The Greatest Showman

Chapter 867: Friends break

"Then, you are tacitly acquiescing malicious hype!"

At the moment, Cornell had no time to sort out his thoughts and think deeply. He could only grit his teeth and insist on a consistent line, forcing Lan Li to respond positively, forcing Lan Li to face the accusations, and forcing Lan Li to get involved. This time, Lan Li is definitely not so easy to get rid of!

Lan Li's pace of leaving stopped, not panicking, nor proud, but pursing the corners of his mouth, raising his eyebrows, "Walking around, we are back to the original point."

A ridicule woke up all reporters: Cornell had already asked once for the same question, when the second or third question, and Lan Li had already answered it. They are now like ghosts hitting a wall, and they come back again.

The reporters at the scene all knew clearly that Lanly’s words were actually satirizing all of them; but the joking sense of "bystander" made people laugh, and the corners of their lips rose involuntarily, especially when they saw Cornell The angry expression made him feel even more happy.

"Can someone at the scene tell me the definition of malicious hype?" This time, Lanly did not continue to defend, but said clearly, "If I remember correctly, the concert, Seattle, Potter All of Miss Man’s affairs were first reported by the media. As a party, at least as part of the participants in the incident, I only learned about it later. Then, in the whole process of malicious hype, my role is What, who can answer it?"

Asking such a rhetorical question, the answer is self-evident.

Following Lan Li’s words and thoughts, the reporters began to exchange their sights: Obviously, the media is the provocateur, but the question is, who provoked these incidents in the first place? To accuse Lan Li of malicious hype, there is either evidence that those incidents are false; or there is evidence that Lan Li is embarrassed with reporters. If not...

"What about the concert?" Cornell keenly sensed the crisis, firmly grasped the rescue rope, temporarily interrupted the thoughts of other colleagues, and shifted everyone's attention to "one person's concert." Above, "Isn't this hype? Isn't it for concert box office hype? Isn't it for album sales hype? Isn't it for Grammy hype?"

"No." Lan Li's answer was categorical and clear, without leaving any room. The tough answer, which was completely different from the previous one, made Cornell choked.

"First of all, this is a concert of one person, and it has not changed until now; secondly, the box office income from the concert will be used to establish a foundation specifically for terminally ill research and treatment of minor patients; again; Thank you to everyone who came to watch the concert. To be honest, I have prepared that there is only one audience in the audience, but it is my honor to have so many audiences."

At this time, the reporters realized that this was the first time that Lanly had talked about the concert in public. Without discussion, there is naturally no hype; without discussion, even propaganda does not exist at all. Is it true that "one person's concert" is really just for one person's concert?

Finally, a reporter couldn't bear it, and raised his voice to ask, "But, just four days in advance, how could Madison Square Garden be free?" This was also the biggest doubt in the whole incident.

Lan Li shrugged, "This is an accident." It is an absolute accident. I am afraid that Andre Hamilton did not expect that such a major event would be derived from the original choice. "For specific matters, journalists are welcome to ask Madison. People from the Square Garden and the 11th studio."

The subtext is: searching for evidence and digging into the truth, shouldn't this be the responsibility of the reporter? If the truth is not ascertained, and the agreement is expressed in a hurry, would this be regarded as aiding the abuse?

The interruption of the first reporter stimulated the professional instincts of the other reporters, and finally Cornell no longer asked the question alone. Another question came up again, "So about Heather Cross, what is this? what happened?"

"She is just an ordinary Don Quixote. I sincerely hope that all discussions and all news will stop here and not disturb the peaceful sleeping soul. I don't want to talk too much. Here, I emphasize, The so-called malicious hype has never existed, and I don’t want it to appear. All the topics, stop here. I am not going to continue responding. Thank you."

After speaking, Lan Li actually took a step forward and left quickly. Without too much explanation, too much clarification, or even too much response, it seemed that he didn't care about the overwhelming accusations at all, and put on a laissez-faire posture, which really caught the reporters off guard.

"Blue gift!"

Heart-piercing calls, one after another, so distraught, but still unable to stop Lan Li from leaving.

The entire interview lasted less than five minutes. The reporters were completely confused. One, two, three... gathered around Lan Li one after another, asking their own questions hoarsely, trying to continue the interview as much as possible. Going down, the crowd at the door of the apartment showed a whirlpool state under the action of gravity, and moved mightily following Lan Li's footsteps.

