The Greatest Showman

Chapter 903: First Winner

On the stage, on the right hand side is Natalie Portman, wearing a big red floor skirt, elegant and noble, holding a little golden man with a smile; on the left hand side is Lanli Hall, a classic black and white suit, Elegant gentleman, the arc of the smile at the corner of his mouth has a chivalrous demeanor, like a dream.

The former is the first actor of Generation Y to win the Oscar; the latter is the second actor of Generation Y to reach the Oscar. At the same time, he is also the winner of the oldest actor in film history. For the second year in a row, the actor of Generation Y has successfully reached the top podium; for the second year in a row, the Academy has selected young actors of Generation Y-and it is also the "more mellow, more fragrant" actor department!

What's more interesting is that the relationship between Natalie and Ranley lasted from last year to this year. Is this fate or an enemy?

Natalie showed a smile, and a trace of embarrassment and stiffness flashed through her eyes. This should be the first time the two met in public after the Golden Globes last year. Unexpectedly, it was on the stage of the Kodak Theater. In just one year, the world has undergone vicissitudes and earthshaking.

Natalie thought she would find ridicule or ridicule in Lanly's eyes, but she failed. Lifting his chin, those dark brown eyes were full of bright stars in the sky, warm and bright, polite and estranged. There was no flaw in the perfect etiquette, as if the Toronto incident had never happened before.

Such a beautiful appearance made Natalie a little embarrassed. He lowered his eyes hurriedly and solemnly handed the Little Golden Man trophy to Lan Li. Then he backed away two steps in a panic and moved away. When Lan Li's back was caught in the out of sight, she remembered: she It is really rude not to congratulate him.

However, the opportunity has been missed.

Lan Li is adjusting his breathing, his heart is surging, and his chest is swollen. The boiling emotions are almost breaking through the restraints and gushing out; the etiquette and rules of the nobles are constantly sounding alarms, constantly reminding him that he must be happy and angry. , He must maintain the elegance and calmness of the nobility.

Smiled to meet Natalie's sight, smiled to take the little golden man, smiled towards the microphone, and looked towards the stage with a smile. All my thoughts were focused on emotional control, but it was still extremely difficult. My fingertips suddenly closed, and my palm felt the streamlines and edges of the golden figure's outline. The cold and severely slammed into the warmth of the skin, stirring up a piece of Stormy seas.

He lowered his head and caught the little golden man with his eyesight. The glorious trophy falls in the palm of the hand, so light, yet so heavy.

In an instant, the emotions burst, all the etiquette, all the restraints, all the rules are not counted, and rushed to the brain fiercely, destroying all the education. So embarrassed that Lan Li had to raise his head and look to the sky, trying to control his emotions. The warmth in his eyes was surging and calmed down instantly, and the soreness of the nose could hardly be suppressed.

He thought he didn't care, he thought he could be calm, he thought he wouldn't feel it, he thought he could be calm. But, but...

Tucked the fingertips together, and then put them together, firmly gripping the Little Golden Man trophy, almost crushing it. The surging mood was tolerated again, and the blurred vision became clear again. Then, Lan Li bowed his head, smiled, and greeted the gaze of the audience.

"Sorry, please forgive my impoliteness. I hope the college will not immediately play the music and urge me to leave the stage." Lan Li joked jokingly, but the thick nasal sound revealed his embarrassment and panic. After that, the intense soreness hit the bridge of the nose fiercely again, and the hot tears were almost uncontrollable.

So Lan Li lowered his head. Silently, standing on the spot in silence, the gradually stiff shoulders and arms leaked the inner surge and sigh; the creamy light fell, gently outlines the contour of the side face, and the slight tremor depicts the endless Joy and sorrow.

Looking at Lan Li on the TV screen, there was no words, no actions, or even tears, but Matthew Dunlop felt it, and deeply felt the surging inside Lan Li's heart.

Matthew sat quietly on the sofa in his New York apartment, quietly watching Lan Li bathed in the spotlight, and watching Lan Li quietly trying to control his emotions, but two consecutive attempts ended in failure. Thousands of words were spoken in the contradiction of that forbearance and release, and it was hard to say a word.

The surging emotions flowed slowly in my heart, and involuntarily, the eye sockets turned red, and hot tears slipped down before realizing it. However, the smile at the corner of Matthew's mouth rose quietly. He took out a cigarette and held it to his mouth. Did not ignite, nor wipe away the tears, just quietly savor the intricacies of this moment, joy and happiness bloomed in tears.

