Chapter 3, Full Moon Wine

Old Mrs. Liang looked better when she saw that they had brought half a car full of things.

 She prides herself on being from a scholarly family and is quite polite to her in-laws.

“In-laws, you can come if you want. If you have anything to bring, come in and sit down.”

Mr. Wu nodded and smiled, then came in with his family.

Everyone in the Wu family is dressed decently today. They obviously came here specially to freshen up and dress up, for fear that Mrs. Liang would think they were pig sellers.

But Mr. Wu came here with a gift, so he naturally doesn't have stage fright.

As soon as Ms. Wu saw her parents coming, she happily took the child out.

 “Father~, mother~, eldest brother, second sister, and fourth brother.”

Wu's mother gave birth to two sons and two daughters. Wu is the third oldest. There is still one younger brother who is not married. The other brothers and sisters are all married and starting a business.

At this moment, the Wu family saw Mrs. Wu's rosy face and felt relieved.

 “Come, give me a hug, Sister Ying.”

Mother Wu was in a good mood and went over to hug her granddaughter. With a loving look on her face, she put on the small gold lock that she had tied in advance.

“I hope our sister, Xiaoying, will grow up safely.”

The remaining Wu Da also gave their own small gifts.

Mrs. Liang saw that they had prepared so many gifts, and she nodded in agreement.

That's right, when your mother's family comes to visit, you have to bring something with her, otherwise you can't get a daughter-in-law without paying for it.

 The Wu family:…

 Forget it, they are magnanimous and not as knowledgeable as this fussy old woman.

While we were chatting, the eldest daughter and son-in-law of the Liang family also came.

As soon as Mrs. Liang saw her eldest daughter and son-in-law coming, her old face immediately smiled like a flower.

“Sister Ping, why are you here all the time?”

Sister Liang Jin married into the Chen family in the next town, also a scholarly family, and her husband is now a scholar.

Mrs. Liang valued her son-in-law very much and naturally greeted him with a smile.

 “Go and have a cup of hot tea to warm yourself up.”

 It’s still very cold in December.

Sister Liang and her uncle smiled and gave Sister Ying a gift before going in to drink hot tea.

Sister Ying opened her big round eyes, and she could feel her grandmother's love for her eldest aunt and uncle without even looking.

Look at her, she smiled brightly at Wu Mu and said, "Look at my eldest son-in-law, he is such a polite person. He even made this trip in the cold weather."

Sister Ying said to her heart, "Grandma and her whole family also made the trip specially. Why don't you praise me?"

 But the Wu family didn't share her knowledge, so they smiled and entered the house together.

 The banquet began soon.

 Some relatives of the Liang family also came over one after another, and they all gave some gifts to Sister Ying.

The kitchen got up early to prepare meals. Now that the guests have arrived, the dishes are served.

 The courtyard is very lively and full of voices.

Sister Ying opened her big round eyes and listened carefully to the chat of the elders.

As soon as Mrs. Wu sat down for a while, Mrs. Wu asked her to go in and rest first so as not to tire her body.

Mrs. Wu also planned to go back to her room to feed her child, so she got up and went back to the house.

 Wu’s mother ate a few mouthfuls and followed her into the house to talk to her daughter.

 “Are you doing well in health?”

Mrs. Wu nodded and reassured her, "I drank all the tonics you brought and didn't leave any for the old woman, huh."

 Wu’s mother laughed after hearing this.

"You, you, your mother-in-law has a bad mouth but a bad heart. Don't be as knowledgeable as her."

 Old Mrs. Liang is a pretty good person in normal times. The only thing she treats differently is her daughter-in-law. But she only showed off her power at home, and she got along well with Mr. Wu when she went out. After all, the family scandal cannot be made public, and we have to give each other some face.

Mrs. Wu knew her mother-in-law's bad behavior, so she didn't like her, otherwise her life would be noisy.

Sister Ying listened to their chat while eating, and she was lost in thought.

Mrs. Wu looked down and saw her taking two bites, then stopping for two bites, and looking at them with her big eyes from time to time. She found it very interesting.

  "If it doesn't taste good, it will be spanked. Eat it quickly."

Mother Wu also laughed and said, "Don't keep saying you want to beat her. Carefully, my son-in-law will feel bad if she hears this."

It is obvious to all that Liang Jin likes this daughter, and Wu’s mother is also pleased that he does not favor sons over daughters.

Mrs. Wu also laughed, "He now plays with the child for a while when he returns to his room every day. He dotes on Sister Ying even more than I do."

Mother Wu smiled and said, "That's good. Your mother-in-law favors sons over daughters. Fortunately, your son-in-law doesn't. When you take good care of yourself, you can give birth to a fat boy for your son-in-law. After that, both children will be perfect."

Mrs. Wu touched her daughter's little fleshy face lovingly and nodded in agreement, "I understand."

  No matter what others say, the daughter she gave birth to is her treasure. Even if she doesn’t have a son, she still likes her daughter.

While they were chatting, Liang Qing came in.

 She is the third sister of Liang Jin. She is currently in the boudoir and is not yet married.

At this moment, she walked in with a shy face, holding a set of beautiful children's clothes in her hands, and said to Mrs. Wu, "Sister-in-law, these are the clothes I made for Sister Ying. She can wear them when she is older. I hope you don't dislike."

  It should be said that the relationship between the three siblings of the Liang family is good.

 The eldest sister Liang Ping is a good person and sees things clearly. The younger sister Liang Qing is also a well-behaved and sweet girl. The two sisters-in-law get along well with Mrs. Wu.

Wu smiled and put the child on the bed, stretched out her hand to open the little skirt made by Liang Qing, and smiled broadly on her face.

“My sister’s needlework is still so good. We, Sister Ying, will be very lucky in the future.”

Liang Qing is introverted, and her face turned red when her sister-in-law praised her.

“Sister-in-law, please stop teasing me. I want to hug Sister Ying.”

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Hey, give your little niece a hug, she's so soft."

Sister Ying had been sleeping for a while, but now that she was in another arms, she opened her eyes in a daze.

 Her baby's sight was still unclear, but she could vaguely smell a sweet aroma.

So she reached out with her little hand and grabbed a handful of silky hair.

Liang Qing felt a pain in his scalp, "Oh, my hair~"

 The baby's strength was out of control, and her chubby hands scratched her little aunt's scalp.

Mrs. Wu hurriedly let go of her chubby hand and scolded her, "You're such a baby. You're bullying your aunt at such a young age? That's bad."

Sister Ying's little fists were opened by her own mother, and she grunted and resisted, clenching her little fists tightly. The baby's little face looked unconvinced.

Mrs. Wu was amused by her.

 “What? I’m not talking about you yet? You little rascal.”

He was talking about little bad guy, but he still lowered his head and kissed her.

Liang Qing saw her little niece's round face and found it very rare, so she lowered her head and secretly kissed her.

Seeing that they had kissed each other, Wu's mother also brought her granddaughter over to express her gratitude.

Sister Ying was in a good mood because she was liked by so many elders, and she smiled with a toothless smile.

 When the full moon banquet outside was over, everyone began to leave one after another.

Liang Ping and Mr. Chen stood up to say goodbye to Mrs. Liang and prepared to go back.

Mrs. Wu came out to see them off and wrapped some strips of bacon for them, which was just right for them in winter.

Liang Ping smiled and thanked her, "We came here specially to have a meal, and we are embarrassed to take things away."

Mrs. Wu smiled and said it was okay, "They are all family members. Sister, please don't be polite. This bacon rice is the most delicious. You can go back and make it for the children to try. It's delicious."

 (End of this chapter)

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