The Greatest Showman

Chapter 924: Hospice

The performance of the second act began.

There is no sound in the entire Almeida Theater. From the actors to the audience, from the stage to the theater, everything fits together perfectly, completely entangled with Fantine's destiny, and merged with the torrent of the times. , Every breath followed the ups and downs of the fate.

It is sad because of society's prejudice against Fantine, because men are angry at Fantine's trampling, and even more angry because of the arrogance of those who claim to be righteous but become powerful minions.

It's not just a song "I had a dream". The audience also saw the darkness and corruption of society, the oppression and suffering of the times, and the fate and struggle of little people.

After being a new man, Jean-Ajean, who owned his own factory and became the mayor, accidentally made Fantine's tragic fate by failing. He regretted not the beginning and was painful; then he discovered that Javert was aggressive. Below, an innocent person is mistaken for his previous self—the fugitive himself. His silence can escape Javert's pursuit, but it will lead to the tragic fate of another innocent person.

After experiencing inner torment and torture, the song "Who Am I (ho-Am-I reveals the change in Jean Agen’s thoughts. The sentence "Who am I", once, again, beats him hard. -On the heart of Ajan, it hit the hearts of the audience even more fiercely.

Seeing Jean Arjean standing at the forefront of the stage, Marc Lacante could not help but fell silent. He watched Fantine’s tragic fate, watched Javert’s step by step, and watched Denadier. The greed and viciousness of the couple have seen the insensitivity and darkness of society. At this moment, Jean-Ajean’s rhetorical questioning, questioning, and torture are venting the weight of the entire age again and again.

"who am I?"

"who am I!"

Under the dim light, Jean Arjean’s eyes full of tears went from panic and fleeing hurriedly, to determination, courage, and radiance. The clear and translucent soul pushed away the layers of mist, and gradually became brighter. In that heavy questioning, every audience became determined, and the impassioned, passionate emotions hit their chests, with a dull pain.

"I am! Jean Ajean! Who am I? 24061!"

The voice that pierced the clouds and cracked the rock was sonorous and powerful, like a heavy hammer, slamming on Mark's chest, he saw, saw the noble and determined soul, saw the scarred but open-minded soul , Saw the soul that pulled away the layers of mist and firmly grasped a trace of sunlight.

Unexpectedly, tears once again blurred the sight!

What is justice, what is justice, and what is faith? Everything is filled with those deep and bright eyes. Until this moment, the magnificence and majesty of the "Miscellaneous World" is gradually revealed. After showing the true face of the original, the vast picture scroll of the era made everyone unable to help but look up.

Soul baptism. Until today, Mark really understands what is called soul baptism. Only by witnessing with his own eyes and experiencing such close personal experience can he truly experience the powerful shock, penetrating the layers of defense, fierce and fierce. Cruelly colliding with the soul, like a meteor shower, completely stop the brain from turning.

Resisting the urge to worship, the urge to applaud, and the urge to scream loudly, Mark's hands firmly grasped the arm of the chair, but he stared at the stage intently, his eyes widened, for fear Missing a detail, greedily blending into it, truly becomes a part of the Almeida Theater.

Fate came to the intersection again.

Jean-Ajean confessed his true identity; Javert, in a desperate pursuit, tried to arrest the fugitive again; and Fantine, the soul is about to die.

The fate of Jean-Ajean, Javert, and Fantine have since become entangled together, and can never be separated.

On the right side of the stage, on a hospital bed, Fantine lay quietly, dying from the torture of tuberculosis, a faint and thin moonlight projected down, outlining the embarrassed and haggard face, even if it was too far from the stage, look It's not really true, but the fading breath of life makes people feel the sadness of being exhausted.

She slowly opened her eyes and searched around without focus, a melody of pity and sadness flowing gently, "Cosette, the weather has turned cold; Cosette, it's time to go to bed, you have been playing all day. , It's going to be dark."

The graceful singing sounded, Fantine tried to support his body, but his body was so weak that he couldn't make it out of any strength. He could only lean on the bedside weakly, his eyes full of longing. From a distance, then, the smile at the corner of his mouth rose little by little, bursting into a brilliant light.

"Come here, Cosette, the daylight is fading away, you hear, the winter wind is weeping." Fantine couldn't help holding up the gentle voice, as if the young Cosette was right in front of her eyes. He took his right hand and carefully gathered his fingertips in the void, but only grabbed a mass of air.

