Chapter 1147, Miguo is pregnant

 The fourth sister hesitated and finally spoke.

“Oh, even if we try to get along, we may not be able to make it work.”

 There were many young men chasing her before, but she didn't feel it and focused on her career.

Now that my career is good, I am in the mood to look at those young men.

But I didn’t seem to feel any excitement at all, so forget it.

 She didn't feel it when Xiaoerzhu came to chase her.

 After all, they grew up together and he is older than me.

She has always treated him as a relative and brother.

Who knew that this brother would actually have evil thoughts about her, which made her angry and ashamed.

However, Xiao Erzhu is also a gentle person and is not in a hurry. Instead, he specially waits for her to go to the store with him every day.

 At night, he also went to the road where she went home to wait for her and **** her home.

 After going back and forth like this, the two gradually started chatting, and then the more they chatted, the better they got.

But she didn’t plan to tell her family yet, but her mother found out.

Sister Ying patted her **** and said, "I gave birth to you, how can I not know you?"

The little girl smiles sweetly every time she comes back. She looks like she is in love at first glance. Who can be fooled?

 Not only did she know it, but the whole family knew it.

The fourth sister was shy, "How come you all know this?"

 She thought she was very satisfied.

Sister Ying smiled, "Okay, okay, I won't interfere in your affairs. Since we like each other, let's get along with each other more. Anyway, the two families are close, so if you are willing to become sisters-in-law with your sister, that's fine." "

 As for the marriage, Mr. Zhong will definitely arrange it.

  Sister Ying was confused when talking about honey fruits, "Your sister and your brother-in-law go out every day and haven't been back for a long time."

They have been married for such a long time without having any children. She is not in a hurry, but she is afraid that Young Master Zhong will be.

 Fortunately, Mr. Zhong only mentioned it occasionally and did not dare to say more. He was probably afraid of conflicts between the father-in-law and the daughter-in-law.

 Xiao Miguo had big ideas, and Cheng Jin united with her, so the family didn't say anything.

Just as he was talking, Chengjin came back with honey fruits.

Seeing that he looked anxious, he called Sister Yang as soon as he got home. Sister Ying was also startled and hurried to see what was going on.

 After checking her pulse, I found out that Miguo was pregnant. No wonder she was vomiting all the way.

Sister Yang said, "If you have such a big reaction to the fetus, don't go out to do tasks. Take good care of the fetus at home, and wait until the baby is in good health before going out."

Miguo originally refused, but Cheng Jin also tried to persuade her.

Sister Ying heard it at the door and scolded her when she entered the room.

“This is an era of peace, and if you want to risk your life, it depends on the time! You are pregnant, and if you don’t risk your life, who do you want to worry about?”

  The corners of his eyes were sore as he said this, "Anyway, you can take good care of yourself at home. Once you are well, you can go wherever you like. If anything happens, I won't be able to live anymore."

 Speaking, he began to wipe away his tears.

Have you ever seen this formation before?

Even when she got married, her mother-in-law was smiling, as if she had gotten a big deal.

 Have you ever cried like this?

She looked guilty and immediately agreed, "Oh, please stop crying. I know I was wrong. I can't go out, right? Just stay at home to take care of yourself. Please stop crying."

Sister Ying sobbed, "Really?"

Miguo was convinced, "Really, really, I won't go out. I won't go out until after giving birth."

Sister Ying glared at her with tears in her eyes, "No, you have to confine yourself after giving birth. You can only go out after confinement!"

Miguo wanted to retort, but Sister Ying glared at her, "Your mother-in-law and the third princess also spent a whole year in confinement. Why, are you better than her?"

Miguo was defeated, "I know, I'll just listen to you." Seeing that her goal was achieved, Sister Ying snorted, "Then it's settled."

Just then he wiped his tears and went out, as if his plot had succeeded.

ˆ Honey fruit

 How does it feel like you are being plotted against?

Cheng Jin spoke for his mother-in-law, "No, what mother said is true. My mother did do confinement for a year. Don't you admire her very much? Is that like her studying?"

Sister Yang also said, "That is, people's health is the first priority. Only when you are healthy can you do what you want to do. If your body is broken, you can't do anything."

Miguo was persuaded by them one by one, and then he felt at ease.

After Jing Shirong came back, Sister Ying told him about the matter, and he sighed.

 “How come Miguo, the kid, gets bigger and stronger?”

That competitive temperament is exactly the same as that of the third princess.

Sister Ying was also helpless, "I'm glad she still listened, otherwise I would have had a big headache."

Have told the children that health is the first priority, and if they have to rush forward regardless, she is so angry that she wants to hit someone.

 Fortunately, I held it back in time, otherwise there would have been trouble.

Jing Shirong hugged her and patted her on the shoulder.

"Okay, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. The children are grown up. Just enjoy the blessings and don't worry about so much."

“Besides, Chengjin will also take a good look at Miguo and won’t let her act recklessly.”

Sister Ying is still very satisfied with her eldest son-in-law.

Chengjin is an honest and reliable child, and you will feel at ease if you give him the fruit.

“It’s just that this child loves Miguo too much, more exaggeratedly than us. I’m afraid that he will also pamper Miguo.”

Jing Shirong shook his head, "No, this pregnancy is a big deal, and if the confinement period is not done well, you will definitely get sick. The young master will definitely tell him at this time."

 When Cheng Jin realizes the seriousness of the matter, he will not let Miguo Hu come.

Jing Shirong explained this, and Sister Ying was completely relieved.

 Tell Jing Shirong, "By the way, I forgot to tell you that the fourth sister is getting along with the little second pig from the third princess's family."

Xiao Erzhu has no military talent and low martial arts attainments, so he has been studying literature.

 After finishing his last course this year, he will go to Beijing to take the scientific examination.

He said he wanted to come back as a top scholar so that he could marry his fourth sister.

Little Fourth Sister actually didn't care whether he passed the exam or not, but Xiao Erzhu wanted to give her a chance to be the wife of the top scholar, so she let him go.

Jing Shirong knew that Xiao Erzhu was a good boy and was quite satisfied.

 “This kid is quite gentle and is a perfect match for our fourth sister.”

Both of them are good-tempered people and will have a good time together.

 The last one left is the third child.

“How is the third child doing lately? Why did I hear from the boy that he doesn’t leave home every day and goes to the ranch to find girls? What’s going on?”

Jing Shirong understood after Sister Ying told him about Wu Yunzhu'er and Lao San.

"It seems that this boy has found his own marriage, so we don't need to worry about it."

Now that the marriages of the four children in the family have been settled, they just have to wait for the day to hold the wedding.

The couple looked at each other and smiled, "I feel that the four children are quite successful. They can find their own partners and do a good job. We don't need to worry too much."

Jing Shirong hugged her and rested his chin on her shoulder, "It's because of your good teaching that the children can be so good."

 Sister Ying was delighted and sighed at the sight of this man wearing a tall hat.

“I didn’t expect that after so many years, the children have grown up and we have grown old too.”

Jing Shirong touched her smooth face and said, "I am old, but you are still young. Look at your tender skin, you are not old at all."

   You can read the other two books if you are bored. The daily life of being a group pet dressed as a cute baby, and the bosses crying and begging me for forgiveness after being dressed as cannon fodder



 (End of this chapter)

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