The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 23: , if you like to eat it, it won’t burn your mouth~

Chapter 23: If you like to eat, it won’t burn your mouth~

Sister Ying is so depressed.


  Twice, puffed out to express anger.

There is no way. A six-month-old baby can’t speak yet and can only shout.

Mrs. Wu couldn't stop laughing when she saw that she was so small that she was still angry with her.

“Be good, you will be able to eat meat by this time next year, and then my mother will make lotus leaf chicken for you, do you think that’s okay?”

Sister Ying is depressed, pouting, unhappy.

 Next year is next year, so there is nothing to eat now.

She pouted her little round face angrily, and the little tweets on her head trembled as if they were discouraged.

Mrs. Wu saw that she was really cute, so she thought about asking her second sister if she could make something for her six-month-old baby at night.

 In their rural area, all children eat rice and are rarely given other food, so Mrs. Wu doesn’t know if she can give food to children as young as 1 month old.

 Her second sister has given birth to two sons, so she should understand.

So in the afternoon, Mrs. Wu carried Sister Ying to the shop.

Second Sister Wu saw her coming with Sister Ying in her arms. She smiled, took Sister Ying over and hugged her, and gave Sister Ying a rare kiss on her little fleshy face.

 Ask Mr. Wu, "Why do you come here when you have time?"

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "The little kid has teeth. Just a little bit of gum, and he wants to eat meat. It's really funny to me."

Second Sister Wu also laughed, "Don't feed her new teeth, or she'll get a bad stomach."

Mrs. Wu asked, "Can other things be eaten? I don't think other families feed such a small child anything. They all feed Nai."

Second Sister Wu nodded, "Basically, I eat Nai."

Even if a woman refuses to leave the house, she will take her child to a house where there is a house and give her some money or something to help feed her.

 For those who are very poor, they may be fed porridge and water.

But the porridge and water are not nutritious, and the children are skinny and skinny.

When Mrs. Wu heard this, she was immediately frightened, "Then, I'd better stop feeding him? I won't be able to tell the difference later."

When Sister Ying heard this, she realized that her small food supplement was gone.


 She thought she would be able to take complementary foods in six months. I didn’t expect that the women in Ningxi Town didn’t give complementary foods to their children.

 She hummed something depressed, pouting her little mouth, feeling depressed.

Second Sister Wu found it funny when she saw her expression.

“Why did she pout so much? Who did she learn it from? It made me laugh so hard.”

Mrs. Wu also laughed, "I guess she learned it from her grandmother. My mother-in-law pouts when she's unhappy, but she's not as cute as my daughter, hahaha."

 Second Sister Wu also smiled, "You."

When it was the Dragon Boat Festival, Mrs. Wu went out to buy things, so she took Sister Ying to Mrs. Liang.

 Old Mrs. Liang is used to her having children stuffed into her from time to time.

At this moment, rice dumplings were being made in the kitchen, so she carried Sister Ying over to take a look.

Sister Ying is becoming more and more cute now, with a round face, big grape-like eyes, and a red mouth. She looks like a lucky doll on a drawing paper. Everyone who sees her can't help but praise her.

 “Yo, this kid is so handsome~”

Every time this happens, Mrs. Liang would say arrogantly, "All the little kids are the same. There is nothing beautiful or ugly about them."

However, Triangle Eyes still glanced at the children held in other women's hands to compare them with his own.

 Finally, he secretly thought that the little girl born by Mr. Wu was indeed her true successor, and she had a good appearance.

Compared to those little kids with tanned skin and runny noses, this one in her family is white and clean. He really is a child from a scholarly family, just like her son.

Sister Ying:…

 Any good ones are just like dad.

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, Liang Jin rarely came back, and the family had a lively reunion dinner. At the dinner table, Mrs. Wu put Sister Ying into the wooden chair cart sent by her parents and asked her to sit aside and play by herself.

