. So many people will find a way. A Jing will be fine, so don't worry."

They both comforted each other, and Sister Ying was indeed in a much better mood.

On the other side, Old Yao Wang and Gu Gu studied Qi Yuanming's blood for a long time and thought of several herbal medicines, but they were not sure.

In the end, I had no choice but to call Qi Yuanming over and ask him to think carefully about what he had eaten after drinking.

 Or something to drink.

Qi Yuanming sat on a chair and was stared at closely by them. He thought a lot but still had no idea.

Sister Ying saw them busy and remembered that they hadn't had dinner yet, so she cooked dinner for them. I had braised chicken rice with vegetable soup in the evening.

The chicken was raised by the medicine boy himself. He got up early in the morning to process the chicken and cut it into pieces before letting Sister Ying do it.

Sister Ying sauteed the chicken until fragrant, added onions, ginger, garlic, and some chili powder, and then added rice to simmer.

The rice is stuffy and fragrant.

Sister Ying gave each of them a bowl.

A few people wanted to take the antidote, but there was no delay in taking it.

They ate and meditated.

Sister Ying also gave Brother Sen a bowl and asked him to sit down and eat.

 Brother Sen was very good when he was eating. He sat by the door with a bowl and ate while Sister Ying served him another bowl of vegetable soup.


 Brother Sen hummed and ate his food obediently, which was a bit different from his usual cold demeanor.

 After eating, several people still had not figured out how to detoxify, so they could only continue researching in the pharmacy.

Sister Yang and Yaotong also stayed to help.

Qi Yuanming felt sleepy, so he went to bed first.

Sister Ying and Brother Sen also went to rest first, and they won’t have the strength to cook tomorrow.

 On the second day.

After Sister Ying woke up, she went to the pharmacy to take a look and saw Sister Yang and others lying on the chairs and falling asleep.

 She went over and covered them with cloaks before going to the kitchen to make breakfast.

  Making corn paste in the morning, Brother Seng got up early and came over to help grind corn.

Qi Yuanming also woke up and took the initiative to light the fire. The three of them cooperated and quickly made breakfast.

After dinner, Sister Ying went to the secret room to see Jing Shirong as usual.

Today Jing Shirong still didn't wake up, but a red mark like a red flame seemed to appear faintly between his eyebrows.

Sister Ying felt strange. She raised her hand and wiped it, but it didn't wipe off.

 She was afraid of any accident, so she hurriedly called the old Yao Wang.

“King of Medicine, there seems to be a red mark on my husband’s forehead. Come with me and have a look.”

 As soon as the old Yao Wang heard that there were new symptoms, he immediately cheered up and went with her.

When the elders heard the noise, they also hurriedly went over together.

Several people came to the secret room and walked to Wen Yu's bed. As expected, they saw traces of a red fire pattern between Jing Shirong's eyebrows.

Jing Shirong originally had a handsome appearance, but now there is a red scar between his eyebrows, and his handsome face suddenly becomes evil.

Even though he is still unconscious, it makes people feel weird.

 Lao Yao Wang and Gu Gu looked at each other and felt that this poison was really weird.

Old Medicine King touched his white beard, confused and excited, "I have lived for decades, and this is the first time I have encountered this kind of poison. It is really interesting."

He also saw this kind of poison last year, but the patient didn't have many symptoms.

 The only thing that interested him was that there was no cure for the poison, which made him amused.

Now I meet Jing Shirong, who is also suffering from this poison, and has more symptoms, which is more challenging for the old medicine king.

 It was also the first time that Gu Gu also saw this kind of poison, and he became serious about it.

 They drove Sister Ying out, leaving only Sister Yang and Yaotong busy in the secret room.

Sister Ying knew they were busy and didn't dare to disturb them, so she could only wait outside.

Brother Sen was afraid that she would feel uneasy, so he took her out and said, "Mom has brought you a letter. Go and read it."

 (End of this chapter)

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