The Greatest Showman

Chapter 847: Leaked secret

As a dark horse in the fifty-fourth Grammy nomination stage, after receiving six nominations, the album "Don Quixote" has been praised by the industry and the market, and even reached the top of the billboard album chart in one go. Champion-Although only a short week, but there is no doubt that Lanly has become the favorite tonight.

In terms of popularity, Lan Li is not comparable to Adele and Bruno Mars; but in terms of discussion enthusiasm and expectations, Lan Li is on par with the two popular singers.

Now, Lan Li said, the main purpose of tonight is to promote the album? Such humor is really eye-catching, no wonder Hollywood film reporters have always emphasized: this is a wise and humorous guy.

Faced with the laughter and joy of the reporters, Lan Li nodded seriously, "I'm not kidding. Grammys should be our most important platform for publicity."

Later, Lan Li added that, "The album'Don Quixote' was originally too small for the audience, and the audience was really small. Then a few days ago, I held a temporary concert at a loss. This is absolutely It’s an irrational behavior. I think my bank account is indeed in crisis now."

That solemn posture, on the contrary, showed the humor and comicality in his speech and behavior; at the same time, the posture of propaganda in a proper manner seemed to have no humorous effect at all. Even the reporters can't distinguish clearly, is this a joke or the truth?

But the problem is that “Don Quixote” such an independent work of art faces a severe dilemma, which is the impetuousness and anxiety of the market. Therefore, whether it is a joke or the truth, such a remark is indeed thought-provoking. For a while, the reporters didn't know whether to be serious or to burst into laughter, and the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became subtle.

Looking at the reporters looking at each other in front of her, Annie poked her head out and whispered to Alex, "They're so stupid. I can't hear Renly's jokes." Then the two little ones pursed their lips and laughed.

Only Lan Li could hear these whispers, and the arc of his mouth could not help but lifted up lightly.

In a daze, Jordin came back to his senses again and asked the next question, "So, you don't have any expectations about winning?"

"Should I expect it? As far as I know, I was an actor three months ago, and no one knew that I had released an album." Lan Li smiled with a strong irony effect, calmly His eyes were even more playful and confused.

"Hope to win", this is always the self-talk of the media.

Don't talk about Lanly's personal views. With regard to Grammy's nomination, Lanly has never even accepted any form of interview. However, the major media still firmly asserted: Renly is attacking Grammys. This is the true face of the media that has become a slave to the "entertainment first" in the current society.

"So, the temporary concert is not a hype?" Jordin caught Lan Li's words and asked further.

The noise and noise still echoed in my ears, but they drifted away and became the background; the moment the question was raised, all the reporters swiftly stretched out the recording pens in their hands, and moved their bodies subconsciously. The location where Lan Li was quietly approached, the tight muscles, the scorching sight, and the precipitation of noise, it seemed that even the air had solidified.

Lan Li's gaze narrowed slightly, and the pictures and scenes in front of him revealed a strong sense of joy--or rather, festive. Lan Li always involuntarily thinks of the comedy performance of "Saturday Night Live", full of surreal meaning of irony and ridicule; but, in many cases, this is the real reality that is happening.

"To be honest, now I really hope to win the prize tonight, to prove all the speculation about the hype." I explained it once through the "New York Times" before, and Lanly didn't want to continue to explain. More importantly, he does not want to continue to consume Heather, at least, she can enjoy peace. There are also Ellie and Derek.

Lan Li smiled and said, "In this way, this has become a precedent. In the future, singers who are eager to be recognized by Grammys will have a reference object and provide a simple and quick way."

Before the Grammy Awards ceremony, hold a concert, and then you can win the prize. It's really "easy and quick." Perhaps Britney-Spears, Backstreet-Boys, Katy Perry and other singers who have been frustrated in Grammys can learn from them.

"Of course. I have achieved something too, so this is a win-win situation." Lan Li shrugged, "Let's wait and see tonight."

There was a lot of cynicism, without any cover, and the expressions of the reporters on the scene were also red and white. The point is that Lan Li expressed it in a humorous way, and the reporters couldn't refute it—if it was refuted, it was taken seriously; if it was not refuted, it was broken into a tooth and swallowed it in the stomach. Really frustrated.

"So, why did you choose this time to hold a concert? Without warning." A voice rang harshly among the crowd. Drowning in the tall and short crowd, I couldn't see clearly the face of the questioning reporter, but the voice was so familiar that the corners of Lan Li's mouth rose slightly.

