Chapter 48, Raising a Wolf Puppy

Mrs. Wu turned around and saw Sister Ying on the ground chatting angrily. She was amused.

She picked up Sister Ying and teased her, "Look at you, I don't know if I thought you knew what was going on. Look at your little face, which is full of anger, like a little frog."

Sister Ying pouted her mouth, hummed, and said to herself, of course I can understand.

But Mrs. Wu couldn't understand her baby talk, so she said to herself, "Don't call me a baby, mother is almost bored to death."

 My mother’s family was originally quite harmonious and beautiful. But ever since the family became rich, the Wang family has been trying to take advantage of the Wu family, and this cannot continue.

Mrs. Wu thought for a while and said to Wu's mother, "Mother, the reason why Mrs. Wang dares to come to the door is because she thinks you are weak and easy to bully. Next time she comes, you can directly attack them, pour swill on them, and beat them again and again."

It's best to keep a few more big wolf dogs. If Mrs. Wang and the others dare to break in, just close the door and let the dogs out.

I don’t believe they are not afraid of death.

Mother Wu sighed and said, "If we really let the dogs bite them, they will have to extort money from us. It's not cost-effective."

Mrs. Wu sighed, "What should we do? We can't let them make trouble like this, right?"

Wu Mu had eaten too much salt and said calmly, "What are you afraid of? We just ignore them. No matter how they make trouble, they owe us money and we don't owe them money. Just ignore it."

 Wu still felt unhappy.

“I really want to beat up that old lady. I’ll get angry when I see her.”

Mother Wu was amused by her and said, "You, don't always fight with others, be careful not to let the children watch and imitate you."

“When dealing with scoundrels, we should ignore them if we can. The more you ignore them, the more they will take advantage of them. But what you said about raising a dog is fine.”

Our yard is so big, it would be good to have a few big wolf dogs to look after the house in the yard.

Wu agreed, "Then go pick out a dog now, raise it early, and guard against villains early."

Wu Mu nodded, "That's okay. Your brother and brother are not at home, so it would be nice to get a dog."

Sister Ying also agreed, "Da da da!" She stretched out her chubby hand, clenched her little fist, and expressed her agreement angrily!

So the mother and daughter went to pick out the big wolfdog together.

It happened that the wolves and dogs in the pig pen had all given birth to pups, so I went to pick a few to raise.

But it’s a long way up the mountain and you have to go there by carriage.

There is a donkey cart at home, Wu’s mother drives the cart, and Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying ride in the back seat.

Sister Ying was very happy to ride in a donkey cart for the first time, because the donkey cart was in the open air.

 Every place we passed along the way started to turn green. It was obvious that spring was here.

 After going up the mountain, Wu’s mother went to find Mr. Wu and told him that Mrs. Wang came to make trouble today.

   After hearing this, Boss Wu was really angry.

 But several sows in the pigsty were about to give birth, and he couldn't leave at this time. The piglets were the source of money, so he couldn't be careless.

Mother Wu said, "Let's pick out some little wolfdogs and raise them at home. The old lady from the province will come and cause trouble."

Boss Wu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll pick three of them for you to take back. Remember to feed them when the time comes."

 Wu Mu nodded and said yes. Then he asked him, "How is Mrs. Wang doing today?"

Boss Wu smiled proudly and said, "There are more rules. I know that no one will pay attention to her here. No one will pay attention to her even if she complains about being tired or hungry. She can only cook and clean by herself."

Boss Wu thought that as long as he spent a year on the mountain and came down next year, Wang would change his behavior and maybe there would be no more trouble.

Wu Mu nodded and listened to him, "Okay, as long as you can be well, anything is fine. Then we go back first, and we have to cook for your father in the evening."

 The Wu family had hired a cook before.

 Later, it turned out that Mr. Wang was so lazy, not working all day long, and always causing trouble. Mr. Wu was so angry that he stopped inviting maids and servants, and asked Mr. Wang to do the work.

 But Wang also made up his mind not to work, so he got into trouble with his family.

 Fortunately, there is not much work to do at home, just cook and clean the yard. Mrs. Wu felt that it was quite hard for her parents to go out to make bacon, so she asked Wu's mother, "Mom, go back and call the cook from before. Let her sweep the floor at home and cook for you and dad. This will save you from being so tired and having to go back." Cooking.”

Mother Wu shook her head and said it was okay, "Your father and I are still young, so what are we afraid of? It will be okay. When your brother gets married in the future, we will also have the blessing of a daughter-in-law."

 Wang has been in the family for so long, it was just a little better in the first one or two years, but it became more and more excessive later on.

For the sake of the two grandchildren, the family is enduring it. After all, divorcing one's wife is not pleasant. For the sake of the children, everyone chooses to endure it.

 Just like some girls do not marry well, the girl is asked to endure it.

 To put it bluntly, we are afraid of being laughed at, and we must endure it over and over again and become enemies.

 After returning home.

 Wu’s mother put the three puppies in the yard and got them some food.

Sister Ying saw the local wolf pups for the first time. She thought they were furry and cute, so she wanted to go to the ground to pet them.

Mrs. Wu smiled and put her down and asked her to touch her gently.

Sister Ying made two "da da" sounds, squatted down and touched the puppy's head.

That little wolfdog is plush and feels very good.

The dog was not afraid of being touched, and even rubbed her hand affectionately.

Sister Ying likes it so much that she wants to take one back.

So she picked up a little wolf dog, named Wu Shi, and asked Wu Shi to take the dog home.

Mrs. Wu understood and said no, "We live on the street and we can't keep dogs. It's not good to disturb people sleeping in the middle of the night."

There are very few dogs in the town. Some people stay up late at night to study and don’t like to hear dogs barking, so few people keep them.

There are a lot of little yellow dogs in the village. Every household has one or two, and they are all used to them. So it is okay for the Wu family to have dogs, but not for the Liang family, and they will be criticized by their neighbors.

Sister Ying pouted and hummed when she learned that she couldn't raise her. It was a pity.

Mrs. Wu smiled and touched her little head and comforted her, "I like puppies. Let's come back to see them next time. They will grow up by then."

Sister Ying nodded obediently and did not make any further fuss.

Mrs. Wu's heart melted when she saw how good she was.

 A child is more sensible than the Wang family. I really don’t know why Mrs. Wang is so shameless.

In the evening, Mr. Wu came back and saw that his daughter had not gone back yet, so he said, "Why haven't you left yet? Aren't you afraid of what your mother-in-law will say?"

Mrs. Wu shook her head and said it was okay, "My mother-in-law asked me to go back during the day."

 Since you’re here, let’s just stay for a day.

Mr. Wu didn't have any objection when he saw his in-laws, so he didn't say anything.

  Anyway, the door of the Wu family will always be open to the children.

 Mother Wu told him about raising a dog, and Mr. Wu had no objection.

On the other hand, during dinner in the evening, Mrs. Wang actually led people to chase her up the mountain, looking menacing.

  Because her son had another debt outside the country, he was hunted down at home.

 She said that if she didn't give her money, she would make her son a slave.

Mother-in-law Wang has given birth to a series of daughters in her life, but she only gave birth to a son like this. Of course, the baby is not good enough, and nothing can be done to let anything happen to the son.

The other daughters in her family could not borrow money, and they had no money. In the end, they had no choice but to take people up the mountain to ask for help from Boss Wu.

Anyway, her eldest daughter now has a child in her belly, so she is not afraid that Boss Wu will not give it to her.

 (End of this chapter)

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