The Greatest Showman

Chapter 863: Single

Use the media to combat the media.

Such things are not uncommon. Serious news headed by the "New York Times" and the "Los Angeles Times", professional magazines headed by the "New Yorker" and "Times", they have always been quite familiar with the entertainment media headed by News Corporation and "Entertainment Weekly". There are criticisms. On the one hand, it is because of the entertainment-to-death culture of the Internet age that has gradually begun to lose control; on the other hand, the authenticity and accuracy of news have plummeted after National Entertainment.

Strictly speaking, what the media is fighting is not the peer media, but the gradual decline, loss of control, and decline of the entire industry.

Lydia chose the method of drawing salaries from the bottom of the tank, and even skipped the facts of the "Entertainment Weekly" allegations, and also skipped the behind-the-scenes push of Harvey Weinstein, but aimed at the ugly phenomenon of the entire industry. Essentially, completely reverse the situation. The courage and courage are indeed impressive.

However, it is simple to say, but it is far from easy to operate.

Everyone sat in a circle, discussed in detail and meticulously, and began to assign tasks.

Now that we have decided to cut the grass and root out, we must cleanly and thoroughly solve the problem: those discussions about Lanli’s wealth background, those accusations about Lanli’s malicious hype, those jealous about Lanli’s rapid rise...all of all In order to avoid future troubles and restore their reputation and image, they still have a lot of work to be done.

When Lan Li came back, it had just passed ten o’clock. The main thing was to consider Annie’s work and rest time, and the two minors were tired, so they went back to the city and had dinner together before watching the fireworks display. , And then send them back to the hotel. Therefore, it is not too late to return.

After midnight, the meeting entered the final stage.

However, Lydia and Andy still did not leave. The two people still have a lot of work to complete. The former serves as a publicist, formulating the entire plan and contacting the media, which is her responsibility; the latter as a broker, this incident needs to use the power of the entire innovative artist brokerage company, and his work is also It's definitely not easy.

Lan Li returned to the room.

Taking a shower and taking a shower to wash away tiredness; but tonight did not rush to dry my hair and prepare to go to bed. Instead, I came to the balcony and looked at the deep night of Los Angeles. The dark purple sky lightly stirred up a halo. , Glowing rosy, vast and bright, revealing the different temperament and charm of the East Coast.

There was an unlit cigarette in the corner of his mouth, and the smell of tobacco wafted under his nose; tonight, there was an urge to ignite.

Deep in my heart, after all, there is no apparent calmness and calmness.

For "Entertainment Weekly" and other media's condemnation and accusation, Lan Li does not care; to be more precise, during the Berlin Film Festival, he foresaw the development trajectory of things, even if it is not "a concert", it is bound to There will still be other opportunities, other excuses, and other events, and this wave will come sooner or later.

The difference is only when and to what extent.

As a senior student who once majored in journalism and an upper-class graduate from Cambridge University, Lan Li firmly believes that if he joins the journalism industry and becomes a reporter, he is bound to break into a world. He knows the purpose of the reporters, he also knows the methods of the reporters, and he knows the methods of the reporters.

Lan Li has never been afraid of the media. In essence, there is no difference between last year's Seattle event and this year's concert event. The reporters are just eager for hot spots and gimmicks.

It is the people, the fans and movie fans, who are really upset.

Standing outside the besieged city, Lan Li once told himself that the eyes of others are the opinions of others after all. As a public figure living under the spotlight, he cannot win everyone’s love, and there is no need, even if it is. Tom Hanks is no exception. If he always pays attention to the views and opinions of others, or even changes himself for a little thought of others, in the end, he will lose himself.

But standing inside the besieged city, Lan Li realized that the truth is extremely simple, but the real execution is extremely difficult. In the final analysis, he is an ordinary flesh and blood, not a robot. Hearing those curses and provocations, hearing those insults and ridicules, he can't be indifferent. Perhaps, he is not as strong as he thought.

He thought he didn't care. But he couldn't do it.

This afternoon, while in Disneyland, someone spit on him face-to-face.

He didn't vomit on him, just fell to the side, but the man shouted fiercely and contemptuously, "Liar! You make me sick." Then, as if performing, he raised his hands high. Yelled again and again, "Disgusting!"

It was a child about fifteen or sixteen, with a youthful and childish face. Such a vicious, vulgar, and ugly behavior, when it happens to a child, and when it is still in Disneyland, the shock is often doubled.

