The Greatest Showman

Chapter 911: Pre-sale open

"'Cleopatra' is definitely'Cleopatra', I can be 100% sure! I read his interview on the official bulletin board website before, and he said that this song is special of."

"No, definitely not! He has never promoted this album, nor has he received an interview!'The Beast', it must be'The Beast', this song, at the'One Man Concert', he said, He can't sing. Later, at the Grammy Awards, he used this song as his acceptance speech, which is absolutely meaningful."

"Oh my God, you idiots, haven't you ever heard of "Believe No Doubt"? It should be this one!"


The chattering, the hustle and bustle, the noisy, the fierce disputes were endless. Before Mark Lacante's footsteps could get closer, he caught a few words; when he approached, everyone turned their heads in unison. , Christine Schutler was the first to speak up, "Mark, what do you think is the most special song for Renly?"

Mark was stunned, and laughed blankly, "I thought we should discuss the movie. You know, I always think that'transcendence' is the best performance of Lan Li.'Love is crazy' is very good, very good, but'detached.' 'Among them, the shock brought by Lan Li's performance is level, God, I want to watch this movie again now, I don't know when it will be released."

Niutou didn’t answer Mazui’s answer, but there was no sense of disobedience. Someone beside him couldn’t wait to answer the conversation and shouted, “'Buried alive', that is the peak of Lan Li’s performance. 'Love is crazy' in general."

This time, the discussion was even more voiced. They were mixed up in a rush, and they couldn’t hear clearly. Everyone was expressing their opinions. Even the name "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" was mentioned. Come out-you can feel it. In just three years, Lanli has indeed contributed many wonderful performances.

At this moment, Mark and his friends are not in Berlin, but in London, at the door of the Almeida Theater.

After the eighty-fourth Oscars ceremony, the blue ceremony disappeared.

In fact, this method of expression is not very accurate, because Lanly told everyone clearly that he returned to the West End, began rehearsing a new play, and returned to the theater stage.

However, after that, Lan Li did disappear from the public eye-drama, this is a corner that no one pays attention to. The exposure, attention, and topicality have plummeted, and it is not even comparable to an independent film.

After the Oscars ended, the fate of "artist" and "Hugo" intertwined and became the biggest hot topic of discussion. Nevertheless, among countless topics of discussion, Lan Li is still the focus of attention. He became the Oscar winner at the age of only 22. Such a feat is absolutely unprecedented.

Even if you count the supporting actor and reach the top at this age, this is the second youngest in film history. When Timothy-Hutton won Best Supporting Actor with "Ordinary Man" in March 1981, he was only twenty years old and 227 days old. This was his only Oscar nomination, and the only time. Flash moment.

In the entire 84th Oscar competition, Lan Li was the first actor to break all shackles and barriers. With such a history, it surpassed Meryl Streep and Christopher Plummer and became the most shining individual statuette winner of the night.

However, in the midst of such scorching attention, Lan Li chose to retreat from the rapids for the first time ever-at least in the eyes of the mainstream media, when the actor's career is bright, he chose to return to the stage of drama. Indeed, a voice of astonishment was aroused on the ground.

However, the aftermath of the "hype door" has not completely dissipated, and the media have naturally not forgotten the principle that Lan Li always puts performance and artistic pursuits first. Therefore, even if the media were not optimistic about the performance in the West End of London, they did not launch the siege fiercely. Instead, they euphemistically expressed their frustration, and more admired the courage and courage of Lan Li.

Subsequently, Universal Pictures also issued a news, "I wish Renly Hall all the best in the West End of London."

After the reporter's verification, it was confirmed that the film version of "Les Miserables" from Universal Pictures had auditioned for Renly many times, hoping that Renly could play an important role in the film; moreover, director Tom Hopper and producer Cameron -Mackintosh and others are also full of praise for Lanly's basic skills.

Unfortunately, in the end, Lan Li rejected the movie version and chose the drama version.

"This is undoubtedly a loss for the crew." In an interview, Hugh Jackman further confirmed the news and expressed regret at the same time. "To be honest, I look forward to cooperating with Lanly. I have watched him. In the audition video, God, he is really an excellent actor. He used to compete for the role of Jean-Hargen. Yes, he and I are direct competitors. But, he won my admiration and respect. If there is a chance , I am very willing to compete with him."