"It seems that the influence of The Times is declining, and not everyone knows how to read The Times." Lan Li teased in a low voice. The "New York Times" clarification has been officially released. Now there are reporters who knowingly ask: Actually Lan Li is ridiculing the reporters' inadequate preparations, and their business ability is really terrible.

"Of course it's because of Heather! Stupid!" Alex made a big grimace and spit out mercilessly, "Even I know, but you don't. Stupid, idiot!"

"That's it." Annie stood by and nodded in response.

The two little guys had no scruples at all, yelling indiscriminately, and the crisp and bright sound immediately made the reporters black, but they couldn't refute it. Otherwise, tomorrow's colleagues will fall into trouble: reporter so-and-so behaves cruelly on the cute child.

Lan Li patted Alex on the shoulder and said with a smile, "You can't laugh at others for being stupid, even if that is the truth. Because they don't know it yet, they will be sad."

"..." The reporters choked collectively.

Seeing that the two little ones nodded obediently in agreement, Lan Li raised his head again, looked in the direction of the source of the question, and smiled, "Mr. Cornell McGregor. Because I searched for the Mysterious East. According to Feng Shui, that day is the most suitable and most suitable for hype and propaganda. Now it seems that the effect is really good."

After speaking, Lan Li nodded politely, ignoring the stunned, bewildered, bitter-mouthed reporters, turned around and left with two little troubles, and walked towards the photo zone at the entrance of the venue. .

Jordin stomped annoyedly. She hasn't finished her question yet! It's the reporter just now, **** guy! "Master, why did you bring two little guys to the awards ceremony tonight? Do they have anything to do with you? Or does it make sense?"

However, it was too late to ask questions at this time. Amidst the loud roars, he was submerged in an instant and disappeared without a trace. They could only watch Lan Li and his party go further and further away.

At this time, the reporters came back to their senses. They were depressed and aggrieved, angry and irritable. They are teased and teased, it doesn't matter; the point is, their interview is not finished yet! What happened to that guy just now? As a result, angry gazes projected in the same direction one after another.

Lan Li's footsteps stopped in the photo zone. The two little guys, Alex and Annie, really grabbed the spotlight. Standing in front of the background board, they took the initiative to make a variety of actions, and the reporters couldn't stop the shutter. After coming down, even the members of the pre-war goddess group who were on the red carpet stopped and greeted the two little guys friendly.

These two cute creatures are much more attractive and attractive than Lan Li. The singers who were on the red carpet, who knew and did not know, stopped one after another, becoming the biggest attraction tonight-even Lan Li became the background board.

"Lan Li, who are they?" The people in the photo booth are all photojournalists, interviewing is not their specialty, but some people can't help but ask. "Are they your...children?"

It can be heard that the photographer is also looking for suitable vocabulary, but it is too clumsy. After the question came out, everyone laughed: Lan Li is only 22 years old this year. Even if he became a father at the age of 16, his child is only six years old. The problem is that both Alex and Annie are both little guys. It doesn't look like it is six years old. One is nine and one is eleven.

Lan Li himself laughed dumbfounded, "Friends. They are my friends, and they made a special trip to accompany me to this party today. I must thank them for their company."

This is telling the To be honest, if only Lan Li was walking on the red carpet tonight, he couldn't imagine what it would be like. Fortunately, the two little ones are by their side.

Unknowingly, more and more people gathered in the photography area, and it gradually evolved into a hard-hit area, hoarding a large number of red carpet guests. It seems that everyone does not plan to leave official photos, and it seems that even the photographers are not in a hurry to take photos Up. The culprit is the two little guys who are constantly selling cute.

Lan Li must leave. Amidst a sigh, Lan Li held one in one hand, waved goodbye to the photographers, left the photography area on the red carpet of the Grammys, and entered the interior of the Staples Stadium. Really started the journey to this place.

First, take a photo with the giant trophy model of the Grammys, then foraging near the buffet table, then strolling inside the Staples Stadium, then chatting and taking photos with the guests who met by chance, and finally entering the venue to patrol.

However, it didn't take long for the three people to sit down, and the guests who were present heard the wind. Before they went to sit down, they had to take a detour and greet the two little guys on their own initiative. Tonight's awards ceremony, the theme seems to be a little bit off, let the forehead. 8)

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