The Greatest Showman

Chapter 813: Fight alone

Perhaps because of the towering skyscrapers, the sky in New York always seems very close to the ground. It seems that as long as you reach out your hand, stand on your toes, work harder, and work harder, you can touch the layers of clouds and feel depressed. It's breathless. The Mount Sinai Hospital in front of you is like this, shrouded in a cloud of mist, as if the sky may collapse at any time, crushing it into pieces.

The white corridor looked deep and far away, as if it would never reach the end. As he walked, his footsteps began to become timid involuntarily. From a distance, you can see Ellie sitting on the bench, weakly leaning on the wall, hugging her shoulders tightly, her thin shoulders can hardly withstand the cold in the hospital, shaking gently , Revealing a moment of loss and helplessness.

In a daze, Lan Li seemed to see Ding Yanan. The illusion at that moment made his footsteps pause slightly.

In the next second, Ai Li's vision caught the movement in the corridor, raised her head, eyes full of surprise, and blurted out in exclamation, "Lan Li."

The illusion was shattered, and Lan Li continued to move forward, saying hello, "Allie."

Allie stood up, opened her arms, and gave Lan Li a big hug, "Sorry, thank you. I mean, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I really don't know what to do, you are really here. **** Christ , Thank you, thank you. I know, I shouldn't call you, I know, but...but..." In a panic, Ally spoke incoherently, not even knowing whether she should express her gratitude or apologize.

"Allie, Allie." Lan Li's warm and gentle voice calmed Allie's emotions gently, "Heather is my friend, I am very happy to be able to help." Lan Li gently patted Allie. "Where's Derek? How are you? How is Heather?"

Ellie rubbed her aching temples, "Derek went outside to smoke. **** Christ, he has quit smoking for more than ten years." He grumbled, but then closed her eyes and cut off the messy thoughts. , Back to the subject, "We are fine, Heather..."

Allie’s voice choked for a moment when he said this, “Heather passed the dangerous period. The doctor said that she should wake up before forty-eight hours, but she didn’t. We don’t know what happened, doctor. It’s just that she doesn’t want to wake up. God, why doesn’t she want to wake up." Allie's right hand covering her mouth began to tremble violently, unable to control her, "I want her to wake up, I want my baby wake up."

Lan Li took out the handkerchief in his jacket pocket, handed it over, and whispered, "Ari, Heather will wake up. Have you forgotten? She is the strongest and bravest in Cross's family." This is Ellie's own original words. As a bystander, watching Heather go through rehabilitation and pain again and again, she always praises her daughter with pride and pride.

Allie nodded repeatedly, but choked up and couldn't speak.

After watching Ally wipe away the tears, Lan Li then asked, "What the **** is going on, isn't it that Heather's recovery is very good? The results of rehabilitation are also positive?"

Allie shrugged her shoulders, her face showing helplessness," the doctor said, her condition suddenly deteriorated. It was not the function of the limbs, but the ability to swallow and speak. The entire throat system was attacked and breathing became difficult. They have no way to stop it, even if it is rehabilitation, the effect is very limited. Then, then..."

The following words could no longer be said, and they were cut off again abruptly. A mouthful of thick sputum, and then things came to what they are now.

"The rate of deterioration is too fast. It is only three weeks, and it is even worse than the cumulative situation in the past three years." Allie's eyes are so blank, she can't seem to find the focus. "A few days ago, she was still preparing. In the audition of'American Idol', even if her condition worsened, she was unwilling to give up. She said that she wanted to stand on that stage, she really wanted to stand on that stage, but..."

But, just missed it.

"There will be another time. In September this year, there is still a chance." Lan Li said with a smile, and Ally suddenly raised her head, her eyes bursting with hope, "Really?"

The bitterness of the tongue surged again, and Lan Li bit the tip of his tongue, "Ellie, we must trust Heather. This is the only way." If even they lose their confidence, how can Heather persist?

Ellie nodded vigorously, clenched her fists, straightened her waist, and said firmly, "I believe Heather. She always refuses to give up the one. She still has dreams that have not been realized, and she will get better. She will."

Lan Li couldn't bear to avoid her sight. To ignite Ellie's hope again, is this cruel or kind? He could not tell, but he knew that he believed in Heather, he believed that the stubborn and stubborn girl could definitely stand up again, refused to bow to fate, refused to surrender to death.

"Ari, can I go in and see Heather?" Lan Li pointed to the ward behind him and asked politely.