The crowd was surging, but the reporters did not dare to take action easily to avoid accidents. They carefully controlled their own footsteps. They surrounded Lan Li in an orderly and step-by-step manner. The entire team was chaotic but neatly thrown out a beautiful whirlpool. , Like the tail of a comet gliding across the sky.

On the whole street, the scene is magnificent.

If you stand under the clouds at high altitude and look down from above, you can see the grand scene of the scene: densely packed black match heads spread over half a block, and there is a palm-sized open space in the center, all the match heads are bustling. But it carefully surrounds the small bright spot, slowly rotating and dragging, like a beautiful interstellar cloud picture above the cosmic sky.

The entire planetary group moved slowly, thrilling; slowly and gradually, the palm-sized bright spot in the middle got rid of the meteor group little by little, completely got rid of, escaped, and disappeared in a black van, He drove away, leaving only a large black match head standing in place, at a loss and at a loss.

"Hypocrisy! A complete hypocrite!" The black van has disappeared from the corner of the street, Cornell's sanity has completely collapsed, and he spit heavily, cursing, "It is still such an ugly face until now! He deceived. They deceived the audience, deceived everyone, but didn't talk about their falsifications and falsifications, and actually tried to splash dirty water on us!

Cornell stood in place, cursing and venting his inner anger, "We are reporters! Reporters who are responsible for digging out the truth and reporting the facts! Could it be that we reported the news and it became our mistake? From beginning to end, everything. He planned it behind the scenes! Everything was his tool to shape his image! We have now revealed the truth, but he chose to refuse to respond? Ha, this is the funniest joke I have ever heard in my life!"

Not far away, Gavin looked at Cornell with unfamiliar eyes, yelling, turning black and white, and pointing at him, but his familiar face was so strange, as if he was a complete stranger.

An anger and consternation rushed into my heart in an instant, and the impulse broke free from the shackles of reason, a stride rushed forward, Gavin yelled at Cornell, "Are you serious?"

Cornell's mood was interrupted, and he glanced at Gavin irritably, "What?"

"I mean, all your words just now were serious?" Gavin asked.

"Nonsense!" Cornell only had time to say the first word, and then Gavin interrupted viciously, "I'm asking you, do you really think that Lanly is involved in the malicious hype? You really think that Lan Li is a hypocrite? Do you sincerely think that you have enough evidence to prove that all those news events were planned by Lan Li?"

A series of words rushed toward his face, Cornell opened his mouth and was about to fight back. Gavin increased his volume and continued.

"What we are discussing is the truth, the facts, the morals of the reporter, and the professional ethics of the uncrowned king! Don't tell me anything entertaining to death, and what topics are king. I stand here and ask you sincerely, you are serious Is it? Cornell McGregor!"

He asked loudly and slammed his head over his head, and Cornell was at a loss for words.

In a trance, time seems to have flown back to the university age again. They used to be close friends, with the great dream of a reporter, the unrealistic ideal of changing society with their pen, and the beautiful vision of their future life; they firmly believe that they can win the Pulitzer Prize, and believe that they can Become a great reporter.

However, time flies, they stand opposite each other, but they have parted ways.

Suddenly, Cornell felt a humiliation, humiliation from Lan Li, and humiliation from Gavin. In an instant, annoyed into anger!

"Gavin Hunt, do you know? Let me tell you that at the Toronto Film Festival, Lanly nodded and agreed to your first You have lost your mind and the world It’s not the same anymore. You are blinded, but you ignore the truth of the facts. Lanly rejected my interview and fabricated Natalie Portman’s scandal! It’s a demon, a gentleman. The devil of the skin!"

Cornell's words made Gavin dumbfounded. The same memory, after years of precipitation and washing, has actually evolved into two completely different versions, just like Cornell with distorted eyes.

The anger reached the extreme, Gavin was relieved, shook his head and smiled, "Cornell, do you know? I don't want to continue arguing with you. Is the memory of Toronto really like this? If I If the memory is correct, we concocted the scandal, and you took the initiative to choose the Natalie line and gave up the Lanly line. Are you sure, did you remember correctly?"

Then, Gavin shrugged, "But, what does this mean, doesn't it? After all... entertaining to death!" After speaking, Gavin turned around and left without any nostalgia.

Cornell looked at Gavin leaving behind, and in a daze, he seemed to have mistakenly identified him as Lan Li, "Gavin! We are friends! We are on the same front!"

"We used to be." The wind sent Gavin's answer.

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