The Greatest Showman

Chapter 898: Industry rules

Michelle Williams, Meryl Streep and Viola Davis.

This is the troika in the battle for this year's movie queen. For laymen, Meryl, who was nominated for the 17th Oscar, is undoubtedly the biggest favorite of the movie queens; Viola, who is generally active in independent films and Broadway stages, appears to be underpowered.

But the facts are just the opposite. Viola is the strongest contender for the queen, while Meryl falls short in strength and prestige.

Throughout the awards season, Michelle Williams is outstanding and highly affirmed. The role of Marilyn Monroe in "A Week Between Me and Monroe" is not convincing enough in appearance. After the casting was met with some doubts, it vividly reproduced the demeanor of a generation of goddess, and the audience was overwhelmed by the audience and received unanimous praise from professionals.

Absolute strength, youthful vigor, and outstanding reputation, Michelle and the "Crazy Love" Lan Li have the same results. In fact, after winning the nomination for "Brokeback Mountain" and "Blue Valentine's Day", Michelle has firmly occupied a place among Gen Y actors, and this year has ushered in a bumper harvest.

In the outpost, Michelle has won 11 queen trophies. Many film critics believe that Michelle has the hope to replicate the trajectory of Natalie Portman's summit last year and witness the victory of Gen Y actors for the second year in a row.

However, after the awards season gradually deepened, the momentum of the two old drama bones began to overtake.

Meryl's qualifications and strength are unquestionable, and "Iron Lady"'s performance is also highly praised, but the actual performance is mediocre.

The Weinstein brothers even played the "twenty-nine years ago since she won the last prize" and successfully promoted Meryl's competition, winning seven times in the outpost, including the United Kingdom. Academy Awards and Golden Globe Awards; but in comparison, Meryl's advantage this year is still not outstanding.

Viola is the real front-runner this year. Strong strength, rich resume, down-to-earth, approachable, although not all-sided, Viola has won a place in the college public relations with a flat and friendly image. After the outpost, Viola received five queen titles, not many of them, but each one is full of weight——

The New York Film Critics Association, the Los Angeles Film Critics Association, the North American Broadcast Film Critics Association, the National Film Critics Association, and the Screen Actors Guild.

Five major towns, all of them are heavyweights. In terms of quality alone, Viola's queen throne has been firmly established, leading the way. But entering the sprint phase in February, the Weinstein brothers began to exert their strength. The question now is, can Viola lead the way to the end?

If...just if, Viola wins, among the five nominees, Viola's "help" is the only work that received the best picture nomination, then it has lost the best director, The "help" nominated for best editing, best adapted screenplay, etc., will immediately become the front runner in the battle for best film.

This is really exciting.

"What do you think?" Lan Li's left and right sounded similar questions in tandem. The difference between the front and the back was just a little bit like an echo. This made Lan Li's mouth rise slightly, and he looked at Ryan first. , "Viola Davis." Then he looked at Jessica, "Viola Davis."

Ryan and Jessica also noticed this little detail, as well as the slight smile in Lan Li's eyes. Lan Li leaned back a little, letting go. The eyes of the two people collided in the air, then both laughed, and then said the same name, "Viola Davis."

This time, the three of them couldn't help but smile.

Not because Meryl is not good enough, but because Viola is indeed better. As actors and actresses, they are more inclined to put aside prejudice and public relations, and examine and judge from an objective perspective. But obviously, Oscar does not work like this.

"The winner of the 84th Oscar for Best Actress..." Colin Firth opened the red envelope in his hand and drew out the card inside. Without deliberately creating suspense, he simply announced it. The answer, "Meryl Streep,'Iron Lady'."

Lan Li exchanged sights with Ryan and Jessica, and there was a hint of "you know and I know" in their eyes, which was meaningful; at the same time, the three of them stood up together and applauded—they are Viola. I feel embarrassed by the defeat, but also pay tribute to Meryl's history.

Is Meryl the greatest actress in history? Maybe it is, maybe not; but what is certain is that she is bound to occupy a place in film history. At the Berlin Film Festival not long ago, Meryl received the Lifetime Achievement Award. Lan Li had a relationship with her, and she was deeply impressed by this old drama player.

In Europe, Meryl holds the Cannes, Berlin and British Academy actresses; in North America, Meryl has achieved all the Emmys, Golden Globes and Oscars. Tonight, after the seventeenth Oscar nomination, Meryl won his third trophy and the second queen trophy.

From the Grand Slam, Meryl is only one Venetian queen; but even without this trophy, she still deserves to be in the Hall of Fame.

