The Greatest Showman

Chapter 931: Simple interview

"Knock", Emma knocked on the door of the waiting room, and then pushed the door in, and then saw Ezra Miller, Daisy Ridley, and Charlotte Kennedy chasing after him. , Ezra put his head in his hands and began to call for help exaggeratedly; while Joe Alvin and Tom Holland were standing next to him, smiling carelessly; the others sat in chairs and watched the show.

The scene is a bit chaotic.

"Mates." Emma only had time to say hello, and then Ezra hid behind Joe Alvin, and then dragged Joe back, standing in front of Emma, ​​and giggling. He shouted, "Rebellion, you see, rebellion, everyone united and besieged me. This is not fair, I am the only villain in the repertoire!"

Emma looked back at Ned, a look of helplessness appeared in her eyes; Ned smiled unconsciously.

"Ezra, calm, calm, Fantine hasn't cried yet, it's not your turn." Behind the lively crowd, a calm and elegant voice said with a hint of teasing, which drew everyone's laughter.

Taking advantage of Ezra's gloomy complaints, Joe, who became a "hostage", ran out in a hurry.

After the obstacle blocking Ned’s eyes disappeared, his vision suddenly became brighter, and then he saw Joe joining Tom’s ranks. The two ran to the back, found a seat next to Lanly, and sat down with both of them. On the side is Lan Li, and Michelle Dockry-the two people seemed to be talking in a low voice before, and they were interrupted because of the appearance of Emma and Ned.

Obviously, it was Lan Li who just made the sound.

"Friends, can you squeeze for twenty minutes? We have a visitor." Emma spoke again, drawing everyone's attention, then stepped aside, and Ned stepped forward." Sorry for interrupting your break time, I’m Ned Mullan, Empire Magazine."

As soon as the words came out, everyone started booing, "Empire! Empire! Empire!" The lively shouts, the gong rang to the sky, and couldn't stop—a group of twenty-year-old young people gathered in the atmosphere of the waiting room. Keep it lively all the time, it can even be said to be noisy.

Emma couldn't help but looked at Lan Li, but Lan Li raised her hands and surrendered, indicating that she couldn't control it. The sparse and bright eyebrows were also stained with a little youthful spirit at this time.

Emma shook her head and called out, "Len Li, we have no time."

This is a fact. They only have two and a half hours of rest, and they can’t relax too much, otherwise they won’t be able to enter the state in the second half. "Partners, we are still waiting for dinner. Before the interview is over, it seems that dinner will not be delivered to the scene. Therefore, we should finish our work as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will be hungry in the second half."

This way of expression successfully made the young actors "houhouhou" start booing; while Emma showed a helpless look, turned her head, and said to Ned, "I am now beginning to doubt my original choice." No. Should choose a group of children. But having said that, the smile on Emma's face tells another story.

Ned took the initiative to step forward and shook hands with each of the actors.

Unexpectedly, but to be expected, Lan Li did not take the initiative to step forward and did not receive special treatment. Instead, he maintained the same attitude as other actors and expressed friendly greetings. It seems that the actor and Oscar of the Berlin Film Festival The little golden man did not bring any difference like that.

"Charlotte." Ned turned his head and looked at Charlotte Kennedy, who was closest to him, preparing to start today's interview.

No, Charlotte waved her hand again and again, "We all know that you have countless questions you want to ask Renly now, don't care about us, just ask them directly." There is no ridicule and joking, but open suggestions. After speaking, Charlotte laughed happily.

Just now, Ezra, who was "scarred", was still standing next to the door, and he nodded in agreement, "That's right, you hurry up and interview. To be honest, we are also very curious. This guy has been training and training. , Never talked to us about any private life matters. I always wanted to ask him questions, but I couldn't speak." After speaking, Ezra pushed Ned's shoulder and encouraged him to go out.

Lan Li raised his eyebrows, "So, do you think I'm willing to answer today?"

With this understatement, Ezra was speechless, and his stunned expression was full of joy.

"Or, you can ask Tom and Joe." Daisy interrupted, pointing to the two young people sitting next to him. "They are definitely ardent admirers of Lan Li. They followed Lan Li after the rehearsal yesterday. Li left and didn't say where to go, interviewing them, maybe you can dig out different news."

"Yes, yes, they won't take me either." Ezra complained with aggrieved face.

"Why don't you say it, it's because you have a date?" Joe, who was shy and introverted, couldn't bear it and argued out loudly. Then Ezra could only wipe his nose and pretend that he didn't hear it.

