The Greatest Showman

Chapter 890: awesomeness

After asking it out, Robin asked it out after all. All the reporters in the audience could not help but hold their breath, and leaned towards the camera, hoping to get closer and closer—for news reports, even more gossip. Zhixin: How will Renly respond?

Under overwhelming accusations, "Entertainment Weekly" is now notorious and cannot protect itself. As a result, they first published a formal apology, made corrections to the original special report, and expressed their apologies to Lan Li; then, they formally expelled Cornell McGregor and announced that they would never hire.

The hero at the beginning, the abandoned son now.

Cornell's ending was not surprising, and no one sympathized. Now, "Entertainment Weekly" is unable to protect itself, and must abandon the car to protect the handsome, so Cornell has become a scapegoat-not to mention, he was not innocent.

Then...there was no more. The truth became clear and only two weeks had passed. "Entertainment Weekly" has always remained silent and low-key, waiting as much as possible for the event to settle. For the embarrassed "Entertainment Weekly", this is their best response, keep a low profile, and behave with their tails clipped; but for other media, the matter is far from over.

After Robin’s question came out, the reporters standing on both sides instantly cast their sights. The noise seemed to disappear. There was a strange silence in the audience. Even the other artists and other reporters standing nearby were interviewed. They lowered their voices and lengthened their ears, which more and more brought out the shouts and roars on the North High Street.

Lan Li clearly noticed the difference in noise levels, looked around for a week, and laughed blankly, "Are you sure it is appropriate to discuss such a topic at this time? Not another trap?" The humorous mockery again mentioned "hype." "Suddenly, the reporters' eyes began to flicker involuntarily.

Who is the hype?

This is an interesting topic, especially on the Oscar red carpet: the calm and unhurried blue gift, or the urgent and curious media? This contrast clearly shows the absurdity and ugliness behind the Vanity Fair spotlight.

Lan Li’s understatement made the reporters feel embarrassed. Even Robin became embarrassed. They satirized Lan Li’s hype, but after the incident, they took Lan Li again. Come to hype, this is a Mobius ring!

It's not just "Entertainment Weekly", but the greedy and cunning media in front of them are just a bunch of raccoons.

However, Lan Li had no aggressive plans because he knew the nature of the media. Strictly speaking, he can be regarded as half a colleague. Therefore, Lan Li was neither angry nor excited, but chuckled lightly. The spring breeze and happy smile eased Robin's tension a little.

Then Robin realized his gaffe. Unknowingly, the pace of the entire interview fell into Lan Li's hands, and the main force and attention had completely entered Lan Li's pace. In fact, it's not just Robin. Think about it carefully. When Brad and Angelina were there just now, the pace and initiative of the conversation were always under the control of Lan Li.

This... this is really amazing. Lan Li, are you sure you are only 22 years old?

In a short sentence, Robin set off a storm in her mind, and between the sparks and flints, she began to think about her own response plan; but obviously, Lan Li is not a general, just ridicule, and then continued, "Honestly , I don’t see any difference."

The media is still entertainment to death and profit first. The difference is that before they targeted Lanli, now they targeted Entertainment Weekly. Essentially, the same applies.

An understatement of irony, not too sharp, more just a mild banter, and then I saw a small smile on the corner of Lan Li’s mouth, "I still don’t think that there is anything that needs to be responded to. It should be said before. I've said it, as for what I shouldn't say..." The following words stopped abruptly and were meaningful.

After a slight pause, the conversation turned, "For me, it hasn't changed much. Just before the red carpet, I met a group of the cutest people in the world. I think this is the biggest gain."

Before the sound fell, the reporters nearby began to make a commotion. The screams and shouts of the spectators could still be heard faintly. Can't help but laugh.

Lan Li turned his head, looked in the direction of the sound source, laughed dumbly, and nodded politely. This small gesture made the screaming more and more boiling, and even broke the sound because of loss of control, causing the scene to arouse. There was a burst of laughter.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lan Li looked at Robin again and said with a smile, "Other than that, I have no opinion."

