The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 27: , the scumbag comes to cause trouble

Chapter 27: The scumbag comes to cause trouble

Smelling the aroma of the fish soup, Sister Ying crawled over and took Old Mrs. Liang's hand.

 “Da da da.” Want to eat.

Old Mrs. Liang laughed mercilessly when she saw her little mouth open like a little pig waiting to be fed.

"Who said you won't eat just now? You have to have integrity as a human being. If you don't eat if you say you won't, how can you regret it?"

Sister Ying pretended not to understand and reached for the spoon herself.

 Old Mrs. Liang didn’t really have the same experience as her, so she picked up a small spoon and started feeding her.

“Okay, okay, your grandmother and I are too magnanimous to be as knowledgeable as you.” She is such a good grandmother.

Sister Ying:…

 The legendary self-movement?

 After Mrs. Liang fed her, she prepared to eat her lunch.

 A bowl of millet porridge, a plate of side dishes, and a plate of sliced ​​meat with soy sauce.

Liang Jin is not at home, so the food cooked at home is not that rich, basically two dishes and one soup.

  If Mrs. Wu is hungry, she will turn on a small stove and her body will be full of water.

 Because of the nutritious food she eats, Sister Ying is also kept hydrated.

 It’s not that she’s chubby, but she’s much prettier than an ordinary little baby.

Not to mention her fair and tender skin, she has big eyes, a small red mouth, and her hair is also very long, black and soft, and feels like fine silk, but it is slippery.

Although Mrs. Liang had objections to Wu's opening of a small stove, she couldn't say it directly.

   Wu is still feeding the child, so we can’t help but let her eat well, right?

If this spreads out, others will definitely criticize her, so she can only turn a blind eye.

By the time winter came, Sister Ying could already stand up and stumble around a few steps.

 Children aged 11 months, some develop early and can already walk, while others may not be able to walk until more than one year old.

Sister Ying is more active and doesn’t like to sit all the time, so she climbed up using the chair and tried to take a few steps.

Mrs. Wu was afraid that she would fall, so she wrapped her up tightly, like a fat baby.

Sister Ying was constrained by her cotton-padded clothes and trousers, and she couldn't even boast. She said angrily "Ah~" as if she was competing with herself.

 She now has a doll body and her character has regressed a lot, as if she had been put into a baby milk baby and all her memories had been sucked away.

She has no relatives in the other world, so coming here is like starting over, so she wants to let go of the past and start from scratch.

 Just be a little kid, just be happy.

And there are no special powers here. She moved her limp body to feel some inner elixir, but there was none at all.

It seems that time travel is also divided into levels.

  Ordinary people’s time travel is actually ordinary people...

 Sigh, forget it, she admitted it, being ordinary is a blessing, so be it.

Mrs. Wu came over after collecting her clothes and saw that she was trying her best to cross her short legs, unable to cross the threshold at all. She was competing with herself with her eyes wide open.

Mrs. Wu came over with clothes in her hands and laughed at her, "Can't you cross it?"

Sister Ying’s “da da da” means “I can do it!”

Mrs. Wu asked Xiaohong to take her clothes back, squatted down and looked at her, "Okay, you can try again."

The jacket and the cotton trousers are both thick. I don’t believe that this little thing can really step through it.

Sister Ying still doesn’t believe it. How can she be so hard to reach with such small thresholds?

So she screamed and tried her best to step over, but because her cotton pants were in the way, she tripped and fell.

 “Ahhh~” I’m so angry. These cotton pants are too thick and they are restrictive.

Mrs. Wu saw her lying on the ground, not crying, her swollen cheeks were like a little frog, and she burst out laughing happily.

"Okay, you're still young. Your uncle couldn't walk even after his first birthday when he was a child. Why are you so anxious?" Sister Ying thought about it, so she stopped stepping and stretched out her hand towards Mrs. Wu, "Come on. ~" Hug.

 Wu picked her up with a smile, patted the dust on her cotton pants, and carried her back to the house.

“The Chinese New Year is next month, and your father will be back soon.”

Liang Jin studied very hard this year, as if he was determined to get back the scholar examination.

The same was true for Wu Laosi. Seeing how diligent his brother-in-law was, he was naturally affected, so he redoubled his efforts and stayed up late to read.

this day.

Before Liang Jin came back, something happened with Second Sister Wu.

The shopkeeper of the bacon shop ran back and said, "My boss, it's bad, Second Sister Wu was blocked by Huang Dongren."

Mrs. Wu panicked and asked quickly, "Have you gone to notify my family?"

The shopkeeper said, "Notice, Huang Dongren is making a fuss around our shop right now. Come with me and have a look."

Mrs. Wu was anxious, so she rushed out with the child in her arms.

 The reason why I carried the child there was because I was so flustered that I forgot about it, so I just hugged the child and rushed to the store.

The shopkeeper in Luzhong told her carefully, "Huang Dongren came over to ask the second sister for money a few days ago, but the second sister refused to give it and chased them away. I didn't expect that they came here again today."

It turns out that the lazy Huang family had no money, so they wanted to ask Sister Wu for it.

 But Second Sister Wu wanted to save money to open a store in a distant place, so how could she give them the money? Of course she refused to take it out.

   Huang Dongren wanted to give him a nod at first, but she said something and went back angrily.

But he couldn't resist the old lady's encouragement and asked him to bring his two children over. If he didn't believe it, Second Sister Wu wouldn't give him the money.

Second Sister Wu breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her two sons were fine. It was obvious that the Huang family was reluctant to beat up their grandson.

But she won’t give the money. He immediately said, "If you don't leave, I'll call someone!"

Huang Dongren was short of money for a few days, and he didn’t want to lose face for money, so he lay down in front of the bacon shop and said, “I won’t leave until you give me money, and you don’t want to do business!”

Second Sister Wu was so angry that she wanted to beat him with a stick.

Not only was Huang Dongren not afraid, he even moved his face closer and said, "Come on, come on, hit me here. If you hit me badly, I will kill you."


Second Sister Wu’s lungs were about to explode, but she didn’t want to compromise.

She knew that if you deal with such a shameless person once, he will be treated countless times.

 Once she lets him taste the sweetness, she will be haunted by him forever, so she will not set this precedent.

But leaving this **** here was not enough, so she started to pack her things and said, "Okay, if you don't let me work here, then if I don't do it, I will go home and let you support me!"

 Huang Dongren was also annoyed when he saw that she was serious.

"Wu Qingqing, do you want to rebel? What happened to me asking you to give me some money? Am I the only one who can spend the money after I get it? Doesn't your son want to eat or drink?"

Second Sister Wu snorted coldly, "If you want to cut off your descendants, starve your two sons to death. I won't have to carry on the family lineage. You can do whatever you want."

She deliberately showed no care for the child, just to let this **** know that her son was hers, and if he abused him, he would have no descendants.

Huang Dongren didn’t really want to starve his son to death, he was just fooling her.

Who knew this woman was incompetent?

Seeing that she was about to pack her things and go home, he went to grab her luggage.

He thought that there must be money in this baggage, so he grabbed it with quick eyes and hands.

Of course Second Sister Wu couldn’t let him **** her away, so she was so angry that she beat him with a pole.

 The two started fighting at the door of the bacon shop.

 (End of this chapter)

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