The Greatest Showman

Chapter 999: 1 hype

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"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

In addition to screaming, still screaming.

The entire Rockefeller Plaza was caught in a vortex of storms, and the earth-shaking roar and roar swept across it, like a hurricane, smashing all the surrounding buildings, and taking this as the center of the circle, the power of the sky and the earth. The energy is continuously spreading.

Even the office buildings around the square were temporarily separated from the office hours on Wednesday morning and joined the carnival. Everyone stood in front of the French windows, staring at everything that was happening under their feet, and then jumped, shouted, watched, and felt the craziness comparable to the countdown to the New Year’s Eve.

Without warning, Lan Li appeared on the stage. The applause and shouts on the scene fell into a momentary stagnation, and then exploded with a hundredfold and thousandfold posture, releasing incomparable energy, even the Lan Li who was in it. They almost couldn't stand steady, and clearly felt the tremor that shook their souls.

Involuntarily, the smile at the corner of his mouth rose slightly, and the hot surging rushed across his chest, proving that he really existed as never before. After experiencing the disturbance of the "hype door", he returned to the "one" again. "People's concert" is vigorous.

For the first time, Lan Li truly felt the energy of being a public figure. He is an actor who devotes himself to acting in his dreams; but at the same time, he is also a public figure. If he can use his energy to fulfill his responsibilities and obligations, so that more people can realize their dreams. More people get help, then he should come forward.

So, secretly squeezed a fist, and his inner conviction became stronger.

Raise your hands to signal everyone to be quiet, but this is not an easy task. The vast shouts and screams surging one after another, cascading and mighty, like the wind blowing wheat waves, continuous It is constantly spreading out in the line of sight, so magnificent that people can really feel their insignificance.

Three times, three times in a row, Lan Li's hands kept pressing down, his roaring gurgling again for a while, and then gradually calmed down, and finally he could speak, but Lan Li opened his mouth slightly, and the boiling emotion changed his voice. He had to get heavy, he had to take a deep breath and sort out his thoughts before he calmed down.

"Thank you." Lan Li said aloud, "About two months ago, I told a group of friends that I need a hype. Yes, I am going to start a hype."

Lan Li’s relaxed tone of self-ridicule made all the audience chuckle—after experiencing the "hype door", Lan Li, as a victim, took the initiative to initiate the hype. This is definitely the most ironic Just kidding. However, Lan Li was not joking.

"I put forward some ideas and ideas, and I also put forward some requirements and expectations. Fortunately, I got the great help of a group of friends, including the entire crew of "Edge of Tomorrow" and the program group of "Today Show". I look forward to being able to stand at the center of the world and maximize the impact of this hype; so..."

Lan Li looked at the boundless turbulent crowd at the scene, showing a bright smile, "Thank you, thank you for being able to arrive at the scene, and thank you for being able to maximize the significance of this hype. Obviously, we did not expect it. In such a scene, maybe we should move to a larger venue."

The faint ridicule once again caused a chuckle at the scene.

Lan Li stood there and sorted out his thoughts, but after all, he still couldn't find a suitable way to express his feelings. Several months passed, but the parting wound still failed to heal completely. Every time he saw the stormy sea in front of him, he couldn't help but think of that brilliant smile again, bathed in the sun, and said excitedly, "I Just know."

Staring at Lan Li on the stage, a surging and strong emotion hit his heart fiercely. Jennifer Lawrence closed his eyes in a panic, and firmly left the warm embarrassment in the dark. But the bitterness of the mouthful was irresistible, and the intricate emotions could not be expressed in words.

She knew better than anyone how much courage it would take to stand on that stage, face the wound in her heart, and shoulder her own responsibilities. She couldn't, but Lanly did.

At this time, all the members of the entire "Edge of Tomorrow" crew were standing in the fish tank live room of the "Today Show", but the live broadcast was aimed at the Lan Li on the stage, and they gathered in a bustling crowd. , Just like the audience in front of the TV, their eyes fell on Lan Li's body, waiting quietly.

Standing in the turbulent crowd, Jennifer felt an unprecedented vulnerability. His emotions were so turbulent and violent that he could barely resist. Then Paul Walker's low voice came in his ears, "Have you ever talked?"

