The Greatest Showman

Chapter 896: 4 level 8 stable

The award ceremony is in full swing; the annual event is in full swing.

After the curtain kicked off, the awards announced one after another the winners, the best live-action short film, the best documentary short film and the best documentary feature film, the best animated short film and the best animated feature film, special honor awards, best foreign language film... All the little golden people have found their masters one after another.

For the general audience, after the opening climax/trend, the joyous party entered a period of flattening. All the awards belonged to the third part with less attention; but for film practitioners, especially For those filmmakers who really focus on artistic creation, these awards are more valuable.

Although short films, documentaries and cartoons have received very little attention, and even no one cares about them; but it is these film workers who work silently and create silently that form the cornerstone of the film industry. Countless top film masters were born in short films and documentaries, such as Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, etc.

More and more people yearn for success, but fewer and fewer people are willing to start from the basics down-to-earth and conscientiously. Under the culture of the fast-food era, the cases of reaching the sky in one step and becoming famous overnight are really too tempting/inspiring and inciting. This is true for music, this is true for movies, and it is mostly true for artistic creation.

Therefore, Lan Li not only didn't feel bored, but also browsed the nominees and winners of each award with relish. For example, among the five nominations for the best documentary feature film, a familiar face appeared, "Returned from Hell". This work originally landed on Sundance with "Crazy Love", and has experienced a long year. Bumpy, now it’s the harvest season.

Fortunately, Lan Li is not alone. Ryan and Jessica, who are sitting on both sides, also showed great interest in these works. The three people exchanged opinions from time to time, mentioned ideas occasionally, unknowingly, tasted another flavor of the Oscar awards ceremony. This is also considered a windfall.

Among the above awards, it is worth mentioning the best animated feature film. In the absence of Pixar, Warner Bros. and "Pirates of the Caribbean" director Gore-Verbinski (Gore-Verbinski) created the animation "Rango". , Successfully defeated "Kung Fu Panda 2" and "Cat in Boots" to capture the prize.

There is no suspense in the competition for the best foreign language film. Since the Berlin Film Festival last year, the "one parting" that has swept through the army, with absolute advantage, deservedly won the first best foreign language film in history for Iran. . The other four nominated works hardly made an effective impact.

Immediately afterwards, the best original song award only had two nominations for "Muppet Movie" and "Rio Adventure", the former won; the best makeup award, "Iron Lady", "Unidentified Male and Female", "Ha Among the three works of "Lee Potter", "Iron Lady" won.

In comparison, the competition between the two awards was not too fierce, which weakened the visibility of the awards ceremony to some extent. However, the awards that appeared immediately awakened the emotions of the audience again, the best visual effect award.

The top five nominated works this year are "Transformers 3", "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2, "Steel Fist", "Hugo" and "Rise of the Apes". The competition is extremely fierce. .

The competition for this award is one of the absolute hot spots this year, just because of one technology: motion capture technology.

The director of "Forrest Gump", Robert-Zemeckis (Robert-Zemeckis) is very fascinated by the technology, and spent nearly ten years studying it; besides him, James Cameron also thinks that they are very enthusiastic. All believe that this technology will be the future of the film industry, and it will be enough to completely change the film shooting mode.

In order to study this technology with great concentration, after Robert finished filming "Lesson of a Deserted Island", he spent sleepless nights and blocked his career. He filmed "Polar Express", "Beowulf" and "A Christmas Carol" successively. All of the works were filmed using motion capture technology, but all three works suffered a disastrous defeat, and Robert's director career fell into a stalemate.

In fact, "Avatar" also uses the same technology to complete the shooting. However, because of the colorfulness of 3D technology, this work has taken away countless sights, and people have ignored the important role of motion capture technology.

In the past ten years, motion capture technology, like 3D technology, has always been the focus of technological innovation in the industry. The success of these two characters on the big screen, Gulu of "Lord of the Rings" and King Kong in "King Kong", has further promoted the vigorous research of George Lucas, Peter-Jackson and others.

Last year, motion capture technology truly achieved breakthrough success-Robert Zemeckis contributed a lot.

Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson jointly created "The Adventures of Tintin", and "The Rise of the Planet of the Apes" where the "Avatar" special effects team was stationed in the crew. These two works really awakened people's awareness of motion capture technology. Curiosity and enthusiasm has led to heated discussions in the industry:

Can motion capture technology really change the film industry? Like the innovation of Blu-ray, IMAX, 3D and other film technologies, this technology has also caused countless controversies and arguments.