Hugh Jackman, who was born in stage drama, has been immersed in Broadway for many years, and has won the Tony Award recognition, has given such a high praise to the blue gift, which further confirms the news from Universal Pictures: the blue gift is indeed far from the movie version. "Les Miserables" is very, very close.

Objectively speaking, the shadow left by the "hype door" is still on the Internet and has not completely dissipated. Ranley unexpectedly returned to the West End of London. After that, some netizens speculated maliciously. Ranley was trying to hype and trying to divert the target. All the choices were made to cover up the negative impact of the "hype door".

But before this speculation had time to spread, Hugh Jackman’s interview poured cold water on the head: Long before the "hypegate" and long before the Berlin Film Festival, Lanly had already begun to brew this return. . Those malicious netizens can only quietly shut their mouths.

After the Oscars ended, all the attention, all the excitement, and all the expectations, accompanied by Ren Li's return to the West End, all settled down. It seems that he has not had time to reach the top. It seems that the celebration has not had time to end, and Ren Li is already there. Return to daily life, take a steady step, and move on.

"The youngest Oscar actor in history", such a good opportunity for hype, just spread out silently.

After that, the news about Lanli was lacklustre, there was no official official news update, no official drama propaganda, and no follow-up media interviews. You can only see it occasionally on Facebook, Twitter or the photo wall. Some scattered photos.

Almost all the photos are on the same theme: London movie fans or fans, who specialize in staying near the practice room, or go to the theater to visit the class, occasionally "coincidentally" the Lan Li who commutes to get off work, and then take a group photo and leave it behind Remembrance, upload to social network, and share with other netizens.

But these news, without the promotion of the mainstream media, were just circulating back and forth between Don Quixote, and there was no wave at all.

The situation continued until May 1st. At this time, two full months have passed since the Oscars ended. For the Internet age of the information explosion, two months are almost equal to two centuries. The world has been vicissitudes of life, and no one remembers what happened to the Oscars two months ago. brilliant. However, the real Don Quixotes waited for the long-awaited news.

The official Facebook and website of the Almeida Theatre officially announced the news that "Les Miserables" directed by John Cod and starring Renly Hall is about to hold an audition in Edinburgh on May 11th. Ticket sales are not open, only internal applications are open, 150 places, and 150 professionals are invited to watch, including critics, directors, producers, actors, etc.

One hundred and fifty places are a drop in the bucket for the enthusiastic Don Quixotes; on the day the internal application was opened, the official website of the Almeida Theater crashed three times, one of which lasted forty minutes, and finally the theater announced , They received more than 36,000 applications, but unfortunately, there are only 150 places.

The audition on May 11 ended smoothly. However, there was not much news on social networks. The lucky ones who attended the audition just said on Twitter and Facebook, "Stay tuned."

For those critics, they are precipitating their thoughts and conceiving sentences, looking forward to showing their skills after the first performance, so after the audition is over, they are reluctant to reveal too much news; but for ordinary fans. Said that the same is true, this suspense makes people feel unbearable.

It seems that everyone is waiting, waiting for the arrival of the night of the premiere; as to whether they are looking forward to a success or a failure, it is unclear.

Subsequently, the Almeida Theater confirmed the news again that "Les Miserables" will officially premiere on May 18.

The performance is divided into two halves, each of which lasts for three hours. The audience can choose whether to purchase the first half or the second half separately, or to buy a package; at the same time, Almeida is a medium-sized theater There are only 550 seats in total. On the day of the premiere, many guests and industry experts were invited to attend. Therefore, only 350 tickets were released publicly.

A mere three hundred and fifty, this is really too few!

Of course, the Almeida Theater said that "Les Miserables" has signed an official performance contract, which will be staged for at least three months, from Monday to Saturday, for a total of six performances. The first set of lineups and the second set of lineups will rotate. Lanli will perform at least three times a week. As for the situation after three months, it will be determined based on attendance and box office revenue.

For a six-hour experimental play, this is very, very rare.

However, the real Don Quixotes know that the competition is really fierce. They are eager to watch the play "Les Miserables", but even more hope to see Lan Li's performance; for ordinary drama lovers or crowds who join in the fun, Lan Li is the only attraction. This also means that competition for tickets is more intense.

Therefore, Mark and his friends came to the Almeida Theater early. Today is May 15th, and the pre-sale time for "Les Miserables" tickets is at 9 am on the 16th. At this time, there are still eighteen hours before the pre-sale.

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