The Greatest Showman

Chapter 836: Weird habit

New York, where the cold wave passed, quieted down rare in the middle of the night. The damp streets, the dense night, and the quiet high-rise buildings. Such a city is a bit strange and a bit cold. However, Rooney Mara was a little uneasy and couldn't calm down.

The "One Man's Concert" ended an hour ago, but closing my eyes, those fragmented melody fragments still circulate in my mind, and circulate again, unforgettable for a long time. Turning his head, in the empty brand-new apartment, the moving boxes were neatly placed, still waiting to be unpacked, but Rooney didn't have the urge to do it. She pondered for a moment, picked up her coat, and left the house.

After Christmas, Rooney finally made up her mind and left Los Angeles and came to New York.

Rooney’s family has a strong influence on the East Coast of the United States. His grandfather is the owner of the New York Giants, and his maternal grandfather is the founder of the Pittsburgh Steelers. In order to get rid of the influence of the family, when he decided to become an actor, Rooney chose He went to Los Angeles and started his career as an actor in the most prosperous city in the film industry and on the sunny West Coast.

But the ups and downs of the past six years, until the rise of "social networks", Rooney has gradually become tired of Los Angeles.

The art circles of the two cities are actually quite the same. In the final analysis, various Vanity Fair rules are at work; and compared to New York, Los Angeles is more impetuous, more vain, and more prosperous, and no one wants to calm down and devote themselves to artistic creation. ; On the contrary, New York, which is always cold and arrogant, still retains a pure land of art.

So Rooney returned. Three days ago, she officially moved back to New York. However, instead of in prosperous areas such as Long Island or the Upper East Side, I chose the vulgar, commoner, chaotic, colorful, close, friendly, and sharp artistic corner of Greenwich Village to find an apartment.

Just the second day after returning to New York, the "One Man Concert" news event broke out.

Lanly Hall, the actor who talked so happily on Telluride’s night, the actor who quietly meditated on the streets of Seattle, and the actor who had shaved his head because of the absence of Oscars for the movie, Rooney would not deny. She was also a little curious, with a trace of criticism, a trace of criticism, and a trace of anticipation. Recalling the memory fragments of the two people chatting separately, Rooney decided to go to the scene to verify and verify.

It just so happened that on the night of the 16th, a party was held at home and a crowd of celebrities were invited to attend. Rooney can use this as an excuse to escape. So early in the morning, Rooney went to Madison Square Garden to line up to buy tickets.

In the process of queuing, Rooney imagined the form, appearance, specifications, etc. of the concert, and even the performance of Lan Li standing on the stage singing and dancing. To be honest, it was a bit funny; but in fact, all her conjectures were wrong. Now, the actual concert showed an aura and style beyond imagination. Those melody that echoed deeply in the mind and the mark deeply imprinted in the soul truly turned the moment into eternity.

Bring earplugs and play music. The first track of the album "Don Quixote" is "Cleopatra". The cheerful melody comes to mind in my mind. Naturally, Rooney can remember the audience. The image of the 20,000 audience applauding collectively is majestic and vigorous. Even the spectacular and shocking meteor shower is not enough to describe one ten thousandth of the agitated mind.

What is playing now is a digital audio source. After returning home tonight, she just bought it on iTunes; but now, she wants to buy a physical album, a real album, whether the touch of her fingertips will feel different.

I went around a few streets, but I couldn’t find a record store that was open 24 hours a day. I saw the supermarket on the corner of the street. I entered the supermarket with the mentality of giving it a try, and went straight to sell albums. And the book area, and...found it. She found it.

Everything is the same as in the imagination, but everything is different from the imagination. Rooney searched on the cover for a long, long time, only to find the bulletin board hidden in the background wall, "Lan Li-Hall", that secret existence seemed like a secret sign, only Don Quixotes Can only be found between.

She likes such small details. As a singer, he is so; as an actor, he is so. She felt that that guy was really a weird existence, he was only twenty-two years old, how could he have the whole world in his head? This reminded her of the mood when she read "One Hundred Years of Solitude": always curious, always amazed, and always exploring.

The music from the headphones happened to be played to "Budapest". Involuntarily, she stood on tiptoe and danced lightly, as if she was traveling between Budapest’s castle and river, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans. There were still a pair of white canvas shoes on her feet, but she felt that her skirt was flying up, and the smile at the corner of her mouth rose up gently and gently.

