The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1129: , give all the money to Mi Guo

Chapter 1129: Give all the money to Miguo

 It’s time for autumn.

Young Master Zhong finally picked an auspicious day and happily came to Sister Ying to discuss the engagement.

The date is set to be the second day of spring next year, which is a good time to get married.

Although it was just an engagement first, Young Master Zhong wanted to give Zumiguo some face, so he planned to spend more time collecting some good things as an engagement gift.

Sister Ying was not in a hurry, so she said, "Just leave it up to you. If you don't understand anything, you can write to the capital and ask."

 This is the first time for both of them to arrange a child's marriage, and they are both still very unfamiliar.

Mr. Zhong was very confident, "Don't worry, I will be ready."

“Even for the wedding house, I will show Miguo the drawings. She can build whatever kind of yard she likes, so that she can live comfortably.”

Sister Ying was very satisfied to see how meticulously he did it.

“With your father-in-law who values ​​her so much, Miguo’s life will definitely be good in the future.”

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Hey, I don't have any requirements for my daughter-in-law. As long as they have a good relationship, I'll be happy."

He is not that kind of mother. He will not make trouble for his daughter-in-law every day. He just hopes that the children can live a harmonious and beautiful life.

When Miguo came back, she saw her future father-in-law talking to her mother-in-law. She immediately walked around shyly, not daring to look into Young Master Zhong’s eyes.

Mr. Zhong caught a glimpse of her shy and escaping look, and he and Sister Ying were very happy.

 “This child is too embarrassed to be with me.”

Sister Ying smiled, "She is thin-skinned and easily shy."

Just as he was talking, the third child and the fourth sister came back.

 They still have to go to class during the day and can do what they want to do in the evening.

 Lao San went to the military camp after class recently to listen to the third princess's class and learn about formation formation.

Today he made the wrong formation again and is in a bad mood.

On the other hand, the fourth sister is in a good mood, because she sold out all the snacks in school today and cannot make a lot of money. She will be able to buy some materials to make snacks later.

 “Mom, I’m back~”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Are you back? Are you hungry?"

Even though she disliked the little fourth sister for eating too much, Sister Ying was afraid that she would be starving every time she came back from school.

Young Master Zhong also heard about the story of the fourth sister’s big eater. He smiled and waved to the fourth sister, “Little fourth sister, come here, I have made some snacks for you. You can take them and eat them with your sister.”

When the fourth sister heard that there was something delicious, her eyes lit up and her mouth was sweet, "Thank you, Uncle Zhong~"

Her little face is chubby, her big eyes are watery, and her hair is still thick and falls like seaweed, like a beautiful doll.

Mr. Zhong doesn’t have a daughter, but he likes such a chubby little girl.

He handed over all the snacks and said, "Quick, I just made it this morning, take it and eat it."

Little Fourth Sister happily thanked her, then took the snacks and ran to eat snacks with Miguo.

 When the third child came back, he also ate and drank heavily. He was obviously very hungry.

Xiao Dongze also ate a lot when he came back, and both brothers devoured it.

 After eating, I went to wash up and go to sleep. The day passed again.

 When the twelfth lunar month of winter comes, New Year's Eve has arrived.

Children all like to celebrate the New Year because they can eat delicious food, have a holiday, and get lucky money during the New Year. They are all very happy.

Sister Ying and her fourth sister were busy at home early in the morning, busy frying things.

 The custom in her hometown is to fry a lot of food during the Chinese New Year, and she has retained this tradition.

There are fried meatballs, fried carrot balls, fried taro, fried small fish and fried crispy meat.

  She used to do all the frying by herself, but now that the fourth sister knows how to fry it, she is asked to do it all.

 Let the three children help with the rest.

 Lao San and Xiao Dong don’t like cooking, but they are also dragged in to roll out dumpling wrappers.

Miguo doesn’t like cooking either, but he knows that the whole family needs help during the big festival, so he goes to chop vegetables. Jing Shirong got up early in the morning and came to help.

 Fortunately, the kitchen is big enough for the whole family to move around in it.

Sister Yang and Xiao Yunduo also bought fireworks and prepared to set off fireworks at night.

Mr. Zhong also fried a lot of delicious food, and asked Chengjin to bring it to Miguo.

  He also gave Miguo a big red envelope.

“Now, these two red envelopes are for your wife, one is from your mother, and the other is from me. If you have money, you can also give one.”

Chengjin touched the silver on his body and took it all out without thinking.

 Master Zhong was happy to see his generous appearance.

"You kid, you haven't been able to manage money since you were a child. You will lose as much as you have. You'd better let Miguo take care of your money in the future, otherwise it will be better if you go bankrupt."

Chengjin nodded seriously, "Okay."

 Speaking, he went back to the house, put all his valuable things in the box, and gave them to Miguo together, hoping that she would keep them.

 Zhong Dashao.

 You are usually not obedient, but when it comes to honey, this boy is as obedient as anything else. He is really an outgoing boy.

Chengjin didn't listen to his thoughts, and walked away without looking back while holding the box.

 When you arrive at Miguo’s house, you can hear their lively laughter.

 “You stinky third brother, give me back the butterfly cake!”

 It turned out that the third child had snatched the butterfly cake from the fourth sister, and the fourth sister was so angry that she kept chasing after her.

However, her kung fu is not even 10% as high as that of Lao San, so she can never catch up.

Miguo watched them making trouble and did not stop them.

But the fourth sister noticed with sharp eyes that her future brother-in-law was coming, so she leaned over and whispered to Miguo, "Sister, my brother-in-law is here, take a look."

When Miguo heard what she called brother-in-law, she pinched her shyly, but still turned her head to look at the door.

Cheng Jin is indeed there.

She ran over shyly, "Why didn't you come in when you came?"

Cheng Jin Nuannuo said, "My father said it's best not to come to your house before we get engaged, for fear that others will make excuses."

 Speaking, he handed her the box in his hand and three red envelopes to her.

 “This is given by my parents, and the other one is given by me.”

Miguo looked at him with bright eyes, "What do you mean?"

She understands that her future parents-in-law will give them lucky money, so why should he also give them lucky money?

Chengjin scratched his head in embarrassment, "My father said he doesn't know how to take care of money. In the future, you will be responsible for all the money in the family. From now on, I will give you all my money."

He said it sincerely, and Miguo believed him, so he accepted the red envelope and gave him two more.

“Now, this is what my parents gave you. But since you said you’d leave the money to me, I’ll take care of it for you.”

Otherwise, this guy has no idea about money, and he will spend it all if he wants to. Sooner or later, he will have to drink from the northwest wind, so it is better for her to control it.

Cheng Jin had no objection and nodded with a smile, "Okay, I'll give it all to you. There are also my precious things in this box, so please help me keep them."

"what is this?"

 “You can open it and take a look.”

Miguo Yiyan opened the box and looked at the contents. They were all some weird unlocked toys and two unique books. In addition to the New Year's money received since childhood, it is all in it.

 All that was left were the small parts she gave him.

She blushed, but she didn't expect him to keep all these gadgets.

Although she was shy, she still kept these things and said, "Wait for me."

  Another cute book, where you can become a cute baby’s daily pet.

Another quick article, after being turned into cannon fodder, the big guys cried and begged me for forgiveness. If you are interested, you can read it



 (End of this chapter)

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