Sister Ying saw the adults sitting and eating, but she could only sit on the bench. She immediately said "Ahh~" twice and asked the adults to carry her to the table.

Mrs. Wu looked back at her and said, "You play for a while. Mom will hug you after she finishes eating."


 Let your mother eat first.

So she sat obediently in the stroller and played with the tiger-headed doll.

 Liang Jin, on the other hand, loved her very much and immediately came over to hug her.

Sister Ying was picked up by her biological father, smiling with crooked eyebrows and saying, "Da da da~" The little fat boy was grabbing and grabbing, playing with Liang Jin.

 The six-month-old baby cannot speak yet, but the father and mother can already scream loudly, but adults can hardly understand it.

I only know that she says "ah ah ah, or da da da" every day, as if she is singing a big song.

Mrs. Liang sometimes laughed at her, "How can you sing at such a young age? The roof of the house is about to be lifted off, but let's calm down for a while."

Sister Ying pursed her lips and hummed. There was no exaggeration.

She used her hands and feet to hum and get into Liang Jin's arms. She buried her little head and didn't want to pay attention to Mrs. Liang.

Liang Jin came back once in a while, smiled and hugged her high.

Sister Ying was suddenly lifted up, and the baby's perspective was quite magical, so she was so happy that she wanted to do it again. "Ah da da~" It's fun.

Liang Jin lifted her above his head again, "Fly~"

  Lift up and down again.

Old Mrs. Liang couldn't stand it anymore, so she clicked her tongue and said a few words, "It's time to eat. There are no rules. You can play after eating."

Liang Jin snorted and quietly stuck out his tongue to Mrs. Wu, then put the child on his lap and continued eating.

Sister Ying didn't have to play. She hummed twice and didn't cry. Instead, she stared at the food on the table and drooled.

 Children with teeth can’t control their saliva and keep drooling.

 Especially when I see delicious food, I become even more greedy.

Mrs. Wu was amused by her, and asked Liang Jin, "Look, I have just sprouted a little tooth, and I want to eat. I'm not afraid of smacking my teeth and making people laugh."

Liang Jin looked down and saw his daughter's big eyes staring straight at the sausage on the table, and gave one to her.

 “Let her hold it and play with it, she won’t be able to bite it left or right.”

Mrs. Wu hurriedly said, "No, no, she will bite." She was about to **** the sausage from Sister Ying's hand.

But Sister Ying grabbed the sausage with her little hand and turned around, leaving her mother to miss it.

She put the sausage in her mouth happily with her big eyes, but she forgot that the sausage had just been baked, but it burned her mouth, so she said "Wow", crying bird~~

 It’s really hot.

It is obviously warm in your hand, but when you bite into it, the juice is frighteningly hot.

Liang Jin was startled and quickly took out the sausage in her hand and looked at her mouth quickly, "Hey, is it too hot?"

 Look at those little gums, they are all red.

Mrs. Wu was angry and funny. She got up and hugged her to cool her mouth. He opened her little mouth to look at her little teeth and scolded her angrily.

“I told you that you can’t eat grown-up food, why are you so greedy? Is it okay now? Did it burn your little mouth?”

Sister Ying sniffed and said that this small injury is nothing. If you have the ability to grill sausages, give it to me again. I will definitely not make a mistake this time.

Mrs. Wu ruthlessly broke her sweet dream, "Don't look at it, I won't give you the sausage. If you really want to eat it, Mom will make you some goat's milk soup to drink tonight."

 The ewe at home has given birth to two lambs this year, which looks very gratifying.

Mrs. Wu can feed the child by herself, so she won’t give Sister Ying goat’s milk.

 But seeing that the child is so greedy, I can only find a way to get her some food.

Liang Jin also said, "Let her taste a little. If it doesn't taste good, she won't remember it."

Children of this month are curious about everything. If they try this buckle or scratch, if they don’t taste good, they probably won’t like it.

 (End of this chapter)

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