The Greatest Showman

Chapter 979: Head-on collision

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After stepping out of the taxi, Gavin Hunter trot along the street, but only after passing a crossroads, he couldn't help but stop. He stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded. The bustling crowds on both sides of the road were too much. The turbulent excitement is not the excitement of the premiere or the Oscars, but... but a grand carnival.

The little girl with marshmallows rides on her father’s neck and eats food with pink cotton wool on her face; the little boy wielding a black samurai lightsaber is wearing a superman red cape, and a few The little friend was chasing rampage on the street...

Two lovers on the roadside who smeared themselves into green, successfully dressed up as Shrek and Fiona, people passing by asked to take photos with them; with a shout of "Wow", look at the sound, you can see a bunch The hydrogen balloon flew slowly to the sky, and under the red balloon there was a little girl rubbing her eyes, howling and crying...

Gavin was stunned, and his eyes were filled with stunned, stupefied, thinking that he had come to the wrong place. This is not Highland North Street, but Universal Studios, or Disney. The crowds in front of me can be seen roughly, at least five hundred six hundred, or even more.

In the next moment, noisy and cheerful music came from the street. A group of staff in doll costumes appeared in the crowd and began to dance. At the same time, they greeted the tourists on both join the dance together During this time, the carnival atmosphere spread across the streets.

It can be confirmed now, here is the premiere scene of "Madagascar 3". Because those dolls are all classic characters in "Madagascar", as well as various images in other famous animation works of DreamWorks.

Before leaving, Gavin had heard about it. Today, Paramount and Warner Bros. are both struggling and ready to compete. Not to mention the reporters, even the major Hollywood studios are paying close attention to it. The public relations strategies and publicity plans of the two major film companies, see if they are worthy of reference.

Two days ago, the editorial department of the "US Weekly" was still chatting about it. During this super schedule, Warner Bros., Twentieth Century Fox, and Paramount were fighting each other. I don’t know who will have the last laugh; leave the box office aside. , What gimmicks can be played on top of the premiere propaganda.

But when he really arrived at the scene, Gavin knew that his professional knowledge limited his imagination——

Near the east half of Hollywood Boulevard, Paramount blocked three blocks, using the hotels, shops, and frontage houses on both sides to transform the site into an amusement park, where you can see trampolines, bouncy castles, slides and swimming pools. Wait for the equipment to really hold a garden party.

Gavin only got a glimpse of a corner of the entire amusement park, and he was stunned. With the colorful colors, colorful paints, and cute inflatable dolls, Paramount moved all the animation elements of DreamWorks to the street, and you can even watch it. By 2010, the toothless boy in the popular animation "How to Train Your Dragon" is entrenched in tall buildings.

"Damn it." Gavin's exclamation popped out involuntarily. Paramount really has lost money. This premiere may cost eight figures.

I recalled in my mind that the cast of the original animations of DreamWorks, if DreamWorks’ boss Jeffrey Katzenberg spoke and called on these top superstars to attend, then today’s premiere is absolutely star-studded, even Even last night's "Prometheus" could not match.

Now, the "Edge of Tomorrow" is under pressure.

Gavin couldn't help showing a wry smile. Unless Renly used his personal relationship to invite Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks to appear on the stage, it is estimated that it would be difficult to overshadow the limelight of "Madagascar 3" in terms of topics—— DreamWorks completed its split in 2004. The film department led by Steven and the animation department led by Jeffery belong to different owners.

Did not enter the premiere ceremony of "Madagascar 3", Gavin walked along the street on the left hand side, all the way to the west, but a short five hundred meters of the street, after reaching the end, turned right, and then entered a A completely different world.

A group of soldiers dressed in military uniforms and armed with guns were scattered in every corner of the line of sight, seeming to be on guard patrol; there were two rows of soldiers on the opposite side of the street lined up in a neat phalanx. A dark green tent, full of sandbags in front.

What’s even more exaggerated is that it was originally an open ordinary street, but now it was covered with a black roof. The whole street became a black tunnel. Standing outside, you can’t see anything. At the entrance of the tunnel, there is a black roof. The security check is just like the security check of the airport customs. There are four metal detection doors, and each door is equipped with soldiers and professional inspectors.

Such a scene seems to be not a movie premiere scene, but a real military base.

