The Greatest Showman

Chapter 926: Burst across the board

"Javert, before you speak, before you drag me away as a slave, please listen to me." Jean-Ajean stood up and began to circle Javert slowly, walking in circles like a beast, but He burst out unwavering belief that when a person has something that needs to be guarded, he will become extremely powerful, even more powerful than imagined.

This is the first official meeting between Jean Arjean and Javert after revealing his true identity. There is no panic, no embarrassment, and Jean Arjean fell into the dust again, but he became the mayor of the city. Shi was even more courageous, his eyes burst out with unrelenting light, even if there were thousands of troops standing in front of him, even if there was an abyss behind him, he was still not afraid!

Thus, Jean Arjean assumed a bullfighting posture and began to wrestle with Javert.

On the huge stage, Javert is like a beacon, standing on the left in the middle, immovable like a mountain; while Jean-Agen starts from the bed on the right and slowly rotates in a counterclockwise direction. With his tight muscles coming out, he seemed to be ready for a surprise attack at any time.

Between the static and the moving contrast, the status, momentum, class, etc. of the two people are all displayed vividly, especially the powerful force contained in the body movements, which is eye-catching.

"This poor woman left behind a lonely child. No one except me is willing to take care of it." Jean-Ajean straightened his waist and stated the truth, "Be merciful. Just give me three days." Just fine."

Javert did not speak, but made a move, drew out his long sword, still standing in place, then raised his right hand high, stretched it out, and aimed at Jean Ajean with the tip of the sword. This is the best. Stance.

"I swear! I will be back in three days, and I will definitely be back!" Jean Arang still did not stop in circles, like an agile cheetah, the primitive rough texture, invisible, again The aura between the two people is clearly divided, and Fantine, who is lying next to him, has pushed this absurd sense of confrontation to the extreme.

Javert's footsteps finally began to move, one step after another, moving towards Jean-Ajean, shaking his head gently, and shouting, "You must think I'm crazy and have hunted you for so many years!"

Jean-Ajean clearly realized the sense of oppression, turned around, tore a long wooden stick from the wall and used it as a long sword, and began to confront Javert, but the distance between the two still did not increase. Nearly, the tense atmosphere gradually began to rise.

"A person like you just doesn't repent!" Javert closed his legs together, held his head high, stretched out his long sword flatly, boasted of justice, and challenged Jean Argent to a duel in the style of a knight.

However, Jean-Ajean had no formal weapons, and this was never a fair duel; at the same time, Javert never even glanced at Fantine. The inferior people who betrayed the body were not worth mentioning to him, the same. He was also a member of the criminals, and Javert simply denied Jean Ajean's arguments.

He didn't understand and didn't want to understand what these people experienced. Because in his opinion, he has experienced everything like them, but he is a good citizen who abides by the law. These criminals who broke the law must be wiped out. Only in this way can society restore peace.

So Javert straightened his waist and stared sharply at Jean-Ajean, as if a hunter aimed at his prey, condemning in a terrifying manner, "You kind of person!"

The disdainful tone and disdainful eyes created a ditch between the two!

At the center of the stage, Jean Ajean and Javert finally stood parallel, one left and the other right, facing each other.

In the glimmer of light on the left, Jean Arjean stood up slowly, as if carrying the weight of times and destiny, and was doing his best to fight; in the bright light on the right, Javert lifted his chin. Condescendingly looked down at his opponent like an ant, a trace of contempt flashed deep in his eyes.

The tense atmosphere finally broke out!

"Whether you believe it or not!" Jean-Ajean raised his voice, defending loudly.

"A person like you will never repent!" Javert didn't listen at all, and he reprimanded him back by hitting the wall.

"If I promised, I must be responsible!" Jean Ajean pleaded again.

"A person like you will never repent!" Javert reiterated his position again!

One left channel and one right channel. Two people sang loudly at the same time. The powerful sound waves collided together. There was no sequence or stagger, but they expressed their opinions in unison, that kind of strong. The intense sparks of the strong confrontation began to burn, and only thunder and thunder could be heard in the entire theater. Between the lightning and thunder, there was a mighty resounding.

"You don't know my past!" — "No! 24061!"

"I just stole a piece of bread back then!" — "My duty is to uphold the law. You have no right to argue with me!"

No fancy, no concealment, no room, in the face-to-face confrontation, Javert, who occupied the moral high ground, easily defeated all the defenses of Jean-Ajean. Jean Ajean crushed thoroughly.


