The Greatest Showman

Chapter 884: Star bright

Tonight’s awards ceremony was really lively. More and more spectators arrived at the scene one after another. At 3:30, the main committee formally closed the streets, with Hollywood Boulevard as the center, and two streets in east, west, south and north, and vehicles were completely banned. Passing, and close to the direction of Gaodi North Street, crowds are also forbidden to enter.

Even so, more than four thousand five hundred people have gathered around the entire scene; just the street of Gaodi North Street alone has nearly two thousand spectators crowded, and it is almost too crowded to breathe. . This is only visible to the naked eye within sight. In each building, in the underground parking lot, in the street bar, there are more enthusiastic spectators nearby.

Is this the night to make history? Maybe it is, maybe not; is this the night of the peak of the decisive battle? Definitely not; is this a night of stars and shining stars? Definitely is. As a result, the atmosphere detonated and the heat wave ignited.

West Coast time, four o'clock in the afternoon; East Coast time, seven o'clock in the evening. The red carpet of the 84th Academy Awards officially kicked off!

Undoubtedly, tonight is indeed a constant show of big names!

The first Tina Fey (Tina-Fey), became the opening guest of tonight's feast, the first to walk on the red carpet.

This talented comedy girl has blossomed and risen in all aspects such as screenwriters, actors, producers and hosts this year. She has won her place with "Saturday Night Live" and "I'm a Comedy Maniac" successively, and is well known and well-received. welcome. After the debut, it succeeded in arousing screams and cheers; not only the audience, but even the reporters couldn't wait to press the shutter and exclaimed.

Without any preheating, the atmosphere on the scene began to boil.

After that, familiar faces such as Sean Bin, Penelope Cruz, James-Cormawell, Rose Byrne and others appeared on the stage. The shouts on the scene were always endless, just red. At the beginning of the first half of the carpet, the Kodak Theater already felt the eagerness of the hot frenzy.

When George Clooney made his debut, Oscar ushered in the first climax of tonight! The shouts of the mountains whirring and the tsunami vented down the mountains and brought the atmosphere of the scene to the peak.

Everyone knows that the choice of evening dresses for the guests is the iron-and-blood battlefield where the bayonet sees red and you die. It is rumored that an actress will attend the Oscars and the $100,000 dressing fee is only the minimum standard configuration. For those second-tier For third-line actresses, even if they get an invitation, this investment is a heavy burden.

But in fact, at the Oscars awards ceremony, the red carpet debut time is also very particular, it can be called a war without gunpowder.

Generally speaking, the second half is better than the first half, and the middle period is better than the first and last periods. The so-called finale and big reel are not the last moments, but the fifteen or twenty minutes before the end of the red carpet. And so on and so on.

As the most important film era in the United States and the world, every guest who attended the Oscars has a background, and the top big names are countless. On the 90-minute red carpet, an average of five to ten minutes may be witnessed. The appearance of superstars is dazzling and overwhelming.

Therefore, the order of appearance of artists and artists, this is all particular about it. Before the award ceremony, the artist’s publicist and agent will continue to exchange information. In addition to discussing with the main committee, they will also complete the communication in private to confirm the appearance time of their artist.

Specifically, it can be accurate to the ten-minute range.

For example, if you choose to appear after George Clooney, it is estimated that the stars will be dim and no one will pay attention. If you are unlucky, let alone TV interviews. Even on-site interviews and photo shooting will be further compressed. There is no more than half of it.

For another example, during the debut of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, it is impossible for Jennifer Aniston to appear within 30 minutes before and after the debut, not only avoiding the topic of interview questions, but also Will try to avoid any form of the same box.

For example, a singer, or a TV actor, or a model who is invited to attend the stage first in the relatively idle time of the first half can attract more attention.

Tonight, Chinese actor Li/Bing/Bing was released by Fox Searchlight because of her starring role in "Snowflake Secret Fan". Then she went online with Harvey Weinstein and was able to attend the Oscars, so she chose James Cromwell. In the time after the couple appeared on the stage, they murdered many films by taking advantage of the gap in the opening stage that hadn't fully become lively.

A peaceful and happy surface, in fact, it is also undercurrents and controversy. It is not only the evening dress of the female artist, not only the luxury car on the stage, but also not only the time of the debut, even the location of the photographing area and the question of the reporter's interview. , Every detail, every link, this is the focus of open and secret struggles.

This is Oscar. Not the Golden Globes, not the Emmys, not the Grammys; not Toronto, not Berlin, nor Cannes...but the Oscars, the unique and highly anticipated Oscars.

