The Greatest Showman

Chapter 873: Verbal punishment

What Lan Li said is true; what "Entertainment Weekly" said is false.

There is no so-called concert event, no so-called Seattle event, no so-called Natalie Portman event, no so-called "speed and excitement/emotion" event, nor so-called "hype door" event. All of it is just fabricated by "Entertainment Weekly" for selfishness, for entertainment to death, and for the supremacy of interests.

Not only that, but hidden behind these events is a more real and vivid "Lan Li-Hall".

Silently persist in volunteer work, silently devote himself to music creation, silently strive to perform breakthroughs, and always be down-to-earth on the path of the artist, and move forward with determination; "one-person concert" is not for hype or publicity, but It is for a promise, a promise that is heartbreaking and regrettable.

However, it was such an artist who stood on the cusp of the storm, carrying infamy, and became the target of Qianfu. In the contemporary society of entertaining to death, it is so ironic, so absurd, so ridiculous, yet so realistic.

Standing at the point of time at this moment, looking back on the bits and pieces of the past week, all the words disappeared in an instant, dumbfounded, ashamed, and at a loss.

Silence, after the truth came out, everyone fell into silence. It was because of shock, shame, and embarrassment. All the words were stuck in the throat, they couldn't happen, and they didn't have a place to show themselves.

For the media, this is a shame, even more humiliating insult than the witch trial; for netizens, it is an impact, and the uppermost face gradually begins to fall apart, revealing the fragility and smallness hidden behind it.

This is not a slap in the face, but just an understatement of a back and a silhouette, but it is more fierce and sharper than a slap and a fist. It slammed everyone's throat vigorously and neatly, and the burning of the stomach is a moral torture. In, burning. What is even more ridiculous is: Do they have a moral bottom line?

Can they be ignorant of their conscience and pretend that nothing has happened? Can they selectively ignore and continue to condemn Renly Hall? They can be temporarily deaf, and suddenly they don't care about the "hype door", as if they have never been involved in it?

The incident took a 180-degree turn. The light and shadow of truth and hypocrisy intertwined, reflecting the ins and outs of the "hype door" incident. The real malicious speculators have both fame and fortune, while the real victims are precarious. This is not a magical reality. It's the real society.

Welcome to the 21st century!

The long silence, long depression, shame and embarrassment quietly spread. After recovering, the media and netizens finally wake up. They have to respond, they have to fight back, so the overwhelming speech is like a flood, surging.

Curse, accuse, criticize, ridicule, and scold.

All the spearheads, all the arrows, all the attacks, all pointed at "Entertainment Weekly", drowning them with lightning speed, leaving no room for a counterattack.

The pioneer who bears the brunt is the "Rolling Stone."

This comprehensive magazine, which held high the banner of "opposing Lanli", immediately issued a righteous statement, strongly condemning the ugly behavior of "Entertainment Weekly" to fabricate news and create chaos, and regarded it as an insult to the entire news industry. , But also caused an indelible negative impact on the entire society.

At the end of the statement, "Rolling Stone" apologized in short words, published the wrong news without verification, and sincerely apologized to readers. However, the entire chapter of apology was only three sentences. It was an understatement and a one-off write-off, completely ignoring his own responsibilities and faults. Instead, he stuck this scapegoat on the head of "Entertainment Weekly".

However, now all the spearheads are directed at the culprit. The wit and courage of "Rolling Stone" successfully dealt with the crisis and shifted the focus. Then, "Entertainment Weekly" has fallen into a situation where all the betrayed and resigned; more importantly, Even if the "Entertainment Weekly" wants to drag the "Rolling Stone" into the water, they are now overwhelmed and overwhelmed.

How brilliant and successful the initial harvest, how bleak and terrible the current situation is.

"Slander? Slander? Fabrication? Hidden behind the entertainment to death, the decline and degeneration of the news industry is truly thought-provoking!"

"Is this a news hype going astray, or a personal entanglement? Cornell McGregor, what is the motive for the repeated chaos?"

"From the conclusive evidence to the invalidity of the evidence, what happened in the social court in just one week? And what happened to the prosecutor who listed the evidence?"

"Social disasters caused by selfishness-social problems reflected by the'hype door'."

"The loss and depravity of'Entertainment Weekly', how did they go to fall?"

"After the truth is revealed, then, does Entertainment Weekly owe Lan Li-Hall an apology?"

"The disclosure and slander of public figures are only separated by a thin line. How should we define it?"