Annie and Alex, who were standing next to Lan Li, were frightened. Alex waved his fist and rushed up, shouting, "What did you say! What did you just say! I don't allow you to say that!"

Annie held Lan Li's right hand tightly, at a loss, her body trembling slightly.

Lanly caught Alex in time and pulled him back. Alex stood there, his face aggrieved, "Why did he say this to you? Why?" As he said, tears slipped down, but he clenched his fist hard and twisted his cheek stubbornly. He bit his lower lip firmly, unwilling to show his fragility.

At that moment, Lan Li was so embarrassed. He can raise his fist and give that child a severe lesson; but he has no way to stop You You from speaking, let alone the damage to the two children by those eyes and eyes.

Did he really do something wrong? Shouldn't he hold a concert willfully? Shouldn't he cling to an agreement regardless of it? Shouldn't he pretend to stick to his dreams? If, if Heather is really because of him...

Lan Li closed his eyes tightly and severely pinched off all his cranky thoughts. He couldn't let such thoughts magnify. It was too heavy, almost breathless.

He once thought that the dream of "Don Quixote" was truly realized, not only because of the success of the concert and Grammys, but also because of George Slander, Herbert Jones, Heather Chloe, that Zhang Zhang's face really understood the essence of the album.

He once thought that he would no longer be alone in the pursuit of his dream. Those figures who raised their hands high and cheered, and those faces filled with tears and happiness, they became their own partners.

He once thought that his persistence, his ideals, and his soul had truly found a confidant. Those figures stuffed with Lincoln Center, those figures stuffed with Madison Square Garden, they really understand the "anti-cancer me", they really understand "Don Quixote."

Worked for so long, persisted for so long, and struggled for so long. At a certain moment today, he began to deny himself and deny all. It turned out that everything was just his wishful thinking:

Wishfully believe that dreams are real; wishfully believe that Don Quixote is real; wishfully believe, and run hard, and will eventually reach the end; wishfully believe, on this thorny road , He is not alone.

After all, he is still alone. All of it was instantly wiped out under the keyboards of those people. It seemed that everything could not be compared with the weight of a sentence; and it was still a sentence from "Entertainment Weekly." So easy, so ridiculous, so ridiculous.

"You should understand that pointless persistence is stupid, not only a waste of your time and energy, but also a hindrance to everyone around you. You are not stupid, you should at least know how to give up. You are not a genius, never have been. There are not so many geniuses in the world, nor so many miracles. You are just a daydreaming fool. The chance of success is equal to zero! Dream? This is the most useless word in the world, used by those who fail. It’s just an excuse to comfort myself."

George Hall's words were like a nightmare. Just when Lan Li thought that they had long since disappeared and were insignificant, they reappeared again, laughing at his embarrassment with aloofness and arrogance.

Mouth full of bitterness, unable to vomit, but unable to swallow

Powerlessness, a deep sense of powerlessness. After being reborn, Lan Li felt powerless for the first time.

Death faded and he was reborn. From the moment he opened his eyes, he seemed to be running wildly, rushing towards the dream with all his strength, single-mindedly, with no distractions, and doing his utmost, truly enjoying life wantonly, and truly interpreting life color.

But today, he was suddenly at a loss. It seemed that all running was blind and emptiness. When he opened his eyes, the sky was filled with gray and black The heavy powerlessness was like a waterweed wrapped around his ankles. Struggle, the tighter; the harder, the more painful.

Taking a deep breath suddenly, the dry tobacco scent mixed in the cold and coolness of the night and drawn into the chest, looked down at the cigarette at the fingertips, the cigarette holder was actually bitten, and a helpless wry smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth. Playing with cigarettes.

Ignite, not ignite? ignite? Still not lit?

The turbulent thoughts are still unable to make a decision. Immediately, Lan Li realized his indecision. This is not him, this is not like him, immersed in self-pity feelings, unable to extricate themselves, denying themselves, questioning themselves, and giving up on themselves.

After the transformation of the two lives, he thought that Chu Jiashu had been left in the memories of the previous life forever, but now he was guilty of old problems again. Now, he is not Chu Jiashu, but Lan Li, Lan Li-Hall.

Even if he is alone, even if he is alone, even if he is standing alone, even if he is walking alone, he will keep his head up and his head high and walk on until the end of life. .


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