The supermarket in the middle of the night is empty and quiet, but it is not an empty city. The life atmosphere of tea, rice, oil and salt makes people enjoy it. Perhaps it was because of the supermarket, perhaps because of the music, or perhaps because of both reasons. Rooney's irritability gradually settled down. She realized that her apartment was still empty, and she was now wandering in the supermarket, then, Why not go shopping?

I bought toiletries, cleaning supplies, daily necessities...Rooney hadn't even had time to buy food. The cart was filled with basic supplies alone. She thought about it when she passed the shelf of cleaning supplies. Woke up and forgot to buy laundry detergent.

"Huh", Rooney ran fast while pushing the cart, sprinting hard, and then lifted her feet off the ground, and the whole person flew up, humming a moving melody in her mouth, unconsciously, she seemed to be back at the concert again. , Swing as much as you like. Such a night is really pleasant. But shortly afterwards, happiness begets sadness.

When turning into the laundry detergent channel, Rooney saw a person sitting cross-legged on the ground with a cart next to him, which made most of the channel space enough for another cart to pass smoothly. The problem is that Rooney is driving at high speed, and the head of the car is slightly out of control. She jumped off and braked with her feet, but even so, she still collided with the other cart.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry."

Rooney couldn't help grinning, her face was full of apologies, and she said repeatedly. Fortunately, the little brother who was sitting cross-legged was not only lifeless, but also politely moved the cart to the side. Rooney was even more grateful.

Cautiously came to the shelf and began to choose the laundry detergent, but she encountered a problem. Seeing the different shapes but unable to distinguish the different laundry detergents, Rooney was a little dazed, "Need a little help?" came from diagonally forward. At the voice of inquiry, Rooney nodded subconsciously, "Oh, that would be better."

He took off his earplugs, raised his head, and saw the man in front of him.

The eyebrows are sparse, the eyes are like stars, the corners of the mouth are slightly pursed, vigorous but elegant and calm, "young", this is the first word that pops up in Rooney's mind, and then Rooney captures the surprise and astonishment in the man's eyes, as if Seeing what they looked like, both of them were slightly stunned. Obviously they didn't expect this situation:

In the aisle of a supermarket, in the midnight hour, he and her, two friends they knew, met again.

So Rooney joked seriously, "I want to know, which kind of laundry detergent will not hurt your hands? You know, there is a chemical ingredient that may hurt the skin." Then she nodded and stretched out. Out of his own hands, "You know, women are always in trouble, you need to worry about this and that."

Lan Li also responded with a serious joke, "Thank you for reminding, otherwise I would have forgotten that you are a woman."

Between the lines of sight, the curvature of the corners of the mouth is so similar-pause for a moment, then both lifted up, and the drooping eyes concealed the surging smile, as if two people were standing in front of a mirror, looking at their projections.

After the laughter, Rooney's gaze fell on the earplugs in her hand, tilted her head, and slanted her gaze, "Thank you for tonight's performance. You gave an unforgettable performance. To be honest, I will start now. Somewhat confused, maybe, you should be a better singer than an actor."

Rooney was joking, but she put on a serious face and her eyes were extremely sincere. She is even more curious, how will Lanly respond? Especially after experiencing the garden miracle tonight.

Lan Li's eyes moved up and down, as if he was thinking, "Well, should I understand that tonight's ticket is worth the fare? Or is it that you watched my movie before, and now you are regretting your original movie. ticket?"

"..." A group of crows flew by. It was an absolute cold joke. Rooney looked at Lan Li in a daze, poked her lips, lowered her head, and laughed sullenly.

"That kind of humor just now is terrible, right?" Lan Li's questioning voice came over. Rooney was too hard to hold back her smile, but she still didn't forget to nod her head vigorously to express her approval, Lan Li went on to say, " Can I do it again now?"

That sincere inquiry made Rooney smile more I had to use the power of both hands to avoid laughing out loud, "Very well, then we should change the subject: you watched tonight Concert?"

Rooney covered her cheeks with her hands, laughed sullenly for several times, and then withdrew her hands. "You should know that the turning point of this topic is extremely blunt, right?"

Lan Li raised his eyebrows slightly, "You should also know that I am not in the best condition today, am I?"

Rooney narrowed her smile, but there was still a smile in her eyes, "Yes, anyone who has experienced such a wonderful concert should be exhausted at this time."

"Oh, no, I didn't mean that." Hearing Rooney's words, Renly seemed to realize it suddenly, "I mean, today is not a date, I am not ready for a date, and I have forgotten the sense of humor and gentlemanliness. At home."

Rooney's gaze fell on the corner of Lan Li's mouth, and Lan Li's eyes fell on Rooney's eyes, and at the same time a hint of tacit cunning flashed. .


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