The Greatest Showman

Chapter 839: Helpless

"Lan Li! Lan Li!"

The call of soldiers and horses in chaos, through layers of illusion from nine days away, like thunder on a sunny day, tearing the sky and exploding the ground, the whole world began to sway, and the mist that lingered around gradually dissipated, and the ruins of broken walls and scorched earth all over the place little by little. It became clear, and suddenly, with a surging pulling force, Lan Li woke up.

Maybe it was a cold last night, maybe the body was too tired, maybe it was too deep asleep, Lan Li only felt that the whole body was heavy, and his head was blurred and chaotic. The groggy feeling made people feel a little dizzy. With dry tongue, my chest feels stuffy, "What's the matter?"

Lan Li sat up, picked up the water glass on the bedside table, and took a big sip. The cold boiled water ran down his throat and into his stomach. It was a little refreshed, but his brain was still a little dizzy, and his eyes were slightly closed. Raised his hand and rubbed his temples, trying to relieve the ups and downs of dizziness.

"Lan Li, something went wrong." The bluffing, irritable voice was Nathan's. The slightly trembling words revealed his nervousness, impatience and panic. Even without opening his eyes, Lan Li could imagine Nathan's six gods without a master. Expressions. Nathan is an excellent assistant, but he is not a manager or agent after all.

But Lan Li calmly raised his hand and slowly pressed down, "Nathan, breathe, breathe." In this way, he tried to calm Nathan down.

"Len Li." Then there was another call, not Nathan, but Roy.

Lan Li was a little surprised, opened his eyes, in a daze, and then saw three figures: not only Nathan and Roy, but Andy was also standing at the end of the bed. I couldn't help but chuckled, "What's wrong? All three of them are here? I shouldn't have overslept and missed today's event, right?"

"If I remember correctly, today's party is at 8 o'clock in the evening...Wait, or do I slept for nearly 20 hours on the first day of sleep?" Lan Li rubbed his temples again, his voice faintly hoarse, speaking The rhythm is also extremely slow, it seems that the brain can't work at all, "No wonder I feel a little heavy in my head and sleep for too long."

However, Lan Li did not get an answer. After getting up, his head was completely muddy. He gave up thinking and asked directly. This is more efficient, "What's wrong, what's the specific thing? I finally awakened me, and now I am not Speaking? Andy, this is not your style, hesitating."

Andy, who was named, raised his head and looked at Nathan, then at Roy, took a deep breath, and then let out a long breath, as if he had made up his mind, and then simply said, "Heather Cross Suddenly, her condition deteriorated, and she might...can't support it anymore."

Lan Li's breathing couldn't help but a slight pause, not just breathing, but also his brain, muscles, blood, and heartbeat. The chaotic brain seemed to be unable to respond, and the shallow smile stiffened at the corners of his mouth. One second, two seconds, and then the arc of the smile rose, and a muffled smile rolled in his throat.

Lan Li rubbed his temples again, opened his mouth, and shook his head, "No." That's not the case. In the ward last night, Heather's condition improved significantly, and even his speech became more articulate, "No... No, no." It's not like that. They witnessed a miracle only yesterday. It was a prank. It must be a prank.

He opened his mouth, but closed it again. There were words surging in my mind, but I couldn't say a word. A sense of absurdity invaded, Lan Li smiled brighter instead, a dizziness, and the nausea in his stomach forced him to close his mouth tightly.

"Lan Li..." Roy called out worriedly, but found that he didn't know what to say, so the beginning of the conversation stayed in place without beginning and end, leaving an embarrassing and jerky ending. .

Andy’s face still has a consistent arc of smile, but behind that smile is a faint sadness and worry. At this time, he is as hot as him, and he must be cautious at this time. “In the early hours of this morning, her condition deteriorated suddenly and rapidly. , Fell into a crisis situation. But this time, it was mainly because of the failure of the respiratory system, which was a manifestation of the disease accelerating the pathology. The doctors were helpless."

Discourse is just a combination of syllables and vocabulary. It has no power. It only needs a breeze to dissipate in the air; but sometimes, its power is so powerful and fierce, ignoring all defenses and resistance. , You can easily defeat a giant.

Lan Li's brain was dizzy and chaotic. The words flowed through his ears into his mind. They were merely interpreted objectively like computer data, but there was no way to digest and comprehend them with his brain. Those words were so familiar, yet so unfamiliar, for a while, Lan Li couldn't even feel the true meaning of those words, and the true power hidden in them.

Helpless. What is this word? This is a word that shows that human beings are extremely small, extremely fragile, and extremely embarrassed.

