The Greatest Showman

Chapter 843: Step by step

Slowly, Nathan stepped on the brakes, stopped the car steadily, raised his eyes, and you can see through the rearview mirror, Lan Li is quietly leaning on the back of the chair, closing his eyes and resting, the light and shadow are intertwined. In between, that calm and serene face seemed to be enjoying a moment of real peace.

Inexplicably, Nathan's nose was sour, and the calling voice stuck in his throat.

However, Lan Li still noticed the stopped carriage, opened his eyes, turned his head and looked out the window. After confirming that he had arrived at his destination, he said, "You don't need to go to the parking lot. There is a temporary parking space next to it. You can wait there. Wait, I'll get down soon." After the brief explanation, Lan Li opened the car door, and his figure quickly disappeared into the halo of the hospital door.

Nathan patted his head in annoyance, and his shoulders drooped down; it was frustrating to try to comfort Lan Li, but couldn't say anything.

Walked into the hospital lobby, walked into the elevator, got out of the elevator, and walked to the nurses station. In the past few days, Lan Li has repeated a series of actions many times. It seems that the body has left a memory. There is no need to open up thinking, and the footsteps drag the body to complete all the actions.

"Is Heather still in the ward? Or is it already sent?" Lan Li asked the nurse on duty.

The nurse on duty looked at Lan Li with a blank face, not only because of Lan Li's appearance, but also because of Lan Li's dressing up.

In the past, every time Lan Li appeared in the hospital, he used simple casual clothes and even carried a skateboard. He looked like an ordinary teenager. But today, Lan Li's well-tailored suit and neat hairstyle make Lan Li looked very strange.

"...The ward." After the nurse on duty recovered, she still gave the answer.

Lan Li showed a faint smile, nodded and walked to the ward.

White dangling lights, white dangling walls, and empty corridors, the world has a bluish white, it seems that time and space have lost their meaning, just strolling in the endless black hole promenade, the slight sound of footsteps is dull and dull on the soles of the feet , There is no sound or ripples at all.

Pushing open the door of the ward gently, you can see Derek and Allie sitting side by side by the window at a glance.

The two of them sat in despair, bathed in the bright moonlight, and the outlines of their bodies outlined a shallow silver, like a quiet lake, sparkling, but they could not catch the trace of the ripples.

Out of sight, he perceives the movement in the ward, Derek raised his head, and then he saw Lan Li. With a sudden sudden, he stood up, a blast of air was set off, and the whole room became more and more cold.

The text message, which was sent by Derek to Lan Li, he felt that Lan Li had the right and necessary to know. However, Derek did not expect that Renly would appear in person and come so quickly. Seeing Lan Li in a suit and leather shoes, Derek was a little at a loss instead, standing in a daze, with no sound or movement.

"Why are you here?" Allie's voice broke the silence, but the hoarse voice was like a mouthful of iron sand, a simple sentence, but it was fragmented. It sounds so strange, so alienated, so tight.

"Allie!" Derek patted Allie on the shoulder and shook her head, but Allie frowned and struggled to get up, but her knees softened, but she sat down again, very embarrassed.

"Allie, I'm sorry. I just came over to say'goodbye' and I will leave right away." Lan Li stopped and stood at the door, standing at a distance like this, well-behaved and abiding by etiquette, as if there was a gap in front of him. After a grand canyon, the raging wind lifted up, everything in the line of sight became so small and helpless.

Ellie reluctantly tried to stand up again, Derek leaned forward, hugged Ellie, patted Ellie on the shoulder lightly, and whispered something.

Ai Li raised her head, her face haggard, her eyes blank, her gaze fell on Lan Li's body.

Passing through the curtain of moonlight, the corridor lights as the background, faintly outlines the costumed blue gift, dressed in a black suit with a white shirt, and a smoky gray bow tie. The handsome posture stubbornly straightened his waist, shoulders, The lines of the arms and waist are indistinct in the light and shadow. Standing at the door with his feet restrained and polite, he did not step over the mine pond.

Allie's eyes could not help but a warmth surged, and then she turned her head, aside her eyes, concealing her pain and sorrow. Refused to respond; but did not continue to insist.

Derek knew, and Ally agreed. He raised his head, nodded to Lan Li, and then Lan Li took a step forward.

In a short distance and a few strides, Lan Li came to Heather.

She seemed to be no different from the afternoon, still sleeping peacefully and peacefully, her thick eyelashes curled up like butterfly wings, hiding her bright and playful eyes, and she looked just tired and tired. So, close your eyes, sleep well and rest for a while, when the rest is over, she will open her eyes, sit up vigorously, and mutter:

She should practice guitar, there is not much time left before the audition.

