The Greatest Showman

Chapter 823: Sing alone

"One person's concert" began.

It is not the kind of concert imagined, with magnificent lighting, vigorous singing and dancing, and exquisite stage; but it is also the kind of concert imagined, with a guitar, a lamp, and a singing voice.

This is a concert agreed with one person, and it is also a concert where one person sings quietly. Between the brightness and darkness of a spotlight, the noise and interference of the world seemed to disappear. In the huge Madison Square Garden, only Lan Li and himself were left. All the other audiences disappeared. There was only one singer and one. Listeners, start a one-on-one dialogue, talk quietly, and communicate with each other.

So magical, and so wonderful.

The simple and unpretentious guitar string sound, thousands of times, without any modification, and without any tricks, restores the most essential, purest and purest appearance of music. Every note, every lyrics, every rhythm hits my heart accurately and deeply, dancing lightly, but leaving a deep mark. Deeply.

The transition between high and low sounds is as smooth as silk, without dazzling skills, just a perfect combination of lyrics and melody, but between interpretation and interpretation, it is so easy to come by, sincere and deep emotions, showing the music The most beautiful and touching appearance, once again awakened the deep memories:

How did you fall in love with music, and how do you indulge in it.

Suddenly, again, just like this, falling deeply, falling into the occasion of time, falling into the wave of music, falling into the world of singing. No one can be an exception.

After the melody and singing reached the extreme, they fell sparsely, like stars in the sky, as gentle as a lover's whispering in the ear, but in the curled tail, sighs and helplessness are outlined, "We are too young after all. , Eternity does not exist at all, I can only promise never to let go."

That affection, that regret, contradictory and harmonious blending together, bitterly speechless. The vicissitudes of life and the changes in the world, nothing is eternal, and nothing is constant. All he can do is stick to the place and wait for his promises. Even time cannot shake him; but "I" is not "us" after all.

Heather sat on the spot in a daze, eyes widened, but the tears could not stop at all, like blood on the tip of the heart, hot and scorching, strong and turbulent, wet her cheeks; she could only slowly and slowly Straighten the waist, every movement is so difficult, almost exhausted all the strength of her body, but she gritted her teeth and sat up slowly but firmly.

In tears, this was her only way of responding.

Lan Li's fingers stopped again, waiting quietly for the afterglow of the guitar strings to dissipate, and the darkness surging again, quietly swallowing the halo in the melody, sadness, bitterness, loneliness, calling and helplessness, all emotions All gradually settled down, leaving only an endless void.

Without accompaniment, just in a cappella way, simple and pure, the mellow voice brings the charm of the melody and lyrics to the extreme.

"Because...Even if time doesn't love you anymore, I will always stay where I am." The shouts and screams from the depths of my heart, so gentle, so deep, so turbulent, so surging, even the soul began to tremble gently.

Suddenly, the guitar melody burst out, bursting like thunder in the ears, clear and brisk, swift and rushing, the gurgling spring turned into a turbulent torrent, and all the forbearing and suppressed emotions were vented, one by one. Jiedi climbed upwards, and it seemed that even the long river of time had begun to reverse, with light and shadow intertwined, colors churning, and the grandeur of the universe and the majesty of time slowly laid out in the melody.

"We can run for eternity, if eternity is the future. Oh, time..." Wan Zhuan's tail sound is curly and endless, with endless vicissitudes of life, endless confusion, endless sighs.

In an instant, such a small and humble figure in the long river of time straightened its chest, stood up straight, and split a chaos upright, light and shadow fragments fluttered and danced between the sky and the earth: unforgettable there In front of his promise, even time has become insignificant, "Time has never been like me]"

A line of lyrics is so sad that people can't cry.

"So back to home. Homeland..." The unbroken, mighty, and undecided voice of singing, the treble that spread its wings soaring freely, did not completely let go. After reaching a peak, it turned back softly and gracefully, and passed through In the gap of time, through the wreckage of the world, through the chaos of life, finally, the cry from the depths of the soul sounded in the depths of my mind:

"Listen to the promise once again..." In the clear and turbulent guitar strings, the crisp and bright piano keys played like jade strings, flying up and down steadily and passionately, piercing the clouds and cracking rocks, majestic and sweeping. Thousands of troops; treble, flying, over the mountains, over the ocean, over the endless sky, over the vast universe, over a piece of nothingness. Shocked, like a gust of wind and rain, venting down.

Heather is like this, William is like this, Hope is like this, so is Timsey. The audience, no one can make an exception.