"Of course." Allie wiped away the tears from her cheeks flusteredly. "Two little guys are with her inside. The doctor said, Heather can hear us, we need to communicate with her to make her strong. Let her be willing to wake up. So, those two little guys are telling a story to Heather."

Lan Li walked forward, looked through the glass window of the ward, and then saw two small figures of Anne Silliman and Alex Ritchie, sitting side by side, gesticulating and telling stories; Pushing open the door, the clear and translucent voice came over, "...the little rabbit just woke up."

"No, no, the little rabbit continued to fall asleep. The tortoise went faster and faster. The little rabbit didn't wake up so quickly."

"But, but if the little rabbit doesn't wake up, she will lose."

"Yeah, so the little rabbit lost. You little fool, this story is about the little rabbit lost."

"Why is this, I don't like it. I still like little rabbits. I hope that little rabbits can win the game." Annie's pink mouth turned up, almost ready to hang an oil lamp, babbling, and then suddenly With joy, the whole face bloomed like a sunflower, "Lan Li! You are back!"

Annie jumped off the stool, trot all the way, and rushed into Lan Li's arms. Ren Li squatted down immediately, and Annie hugged Ren Li’s neck tightly like this, with her small face pressed against Ren Li’s neck, whispering, “Len Li, Heather is sleeping, she really I'm so lazy, I don't want to wake up. Anita said, Heather is like a sleeping beauty, waiting for us to wake her up. So, Alex and I are telling her a story."

"Hehe, hehe." Alex was still sitting in the chair, seeming a little shy, and then seeing Lan Li beckoning, he jumped down and stumbled into Lan Li's left arm. .

Lan Li patted Alex on the head lightly, "How about you? Are you okay? Do you still need to come back to be hospitalized?"

"No! I'm stronger now! I'm stronger than my classmates, except... except for Edward and Henry." Alex also showed off naggingly, his eyes looking forward with eager anticipation, looking at Lan. Li, it seems a little nervous.

Then Lan Li nodded emphatically, "I know Alex is the strongest, even stronger than Captain America." Alex's immature face suddenly brightened, and he lifted his chin triumphantly. , Pursed his mouth and said nothing, but his eyes revealed his inner joy.

"The two of you are tired from telling stories, then I will tell Heather the story. How about you take a short break?" Lan Li looked around at the two little guys, respectfully consulted them, and got affirmation. After that, they watched them leave the ward.

In the room, it was quiet again, leaving only Lan Li and Heather.

Came to the edge of the hospital bed and sat down. Looking at the quiet and peaceful Heather, she seemed to be really a sleeping beauty, with crystal clear skin and thick and slender eyelashes, waiting to wake her prince. The corners of Lan Li's mouth curled up slightly, "Heather, for Sleeping Beauty, has your hair been unwashed and combed for too long? I think if the prince comes over, he should be scared away."

A boring and clumsy joke, but Heather didn't roll his eyes or spit out directly, still falling asleep quietly.

Lan Li couldn't help being silent. There seemed to be a lot of things to say but he didn't seem to know where to start.

"The audition for'American Idol' will start tomorrow. Are you not going to participate? Are you regretting it? Or do you feel that you have no confidence to sing my song well? I think it must be the latter. If you ask In my opinion, I suggest you give up the guitar. Your guitar is really terrible, so just sing a cappella, or singing is more important."


"I won the award in Berlin. I told you a long time ago that I am an actor, not a singer. Look, I am more suitable for acting, even Berlin recognizes it. However, I think you will definitely not Those who like that work, at least, it’s not as good as "Crazy Love". My personal suggestion is that if you meet a boy you like in the future, you'd better not take him to watch "Crazy Love". I think this is not a good one. Idea. Even if you like this work very, very much."


"The Grammys will be presenting the awards this weekend. I originally planned to attend to see and join in the fun. But now it seems that you are not very interested. Maybe I shouldn't be present. It's better to make a cup of coffee at home and then Reading a book."


Talking to myself, never got a response. Such Heather is really uncomfortable. She just lay down so quietly, there was no response, no movement, and even her breathing could hardly be heard.

"This is not the Heather I know." Lan Li twitched softly at the corner of his mouth and said jokingly. "The Heather I am familiar with, she is a warrior who fights and fights constantly, never giving up; The Heather I know, she is a warrior, she is braver than any of us, so much that it makes me feel insignificant. But, what about you? You just... lie there, accepting all this with peace of mind, Give up resistance?"

"No, you are not Heather Cross. You are a coward."

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