Jennifer raised her head, saw Paul's gentle smile, and shook her head subconsciously, with helpless and sighs written between her brows, "No. I don't know how to speak, I... uh... I don't know..." All In this way, his words disappeared weakly in his throat.

Paul also sighed lightly and patted Jennifer on the shoulder, "No one knows, so don't blame yourself. What we need to do is to unite and do our best to become the most important backing of Lanly, hoping to help. more people."

Jennifer did not answer, but opened her eyes again, staring at Lan Li on the stage intently, with a faint sadness flowing slowly under her eyes.

Heather Cross, what they are discussing is Heather Cross, the thin but strong, difficult but sunny, painful but determined girl, she left in this way, but never really disappeared.

Jennifer and Renly never talked to Heather. Lan Li was absent from Heather's funeral, and Jennifer was not able to attend. She was not even able to see Heather for the last time. Later, she read the news through the news.

Jennifer once complained, complained that Lanly did not tell her the news immediately, complained that Lanly did not take the initiative to talk to her, the two people missed the opportunity to exchange ideas; after that, Jennifer finally understood "a concert by one person" The meaning of "Don Quixote" was finally understood, but the time has passed.

Life and death is not a simple topic at any time. Everyone was involuntarily cautious; what's more, Jennifer was even one year younger than Lan Li. She didn't know how to deal with it, and she didn't know how to talk. Every time I try to speak, I always miss it. In the end, I can only pretend that I never cared.

Jennifer thought that Lanly had gone through the pain; until today, she realized that the wound can be healed, but it cannot disappear.

After the "One Man Concert" was over, Lanly established the Heather-Cross Foundation to help young people suffering from serious illnesses, especially amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, with a certain amount of funds allocated for sponsorship. Relevant professional scholars and medical research hope to develop methods to curb or treat diseases as soon as possible.

However, the influence of the Foundation is really too weak.

The patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are a very small group of people. Many people have never heard of this disease, and even less understand the pain caused by this disease; what’s worse is that now the whole world Within the scope, there are too few teams and professionals devoted to the research of this disease.

Simply put, it is because the attention is too low.

Two months ago, after consulting Matthew Dunlop, Lan Li decided to use his influence to truly expand the influence of the foundation, hoping to get more attention, more fundraising, and ultimately help more diseases. Suffer. Therefore, Lanli needs a hype, a grand hype, to maximize its influence as much as possible.

As Lanly said, he got the support of Andy and Roy, he got the help of a group of friends, he asked the crosses for the consent, and finally, he got the support of Warner Bros. Since he is ready to hype , Then it must be vigorous and lively. It is undoubtedly the best choice to be on the "edge of tomorrow" in the summer file.

As a result, Lan Li stood on the stage of the "Today Show" ushered in a grand hype.

The drooping eyelids, a flash of sorrow and loss, no one could see, and then, when he raised his eyes again, Lan Li had regained his consistent look, "In February, I held an event.' A concert for one person', that concert was held for a girl named Heather Cross, she, uh, she should be seventeen years old now in another world, just after the concert was over Soon, because of an incurable disease, her life will always stay above the most beautiful age, unable to move on."

The hustle and bustle gradually calmed down, and everyone was quiet before caught off guard. As Lan Li said, he needs a hype, not for himself, but for a dead girl. Such an accident, too direct and too sudden, once again reminded people of the ridiculous "hype gate", and the whole Rockefeller Plaza gradually became quiet.

"Heather-Cross suffers from a disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which is an incurable disease that cannot be cured or prevented..."

Lan Li’s voice was spread through the sound, simple and clear but vividly introduced to everyone the pain and suffering of gradually freezing people, but Robin standing in the crowd was completely stunned, and his heart was just like this. It swelled up little by little, and almost exploded. Before I realized it, I was crying and crying.

His son, a seventeen-year-old son, is suffering and suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Today, he is trying to go to a foundation to apply for more sponsorships for his son, hoping to continue treatment and life; and now, standing in Rockefeller Plaza, he has heard the most beautiful and moving news in these years.

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