Chapter 507: The old drug king poaches

 At night we had meat soup with steamed dumplings.

There are also fried shrimp chips.

 The shrimp meat was fished by the secret guards.

The terrain here is weird. Sister Ying was not sure whether the shrimp meat could be eaten. She asked the old medicine king first. After getting confirmation, she chopped the shrimp meat into puree, added seasonings, mixed in powder, kneaded it into long strips, and then rolled it into a round shape. .

 When the oil is hot, put it in the pan, add the shrimp slices, fry them for a while and then they will float to the top.

 The shrimp crackers made by myself are very delicious.

 The fried shrimp chips are crispy and fragrant. Sprinkle some chili powder on them to make them even more delicious.

 The old Yao Wang was busy with his work. He smelled the aroma of rice and looked at the Yao boy, "What are you having for dinner?"

Yaotong smiled and said, "My pretty sister said she wanted fried shrimp crackers. I haven't eaten fried shrimp crackers yet, but they should be delicious."

 After saying that, he patted the dust on his clothes and ran out, obviously greedy.

 Old Yao Wang also stood up, flicked his sleeves and hurried out.

Qi Yuanming and Young Master Zhong stayed behind to help Jing Shirong carry him to the jade bed.

Qi Yuanming covered Jing Shirong with a thin quilt and sighed, "A Jing is still silent today. He didn't even blink his eyelids. I don't know how he is doing."

 Old Medicine King didn't tell him about Jing Shirong's condition, so he naturally didn't know how Jing Shirong was recovering.

 In addition, Jing Shirong had not eaten or drank in the past two days, and Qi Yuanming was also quite worried.

 Fortunately, the medicine boy fed Jing Shirong elixirs three times a day, otherwise he wouldn't know what to do.

Young Master Zhong sighed and comforted him, "Let's all cheer up. At least Brother Jing didn't vomit blood anymore and his ears didn't bleed. He should be better."

 Otherwise, Jing Shirong would have vomited a few mouthfuls of blood on the road.

Her ears and nose were bleeding, and Sister Ying couldn't hold back her tears. They didn't dare to say anything.

 But after the treatment of the old Yao Wang, the bleeding stopped, and the skin and flesh wounds on the body also recovered visibly.

 It’s just that I don’t know when the internal injuries will heal.

 In addition to being hit on the head, Jing Shirong has not woken up for a long time.

Qi Yuanming was worried that he couldn't even eat, so it was Young Master Zhong who cheered him up.

“Look at Sister Ying, she comes here every night to keep watch, and she cries secretly so many times. But she should eat and drink, for fear that she will fall and no one will take care of Brother Jing.”

“Let’s all learn from Sister Ying and stop holding her back.”

 “You must take good care of yourself so that you can take care of Brother Jing.”

Qi Yuanming knew this and felt sorry for Sister Ying, so he hummed, "I understand."

The two of them settled Jing Shirong before going out together.

Sister Ying has already put all the food on the table.

Old Medicine King can have a hot meal as soon as he comes over.

Sister Ying gave him a bowl of meat soup and said, "You can drink it while it's hot."

 Old Medicine King hummed and sighed in his heart, "So this is the reason why people in the world want to marry women. Having a warm meal after a busy day is probably what every man wants."

 Why didn’t he think of this when he was young?

Seeing him staring straight at Sister Ying, the medicine boy said unhappy, "You are already old, what do you want to do with others?"

 Old Medicine King didn't expect that he would suddenly say such a sentence, he coughed and almost choked.

 “What nonsense are you talking about?”

He is already old, how can he still be able to force someone into a corner?

 The medicine boy drank the soup and muttered, "Who knows?"

 Old Medicine King.

He glared at the drug boy angrily and said, "Eat it if you like it, but get out if you don't."

 When he was young, he was withdrawn and did not like to interact with others.

The same thing happens when you get old. At most, you feel lonely occasionally, so you want to find someone to talk to, but you never think about trying to corner the wall.

Hum, brat, I don’t know him at all.

If I had known I would have adopted a girl, I would have been more considerate.

The medicine boy saw what he was thinking and said, "It's too late. You only have the life of your grandson, not your granddaughter, so accept it." After saying that, he said, he picked up a piece of shrimp crackers, took a bite, and it was crunchy. .

 “Wow, these shrimp crackers are delicious. So fragrant.”

 It tastes more and more delicious the more you chew it, it is very addictive.

  Makes you want to eat one piece after another.

Old Medicine King also took a piece and took a bite. He liked it in his heart, but he insisted on saying sarcastically, "It's just a snack that children like to eat, nothing more."

 Hands on say nothing more than this, but one thing after another.

Neither Qi Yuanming nor Mr. Zhong dared to eat more, so they left everything to them.

Seeing that they were eating well, Sister Ying took a sip of the soup and said, "We have finished eating all the meat and vegetables in the kitchen. I don't know which of the vegetables and meat here are poisonous and which are not poisonous. Can you help me identify them when you have time?"

The medicine boy smiled and said, "Okay, I'll prepare the medicine powder tomorrow, and then let the big guy boil the medicine, and I'll take you down the mountain for a walk."

Sister Ying nodded and said yes, let them eat more.

On the second day, the medicine boy prepared the medicine powder and asked Qi Yuanming to boil water, and then continued to soak Jing Shirong in the medicine bath.

 He took Sister Ying to get some seafood.

There is not much seafood here, probably due to the water quality. There are only a few fish, but there are a lot of crabs and shrimps.

 The medicine boy fished for shrimps and crabs with ease, and then went to pick some wild vegetables and fruits.

He raised chickens, ducks, geese, and pigs in the backyard on the mountain. He usually had vegetables and meat.

Even salt and seasonings are available in the mountains.

Sister Ying said with emotion, "This island is so rich in resources. It has everything."

 The medicine boy nodded, "Yes, the soil on this island is magical. Almost anything you can grow can grow there, but I don't know whether it will turn poisonous in the end."

 He has been on this island for more than ten years, and he roughly knows some strange phenomena, but he can't explain why.

For example, if some good wild vegetables are planted, they will grow into poisonous wild vegetables later. He doesn’t know what’s going on.

 It may be a soil problem, or it may be a water quality or insect problem.

 Old Medicine King had studied these before, but he got tired of it and gave up.

 Anyway, as long as the poison doesn't kill them, let's eat them all.

When Sister Ying heard that they all ate, her eyes widened in surprise, "So, are you okay?"

The medicine boy smiled and said, "At first, something happened. I was vomiting, having diarrhea, and even fell into a coma. Later, I was rescued by the master."

As an old medicine boy, how can he see the rainbow without experiencing some wind and rain?

His body is almost invulnerable to all poisons now.

His blood can be used as both poison and antidote, and is very useful.

But ordinary people can’t try this.

 After all, not everyone can have a body that is invulnerable to all poisons.

Sister Ying asked fearfully, "Then what we eat these days, will it have any impact on our bodies?"

 The medicine boy shook his head and told her to relax, "It's okay. I've washed everything you eat with the antidote and it's not poisonous."

“Even if it’s poisonous, there are antidotes in the pharmacy and you won’t lose your life.”

"But you can't stay here for long. You have to leave in ten days and a half, otherwise you may get air poisoning by then."

Looking at the smoky air on the island, Sister Ying already felt a little dizzy and quickly covered her mouth and nose.

“You mean, all this smoke is poisonous?”

 The medicine boy nodded, "Yes."

“You can’t smell it on the mountain, but you can still hold on for a few months.”

 “If you stay too long, it won’t work.”

 (End of this chapter)

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