The Greatest Showman

Chapter 860: Full fall

William Taylor only felt that his head had become a mess, and he couldn't start thinking at all:

Just a few days ago, they were still waiting in front of the TV to watch the Grammy's live broadcast. The Yahoo community was full of voices and excitement, with praises, exclamations, and moving sounds, especially when the annual album's award-winning speeches were heard. It was tears streaming down my face and heart surging. The popularity of the song "The Beast" is completely derived from the Yahoo community!

But why did things suddenly develop here? The situation changed suddenly and was caught off guard.

It's just a vain slander article. Why can it trigger so much discussion? Why can you win so much trust? Don't they understand Renly? Didn't they come with Lan Li all the way? Didn't they listen to the album "Don Quixote" seriously?

"Damn God! What's the matter with you? Are you mad?"

William's hands tapped on the keyboard quickly, and his complex mood rushed across his chest, dull and painful; besides his anger, he was disappointed and deeply disappointed.

"Is this the first day you met Ren Li? The focus of the'Pacific War', the madness of'Buried alive', the strength of'Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5', the delicacy of'Crazy Love', and the anti-cancer me 'The truth. Every role, every performance, every performance, the roles and performances presented by Lan Li, have you all forgotten?

What I am talking about is not the avatar created on the big screen, but the hard work, struggle, persistence and talent hidden behind the character. It's not the bad boy like Sean Penn who hit people again; it's not the back-and-forth prodigal like Robert Downey Jr. who sucked again. Now everyone is condemning Lanly Hall, condemning his malicious hype!

Malicious hype? This is simply the most absurd joke since the millennium.

Have you seen any lace news? Have you ever seen scandals that cooperate with movie promotion? Have you ever seen frequent exposure during the promotion period? Have you ever seen countless takeovers before the movie was released? Have you ever seen any news moves by Lanly outside of the official publicity activities?

No! No! still none!

From beginning to end, Lanly has never participated in any form of hype. He just threw himself into the performance in obscurity, just like Daniel Day Lewis. Is he an artist? Everyone has their own opinions; but is he an actor? There is no doubt!

Don’t you realize that you are losing your mind? Just those ridiculous speculations and speculations of "Entertainment Weekly"? Just those far-fetched without any evidence? Then, you selectively forgot the bits and pieces of the past two years and easily believed in "Entertainment Weekly"?

Jesus Christ, that’s "Entertainment Weekly"! Not the "New York Times"!

At least, you can wait until Lanli speaks; at least, you can wait until the parties involved in the incident speak; at least, you can wait until other authoritative media provide evidence! At least, you can show a little patience and trust, this is Lan Li, this is Master! Not a random star, this is the actor we are familiar with! "

The fierce and turbulent words were constantly tapped out, but the anger raging in the chest not only failed to vent and dissipate, but became more and more surging. William still couldn't believe his eyes: Why, all the supporters seemed to defect overnight? Why is this happening!

At the premiere of "Anti-Cancer Me" at the Lincoln Center, the scene of the crowd is still vivid; in the "One Man Concert", all the audience's teary, heart-moving aftertaste still circulates in their hearts. . But what is going on now? No patience at all, no trust at all.

In an instant, it seemed that the whole world was standing on the opposite side of Lan Li. William just felt that his eye sockets started to heat up involuntarily.

Hope Baez clenched her teeth tightly and raised her chin stubbornly and firmly. She firmly believed that innocence would come back sooner or later. Not because she doesn't believe in "Entertainment Weekly", but because she believes in Renly. Any accusations may be true, but hype news? If so, Hope has never seen such a clumsy and stupid hype!

It's like Keanu Reeves who is always low-key. He was criticized by the media before. In fact, his "low-key tramp" image is nothing more than a hype stunt. He has truly created his upright and alienated image, but attracted the support of a large number of fans.

This is simply ridiculous! If it were not for the entanglement of the media, Keanu would not have been in the newspapers at all; if it were not for the malicious hype in the news, Keanu's life in New York was completely calm. It is precisely those media who are clinging to "gimmicks", "hype" and "explosive points" and are not willing to let go, maliciously concocting negative news, and even accusing Keanu of hype?

Now, the same routine is used on Lan Li again.