"It seems that you are going to miss it." Lan Li said softly, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, "I promised you to take you to the Grammys. Now it seems that you, a lazy bug, will miss it. But, I will keep my promise. The day after tomorrow I will still attend the Grammys, Anne, and Alex."

After a short pause, he chuckled, but his eyes drooped, hiding a flash of light, "I know you will be upset and missed this event. It doesn't matter, after Annie comes back , She will definitely tell you everything that happened, you know, she has always been a storytelling expert."

"Don't worry, you have kept your promise, and I won't keep thinking about it anymore." Lan Li's smile flew gently, as if a butterfly flapped its wings, and there was a hint of gentleness in his eyes.

After a light glance, Lan Li saw the kite on the window sill and the butterfly kite. "The weather in New York today is very good. It seems to be the best day of this winter. I originally planned to go and play with you. Kite, but now it seems that it can only be the next time."

The words stopped here, there seemed to be countless topics to talk about, but all seemed to be useless nonsense. After thinking about it, it stopped abruptly.

The smile on the corner of the mouth bloomed again, seeming to be self-deprecating, and it seemed to be brisk, the lowered eyes concealed the emotions deep in the heart, and there was no trace on the calm surface. Then Lan Li put her hands behind her back and slowly bent down, approaching Heather's calm and serene face.

I don't know why, Lan Li always felt that Heather would suddenly open his eyes, pretending to be fiercely shouting, "Scared you!" Then he looked at the shocked victim and laughed. This kind of prank is so vivid and so vivid that there is an illusion of real happening that makes the smile at the corner of the mouth settle to the bottom of the eye.

Lan Li leaned against Heather's ear and said softly, "Don't worry. Your secret is kept in that melody. It's always safe." After speaking, he lifted his upper body slightly, and his eyes carefully portrayed the sea. Se's cheeks and facial features, and finally on the white and generous forehead, a kiss gently and gently, "Good night. Heather Cross."

Not goodbye, but good night.

Then, standing up straight again, Lan Li looked at Derek and Ellie who were sitting on the other side of the bed. Although Ellie still turned her head and refused to have any form of gaze communication, Lanly said with a smile, "Then I will go back first and leave some personal time for you and Heather. Derek, Ellie, thank you ."

A simple "thank you" made Allie raised her head and looked at Lan Li in a daze. Then she saw the familiar smile at the corner of Lan Li's mouth; Derek opened his mouth, but no sound came out. Just nodded awkwardly and responded.

"Good night." Lan Li said goodbye politely, then turned around and left the ward.

Watching Lan Li's fading back, penetrating the tall and straight figure of the suit and leather shoes, in a daze, Ellie seemed to have seen Heather's graduation ceremony.

A handsome and tall boy, dressed up, came to his home to invite Heather to attend the prom; Heather was dressed in a beautiful long dress with fishbone braids, and he smiled and stood slenderly at the top of the stairs. Her Heather has finally grown up.

Involuntarily, Ellie stretched out her right hand, as if she wanted to call Lan Li, but after all she could not speak, only to see the door opened and the door closed, and the whole ward fell into silence again. Caught off guard, Ai Li's tears broke, and the sorrow came from the heart, crying so much that she couldn't help herself.

Derek raised his hand and tried to appease Ellie, but found that his fingertips trembled so put it up and put it down, after all, he put it down helplessly, leaning on nothingness. On the wall, there was a burst of warmth in his eyes, and he closed his eyes in embarrassment. Tightly.

Leave the ward, leave the corridor, walk into the elevator, walk out of the elevator, leave the hospital lobby, and walk towards the car. A series of actions, in the cold and quiet of midnight, were orderly and step by step. Before Nathan had time to recover, Lan Li opened the car door and sat in the back seat, "Go, let's go back to the apartment."

Nathan looked at the rearview mirror in a daze. Everything that happened today was too incredible. Nathan's thoughts couldn't keep up with the rhythm. "Huh?" He subconsciously reacted, and Lanly repeated it again, but Nathan was still full of question marks, and again confirmed, "Huh?"

"I said, let's go back to the apartment now." Lan Li didn't get impatient at all, and explained patiently, "When I get up tomorrow morning, I need to pick up Annie and Alex before rushing to the airport. I need to tonight. Rest early. By the way, has the personal doctor in Los Angeles contacted? Have all the medical records of Annie and Alex been exchanged? Although it is only a three-day trip, we need to be fully prepared. "

Nathan finally came back to his senses, his eyes were sour, and he nodded in a panic, "Well, everything is arranged."

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