The change of painting style is so fast and so different that Gavin couldn't help being stunned. Looking back, you can see at the end of the street, a stupid donkey and a few noisy penguins are spinning around in place, and a few children are happily circling the donkey and penguins, laughing constantly; turning back again, and then watching There was a desperate scene before my eyes.

"Line up! Please follow the order and join the line! Don't inquire, don't run away indiscriminately!" A stern voice interrupted Gavin's thoughts, "Hey, gentleman, please enter the line for inspection, otherwise please immediately Leave the scene! Don't inquire around for news!"

"Puff", Gavin immediately thought of reality: Was this Warner Bros. warning? Treat Paramount and Twentieth Century Fox as enemies, refuse spies to spy, and then complete martial law? Of course, everyone knows that this is just a premiere gimmick, but Gavin has to admit that Warner Bros.'s new approach reflects reality and fits the movie, which is really ingenious.

Gavin didn't hesitate anymore, walked up quickly, joined the team, then turned around and asked, "Are there any taboos? What should I check? Is there anything I can't carry?"

"Yes, didn't you see the explanation next to it?" A young girl standing in front of Gavin was extremely excited, her voice slightly distorted, "No dolls, no pinks, no pinks allowed. Balloons, horseback riding is not allowed, whales and sharks are not allowed to watch movies..."

Gavin blinked, then burst into laughter suddenly, "What if you wear something pink? For example, a T-shirt?"

"There!" The girl pointed to the corner next to her, and then she could see a group of girls in pink skirts, standing beside the dark green tent happily, with a bright smile on their faces. He laughed, "God! Do I really want to do this?" "Oh, this T-shirt is good, I like it! Is it free?"

There is a long table beside them, on which there are all kinds of T-shirts, jackets, trousers, hats and other movie peripherals.

The reporter's sense of smell was immediately activated, Gavin walked forward quickly, and then saw the various peripheral products on it, and even handsome armor. Just taking a look, Gavin was eager to buy——

These peripheral products are not simple assembly line products. Every item has been carefully designed.

For example, T-shirts are not simply printed with a blue gift head portrait or movie posters. Instead, they are written in artistic fonts, "This is not the first time", "If there is no fear, there is no courage", "This is just "Killing", "the end of reincarnation, the eternity of time"... Then, on the back of the T-shirt, in the slap-large space behind the neck, "Edge of Tomorrow" was written, which proved to be the periphery of the movie.

With such surroundings, there is absolutely no problem even if you go out as a normal daily wear; occasionally meeting like-minded partners, this has become a secret password between each other. For every sci-fi otaku, this is simply the neighbourhood he dreams of.

"These are all free?" Gavin asked curiously.

"Yes." The staff member standing behind the long table replied with a smile, "After changing the clothes, the audience can just wear it away; the only requirement is to take a photo and post it on their Facebook or photo. On the wall."

"What about the others? I mean, there are no spectators in pink costumes?" Gavin asked.

"There is a souvenir shop inside The staff gestured to the location of the black tunnel.

"What? There are souvenir shops?" Gavin almost dislocated his jaw. After rolling in Hollywood for so long, he had never heard of a souvenir shop at the premiere of the movie.

The staff replied with a smile again, "Yes, only this week, from today to Sunday. The souvenir shop is in the lobby of the Chinese Theater, and you can see it after entering."

"All these souvenirs were designed by Mr. Eaton Dormer, the queen costume stylist of Lanly Hall, and were designed and produced by Lanly, Jennifer and other film actors. For example, these T-shirts The font is just the lines of the corresponding characters in the movie, which were then written by the actors who played.” The staff explained expertly.

Gavin was too late to speak, and there was a scream behind him, "Ahhh, this is the master's note, this is the master!" Gavin turned his head, and then saw the girl who had just finished dressing, and pointed to himself. On the left shoulder, there is a small cursive signature on it:

Lan Li-Hall.

Gavin couldn't help but began to be excited, "You mean, these are limited editions? After this weekend, you can't buy them anymore?"

"Yes." The staff replied in the affirmative, "Next, the crew will go to several other cities to promote, but only Los Angeles owns this batch of peripherals. It will be sold until Sunday, and then there will be no production. This It was the request of Renly and Eaton."

"Jesus Christ!" Gavin exclaimed, "I, uh, I'd better go back in line immediately." After saying that, Gavin hurriedly returned to the tail of the line, expecting to start to line up.

This summer file is really interesting.

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