Although Lan Li has never attended an Oscar, today is the first time; but to him, he is no stranger to it. This is the case in the upper class in London. It is like Arthur specially made an appointment with Lan Li to inform the Halls of the playing time, and then ask Lan Li to take the initiative to avoid it. This is actually the same.

The difference is that the public relations and management of the upper class are cleverly hidden under the bright skin; while the calculations and battles of Hollywood are fully exposed under the spotlight and the spotlight.

However, all of this has also made Oscar a vanity fair for countless people. Really eye-catching!

Hope banged on the railing anxiously, looking around from time to time, like a little flea, unable to settle down even for three seconds.

Standing on the side, William and Graham exchanged a glance with helpless eyes, "Hope, you should be calm. The Blue Ly will be there, and Andy said in an interview? Didn't Andy say it this year? It’s just a matter of time before the awards ceremony will be present."

"Yes, it's a matter of time!" After Hope yelled out, he realized that he was out of control, and quickly suppressed his voice, and said in a low voice, "Why haven't the blue gifts appeared yet? The red carpet is half past! But now There was still no movement at all, I just saw a large swarm of bees bee in their blossoms!"

The vivid way of expression made the surrounding group laugh chucklingly. Hope also shrugged and said innocently, "I'm just explaining the facts. I didn't mean to target anyone." Then he sighed up to the sky. , "Jesus Christ, when will Renly appear? Do you think he will simply be absent?"

Above the crystal clear sky, the setting sun is still burning vigorously, and there is still a long time before night falls, but the process of the red carpet is progressing in an orderly manner.

Rooney Mara is on the stage, Jessica Chastain is on the stage, Melissa McCarthy is on the stage, Wim-Wenders is on the stage, Steven Spielberg is on the stage, Emma Stone (Emma-Stone) is on the stage, Robert Downey Jr. is on the stage, Gwyneth Paltrow is on the stage, Michelle Williams is on the stage...

This list can still be counted down endlessly. The climax/tide is in full swing and mesmerized. The entire Kodak Theater has been plunged into madness. The crowds on both sides, the reporters interviewing on both sides, The team shooting on the red carpet, and the artist themselves who walked on the red carpet, each face is filled with joy and joy, against the orange sunset, blooming with happiness, which makes people involuntarily think Wander around and enjoy it.

However, Lan Li still did not appear.

In accordance with the practice of other award ceremonies in the past, Lan Li tends to appear more in the first half, avoiding the noise and attention of the second half as much as possible, walking down the red carpet in a low-key and generous manner to complete his debut. But today, the first half is over, and the second half has passed for a while. Hope still didn't see Lan Li, and he couldn't help but become anxious.

"If Lan Li can see it, that would be great; but even if he can't see it, we will show it to reporters and everyone to see. I believe Lan Li will feel our sincerity and sincerity." William He clenched his fists and cheered up, he was trying to convince Hope and he was also trying to convince himself.

At this moment, at the end of Highland North Street, there was a sudden burst of crazy screams and shouts. The noise and noise that was frequently out of control interrupted the conversation between Hope and William. They also reflexively voted. Going to the line of sight: Did Lan Li appear?

Under the focus and attention of countless sights, the black stretch sedan slowly passed by, Hope slumped his shoulders in disappointment. Amidst the harsh screams and crazy screams, Hope was not disappointed in face, and he stood up. Tessa, who was on the side, chuckled, "Brad Pitt must be sad when he sees it."

Now arriving at the scene, it is Brad Pitt and Angelina This couple has become the most powerful partner in Hollywood, and every move can stir up stormy waves. For tonight’s Oscar, Brad will once again hit the two Golden Men for Best Actor and Best Picture-"Pension Kick" and "Tree of Life". He has served as the producer of the two works. .

There is no doubt that Brad and Angelina both appeared on the stage, creating the craziest and hottest cheer tonight.

But Hope was absent-minded, did not buy it, and let out a long sigh, "It is estimated that Lanly will have to wait." Brad has just appeared on the stage, and the limelight is in full swing. No matter who comes on the stage next, it is bound to be sad. Matt. It is conceivable that the order of Lan Li's appearance is bound to go backwards and then back.

Waiting is always suffering.

Hope pursed his mouth in annoyance, with "unhappy" on his face, looking boredly at the next stretch car that arrived at the scene, and wondering in his heart: Who is the hapless guy who actually followed the first couple in Hollywood? Debut behind him.

Then Hope saw Lan Li. .


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