The Greatest Showman

Chapter 981: Best marketing

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Surprised, surprised, gradually got used to it, and finally became completely calm.

"Los Angeles Times", "San Francisco Chronicle", "Houston Chronicle", "Daily News", "Wall Street Journal", "Washington Post", "Chicago Tribune", "Time" Weekly, "People" Weekly, "Hollywood Reporter", "Variety Show"...

If Gavin is willing, this list can still be eloquently stated, because the reporters standing in the interview area at the entrance of the Chinese Theater have surpassed the number of four hundred and even continue to grow; even more terrifying. However, more than 70% of the media have sent their own frontline reporters.

This also means that the face next door cannot be kept.

Before the premiere tonight, almost everyone believed that the premiere ceremony of "Madagascar 3" would be the end of the "Edge of Tomorrow." Together, they won't lose the slightest in front of Warner Bros., not to mention that "Edge of Tomorrow" is still an all-young lineup——

Compare it with the premiere of "The Hunger Games" in March, and everything is clear at a glance. The entire premiere was bleak starlight and hollow. It only relied on a vote of young actors to support the stage. It had no appeal or influence. Even the support of fans was far less than that of "Twilight."

But obviously, they all expected it wrong. Or perhaps, they expressed politeness on the surface, "Madagascar 3" was the first choice, but deep down they chose "Edge of Tomorrow".

Need a reason? If it must be listed, Renly Hall, this is the best reason.

Since the end of the Oscars, the new-generation actor who made history has never been interviewed. The interview with "Empire" magazine is just a taste, and it cannot satisfy the curiosity of the mass media and the needs of the mass audience; not to mention, this time facing the summer vacation. The competition for stalls, deep into the super stalls, whether Lanly’s undefeated record can continue, even more detonated hot spots.

No one wants to miss it.

If one more reason can be added, it is Warner Bros. With a swipe of a pen, a lot of money to build, and mobilize all connections and resources, Warner Bros. has never beaten any competitor when it comes to money.

"No, I have never considered the next door. It is very impolite to say that, but'Madagascar' has no attraction to me." Vanity Fair reporter Daisy Lucas spread her hands and said innocently. "I believe it is the same for you."

Gavin chuckled lightly without denying it.

Now the whole Hollywood knows that Renly’s three queen reporters: Bradley Adams of The New York Times, Gavin Hunter of American Weekly, and Ned Moulin of Empire.

Not because they are always praising or praising Lan Li, but because they have a good personal relationship with Lan Li, and they are often able to get inside information at the first time; of course, in the storm, they have never wavered, they have always been Lan Li's most steadfast supporter.

"Oh, God." The bearded reporter standing next to him scratched his head in annoyance. "For Will Smith, I'm really, really, really sorry, but I must come over. **** Christ, this is just my experience. The coolest premiere ever, even the premieres of "Star Wars: Prequel" and "Harry Potter" are not comparable."

Raphael-Holton (Raphael-Holton), "The Wall Street Journal" entertainment section chief reporter.

In terms of sales volume alone, the Wall Street Journal, which is based on Wall Street, has benefited from the continued habit of subscribing to newspapers by all Wall Street elites and the habit of reading professional newspapers in the upper class. Now the sales volume of the Wall Street Journal exceeds that of the New York Times. ", became the largest newspaper in the United States. In the elite class, the influence of the "Wall Street Journal" and the "New York Times" are almost equal, or even better.

As the most senior and hottest entertainment reporter on the entertainment section of the "Wall Street Journal", Raphael has intimate relationships with many top big names, including Will Smith and Tom Cruise; however, he never really Land and Lan Li have been in contact face to face until today.

"We must give Warner Bros. a thumbs up." Daisy shrugged. "Such a premiere, no one really can resist."

Rafael originally attended the premiere of "Madagascar 3" next door, and has already arrived on the scene to start the preliminary interview; but the topic of the next door premiere continues to pass, even Paramount and DreamWorks The senior management had already heard about it, and immediately held an emergency meeting to think about coping strategies.

After hesitating again and again, Raphael came over, "I have to say that it is really crazy to think so and think so."

"I just met the staff of the Warner Bros. distribution department and brought up this matter." Gavin interjected. "They said that this was an idea that Ranley, Donald, Lamy and the others came up with during a small chat. Later, Frank- Marshall heard about it and agreed."

"Donald Glover?" Raphael caught the core character at once, and after getting a positive answer, he nodded and expressed his affirmation, "If it were him and Lan Li, I believe it. Donald is a crazy kid. , My mind is full of all kinds of ideas. I think this premiere can be used as a template for all Hollywood studios. Creativity is king!"