Tom also stood up, "Don’t say you don’t seem to be the same. Every time the training is over, you and Lan Li are muttering next to you. Lan Li has been cooking a small stove for you. Mr. Cod knows that, and we are all I see. Before the start of Act Two today, didn't you go to Lan Li again?"

Dai Xi's cheeks flushed slightly, "I'm just studying hard. I still have a lot of shortcomings, I need to keep working hard. Lan Li is willing to help me, and I have always been very grateful. I...I only know professional things. , Lan Li’s private life, I never knew it."

The entire waiting room is lively. Ned didn’t even need to ask questions, he felt that countless sparrows were chattering in his ears, making people dizzy noisily; but what’s interesting is that these conversations can capture many clues and piece together "tragic Some interesting things behind the crew of "World".

"So, what is your first question?" Lan Li inserted the topic in due course and directed all attention to Ned again, with a chuckle on his face, "If you don't ask questions, I I believe they can continue talking until the end of the interview."

Ned chuckled, "Actually, listening to these conversations is quite interesting. Readers must have never expected that behind the stage, behind the characters, the actor's original appearance is like this." Then, Ned I noticed that everyone was ready to move again, and quickly added, "But, I do have a problem. I am very curious, why is it the West End? Why is it a drama?"

After the Oscar, Renly has countless choices. This promising young actor is definitely hot in Hollywood; but he walked away from the West End, all the auras were deposited, and he stood on the stage instead.

"Oh, such a boring question. I thought you would ask about his feelings about winning the Oscar."

"Or, is there anything special about being the youngest winner of the Little Golden Man in history?"

The twittering voice, even more like a reporter than Ned, made people laugh.

"Hehe." Lan Li couldn't help being amused, "In fact, there is nothing special, but the opportunity has come, so I came." Such a simple answer, not only Ned, but also everyone else was stunned, Lan Li can only explain, "I wanted to return to the stage as early as when I was shooting for'detachment'. Because I was deeply aware that my basic skills were still not solid enough, and my acting skills still needed to be polished."

"Aloof" shooting. Ned recalled it carefully, it was almost a year ago.

"Later, I met the opportunity, John Cod, my teacher, he was preparing a new play. So, I participated in the audition." The entire complex process, Lan Li completed the description in two sentences, and then I saw Ned's stunned expression, and the stunned exaggerated expressions of the little guys next to him, "Or, you can write, I am for hype, this is also an answer."

One second, two seconds, and then everyone burst into laughter.

I ridiculed myself with "hype door", so mindful, only Lan Li can do it. If you really want to hype, the West End of London is definitely the worst choice, even if you choose an unnamed independent art film, it is wiser.

Ned didn’t realize it himself, he closed his jaw and expressed his approval, “So, how do you feel?” There were no beginnings and ends, but everyone knew that this was not asking about Renly’s performance in the West End of London. ; Instead, I asked the youngest Oscar winner how he felt.

"Ned, when you were in Berlin before, you wouldn't ask such simple and crude questions." Renly's words made Ned's eyes brighten: Lanly still remembers their meeting in Berlin, which is really rare. .

But before Ned could answer, Lan Li immediately said, "Have you never thought that I was far away from Hollywood and came to the West End of London, and rejected all forms of interviews. In a sense, I was avoiding this. Is it a problem?"

"Uh..." Ned opened his mouth and thought for a while: I can't refute it. "But why?"

"I'm not sure, maybe, I don't want to be too arrogant, and I don't know how to hide my pride; maybe, I don't want to be called the hype again, and the heated attention has no meaning." Lan Li smiled and shrugged, expressing different possibilities easily, some self-deprecating, some humorous and some ridicule.

Ned must admit that he liked Renly's answer.

"So, what about Jean Arjean? Why would you want to play this role?" Ned asked further.

"Because he is full of challenges." This time, Lan Li did not evade the problem, but said calmly and confidently. It seemed that as long as he talked about professional issues in acting, his eyes became different.

"God, you would never believe how perverted Lanly was training in order to play the role of Jean Arjean." Ezra did not hold back, interjecting, and then Tom nodded and stood up, "Yes. Yes, did you see the monologue at the end of the first act? Lan Li really rushed forward during the rehearsal. He even fell twice. It was really crazy!"

"I deeply feel that Lan Li should have fallen asleep holding the script." Dai Qian added complaints.

"Have you all forgotten? He can even catch his position and lighting, and he keeps researching and discussing it over and over again. It's really abnormal!" Michel didn't hold back and joined the ranks of Tucao.

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