Could it be that "Entertainment Weekly" has forgotten that, if it weren't for Cornell, "One Man's Concert" had no publicity at all. All the fans were tight-lipped, even Hope himself did not know the news for the first time, and later learned it through "Entertainment Weekly", Hope also blamed William for not revealing any news.

If this is hype, then this should also be the hype of "Entertainment Weekly" and Lan Li. However, "Entertainment Weekly" did not mention it at all in the report, and then poured buckets of dirty water on Lan Li. In the final analysis, there is no difference between the special report last week and the related report in Seattle last year.

The media hype, but let Lan Li back the trouble.

With this approach, Hope has already taken it off.

However, after all, forbearance and depression still failed to control his emotions, and tears continued to slide down. Hope was angry, she was angry at Cornell McGregor's upside-down, she was angry at those who followed the media to stand by; but what she was really angry was the failure of the fans and the fans.

She doesn't expect everyone to understand and support Lan Li, she doesn't even expect people to wait for Lan Li to issue an official response; but at least, she hopes that people can wait for other media to verify and report on the facts. However, she was disappointed. Everyone couldn't wait to get rid of their relationship, and they couldn't wait to take care of herself immediately, just hoping to express their anger.

However, it should be Lan Li who is really angry.

Tears, I endured and endured, but after all I couldn't hold it back. Looking at the curses and swear words of the Yahoo community, Hope seems to have seen the world built by Lan Li's hard work in the past three years, and it collapsed. The scene was so spectacular that my heart began to throb.

When the box office of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" was a big success, they were happy that Lan Li had made a breakthrough in business; when "Crazy Love" and "anti-cancer me" achieved incredible box office results, they celebrated Lan Li Further expansion of market appeal; "Don Quixote" was recognized, "Pioneer Village Night" was successfully held, they listened to the aspirations of Lan Li as an artist; they witnessed the "One Man Concert" This is how Lan Li transformed from an actor to an artist, and his dream transformed from imagination to life.

But everything is just an illusion. Everything is so vulnerable, like a sand castle. Wow, a wave, disappeared without a trace.

"Does anyone hear? Does anyone really hear the young master's voice?

From the album "Don Quixote", to the "One Man Concert", to the three Grammy award-winning testimonials, has anyone really listened to the young master's shouts and screams carefully, seriously, and quietly? It was a dreamer's lonely and lonely cry on a road full of thorns; it was an artist's roar, painful and happy in the journey of self-breakthrough.

If you really listen to such souls, you will know that the news, the focus, and the accusations are completely fictitious, but they are just another hype of "Entertainment Weekly". The hype is the media, but it is the young master.

You did not see that the young master rejected the Oscar to study acting skills; you did not see that the young master gave up commercial films for the performance of experimental works of art; you did not see, the young master chose the concert in order to listen quietly Don Quixote. The young master who has never made any hype before, and even tried to avoid news exposure, is now burdened with the accusation of "malicious hype", which is extremely absurd.

In the entire Hollywood, there are countless actors with malicious hype and intensive exposure, and no one cares; but some people care about the low-key actor who has almost disappeared from the news, and occasionally a hot news broke out? And is it because he is recognized in the professional field?

This is the real society. It's like the bizarre, absurd and unruly society described in '1984'.

The young master is like Don Quixote, struggling to move forward. All he longs for is just a fellow traveler on the road of dreams. He thought he had found it; but now it seems that those so-called'Don Quixotes' are nothing more than fame-fishing people in sheep's clothing. When people began to accuse Don Quixote, when people began to laugh at Don Quixote. In Germany, these guys all retreated, avoided from a distance, and started throwing stones at Don Quixote.

Absurd, absurd, absurd.

You should look at the faces in the mirror. How hideous, ridiculous, and funny, then you will know how terrible you are now. "

The anger burned gurglingly; tears flowed out again after being wiped. Hope doesn't want to cry, because it makes her look too weak, she needs to be strong, because the young master needs her support. But the tears couldn't stop at all.

Sitting quietly on the spot, Lan Li's lazy and moving voice came from the speaker, and the melody of "Confirmation" was flowing slowly, so ironic.

"Say something, say something, even if it's a sentence of'I love you'; unless you want to turn around and leave, leave this annoying noise. I don't know if I still believe, I don't know if I still believe , I don’t even know if I want to believe, every word you say to me."


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