Overwhelmed, really overwhelmed, a huge amount of information swarms in, not to mention the time and space for thinking, just as breathing becomes difficult, and the momentum of the stormy sea continues to vent, Mark Lacan Te can only sit on a chair and accept the baptism in a dumbfounded manner.

The intertwining of words and melody completely shattered all emotions, but Mark did not have the slightest confusion. The ferocious lyrics set off stormy waves, but they were magically distinguished. The confrontation between one and the other was like one wave after another. The waves, overlapping and rolling down:

Boasting that the confrontation between justice and social reality, the confrontation between the ruling class and the impoverished people, the intersection of moral highs and cruel life, not only entangled the fate of Jean-Agen and Javert, but also entangled the status quo of society as a whole. The background of the times became entangled, and the anger began to gurgle in my ears.

Javert played by Ezra Miller is as tall and straight as pine, with a terrifying posture. The majesty above seems to represent the judgment of the law and the overlooking view of God, bit by bit, the criminals in front of him are thrown into the dust. There is no doubt that Javert has the absolute upper hand, and Javert is the judge in this head-on confrontation.

However, Mark couldn't leave Jean Agen played by Renly Hall at all.

He knew that this was a confrontation scene. It was a confrontation between courts and courts. Both sides showed unrelenting and powerful momentum, bursting out unimaginable sparks, and all emotions and information were like torrential waterfalls. Generally rushing down, people are completely indulged in that magnificent momentum.

However, he still had no choice.

In Jean Ajean, he saw struggle and embarrassment. Jean-Ajean did not lie or quibble. He admitted his identity frankly and accepted the verdict of fate with honesty and integrity. However, the deep anger in his heart, the anger from poverty and bitter cold, the anger against society and the times, It broke out completely on Fantine.

Jean Ajean saw himself in the body of the soul that died prematurely. The only difference is that he was saved by Bishop Milière and regained his life; Fantine had no such opportunity. He was eager to help Fantine, eager to help Cosette, out of guilt, and even more salvation. It's like the reincarnation of fate.

Therefore, Jean Arjean is giving way, explaining, explaining, and pleading.

During the confrontation, Jean Ajean retreated again and again, a touch of sadness and sorrow was revealed in the tough voice, and those lifelike pictures emerged in his mind. Because he was hungry and desperate, Jean Ajean chose to steal the bread. , Fell into the mud because of his livelihood and was forced to force/good/be/prostitious Fantine. Struggling on the line of survival, but reduced to prisoners and corpses.

However, Javert was still aggressive.

During the confrontation, Jean Ajean couldn't retreat, and his tough voice gradually became firmer. The slowly upright spine and slowly clenched fists, from passive resistance, humble as dust, to active attack and forced resistance, The whole mentality change is vividly demonstrated.

In just a few words of lyrics, the changes in body language and the changes in chanting, outline a magnificent picture in Mark’s mind. That is the life of Jean-Agen, that is the life of Fantine, and that is the same. The faces of sentient beings in the age don't need to think at all, and a steady stream of shocks rushes.

How could his eyes leave Renly? How could his mood leave Renly?

The power of the performance and the foreshadowing of the plot are all integrated into the character. In this strong confrontation, the whole line bursts out, and the ears and eyes are almost not enough, wonderful! It's really wonderful!

This is a duo of Javert and This is still a triangle of Javert, Fantine and Jean-Agen, but all the core, all the points, all the essence , All condensed on Lan Li's body.

Although Lan Li has been closing the performance, inward, inward, and further inward, trying his best to maintain the balance of the scene, but the deep foundation in the performance is based on the plot and the characters, bursting out unimaginable Shocked, the souls of the audience began to tremble.

People always say that TV is the art of screenwriters, film is the art of directors, and drama is the art of actors.

Until this moment, Mark finally understood the meaning of this sentence. On this stage, in this world, the details of the performance and the aura are perfectly integrated. It seems that you can't see anything, but you can feel everything. , The vast world spread out in front of my eyes, I can only reverently marvel and praise, and then paint a dust, blending into the world described by Victor Hugo, looking up to history.

In sight, Jean Ajean finally straightened his waist completely, and in an instant he burst into a sturdy and turbulent momentum, abruptly stunned the sand in place, and the confrontation and conversion in that instant was enough to make people tears. Fill your eyes!

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