"The wild dance on the wire rope,'Entertainment Weekly' is ruined!"

"The man who deceived the world is not Renly Hall, but Cornell McGregor!"

"That liar man, what other lies did he tell?"


The verbal criticism, the overwhelming verbal criticism, all the media—all the media in the true sense, directed their guns at "Entertainment Weekly" and Cornell McGregor. The powerful momentum far exceeded that of a few days ago. Lanly-Hall’s criticism and questioning, it seems that all the media can’t wait to join in. In order to show their innocence, they have expressed strong condemnation.

This is the mountain whistling the tsunami! This is where the sky is falling apart! This is nowhere to escape!

The special reports of the "New York Times" and the "New Yorker" really showed their power at this time:

They pointed the finger at the entertainment to death phenomenon of the entire news industry. Now, in order to highlight their professional ethics and to shed light on previous negative reports, the media have to respond immediately to avoid burning themselves, so "Entertainment Weekly" and Cornell became the best anger. Transfer object.

From entertainment media to social media, and further to political/government media, related reports and discussions were launched.

The ups and downs, ups and downs of the "hype door" have truly put the entertainment-to-death and profit-oriented media culture on the table.

Although the "Uncrowned King" has gradually stepped down from the altar in the past ten years, the status, momentum and influence have been different from the past, and relevant experts and related fields continue to discuss the social roots of this phenomenon; however, there has never been It can really attract attention, but it has not really attracted attention.

This time, thanks to the popularity of the "hype gate" and the momentum of the awards season, social scholars, media experts, and public figures have all stood up, expressed their positions, expressed their opinions, and reiterated their opinions, hoping to attract more attention.

As a result, "Entertainment Weekly" and Cornell became typical cases of negative teaching materials, which triggered endless discussions vigorously and mightily, and they were firmly nailed to the pillar of shame. It is foreseeable that this news event is likely to be accompanied by "Entertainment Weekly" for a long time, and it is impossible to get rid of it for life.

Such a trend, such a development, has indeed been out of control, and has gradually moved into an unknown situation, no one can predict; only time, and only history, can see the impact of this event.

Among them, the "New York Times" once again stole countless limelights, and Bradley Adams wrote an editorial with the headline, "Cornell McGregor: Another Stephen Glass!"

In 1998, there was a news fraud case in the United States that caused a sensation throughout North America and the world.

Before the age of twenty-five, Stephen Glass worked for the "New Republic" magazine and was very popular; at the same time, he wrote for other top media including the "New York Times" and was a well-known reporter throughout New York.

But when he was twenty-five years old, because of an outrageous news report, people discovered that Stephen was suspected of fraud and fabricated the whole news completely out of thin air. Overnight, Stephen fell to the bottom.

After investigation, a total of more than forty news reports were found. Stephen only fabricated, forged, recreated, and reprocessed into reports based on a small amount of facts, and even a large number of names of people, places, and facts in the articles were all. It doesn't exist at all. This is not just fake news, it is entirely fabricated news.

After the falsification case was revealed, it quickly became the most sensational case of the year. Stephen completely left the news industry; at the same time, it also became the beginning of the era of entertainment to death-because Stephen’s press releases, entertainment gimmicks and hot topics were the focus of The biggest bargaining chip for success. Later, this incident was filmed by Hollywood in 2003 and turned into a movie, "I want to cover it."

Now, Bradley puts Cornell McGregor and Stephen Glass together to discuss After fourteen years, entertainment to death has become a social culture. It deeply affects all aspects.

Under the transformation of articles, reporters are no longer satisfied with revelations, secrets and inside stories. They even begin to fake facts, speculate facts, and deduce facts. Chaotic creation”, driven by sufficient interests, news is no longer news, but scripts-or the kind of vulgar and inferior quality.

This is the news event this time. "Entertainment Weekly"'s physical sales and web browsing data both set new highs and achieved unimaginable returns. It was driven by sufficient profits that Cornell was willing to take risks and concocted this incident. This is a fatal blow to the news industry, especially the entertainment industry.

"What's even more cruel is that in the academy public relations of the award season, the rumors and rumors that catch the wind can often become the key to turning reality. Therefore, the slander and slander in the Vanity Fair gradually entered the hall of elegance and became An effective means of seeking benefits. The loss of morality has disappeared in the brilliance of the spotlight."

At the end of the article, Bradley wrote so far but meaningfully, sparking countless discussions. 8)

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