In the face of the blockbuster events that caused a sensation in Hollywood and even in North America, Lan Li dismissed it with such an understatement? So easy, so easy, so light? This……

Robin can smell the coldness of Lan Li's body, and he can also detect the alienation in Lan Li's eyes. The correct way is: stop here in time; not to mention, the interview time has been nearly ten minutes, and the camera has been continuous. Having missed at least five groups of guests, Robin can no longer delay.

However, ABC TV was reluctant to let it go easily. The sound of the director's constant pressure came from the headphones. Robin gritted his teeth and asked decisively, "What about the apology from Entertainment Weekly? They clarified the misunderstanding. And expelled the culprit. What do you want to respond to?"

"No, no." Lan Li's answer did not stop, and he hit back by hitting the wall. The speed was so fast and the force was so strong that Robin and the reporters next to him couldn't help but be stunned, so gentle and gentle. The smile still hung on his lips, but the sharp and tough expression in his eyes rushed toward his face fiercely.

"For that apology statement, I don't want to make any response." Lan Li said with a smile, but the words were so decisive and there was no room for maneuver. "In fact, in the future, I refuse to accept any form of that media. The visit, let us put all the questions and stop here."

The simple words revealed an unquestionable determination.

This is the first time that Lanly has made a formal response to the "hype door" incident in any form of occasion. It is simply and decisively, cutting off all development possibilities. The polite and elegant words revealed a terrifying murderous intent, quickly and ruthlessly, directly nailing "Entertainment Weekly" to the pillar of shame.

This is the best statement and the best position. There is no so-called forgiveness, no so-called reconciliation, and no so-called easing, and there is no so-called enemy who should be resolved or not. The matter is tied to a knot in Lan Li's hands, eliminating all possibilities and cutting off all futures.

Hidden under the appearance of an elegant gentleman, the alienation and coldness in his bones seep out bit by bit, making people shudder. Such a blue gift seemed so unfamiliar, yet it seemed so familiar.

Whether it’s the Natalie Portman incident, the Seattle incident, or the Chris Hemsworth incident, Renly’s determination and wisdom in dealing with the media have always left journalists behind. Downwind.

But in the past, reporters were just immersed in their own anger and aggrieved, obsessively, hoping to teach this rookie a good lesson; they never seem to realize that this is an object that cannot be easily provoked—— After all, in the entire Hollywood, there are so few actors that reporters dare not provoke.

Until today.

A young actor who is only 22 years old, a young actor who debuted for only three years, but an actor who has appeared in seven works, and an actor who has not yet established a foothold in Hollywood, has now blocked "Entertainment Weekly", an industry entertainment magazine The second top media.

Yes, he declared the ban like this, and there was no impassioned, no anger, no emotional out of control, as if it was just an announcement of a trivial matter.

After dropping a bomb lightly, the smile on Lan Li's mouth rose greatly, and his tone became relaxed again, "I don't want similar or other misunderstandings to occur in the future. Let us leave some respect for each other." . Robin, what do you think?"

Robin looked at Lan Li's decent smile, with a cold sweat oozing from his back, and quickly squeezed out a big smile, "Of course, of course."

After repeating a few sentences in a row, Robin quickly said, “Then, today’s red carpet interview ends here. I won’t waste time. The photo reporters have begun to aim at me with their sights.” A simple joke was said. , But the tight tone did not have any humor at all, "Finally, I wish you good luck!"

Facing Robin's rush and panic Lan Li didn't seem to notice it at all, nodded politely, and the gentleman stepped back, then turned and left. Standard and proper etiquette, smooth and flowing, every move is pleasing to the eye, that calm posture, but leaves a circle of ripples on the red carpet.

When the cold wind blew, Robin couldn't help but shudder, one after another, seemingly unable to stop. Then I realized my embarrassment, quickly retracted my attention, squeezed out a smile, and said to the camera lens, "Audience friends, it was Lanly Hall just now, let us wish him good luck tonight. Next... …"

At the same time, the audience in front of the TV began to roar frantically, and Mark Lacante shouted loudly, "This is what I said, this is what I said! Good job, Lan Li!"

After a month of suffocation, a month of depression, and a month of dullness, their inner anger and sadness can finally be released. Lan Li’s aggressive response is like a resounding slap in the face. The face of "Entertainment Weekly", and on the face of every news media that entertained to the death, the dignity and face of the "Uncrowned King" disappeared!

"Good job!"

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