On the Hollywood Heights Central Plaza next to the Kodak Theater, there was even more tears. Those words of "Young Master" became more and more excited, more moved, more and more hoarse, and the gleaming tears became an ocean, and at this moment, they were completely released.

Lan Li raised his head again, his eyes were covered with a thin layer of mist, which was slightly invisible, but the world was full of colors, fainting between light and darkness bit by bit." This journey is really too long. I even wonder if this has consumed all my luck. Phew, maybe starting today, I should start praying."

There was a faint hoarse voice in his voice, revealing a trace of fragility and panic, but the lightly ridiculous words made the audience chuckle.

Long? For the audience, Lan Li, who is only 22 years old, is the fastest actor to reach the top of the actor; but for Lan Li, he has experienced a long life for two generations and has gone through the years of self-restraint. After ten years of physical and mental confinement, twenty years of walking alone, all the way to this stage, he spent two lifetimes and experienced countless vicissitudes and ups and downs. Finally, finally reached the end.

Fingertips were trembling slightly, Lan Li couldn't help but squeeze in, clutching the little golden man so hard that his fingertips began to turn white, "I was once told that I was not a genius and never was; my dream is meaningless. All persistence is just stupid, I should learn to give up." Lan Li's smile quietly bloomed, dazzling.

There was a chuckle under the stage, everyone thought Lan Li was joking; but Edith and Matthew in front of the TV knew that Lan Li did not.

"But now, I'm standing here, receiving countless gazes, envious, jealous, and hateful." Lan Li's relaxed words with a hint of ridicule can always easily trigger laughter. For a while, Then, this time, even Brad Pitt couldn’t help but smile, “For an untalented actor, I guess I must work very, very hard, and I didn’t even realize how much I am. Work hard."

Such self-ridicule and banter caused laughter in the audience. Ryan even blew his whistle and shouted, "Len Li, you are the best". The shout was so abrupt that the laughter became more turbulent.

"I know." Lan Li calmly accepted the compliment facing Ryan's direction. His confident and upright posture successfully won applause from the audience.

This is the moment that belongs to Renli, this is the trophy that belongs to Renli. There is strength and luck, but no one can deny that this is what Lan Li deserves. From "buried alive" to "crazy in love" and "anti-cancer me" to "detachment", this young actor has already proven his strength and talent.

"Every actor is narcissistic. Look, I am a typical representative. All the testimonials are about myself. This is not a good sign, so I think I should thank others." Lan Li said It was so comfortable and humorous that the laughter in the theater couldn't stop.

"Jennifer, Felicity, Charlie, and the other actors and partners in the crew, thank you for your company, without you, the work will never look like this in the end. I want to thank you one by one, but obviously I His head is now in strike mode, so after I go back, I will list the list and communicate slowly."

This time, it was Jennifer Lawrence's turn to blow the whistle, and laughter and applause sounded at the same time.

"Also, Drake Doremus. At the Telluride Film Festival, you told me that this movie was none other than me. At that time, I believed in you, and so, "Love Is Crazy" was born. Now it seems that you are correct." Lan Li expressed his gratitude to Drake in an alternative way, "This is your movie. I am honored to be a part of it."

Drake, who was sitting in the audience, was already in tears and sobbing, and finally buried his head between his hands and burst into tears. Only he knows what the movie "Love Is Crazy" really means; only he knows what it means to play Jacob by Lan Li.

Tonight, "Love Is Crazy" received not only the affirmation of Drake, but also the memory of Drake's fond" Lan Li couldn't help it. There was a slight pause, the voice choked again, and the figure appeared in his mind again, Heather Cross.

Only two weeks have passed since her departure, but it seemed that a century had passed. All memories are swarming. She missed the Grammys and missed the Oscars. On the road leading to her dream, she still failed to accompany him to this place after all.

"Finally, thanks to every lone traveler who tirelessly perseveres on the road of dreams. Maybe I am stupid. Maybe." Lan Li stopped talking, and there were countless words to express, but finally did not speak. , Just raised the little golden man in his hand and paused twice in the air, all words were contained in those dark brown eyes.

The hazy tears reflected the radiant rays of light, and the firm and powerful faith outlined the outline of the handsome face, like Sisyphus, like Don Quixote, like...Lenly Hall. Even if the dream is stupid, even if the reality is cruel, but he still has no regrets.

Then, without stopping, Lan Li turned around and left the stage, leaving only a back figure, dragging the old elders amidst the light and shadow.

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