Everyone just raised their heads dumbly, dumbfounded, and stupidly, looking up at the stage, their pupils trembling slightly, and their souls trembling. Because of this melody, but not because of this melody, but also because of the magnificence of time, the majestic universe, that irreversible and irresistible force, sharply and firmly penetrates the layers of masks and skins, allowing the soul to accept the sharpness. Worship and look up, so pious.

"Listen to the promise once again..." The melody is gradually rising, the encounter of the guitar and the piano bursts out such a powerful force, but willingly becomes the foil of Lanli's singing. The torn high notes, after reaching the high point, It actually climbed an octave again, and all the energy was completely released. The shock of the meteor shower in the sky is still indescribable. It hides the sorrow in the hoarse, the bitterness in the sadness, and the despair in the tenderness, but it is fully revealed at this moment.

The real music, the music that is circulated, will always be the moving emotions contained in the melody and lyrics, and will always be the simple and sincere bursting out of the depths of the soul. Strip all the cumbersomeness, the fit of the soul, the turbulence of the soul, and let the language disappear completely, just stand in place and feel it with your heart.

Melody, stop; singing, stop; shock, continue.

The song "Time" is about promise, eternity, and time. Before the sensible reaction came, the bitter mouth, the full of sighs and the full of emotions in the brain had completely broken the bank, broke through all the constraints, burst into tears, and couldn't help it.

The entire Madison Square Garden is still silent, there is no sound of silence. The 20,000 spectators seem to be empty. There is only Lan Li alone, singing to the fullest, passing through the universe and passing through time alone , Calling for the past at the end of the world.

However, the entire Madison Square Garden was full of noise. Behind the silent, moving and shocking surge, like suffocation, completely cut off the breath. Even if you open your mouth and breathe, it still can’t alleviate that kind of life. Despair and sorrow are better than death.

Does anyone really understand the album "Don Quixote"? Has anyone really insisted on this path of dreams? Does anyone really understand the world of art?

Tonight, Lanly conquered this stage with only one song, and Madison Square Garden completely surrendered. The mystery and splendor of the concert was interpreted to the extreme in the simple to extreme performance:

Those melody that touches the soul always come from the live performance of the singer. Every lyrics and every musical note will perform different shocks at different times, places, and conditions.

Heather opened her mouth wide and tried her best to keep breathing. Only a halo remained in her dim vision, faintly sketching out Lan Li's figure, but she still couldn't bear to blink, but she trembled and trembled uncontrollably. .

She knew, she knew that Lan Li belonged to this stage, as if born for this stage; she also knew that this belonged to her concert, which belonged to the agreement between her and him.

Therefore, between tears and whirling eyes, the corners of the mouth rose up, and the ground rose up happily and brilliantly. She will not give up, she will never give up. Even if she is kneeling, she has to come to the end of this road. In her life, there are still too many things to be done, and too many dreams to be realized.

She hopes to become a singer, standing on the stage of "American Idol" and chasing her dream; she hopes to travel the world, not to travel, but to leave the hospital and see how big the world is; She hopes to live strong, telling herself, and also telling the "gradual freezing" disease that she is far stronger than she imagined.

She hopes to tell Lan Li that she still remembers the agreement to realize her dream together, and she will abide by it.

She, Heather Cross, is only sixteen this year, and she is not ready to say goodbye to this world.

Sure enough, without any extra nonsense, Lan Li immediately began to sing the second song.

It is still that simple to the extreme The only difference is that an accompaniment player has been added behind the piano and drum kit-this is also the source of the piano soundtrack at the last moment of "Time" just now; it is still that simple The singer who reached the extreme, carrying a guitar on his back, began to play again.

"Go forward bravely", in the pioneer village, Renly wrote the song for Derek and Heather. It was on that night that Heather and Renly agreed that she would not let go.

At this moment, he sang "Go Forward" again, but Heather couldn't help but smile. The elegant and calm blue gift, the mature and wise blue gift, the confident blue gift, the never gloomy blue gift, showed a childish side at this time, seeming to say: Do you remember? Do you remember!

"I'm sticking to that agreement, and you are not allowed to give up."

Such a childish Lan Li, but so sincere and sincere, the simple and pure heart of a child on his body makes people can't help but move. Heather raised the back of her hand, wiped away the tears, and showed a bright smile. This is her concert, and this is also the beginning of her adherence to the agreement. Spread your arms out and enjoy yourself. .


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