The Greatest Showman

Chapter 906: Sky full of stars

The inky black sky is spread out in an expanse way. The silver stars, yellow street lights and white taillights are intertwined to form ink, which is splashed magnificently and wanton. After slowly fainting, a thick and deep layer of navy blue emerges. The color, rippling little by little, painted and outlined on the curtain, the shades are suitable, and the beauty is wonderful, the mystery of the universe and the mysterious reflection of the pupil deep make people unable to look away.

The trivial stars scattered all over the sky randomly on the velvet, it seems that each one is ordinary, but it is unique; it seems that each one is out of reach, but they are all close at hand. Involuntarily, his gaze slowly deepened, and he carefully looked at the countless stars, dreaming about the landforms and the world on those planets.

Lan Li likes the night sky of Los Angeles. Different from the loftiness and coldness of New York, and the haziness and darkness of London, the night in Los Angeles is always so bright. The dark red, sapphire and blue of the sky are surging and boiling, burning magnificently, but in peace. Kind of thrilling.

Standing quietly on the fifth-floor flyover in the Hollywood Highland Center, the violent night breeze rang in my ears, it seemed that as long as you opened your arms, you could fly lightly in the wind; the "HOLLYOOD" sign at the far end of your sight The night sky is particularly dazzling, and the empty and flat city composition presents the entire world in front of the eyes and soles of the feet.

The cheers of fans and reporters are like magma, gurgling under their feet; the party atmosphere of talk and laughter and covetousness has spread inside the Kodak Theater. There are still two hours before the Oscar night hosted by Vanity Fair, people Did not rush to leave the theater.

After experiencing the storm of bankruptcy and naming, the Kodak Theater "temporarily named the Hollywood and Highland Center" may be the last time to host an Oscar. After a long twelve years, the dust has been sealed in the cabinet of history. It is precisely because of this "may" that everyone reluctantly stayed in the Kodak Theater, leaving proof of their existence and cherishing the fond memories of the past.

However, Lanly knew that Kodak went bankrupt, but the Kodak Theater did not. Later, the famous audio technology company Dolby Laboratories won the naming rights, so Dolby Theater continued to be the venue for the Oscars, and signed a twenty-year cooperation. protocol. Therefore, the theater is still the same theater, but the name is different.

This is life. People always want to leave something to prove that they existed.

A figure appeared at the end of the overpass and noticed the Lan Li in the night. The other party's footsteps paused for a while and was about to leave, but after hesitating for a while, he walked over. The white dress was blowing in the wind. Hunting and hunting in it, as noble and upright as the ancient Greek goddess, but not a beautiful goddess, but a war goddess.

There are still three steps away from Lanli, the footsteps stopped early, there was no conversation, no dialogue, just relying on the railing, raised his head, looking up at the sky, marveling at the brilliance and vastness of the sky, and quietly accepting the big Natural shock baptism.

The appearance of strange visitors did not destroy the silence in the air. The noise and noise still surging in the gusty wind, while the silence and tranquility still flow on the overpass. The two people seem to have nothing to do with each other. The stranger was just a moment of leisure when meeting next to each other.

"You said, on which star is the rose garden?" the woman next to her raised her voice, her voice stained with some late night dew, cold and hoarse.

rose Garden. This is about the rose garden in the fairy tale book "The Little Prince". The little prince visited six different planets, and one of them encountered a unique rose in the world.

Lan Li tugged at the corner of her mouth and couldn't help but smile, "At least not the one you were pointing at." The woman raised her right hand and pointed at a bright star among the stars, Lan Li looked in the direction of her fingers. In the past, "That is the Alpha of Pegasus." Then, Lan Li also raised his hand and depicted the position of the stars in the night sky, "These three stars are all Pegasus stars, and this one is a fairy. The alpha of the seat forms a quadrilateral."

As he said, Lan Li painted a quadrilateral in the void; he couldn't help but stopped at his fingertips, as if he was back when he was a child, always looking up at the sky, having nothing to do all night, bathed in the starlight, Gradually fall asleep.

Rooney Mara raised her eyebrows and followed Lan Li's instructions to outline the quadrangle of the sky; she couldn't help but asked about the position of Pegasus and Andromeda, and then Lan Li's low voice came in her ears. Explaining her voice carefully, Rooney stretched out gently and gently, like a child, imagining that she could pick off the stars on her tiptoes.

Before realizing it, the smile at the corner of his mouth rose.

Retracted his gaze, retracted his fingers, and turned his head to look at Lan Li's profile, "Don't tell me, are you still an astronomer at the same time?"