The current film company clearly understands the publicity effect of the premiere, so it doesn't hesitate to spend money. For example, "Transformers", such as "Harry Potter", the cost of a premiere is about 20 million US dollars, or more.

But now it seems that the cost of these premieres has not been spent on the blade, just some models, global synchronization, live connections, posters, etc., for media reporters, publicity photos are very beneficial; but after all Involve the audience.

"Do you know?" Gavin suddenly remembered another thing. "There was a weird request when I came in at the door, not to wear pink clothes..."

"... Otherwise, they have to change their official T-shirts and pants. The only requirement is to take pictures and upload Facebook, Twitter or photo walls." Daisy took the conversation immediately, "I know, this is really a genius idea, too. Smarter."

"If I tell you, this is Lanly's idea, do you believe it?" Gavin continued, and Daisy and Raphael were stunned, and finally Daisy exclaimed, "What? That never The guy who uses the social network came up with this idea? God, which planet does he come from?"

"Wait, wait, what's going on? I can't keep up with the rhythm." Raphael interrupted their conversation quickly and asked.


After the premiere of "Edge of Tomorrow", according to unofficial statistics, including Facebook, Twitter and the photo wall, more than 50 million people mentioned the movie.

Even more gratifying is that on the photo wall, a 70-year-old couple wearing T-shirts around "Edge of Tomorrow" took a group photo on the photo wall. The grandmother was still holding her pink tutu. This photo was less than six years old. The number of likes exceeded 10 million within an hour, setting a new record for the photo wall.

In addition, above the tubing, a well-known movie broadcaster recorded a video in the black tunnel, and then through his own editing, coolly cut out a short film, the number of plays within six hours has exceeded two. Ten million.

On the social network, regarding the premiere of "Edge of Tomorrow" and the peripheral products of "Edge of Tomorrow", the discussion heat has easily surpassed all other competitors, and even surpassed the "Avengers", becoming a summer file this year. The hottest topic.

This is only an index within six hours, that is, the effect on the day of the premiere. Media comments and audience feedback have not had time to come out. "The Edge of Tomorrow" has swept the entire social network and let people see it again. The powerful power of the Internet age.

In addition, the topic of "limited movie peripheral products" on Twitter has become a hot trend, and the number of reposts has exceeded 30,000.

Warner Bros. had to make an official announcement for the first time, confirming that Eaton-Domer personally completed the design of the peripheral products of the movie, and all the actors participated in the writing; at the same time, Warner Bros. took advantage of the trend to release the behind-the-scenes production videos of the peripheral products, owned by the entire crew. The actors are all involved.

Finally, Warner Bros. confirmed that this batch of peripheral products will only be sold in Los Angeles for five days, as of the end of this week; Warner Bros. also left a suspense. The reason why such a rule was formulated is because of all the profits from the peripheral sales. All the proceeds will be used for special purposes The specific answer will be announced next week. On June 13, Renly Hall will record the "Today Show" in New York, and the answer will be announced at that time. "

At this time, the Internet has been thoroughly fried; at the same time, the other five major film companies have also been thoroughly fried. This time, Warner Bros.'s publicity strategy is interlocked and advanced in layers, which not only fully mobilizes the characteristics of young audiences, but also The youthful attributes of "Edge of Tomorrow" have been brought into full play; and social networks have been effectively used, and every penny has been spent on the blade.

This is definitely the best marketing strategy of 2012. The question now is: what are the benefits? Otherwise, if it just looks lively and can't actually make any money, it's still useless. The box office of "Edge of Tomorrow" premiere is quietly heating up.

But it is undeniable that, at least on the day of the premiere, Warner Bros. really fought a beautiful turn-over battle, and firmly suppressed the competition. Even on the red carpet of the premiere of "Madagascar 3", Ben-Si Thiele, Will Smith, Jessica Chastain, and others all took the initiative to bring up "the excitement next door."

More and more people poured into the premiere scene on the west side of Hollywood Boulevard, and even the crowds on the east side quietly began to shift to the west side.

Warner Bros. seems to have been prepared for a long time. Several streets outside the black tunnel have also applied for traffic control in advance. Although the audience entering the red carpet stage is limited, the audience who enters the black tunnel to experience the visual effects are not. As a result, the premiere became more and more noisy, and even those audiences who were not interested in the premiere came to join in the fun.

In the hustle and bustle, the guests at the premiere of "Edge of Tomorrow" finally began to arrive at the scene one after another. At this time, people realized that the good show has just debuted now.

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