The Greatest Showman

Chapter 970: Friendly consultation

"So, what's the matter? I thought you were not planning to accept the project for the time being; and, after the Oscars, we must conduct more review and discussion. Are you sure there is no problem? Choose such a commercial film?" Andy retracted After the mixed thoughts, he returned to business.

For more than three months, Andy worked tirelessly to select suitable projects, plan ahead, and plan for the next step of Lan Li; but now, a work turned out to completely disrupt his plan, this feeling Really aggrieved. However, Andy did not obsessively complain, the topic still revolved around Lan Li after all.

"Yes, I don't plan to take up the project for the time being." Lan Li himself chuckled slightly, "I will not appear in this work until the West End and Broadway performances are over. This is the first request I promised to cooperate. So. , The Broadway show will still not disrupt the plan, we will still tour New York."

Andy opened his mouth slightly. David didn't mention it on the phone, "I thought you liked this script very much, uh,'gravity'?"

"Yes, I like it very much. To be honest, I can't wait now." Lan Li said sincerely, "But it still can't shake my persistence. The West End and Broadway performances will still be completed smoothly, and, we used to I have no problem with the times I have talked about, and I will not shorten the schedule of the performance."

Later, Lan Li added, "The only pity is that I promised Emma before that if the tour can continue and I have time, I am willing to return to the stage again, but if I continue filming'Gravity', I am afraid that this promise will not be fulfilled."

When the Broadway show is over, it will be October at the earliest.

After realizing this, Andy breathed a sigh of relief. This means that there is actually no problem with his work rhythm. Alfonso Cuarón is an accident, and this accident is actually positive-as an actor, Lan Li's strength and abilities have been recognized, and He is also a first-line director in the industry.

However, Andy expressed his concerns sincerely, "Can you tell me about this movie? What moved you?"

Andy understands Lan Li, the so-called Little Golden Man spell, has no effect on Lan Li; even if he knows it, Lan Li must have laughed off, and will not care at all. Regarding the development path planning after the Oscars, this is Andy’s job and obligation. Therefore, he did not intend to discuss the seriousness of the matter with Lan Li. It is enough to consider, draw a conclusion, and inform Lan Li. Up.

At the same time, Andy also understands Lanly, he is a very pure actor. For him and the creative artist management company, for media reporters and ordinary audiences, choosing the West End of London is to retreat and show posture; but for Lan Li, it is all about performances, performances, performances, everything from beginning to end. It's all about acting.

"Gravity" can move Lan Li, certainly not because of Alfonso's personal visit, there must be other reasons.

First, "Love is crazy", then "detachment". Both of these works are directors who took the initiative to find Lanli, and finally reached a cooperation. The former brought Lanli to the Oscar, and the latter brought the Berlin actor to Lanli. . Now, it's the "gravity" turn.

Therefore, Andy’s current job is to understand “gravity” thoroughly, consider it comprehensively, and then discuss with his colleagues, give a reasonable suggestion, and even plan for the future, paving the way for Lanli’s work. .

"Well, you mean beyond the challenge of acting, right?" Lan Li and Andy were already old friends, and they understood the meaning beyond Andy's words. Just for the performance, this is enough reason for Lan Li to nod and agree; but obviously, Andy needs more reasons.

Andy's cheerful laugh came from the phone, expressing his affirmation.

Lan Li couldn't help but smile, "Breakthrough in visual effects. This is a performance environment that is completely different from the stage. It maximizes the art of film dreaming, and also puts forward higher requirements on the performance of the actors, even unimaginable. Request." Lan Li sorted out the words and said very seriously, "I'm not talking about the green screen technology performance like'Avatar', it is more difficult and more novel, I think..."

Lan Li pondered for a moment, searching for the concept of comparison, "It's kind of similar to'Inception'." Christopher Nolan insisted on shooting movies with real scenes and film. Although Alfonso Caron used a lot of computer special effects, From a certain perspective, the creation of a weightless environment is originally a kind of reality.

"Yes, I would say, this is a combination of Inception and Avatar. Its breakthrough in visual effects is unimaginable, and it also brings an unparalleled challenge to the actors." Lan Li concluded To say that, although this metaphor is not appropriate, it still conveys that effect on the spiritual level.

Andy showed a look of surprise.