"Hmm..." Lan Li pondered for a moment, and seemed to finally clarify his thoughts, "Give me five minutes, I will wash up, and we will immediately set off to the Sinai Hospital." Lan Li said calmly.

He lifted the quilt, was taken aback for a moment, and then added, “Remember, don’t let the media reporters know that they always block up the hospital, making the hospital noisy and disturbing the rest of the patients. This is not a good thing for the hospital; Also, the suit for the party tonight, Nathan, remember to pick it up at the dry cleaner, Eaton sent it to him before."

Later, Lan Li got out of the bed and walked towards the bathroom, but Roy's worried call came from behind, "Lan Li?"

This stopped Lan Li’s footsteps, turned around, and confessed again, “Also, Roy, didn’t we discuss the establishment of a foundation the day before yesterday? Is the specific charter listed? If necessary, you can fax it to Matthew, let him take a look, and then seek the opinions of the Crosses. If there is no problem, we need to draft a formal statement. Don't forget these things."

After the explanation, Lan Li thought about it seriously, and after confirming that there was no omission, he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. The noise in the room slowly settled down, and the silence was restored again, but it was frustrating.

So calm, so calm, so calm, this kind of blue ceremony is too abnormal, even more abnormal than when he arrived in New York five days ago.

That day, the turbulence behind the calmness could not be hidden. In the end, Lan Li left the carriage and ran all the way back to Manhattan; but today, there is nothing, nothing, except for the confusion and panic at the first moment. There was nothing unusual, as if it was just a normal day.

Roy's temple also began to ache, turning his head to look at Andy, and asked worriedly, "Is it all right?"

Andy let out a sigh of relief, "We can only pray."

For Andy and Roy, they are not worried about Heather Cross.

In this way, it may be cruel, or cruel, but it is the fact that they and Heather are not related to each other, and there is no intersection, just the fate of yesterday, and they are completely a stranger. Yes, suffering from illness and pain makes people very embarrassed and sympathetic, but that's all.

What they worry about is Lan Li. Lan Li looked calm. Above the calm ocean, they can smell the breath of the storm, but they can't see any signs or signs, and naturally they can't judge how to respond. The panic caused by this unknown is like hanging in mid-air. Don't touch the world, don't touch the ground.

Five minutes, as expected, it was five minutes. After Lan Li took a simple shower, she changed into fresh and convenient clothes, a white shirt with navy blue suit pants, and took a piece of blue, green and dark red Scottish plaid wool in hand. The cardigan showed a slight smile at the three people in front of him, "I'm ready, I can go."

After that, Lan Li took the lead and took the dark blue long trench coat and navy blue knitted scarf hung on the hanger. While wearing it, he looked back at the three people standing still standing still. What's the matter? We need to speed up, otherwise we may be too late."

"Len Li, are you okay?" Roy endured and endured, still not holding back, asked aloud.

Lan Li laughed blankly, "Why is everyone asking me if I am okay? I was like this last time at the airport, and I am like this again today. I am fine, except that I slept too hard last night and had some signs of a cold. ."

Seeing the dignified faces of the three people, Lan Li paused the movements in his hands and said solemnly, "Trust me, I am fine. It is not me who is sick, and it is not me who is struggling with death. I don't have any. problem."

"I know what you are worried about, but Heather's illness is not a day or two days, seven years, seven years. We all know that this day will come sooner or later, but we didn't expect it to come so suddenly." Lan Li let out a sigh of relief and showed a faint We all need time to accept, but this is the end we foresee long ago. So, I'm fine, don't worry. "

Those eyes were calm and bright, reflecting the radiant glow of the indoor lights; the smile was light and warm, blooming with a heavy relief. Just like this, Lan Li stood at the door generously, frankly and frankly, as if there was no need to persuade, but the fact was that he was really fine.

Roy and Andy exchanged their sights again, but they are still speechless. Should they rest assured? They should rest assured. However, this is not an easy task.

"We really need to speed up. Although it is not the rush hour of traffic jams, we are racing against time." Lanly reminded with a smile, "I want to go to the hospital and see Heather. Maybe, I should Fulfill our agreement and make up for the regret last night. We haven't sang her favorite song together yet."

Yun Dan and Feng Qing's words are like clouds and clouds under the clear sky. They are open, idle, and curled up, but they make Nathan avoid the line of sight in a panic, strode forward, and pass by. Lan Li's side said nervously, "I'll go downstairs and start the engine first." In a hurry, the figure disappeared between the corridors.

Footsteps are fragmented.

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