The audience stood up and applauded collectively. This was the second collective standup of the Kodak Theater after Christopher Plummer. It was the most respectful way to send lofty respect, thunderous applause, and the mountain whispered like a tsunami. Next, there was a vigorous response within the entire theater.

"When I heard my name, it felt like half of the Americans were saying,'No, why is it her again?' But, you know, just let them say it." Wearing a golden evening dress Meryl looked graceful and elegant, and the first sentence of the award-winning speech successfully evoked a burst of laughter.

Lan Li still remained standing, like all the actors around, looking up at Meryl on the stage, listening to her third Oscar testimonial; then, a sharp and sharp voice came from behind. The scorching sight turned his head reflexively, and Harvey Weinstein's chubby stature in the crowd easily came into view.

At this moment, Harvey had an unlit cigar in the corner of his mouth. Smoking is not allowed inside the Kodak Theater; moreover, all guests are forbidden to smoke for the live broadcast effect, but Harvey is dangling a cigar. Even if it wasn't lit, the heroic temperament was still fully displayed, more like... In order to provoke Lan Li, he deliberately picked up a cigar.

Of course, not everything revolves around Lan Li. A more reliable guess is that Harvey is celebrating Meryl's summit.

Defeated Michelle Williams and reversed Viola Davis. With the strength and ingenuity of college public relations, Meryl Streep reversed the unfavorable situation, especially after the defeat of the Screen Actors Guild , In just two weeks, the Weinstein brothers' powerful attack created the glory of tonight.

The best heroine who is at a disadvantage is in the bag; this also means that the best actor who is strong has the chance to win. Harvey's cigar is not a sign of a demonstration.

In response to Lan Li’s gaze, Harvey raised his chin high, contemptuously looking at Lan Li’s expression with contempt and contempt, and slowly and slowly raised his hands. Applause again, the whole movement is slow, like slow motion, the tight tension and dramatic reaction gradually spread; the corner of the mouth with the cigar dangling, gently lifted up, there is no extra movement, disdain and disdain The ridicule look hardly concealed.

It's like looking at an ant.

Powerful momentum, sturdy body, interlaced light and shadow, the domineering and mighty of a mane, can even faintly capture the dark light curtain during the lingering period, truly showing the majesty of being a godfather. No words, no eyes, no contact, you can feel the threat and fierceness.

In Hollywood, it would be unwise to offend the Weinstein brothers at any time. No actor is an exception. It was not until tonight that Lan Li really understood the meaning of this sentence.

The corner of Lan Li's mouth raised slightly, there was no extra movement, only a slight smile appeared in the bottom of his eyes.

At the Sundance Film Festival a year ago, at that time, it was still the blue gift of the 18-line actor, and he could straighten his waist in front of Harvey; at the Oscar a year later, he experienced "Don Quixote Lan Li after "and "One Man's Concert" will not care about Harvey's provocations and threats.

Perhaps Harvey can cover the sky with just one hand in Hollywood; however, Lan Li can also use his own ability to make a **** road. If Harvey thought he was an insignificant ant, then he would let Harvey know how the elephant died.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lan Li continued to applaud. Meryl, who was standing on the stage, smiled brightly and brightly.

There is no doubt about the strength of this admired old drama bone. Until now, Meryl’s performances in the two works "Sophie's Choice" and "Covered Bridge Last Dream" are also one of Lan Li's favorite performances. One; But, in the vanity fair of Hollywood, relying only on strength, just immersing in your own performance, just immersing in your own world, but it is destined to be difficult to not just Meryl- Streep, even Daniel Day-Lewis, who neglected college public relations, in the three Oscars experience, "My Left Foot" and "Blood is Coming" were also published by Weinstein Pictures. They cannot get rid of the shackles of industry rules. College public relations is not only a game of 6,000 college judges, but also a calculation of the entangled interests of the entire Hollywood.

From Chris Hemsworth, to Van Diesel, to Meryl Streep in front of me—or Harvey Weinstein standing behind, the true face of Hollywood, Presented in front of Lan Li little by little, it was real, bloody, cruel, cold, and complicated.

However, Lan Li was not at all flustered, let alone discouraged. Now he is no longer as ignorant and ignorant as he was when he created "The Beast"; all this is just like the creation process of "Don Quixote". The real world is so cold that even angels can't spread their wings. The difficulties they face are far beyond imagination, but if they lose hope and faith, this is the true sinking.

So, since Harvey Weinstein has written the challenge, let them wait and see. In the Vanity Fair of Hollywood, Blue Ly will take a path of his own, and he firmly believes that he can do it.

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