Alfonso’s two previous works, "Son of Humanity" and "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", have distinctive styles and distinctive features, and indeed bring imagination in terms of visual effects; but at the same time, Alfang Suo's digging into the core of his thoughts was too deep and too dark, which on the contrary affected the effect of commercial films, and then the film box office.

But now, Lan Li compares "Gravity" with two top commercial movies, which is really novel.

"What you mean is that the technological innovation of "gravity" in terms of visual effects has even surpassed that of "Avatar" and "Inception." Andy transformed Lanly's words into his own understanding.

Lan Li nodded simply and affirmed, "Yes. I think the most interesting part is that Alfonso tried to make a commercial film, because he accepted the lessons of the previous two works, he needs more energy Put it on rhythm control and climax/tide paving; then put all the core weight on the actor. Do you know what I mean?"

Ordinary audiences appreciate the visual effects and taste popcorn; senior audiences appreciate the spiritual core and accept the shock.

This is what Lan Li means. Andy understood in an instant, but he couldn't help but frowned slightly and asked curiously, "Do you believe Alfonso can do it?" This is not an easy task, even if it is James Cameron and Christopher Nolan also failed to achieve a perfect balance.

"Haha. Why not try it?" Lan Li replied with a rhetorical question with a chuckle, but his relaxed tone revealed his affirmation.

Andy patted his belly lightly, revealing a meaningful look.

If Lan Li's description can be truly realized, then there is no doubt that "gravity" is definitely the best choice to break the curse of the Little Golden Man.

In terms of art, Lan Li can once again prove his actor value while exploring deeper performance difficulties; in terms of business, movies can further test the market temperature. So far, Lan Li has not singled out the leading commercial explosions-"Edge of Tomorrow" "It will be released next month.

Even if the commercial box office fails, people can still see Lan Li’s profound acting skills in commercial films, which is even more advanced than "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5"; at the same time, breakthroughs can also be made in performance, as Lan Li did. Said that challenging a new way of performing can also be recognized by film critics and college judges at the artistic level.

perfect. This is simply the perfect choice, Lan Li can be invincible, and it has also broken the difficulties and shackles after the Oscar.

Of course, the premise is that everything can be completed as planned and as expected.

Nevertheless, Andy still wants to applaud Lan Li. Now, there is one question left, which is also Andy’s work, "What about the salary? What about the salary? Did you negotiate with Alfonso? David is not leaking here, and I haven't inquired for the time being."

"Ha." Lan Li chuckled directly, and Andy on the other end of the phone was confused, and then Lan Li went on to explain, "Alfonso is an honest director, an honest man, please don't bully him. "After this sentence, Andy also laughed uncontrollably, "He promised me a salary of 20 million U.S. dollars, and then there will be box office dividends."

"..." Andy, who was accustomed to seeing countless worlds, also opened his mouth wide, his face full of consternation.

"I know." Lan Li couldn't help but smile, "First of all, the technical part of this movie will cost a lot of money. I don't know how much Warner Bros. is willing to invest, but what I can be sure of is that in order to ensure the quality, maybe I should Converge a little bit and don't rush to chase the 20 million salary."

"Secondly, Alfonso promised all the rights as much as possible, but I think the producer and Warner Bros. will not be happy about his choice, so let's not intensify the conflict. I also look forward to him being able to direct this movie. "Len Li continued, "Besides him, I can't think of other directors who can take over this project, so my request is that I want to cooperate with Alfonso. Without Alfonso, there would be no follow-up."

Lanly and Andy have been working together for so long, and both of them have a tacit understanding They exchanged their ideas in a few sentences, and it went smoothly.

Andy nodded, "Understood." He needs to conduct more investigations and then review the entire project; but, if not surprising, maybe this is the perfect choice to break the curse of the little golden man.

After realizing this, Andy relaxed a little. For the entire Hollywood, the Little Golden Man's curse is unpredictable and unpredictable. Even the top actor and the top agent may stumble here, even Andy, it is also very jealous.

If it can be broken smoothly, it wouldn't be better.

"Broadway's performance schedule, the negotiation is almost over, they still hope you can perform a few more shows, but for specific issues, we will discuss and see." Andy simply confessed, "Yes, I'm so busy recently. , The memory is a bit bad. Before the'gravity', I have actually selected a few items in my hand, I will fax it to Nathan in a moment, you can check your mood, if you want to read it."

After pondering for a moment, Andy sorted out his thoughts again, "Also, Brother Coen, do you know them? They called me twice and asked for your contact information."

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