The Greatest Showman

Chapter 832: Full of seats

Late at night, New York is experiencing the biggest cold wave of today. The wind is raging and the ice is biting. It seems that even the air is frozen into ice; even if you are sitting by the indoor stove, drinking hot coffee to keep warm, whizzing past the window. The sound of the wind, the creaking and trembling of the old houses, and the condensed glass, which still makes people unable to help but start stomping their feet, feeling their stiff toes again.

Just after eleven o’clock, the entire Manhattan was quiet. The neon lights above Times Square were still shining, and the wet ground reflected the outline of the city; but the streets were very quiet, no one came and went, no The bustling traffic, the bustling and hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps seemed to dissipate in the cold air.

The liveliness of the city gradually settled, leaving only the tranquility and comfort of thousands of lights. Only one corner is an exception-Madison Square Garden.

Throughout the year, rain or shine, Madison Square Garden is always illuminated and noisy, like a giant waiting quietly for the city, awakening the enthusiasm and passion hidden in the streets and alleys every night. Tonight is no exception. A lively and vigorous concert is being staged, and there are really not a few reporters gathered outside the door.

With the advancing of time and gradually approaching eleven o'clock, the crowds gathered outside the garden not only did not decrease, but also showed a momentum of growth. Everyone carried a camera, a recorder, and a briefcase. Variety of weird dresses show the same vein: journalist style——

Crumpled shirts, earthy brown sweaters, windproof and waterproof jackets, jackets for lens caps, voice recorders and other tools, intricately patterned sneakers or light men’s casual shoes, as well as all-color dark stools pants. Every detail on the body is labeled:

I am a reporter.

In the past week, the most sensational, hottest, and most controversial news event in the United States was not the latest rumors of the awards season, but "one person's concert."

The news media headed by "Entertainment Weekly" and "New York Times" are divided into two groups of people, conspiracy theorists and supporters, and even ordinary people and netizens have taken a clear stand. The heated debate continues. Heated up, almost stealing the limelight of the awards season.

The main reason is the instant burst. It was only two days before and after, even if it was calculated from the day when the eleven studio announced the announcement, it was only four days; everything seemed to happen between electric light and flint, and the outbreak of discussion and controversy was also lightning fast. , Before I had time to sort out all the ins and outs, the concert was already on stage.

Suspense, anticipation, criticism, questioning, support, support. All kinds of speech are flying all over the sky, and everyone is waiting for a "truth", at least a "trend"-the trend of subsequent development of things, let's see what is going on.

Tonight, the concert will be unveiled and the answer will be announced soon. At least the answer is staged.

In the face of such heavy news, journalists can’t easily miss it, especially during the live broadcast of the “Today Show” this morning. All American audiences have witnessed the long queue at the gate of Madison Square Garden. It seems that concert tickets are sold. No need to worry at all. So what is the result? What is the attendance rate? How did the audience react? Is the concert just a gimmick, or is it a sincere performance?

"One Man’s Concert" did not officially invite any media to enter Madison Square Garden to conduct interviews, publicity and reports; but likewise, there are no ticket purchase restrictions for this highly anticipated concert. Tickets are fully open to public, as long as you are willing to , Anyone can buy a ticket.

However, in the face of the cold wave of strong invasion and the ticket-buying team of more than 3,000 people in the early morning, the reporters all retreated.

In this regard, reporters have complained, and even a large number of people have called 11 studios and Andy Rogers, complaining, protesting, condemning, and even threatening, "If you don’t open the media interview pass, then don’t blame us. Reported indiscriminately."

Sensationalism, mystery, and a guilty conscience; it is precisely because of a ghost in his heart that this deliberately closed the media interview pass, and it is precisely because of malicious speculation that it is in a tit-for-tat confrontation with media reporters.

For the same news event, only a slight change of angle is needed, and reporters can easily make the parties suffer. Uncrowned kings, even in the Internet age of the 21st century, they still have the pen to dominate public opinion!

However, the eleven studio still did not let go, and put on an arrogant posture of "listen to the ears", but it also made reporters helpless. Because this is a concert that can accommodate 20,000 people, they can’t have a unified calibre.

Only a handful of reporters joined the queue proactively and energeticly, and completed the ticket purchase honestly. Not only did they enter the venue to watch the concert, but they also got the first opportunity to conduct close interviews.

