Chapter 21, Little Light Bulb

Mrs. Wu nodded and said, "I know, I will eat enough every day, so don't worry."

She still has to feed her children, and she will not be harsh on herself, and she will definitely feed herself well.

Mother Wu was relieved when she saw that she had listened.

 Then he gave instructions to his second daughter.

"If the Huang family comes to trouble you, you go to your sister's house first, and then ask someone to come back and tell them. Then your father, me, and your eldest brother will go over to help you. Remember not to quarrel with others alone, and be careful to let the dog Something hit you, did you hear?"

Second Sister Wu nodded and said, "I understand, just listen to me."

After Wu Mu explained all this, she reluctantly let go.

 “Okay, then you can go back.”

Mrs. Wu sat in the carriage with her child in her arms, and asked Sister Ying to wave to her grandfather's family.

“Then we are going back and will come back to see you when we have time.”

   Wu Mu’s family nodded and watched them off before going back.

 The two sisters looked at each other in the car and sighed.

Mrs. Wu complained, "Oh, it's so nice to live in my parents' house. I really don't want to go back."

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "No matter how good our family is, we still don't have your husband-in-law. Don't you miss your husband-in-law?"

Mrs. Wu was teased by her second sister, and she gave her a cute look, "I don't want him. I have Sister Ying and that's enough."

 I said that, but I actually thought about it.

  After all, they are newlyweds not long ago, and their relationship is still very good.

Second Sister Wu also envies their relationship, but she is not discouraged. Her goal now is to make a lot of money and get rid of the Huang family as soon as possible.

 The carriage swayed along the country road, and after more than half an hour, it finally arrived in the town.

Second Sister Wu got out of the car first and sent the two children back to Huang's house before continuing to open the bacon shop.

Mrs. Wu asked her to bring some food back, but she was unwilling. "The children have eaten enough, and I don't want to make things cheaper for them. I will keep the food in the shop, and the children will come naturally when they are hungry." Ask me for something to eat.”

Since she is cooking in the shop, the whole family will not be able to eat her parents’ food!

 Wu Shi shook his head and gave up the advice, "Okay, I'll go back first."

There were a lot of things in the car, and she couldn't carry it while holding her child, so she had to let the carriage stop directly at the gate of Liang's house.

Xiaohong heard the sound and hurriedly came to pick her up.

 “Young madam, are you back?”

 Because Sister Liang’s family was coming to the house, Mrs. Liang was afraid that the family would not have enough manpower, so she asked Xiao Hong to stay and help.

 The master and servant were only separated for a day, so they seemed to be happy to see each other.

 “Young madam, you are back, I miss you so much.”

Mrs. Wu laughed when she heard this, "I brought you three kilograms of sweet potato chips and taro cakes, which you like to eat. There are also sticky bean buns made by my mother. They are all brought for you. I will quietly Take it to the house and eat it.”

 Xiao Hong looked at the snacks and then smiled happily, "I knew the lady was the best to me."

She happily carried the things in and called out, "Uncle, the young lady is back~"

Hearing this, Liang Jin hurriedly came out of the study and ran to the door.

 “Is the lady back?” She smiled silly.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Yes, our sister Ying is back too."

Sister Ying stretched out her little arm at the right time and made two babbling sounds, indicating that I was back too.

Liang Jin couldn't even laugh or cry, but he reached out to take the child over and looked at Mrs. Wu with affection.

 “Let’s go back to the house quickly.”

Seeing him looking at her like this, Mrs. Wu shyly said, "Okay." She turned around to pick up those things, big and small bags, while Liang Jin hugged the child and followed her with a silly smile.

 The couple walked together, shy and giggling along the way.

Mrs. Liang just heard Xiao Hong's voice, so she sat up and waited in the room for Mrs. Wu to come and say hello.

However, after Mrs. Wu returned to the house, she talked to Liang Jin for a while and secretly held her hand. Then she suddenly remembered to go to Mrs. Liang's house.

"Let's go to my mother's house first. My mother asked me to bring a lot of things to my mother-in-law. Let's go and say hello first and come back later."

Liang Jin nodded in agreement, held the child in his arms, and asked her to carry her things in large and small bags.

 As for why Wu was asked to carry something.

Because Liang Jin wanted his mother to feel that every time his wife went back to her parents' home, she always brought something back, and she didn't give it away, so he deliberately asked Mrs. Wu to carry it.

 This is also a little cleverness of his as a husband.

Mrs. Wu liked that he was kind to her, so she followed her to Mrs. Liang's house with a smile.

As soon as he arrived at the door of Mrs. Liang's room, Liang Jin shouted, "Mother, Ning'er is back."

Mrs. Liang snorted and said to herself, "Come back as soon as you come back. Why are you making such a big battle?" It’s not like the Bodhisattva is back, that’s right.

Liang Jin didn’t hear her complaints and still happily hugged Sister Ying in.

As soon as Sister Ying entered the room, she looked back at Old Mrs. Liang and said ahhhh twice, as if she was saying hello to Old Mrs. Liang.

Old Mrs. Liang looked at her big eyes, like black grapes, which were getting brighter and clearer than when she was just born. It was rare that she no longer disliked her.

Zhi Leng said to Mrs. Wu, "As a daughter-in-law, you should regard your husband as your top priority. How can you leave your husband behind and enjoy the happiness in your mother's family? Don't do this next time. If you tell it, it will make people laugh."

Mrs. Wu knew what she was going to say, so she wasn't angry. She put all the big and small bags on the table and showed off, "These are some local specialties that my mother asked me to bring you. She said she spent a lot of money to buy them." Yes, see if you like it?”

snort. Let you talk about me, look at how many things I brought back from my parents' house, you still have the nerve to talk about me?

 But she still had a smile on her face and looked like a good wife.

Old Mrs. Liang was almost furious after being stabbed by her, and because her son was in front of her, she could only endure it.

Her triangular eyes briefly glanced at the gifts on the table. They were really good, so she didn't bother her in-laws, but only targeted the Wu family, "Your parents have always been safe people, and their etiquette is very good. I hope you can Also learn from your mother and regard your husband as your heaven.”

 Hmph, don’t let me talk about you, I insist on it!

Mrs. Wu replied with her eyes and said, "Who is afraid of whom?"

Old Mrs. Liang also used her eyes. Just wait for me. Don’t let me get the chance to scold you.

 Wu family, hehehe.

The two of them had smiles on their faces, but their eyes were turbulent.

Of course Liang Jin couldn't tell, and he put Sister Ying into Mrs. Liang's arms with a silly smile.

“Mother hasn’t seen Sister Ying for two days. I think you miss her very much, so go play with Sister Ying for a while. My wife and I will leave first.”

After saying that, he took Wu and ran back.

The house was locked in broad daylight. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell what they were doing at a glance, but they all laughed and didn't say anything.

Old Mrs. Liang looked at the confused baby in her arms, and she also looked confused.

 “What a son, really!”

 In broad daylight, I took my daughter-in-law back to her room. I was so embarrassed.

Sister Ying was also speechless, thinking that her parents were too unrestrained.

 Just leave her with her grandmother, aren't you afraid of her crying?

  嘤嘤嘤, so sad, I am just a little light bulb.

 (End of this chapter)

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