After the Oscar nomination list was released, the Best Visual Effects Award attracted the attention of countless industry leaders: "The Adventures of Tintin" was unsuccessful, and "Rise of the Apes" was nominated.

So, going one step further, can "Rise of the Apes" win a prize? To be precise, the other four works are all traditional computer special effects, and they are also the mainstream technology in the current film special effects industry. "The Rise of the Apes" must smash a **** path to reach the end.

However, if it can be officially affirmed by the college, then the pace of technological innovation is bound to accelerate further, which will have an important impact on the entire film industry.

A series of top directors such as Robert Zemeckis, George Lucas, Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, etc. are all cheering up. Before the awards ceremony, "The Hollywood Reporter" Both industry magazines, "" and "Variety", have written special reports and conducted industry analysis. This also gives special meaning to the best visual effects award.

Awards announced——

Not "Rise of the Apes", but "Hugo".

This is an upset, but not an upset.

On the one hand, the promotion and implementation of any new technology is difficult, and the prospect of special effects capture technology is still a long way to go; but on the other hand, "Hugo" defeated "Rise of the Apes" and defeated others. Three masterpieces of visual special effects, showing the power of a popular work with great momentum!

So what does this mean? Is this an important signal that means "Hugo" will reach the top of the best picture signal? Means that Martin Scorsese will once again create a miracle signal? Means that the Weinstein brothers' abacus has failed?

But if you think about it seriously, the core major awards department, "Hugo", has completely fallen out of favor. If you want to get involved in the best film, then the technical department should not be missed. So far, the three statuettes are in hand, which only proves the momentum of the first group leader of "Hugo". As for the trend of the best film, we need to watch the awards later.

After the award of the best visual effects award, regrets and shocks were left. The first half of the awards ceremony also came to an end, and the aftermath was full of suspense.

After returning from the second half, the awards ceremony was finally back on track. The first awards were the Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress Awards. This also meant that the awards ceremony entered the second half and started to speed up.

Last year, Melissa Leo, who won the best supporting actress for her "Gladiator", stepped onto the stage and announced the Best Supporting Actor Award. The five nominees are Christopher Plummer of "Beginner", Kenneth Branagh of "My Week with Monroe", Jonah Hill of "Penalty Kick", and "Warriors" Nick Knott, the "extraordinarily loud, very close" Max von Cido.

This is the least suspenseful of all the awards tonight. Throughout the awards season, Christopher Plummer swept all the awards at the awards ceremonies, big and small. The others were completely out of reach, almost none. Leave room for upset; and the strength and public relations of the other four competitors are indeed far from each other.

In the end, Christopher Plummer was crowned easily with an absolutely strong posture! At the age of eighty-three, he became the oldest winner of the Oscar history.

This actor, with the help of "The Sound of Music", made his name, and spent half a century in Hollywood and Broadway. He finally reaped his first statuette and made history. The audience collectively stood up and applauded, sending high respect, which became the most moving scene after the award ceremony tonight.

The subsequent Best Supporting Actress award also lacked suspense.

Octavia Spencer, who was nominated for "help", also has a clear advantage.

Among the other nominees, Melissa McCarthy, the "bridesmaids", and Jeanne McTeer, the "male and female" are all models of "nominate is victory"; and Jessica Chastain is the most threatening in terms of strength. But because Octavia is also from the "Help" work, the ability to drive votes is almost not dominant.

The only challenger is the "artist" Begenis-Beggio. Begenis, who could have been able to compete for the heroine, was "downgraded" to the supporting actress department, with obvious strength and momentum; at the same time, with the **** of the Weinstein brothers, the college public relations performance was strong. If there is a dark horse, Bergenice is the only candidate.

However, there is no upset.

Christian Bale opened the envelope and said the name "Octavia Spencer", ending all speculation and suspense. The core actress who starred in countless American dramas and movies finally broke through the darkness. Break out a piece of sky, have a place in Hollywood's Vanity Fair.

Whether it’s the best foreign language film, the best animated feature film, or the best visual effects, or the best supporting actor and best supporting actress, all important awards lack upsets and surprises, as well as suspense and surprises. The trend of awards at the awards ceremony was steady and calm.

If this trend continues, the Weinstein brothers will once again dominate the Oscars.

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