"Heh. No." Lan Li smiled lowly, with a slightly hoarse voice rolling deep in his throat, "It's just that when I was a child I liked to read miscellaneous books to understand some fur. If you continue to inquire, I will immediately reveal it. It's sloppy."

Aristocratic education is a huge and complicated system. Some people are curious, why the nobles seem to have nothing to do all day but they are so busy? Why does the amateur life of the nobles seem so idle but so fulfilling?

Reading is extremely important to the nobles.

In addition to art, philosophy, masterpieces, and time-killing, the nobles more or less read books on natural sciences. Such as biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, etc. To give a simple example, every student who learns to paint must study biology, anatomy, anthropology and other related subjects, and even must personally dissect the corpse to understand the skeleton of the human body.

For a true nobleman, it often takes ten to fifteen years from the beginning of basic education to the smooth assignment of a teacher, and after that, there is still a long process of precipitation. A few centuries ago, aristocratic girls would hold a grand coming-of-age ceremony when they were sixteen. This is a double meaning.

Lan Li is not polite and modest. For astronomy, he really only knows some furs; besides the projects he is good at, in fact, his favorite is chemistry, just because of various chemical reactions and chemical experiments, it is full of mischievous fun.

"Even if you understand the fur, this is very rare. Tell me, does it work?" Rooney said with a smile, with a hint of joke in her eyes.

Without beginning and ending, I suddenly said "Will it work?", but Lan Li understood it all at once: a sharp tool for hitting up a conversation. Through small conversations in astronomy, they naturally narrowed the distance between each other and successfully struck up a conversation.

Lan Li couldn't help but smiled, retracted his gaze, and glanced at Rooney, "I'm not sure, you should answer. Does it work?" Then Lan Li saw Rooney Yang. The eyebrows were raised, and the heroic eyebrows met his gaze without showing any weakness, and then I heard Rooney's answer, "It's almost a fire."

Lan Li gently closed his jaw and answered earnestly, "I will continue to work hard."

Rooney also solemnly agreed with her jaws, and then gave her opinion, "You know, real masters are definitely not so honest. You should walk behind the woman, raise your hand naturally and kindly, and move the constellation The outline of was drawn and appeared in the woman’s sight, and then, you know..."

The words behind turned into a grunt, tumbling in his throat, but he didn't say anything after all. Rooney shrugged, concealing her embarrassment and jerky, especially under Lan Li’s hot and focused gaze, there was a kind of embarrassment of nowhere to hide, she carefully raised her gaze, glanced at it, and then I saw those bright eyes.

The stars in the sky are reflected in the dark brown pupils, and a layer of slight smile, shallow warmth, and shallow halo are fainted, slowly rippling, even the Milky Way hanging in the sky is eclipsed; the line of sight is out of sight. The light seems to be able to catch the ridiculous smile at the corner of the mouth, faintly, gently, like fish scale clouds scattered on the blue sky in the early summer afternoon, lazy and comfortable.

Rooney’s cheeks immediately stained with two blushes, and she looked away in a panic, pretending to be calm, stiff face, pretending not to care, cleared her throat, and continued, "Your method is still too immature. Now, um, there is still a lot to learn." With the fragmented words, Rooney didn't even know what she was talking about, and she clenched a fist secretly in her heart, annoying.

"Haha." There was a muffled laughter deep in Lan Li's throat, slightly hoarse, as if dyed with a thick night, not jet black, but navy blue, delicate and soft like velvet.

Rooney closed her eyes tightly, gritted her teeth fiercely, and murmured, "Damn it."

"I can understand Are you sending an invitation?" Lan Li's voice came, and Rooney opened her eyes in fright, "No! Absolutely not!" But after speaking, Rooney realized that she was in chaos, and closed her eyes again, helpless and depressed, but the smile on the corner of her mouth still rose involuntarily.

"You did it on purpose?" Rooney finally reacted and noticed Lanly's mischief. She couldn't help but bit her lower lip lightly. She was angry and funny. Thinking about it, she couldn't help but chuckle. .

Lan Li spread his hands innocently, "Did I do something wrong? Or should I walk behind you and show you the outline of Pegasus?"

He shot himself in the foot. Rooney opened her eyes, rolled her eyes, and squinted at Lan Li, "Ha! Ha!" She laughed dryly, "Very funny." Rooney adjusted her posture, straightened her chest, and raised her chin. With a bitter expression, "I just give some more suggestions. The suggestions from the ladies, you know, help you understand women better. Maybe you can use them if you have opportunities in the future."

Lan Li's face still had that smile but a smile, and his eyebrows raised slightly, "Are you sure?"

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