As for the other reporters, they arranged eyeliners at the garden site. When the concert was nearing its end, after receiving a call, they left the warm room and couldn’t wait to show up at the scene, looking forward to getting the material as soon as possible. World’s best news.

In less than twenty minutes, hundreds of reporters appeared near the garden of the Moncoroque, waiting busily for each exit, waiting for the end of the concert, and the number of reporters coming from all directions continued to increase, the lively scene It's really unbelievable, especially on a winter night in February when the wind is howling.

However, it was the reporters themselves who were even more inconceivable than the current grand occasion. Almost everyone was dumbfounded, looking at each other, and asking questions in disbelief, "What? Full of seats?" "Full? Are you kidding me?" "What does it mean that the audience is full, there is no room?"

Even after experiencing the live interview of the "Today Show" and witnessing the turbulent long queue, there is still a huge difference between 3,000 people and 20,000 people. Few people believe that Madison Square Garden can be packed with enthusiastic audiences. This is an impossible task, even more incredible than reaching the sky.

Even now, with some witnesses, some personal experience, and word of mouth, many reporters still refuse to believe such ridiculous "rumors."

Cornell McGregor sneered even more, "Make up a story, anyhow, it is logical and rational, so ridiculous, we are not fools, how is it possible. Why don't you just say that after the tickets are sold, there are fans at the door. Trying to ask for a ticket with a temporary brand, haha."

"Yes, really. Thirty minutes after the concert started, there were still three or four hundred fans wandering at the garden gate, refusing to leave."

"Yes, yes, yes, Lan Li heard about it later, considering the bad weather in New York today, he arranged more than 20 security guards to allow these fans to enter the venue for free, but they have no seats and can only stand Watch the concert."

"That's it, I saw several reporters rushing in. If it weren't for me to wait here, I would also go in."


Bustling and twittering, Cornell tried to open his mouth to respond to the rebuttal, but the sighs that rang from all directions did not leave him any room for interruption. The unintentional words were like a slap in the face, slammed on the face fiercely. , The pain was terrible, and the humiliation rushed from the soles of the feet to the top of the head like flames, and he had clenched his fists before realizing it.

However, no one bothered.

"Madison Square Garden is packed tonight." Just this news is enough to make a sensation in North America. First, the box office successes of "Crazy Love" and "Anti-Cancer Me", and then "One Man's Concert" filled Madison Square Garden in four days, especially the latter, which is simply enough to be recorded in history. People feel the popularity and enthusiasm of Lanli.

For the general public, this actor who is dedicated to appearing in independent art films may have "speed and excitement/emotion 5" as their impressions, and the foundation is neither broad nor deep; but for senior professional audiences, this one step by step The young man who realizes his dream is an artist. His performance and his music vividly interpret the creative position and artistic persistence, and truly touch the heart of every fan.

Especially the album "Don Quixote" fully and profoundly sang the aspirations of Lan Li. After listening to the album, I look back at those tracks: After the "Pacific War", I rejected "Thor" and chose "Buried alive"; on Telluride, he agreed to appear in "Love Is Crazy" with a remuneration of $20,000; "Speed" After the great success of "Yu Ji/Qing 5", he turned to "detachment" shooting.

Everything gradually became clear. From celebrities to actors to artists, this is a thread that is amazing and admirable.

As a result, the audience who really understood, understood, and understood "Don Quixote" gathered together.

Not much, but strong; rare, but profound; unique, but sincere.

Over the entire North American continent, in the entire New York City, the 20,000 seats in Madison Square Garden are too few for them. Twenty thousand only is far from the uproar of the Yahoo community. This is only a call to action within two days. This is just a concert on the working day on Thursday. Apart from this, let alone a garden concert, for three consecutive days, the venue is full, which is still not difficult.

Father, like son.

People have never really realized that the name "Len Li-Hall" already has appealing power. Until tonight.

Not only Cornell, every reporter is digesting the latest news and the derivative meaning of this news:

Does this mean that Lanly has more appeal in the box office? Does this mean that Lanly’s influence on major film companies has increased? Does this mean that Lanli's attention has skyrocketed during the awards season? Does this mean that Renly has got rid of the identity of a newcomer and has the potential to become a superstar?

Does this mean...

Before the thoughts were fully developed, the exit gate of the garden was opened. The concert is over. 8)

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