The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1054: , reluctant to leave the child

Chapter 1054, reluctant to leave the child

 With the comfort of two children, Jing's mood is indeed much better.

She knelt down and hugged the two children, "Okay, I will take your grandfather to Jiangnan to play another day."

However, Jing’s father is also a very busy man and has little time. He thought he could only take Brother Qiang and the others there.

 Xiao Miguo knows that her cousins ​​at home are very good at studying. They play at home every day, and her cousins ​​go to school every day. They really never let up and they love to study.

It seems that she and Xiao Dongze also need to study hard and not be too uneducated.

Seeing her realization, Sister Ying smiled and said, "As long as you know how to read, then you have to start reading on the way back."

Xiao Miguo tilted her head and thought for a while, "Is it okay to half read and half play?"

“I read while riding in the car and play when I get off the car. This is how to combine work and rest.”

Sister Ying pinched her cheek and said, "I just complimented you and now I want to play."

However, it is good to combine work and rest, so I agreed, "Okay, let's study first, and then get off the car and play."

 Otherwise, you have to sleep after you get off the car and play, but you can’t be fooled by the girl’s movie.

Seeing that her little thought was exposed, Xiaomi Guo smiled and said, "That's okay."

 After everything was collected and loaded into the carriage, Jing went to pack delicious dry food for them.

 After everything is ready, everyone has a reunion dinner together and it’s time to set off.

Jing Shi came out to see them off as usual, with a look of reluctance.

 Hug the two children one by one, and kiss them again and again.

 “Otherwise you don’t want to leave and stay with grandma.”

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze looked at their parents and still wanted to stay with them.

 But my grandmother was about to cry, so she quickly felt sorry for her and hugged her.

“Grandma, be good and don’t cry. We’ll write to you when we get to the border, and we’ll come back to see you then.”

Jingshi also knew that she couldn't keep them, so she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Every time we have to be separated like this, it's better not to come back."

Jing's father came over and hugged her shoulders, "Okay, don't cry anymore. It was a good thing for the child to grow up happily."

Jingshi understood this truth, but still refused to give up.

"Then when you go back, you should study more and see how diligent your three cousins ​​are. Don't fall behind."

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze nodded, "I know."

“Grandma also takes good care of herself.”

 “Grandpa too.”

 The two old men felt warm in their hearts after receiving their instructions.

After saying goodbye to the grandchildren, Jing Shirong and Sister Ying were next.

Jing Shi looked at Sister Ying's belly and said, "You were conceived on the road, so it looks like you will have to suffer a lot. Please be careful on the road and don't bump into her."

Sister Ying nodded, "Don't worry, mother, I will pay attention."

Jing was still worried and sighed deeply, "It's all your Majesty's fault for letting you go so far for nothing. Your father and I can't enjoy the happiness of a family."

Jing Shirong came over and hugged her shoulders, comforting her, "Someone has to do the work of protecting the family and the country. Do you think Qi Yuanming is not the same?"

“There are also three princesses who haven’t come back for many years.”

 What he said was correct. Jing understood it and said, "I don't care, you have all worked hard."

The other end. Mrs. Qi also hugged Xiao Yunduo and Xiao Pangpang and never let go, crying miserably.

"You have to go on your own, and leave the child with me. My precious grandchildren will not go with you."

Sister Yang snickered from the side.

Qi Yuanming was scolded bloody. "I'm already old. I don't care if my son is no longer with me. My granddaughters and grandsons have all been taken away. How can I live my life?"

Qi Yuanming had a big head, "Then I can't live without children."

Mrs. Qi glared at him, "What do you mean you don't have children? You still have Sister Yang. Go back and have children. I will raise these two for you first, and then return them to you when they are older."

Qi Yuanming.

"Why are you like this? We have older brothers and younger brothers at home. We also have a little nephew. Don't take advantage of other people's children like this."

Mrs. Qi, "Fuck you, your little nephews go to school every day and are busier than me. How can I enjoy family happiness?"

“Besides, the family is full of brats and there is no girl at all. My little Yunduo is so cute, I won’t let her go to you.”

Little Yunduo covered her mouth and snickered, hid in Mrs. Qi's arms and wiped her tears.

“Grandma, if you don’t cry, I will come back to you next time.”

Mrs. Qi was even more reluctant to hear the sound of milk.

“Oh, grandma’s good baby, grandma doesn’t want you to leave, otherwise you won’t leave, right? You’re a popular and delicious person in the capital, so grandma will buy you snacks every day, okay?”

Qi Yuanming simply couldn't see it, "Xiao Yunduo still has to learn medical skills from Sister Yang. I don't want to be bullied while attending school in the capital. I will take her back to learn martial arts and medical skills until she has the ability. Send her back again.”

Mrs. Qi curled her lips, "It's not that exaggerated. Xiao Liujin was bullied by the little princess, but wasn't the little princess expelled from school?"

Since everyone has dropped out of school, who will bully Xiao Yunduo?

Qi Yuanming, "Who says it won't happen? In the capital, anyone without any skills will definitely be bullied. It's not like you haven't been bullied before. You can't bear to be bullied by Xiao Yunduo."

Mr. and Mrs. Qi curled their lips, "Humph, to put it bluntly, you just want to steal my child."

Qi Yuanming.

“How about you come with us and we go to the border together. Then Sister Yang and I will give you two more children. Will it be enough for you to enjoy family happiness?”

Sister Yang and Mrs. Qi glared at him at the same time, "You are the only one who can speak!"

Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "Mom, to be honest, you are quite young. Otherwise, if you have a little sister, you can raise it by yourself."

Mrs. Qi kicked me over and said, "Get out of here. I don't like you. I don't even know why I am angry with you. You are the best at making me angry."

Qi Yuanming laughed and patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I will send the little cloud back to you when it grows up, so that you can cherish it."

Mrs. Qi was angry, but she didn’t know that she couldn’t **** other people’s children, so she had to let them go.

“Little Yunduo, remember to miss your grandma when you go to the border.”

Little Yunduo hugged her and kissed her face, saying with a sweet voice, "I will never forget my grandma."

 Mrs. Qi even cried, "Wow, grandma's darling."

 Weeping and sending them out of the city gate.

 After the two families gathered together, Mrs. Qi and Mr. Jing looked at each other and cried together.

The two sons were helpless and sighed deeply, "Okay, let's stop crying. We can't bear to leave if we keep crying."

This is not the first time that Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Qi have been separated from each other. The main reason is that they are reluctant to let go of their children.

 The children were saddened by their crying and began to cry one after another.

 “Oh, mother, I can’t bear to leave my grandmother~”

 “Woo, me too~”

 Then the four children began to cry together.

The crying was deafening, and the crying people all looked over.

Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Qi were both embarrassed and hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, don't cry. Grandma won't cry either. Let's stop crying, okay?"

 It took a while to coax her.

 (End of this chapter)

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