On the left side of the stage, Jean-Ajean's figure slowly appeared, but his footsteps were so heavy, he staggered, slowly, and slowly approached the weak Fantine, his sight was full of pity, regret and regret. It surged again.

Fantine did not notice the uninvited guest in the ward at all. She stretched out her right hand and called out eagerly, as if in the darkness, Cosette was holding her knees and shivering, "There is endless darkness, there is no Early warning is approaching quickly, but I will take care of you, sing a lullaby for you, and then wake up in the morning."

Seeing Fantine start struggling, the whole person leaned out, trying to catch the illusory figure. The upper body was almost about to fall. Jean-Ajean finally did not hold back any more, and quickly walked forward and sat down on the edge of the bed. Coming down, he gently embraced Fantine's shoulders, gently and gently soothed Fantine.

"Oh, dear Fantine, we will run out of time." Jean-Ajean said urgently and anxiously. He knew that Javert was chasing himself and could appear at any time. He had to speed up, but his eager voice leaked. He was so intolerable in his heart that he turned his head slightly and put all his emotions in the shadows, "But Fantine, I swear with my life..."

Before the words could be finished, Fantine interrupted the other anxiously-she didn't even know who the other was, "But sir, the children are still playing..."

The excited and anxious words made her cough violently. Jean-Ajean turned her head, her voice gradually softened, "Dear Fantine, Cosette is coming." A smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth. , The fragility and sadness are hidden deep in the eyes, and the smile is heartbreaking, but the voice is full of infinite tenderness, "Dear Fantine, she will come to you."

Fantine's gaze was still unable to look away, just looking at the endless darkness, staring reluctantly, as if Cosette was really there, "Come on, Cosette, my child, you Where did you go?"

The dazed voice made people feel sad; the urgent words made people feel like a knife.

After struggling, Fantine sat up, as if the last trace of strength in his body had burst out. He looked around blindly but helplessly, and started to tremble slightly, just like Ke who was still there just now. Seth suddenly disappeared. The panic and fear swallowed in an instant, like drowning, making people breathless.

Jean Arjean gently embraced Fantine in his arms, his left hand patted Fantine's shoulder lightly and gently, and the voice groaned softly in Fantine's ear, lowered his voice and lowered the volume. , Flowing out like a gurgling warm current, "Relax." The body swayed slowly, as if caring for a baby in the swaddle, "rest with peace of mind."

The last strength also disappeared, Fantine slackened exhaustedly, and involuntarily rubbed his head gently against Jean-Agen’s shoulder, **** for the trace of warmth, even if it came from a stranger, in this In the cold world, it also makes people nostalgic.

Fantine closed her eyes slightly, her eyelids began to tremble violently, and the hot tears slipped slowly.

Jean Arjean was not in a hurry, but swayed gently and slowly, as if the cradle was soothing the baby, and then slowly put Fantine on the bed again.

The coldness after leaving his arms awoke Fantine again, trying to say something, but his voice choked in his throat, just murmured intermittently, "My Cosette..."

"It will be guarded by me." Jean-Ajean's mouth was drawn with a shallow smile, his gaze fell on Fantine's face motionless, those deep eyes concealed all the emotions. His shoulders tightened little by little, as if he was bearing the weight of a world.

Fantine stared at Jean-Ajean in front of him. She was confused when death was dying. Her vision began to blur, and she could only see the sincerity and determination in the pair of eyes, and her lips began to tremble slightly. Get up and say with difficulty, "Take her away."

Jean-Ajean nodded gently but, UU reading www.uukahnshu. com "Your child will have nothing to worry about."

Tears from the corners of his eyes just fell, and Fantine nodded slightly, "Mr. Kind, you are a messenger sent by God."

Jean-Ajean was shaking his head, his inner suffering was pulling, all the pain and sorrow were concentrated on the rigid spine, he just sang loudly, "As long as I am still alive, Cosette will not suffer any harm. ."

At this moment, this delicate moment, time seems to have stopped—

The guilt and sadness in Jean-Ajean’s eyes slowly permeated through the face; Fantine seemed to notice the sadness in those eyes, and gently raised his right hand, trying to smooth the space between the eyebrows. Of scars.

At this moment, Mark truly understood the intersection between Jean Arjean and Fantine, not only guilt and sympathy, but also sympathy for the same sickness. They saw themselves in each other, the suffering themselves, in society I am struggling and struggling to survive under the tide.

They are actually the same kind of people.

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