The Greatest Showman

Chapter 811: The mutation strikes

At the end of the long flight, the plane slowly began to descend, and below was Kennedy Airport. Through the thick layers of clouds, the iconic skyline of New York gradually revealed its original appearance. Lan Li opened his eyes in a daze, like a dream, as if he was lying on the clouds, fluttering and soft, and the aroma of marshmallows filled the bottom of his nose.

Suddenly, a figure jumped up like a gopher in the light of his sight, breaking the silence and peace that permeated the air, frightening Lan Li, and then hearing Nathan's familiar voice.

"Len Li, you slept so peacefully. Aren't you excited?" Nathan lowered his voice, but the trembling voice still revealed the stormy sea in his heart. "Jesus Christ, you just won the Silver Bear Award, Europe The actor of one of the three major film festivals!"

Lan Li's mouth curled slightly, and a trace of helplessness flashed between her eyebrows, "Nathan, that was already twenty-four hours ago." The hoarse voice revealed a deep sleepiness, and he thought he could continue. Sleep for a while.

"Yeah, that was only twenty-four hours ago!" Nathan couldn't bear it, and waved his fist. "This is incredible. You said, will the airport be blocked for a while? The reporter said. The whole pick-up hall is crowded? Should we call Andy and arrange bodyguards in advance?"

Lan Li chuckled lightly and did not respond, but changed the subject, "Nathan, can you please call the flight attendant for me? I need a cup of black tea."

Nathan immediately recovered from his thoughts, snapped his fingers, and said simply, "No problem."

The fringe in the ear finally calmed down. Lan Li closed his eyes and calmed down for a moment, but after only a short while, he sat up straight after all. The plane has begun to descend, he must put on his seat belt and prepare to land. Opened the visor, straightened the back of the chair, lifted the blanket, picked up the mineral water next to him, took a sip, and became a little awake.

The European continent has fallen behind, and the Berlin Film Festival has become history. Everything came too fast, but it also went too fast. Before the emotions of madness, joy, happiness, and joy were completely settled, they had already set foot. The journey back.

The steel-reinforced forest outside the window was shrouded in haze, so familiar and so unfamiliar, the text message I received before boarding could not help but came to mind, from Edith Hall.

"A start."

Without thinking, there is only such a simple phrase, "a beginning". However, even without context, Renly understands what Edith meant. This is the beginning of returning to Europe and the beginning of winning recognition.

It is now the 21st century, and the former restraints and rules have gradually fallen behind the times. The conservative aristocracy and upper class in London still hold on to their former glory and refuse to let go, but even if they refuse to admit it, they gradually begin to realize that the times are different after all. Even the Queen of England is like this, how can they make an exception? It's just a stubborn and stubborn refusal to admit it.

For the aristocracy, the profession of actor is still disgraceful, but more and more actors are beginning to gain recognition. Top old drama bones such as Judy Dench and Maggie Smith are also well-known in the British royal family. Just like in the glorious era, artistic geniuses like Mozart are widely sought after and praised by members of the royal family. reason.

However, the conditions for recognition are very harsh, even tricky.

Now, the Silver Bear Award of the Berlin Film Festival, this is the beginning. Not Cannes, not Venice, but Berlin. The weight of this Silver Bear trophy among the upper class in London is also heavy. For the first time, when people mentioned "Lan Li-Hall" or "Hall's youngest son", the words were no longer ridicule and ridicule, nor was it a good show.

So, Edith said, a start. However, it is just the beginning.

The corners of Lan Li's mouth rose slightly, and he finally had "a beginning" in his own way. He likes this kind of life and enjoys this kind of process.

The scent of tea spread in the cabin, and the flight attendant came pushing the cart and said with a smile, "Sir, black tea, no milk, no sugar, right? Our plane is descending, please be careful ; If there is any need, please feel free to give orders."

The buzzing roar is getting louder and louder, boiling on the eardrums, and the world is full of noise; the echo of tinnitus continues all the way to the arrival hall of the airport, surrounded by more than two hundred reporters, flashing lights and calling sounds like Being under the Great Falls of Nicaragua, the earth-shattering roar completely disabled hearing. Even when screaming at the ear, the language was fragmented to a mess of syllables, which made interviews completely impossible.

The turbulent wave of madness flared his teeth and claws. Under the **** of six security guards, Lan Li was still in a panic. Nathan and Roy, who were trapped in the encirclement, also experienced the taste of "media power" for the first time. Even the pores are enlarged under the camera, there is nowhere to escape, I feel that there are weaknesses all over the body, and all the weaknesses are exposed.

After getting into the van hurriedly, the matter is still not over. Indomitable reporters are pervasive, hot flashes are endless, and the silver halo turns the cabin into a sunbathing studio; two reporters lie directly on the hood of the car, yelling while taking pictures. So that the car has no way to start.

The scene was in chaos.

The airport staff had to mobilize collectively, forcibly evacuated the crowd, and began to maintain order on the scene; while the van driver wisely aimed at the neutral position, gave up forward, chose to retreat, and threw off the two reporters on the hood. , Then killed the steering wheel, forcibly entered the motorway of the airport, avoided the crowd, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away.

Looking back, the unwilling reporters still ran wildly on the driveway and chased them. It was just an airport pick-up, but a "Mission Impossible" was filmed on the scene.

"Jesus Christ!" Even Roy, who had always been calm, was sweating profusely, and his exclamation could not be suppressed; Nathan, who was sitting next to him, was even more excited and exclaimed, "Crazy, this is really crazy. Up!"

Now they finally understood Lan Li's feelings. It was exciting and thrilling, and the feeling was really indescribable.

Nathan tried to stand up excitedly, but then found himself in the carriage with his head directly on the roof, so he immediately sat down again, like a flea. The point is that his tonnage is so big that the entire rear seat starts to vibrate, creating the effect of a banana boat.

Compared to the embarrassment of Nathan and Roy, Lan Li was not affected much today.

In the chaos, the reporters had no time to distinguish the protagonist. Nathan and Roy shared a lot of harassment. Coupled with the maintenance of six security guards, Lan Li became the easiest one. However, such a crazy situation far exceeded expectations. It was too unusual. He couldn't help but frowned and said dumbfounded, "What the **** happened? What happened to them?"

Just the best actor at the Berlin Film Festival? Impossible, absolutely impossible. Even the most topical and popular Cannes Film Festival actor's trophy, reporters do not stop there.

"This is not the point." There was a voice coming from the passenger seat, and the three of Lan Li were shocked. They were in a turmoil just now and did not pay attention at all. Now they found that Andy was sitting in the passenger seat.

Looking at Andy who turned around and poked his head, Lan Li raised his eyebrows slightly, and joked half-jokingly, "It seems that something big has happened. Why? I am now the devil? Or the enemy of the whole people. ?"

As an agent, Andy has no need to come to pick up the plane in person, or even to come to New York. However, he appeared today. Not only that, but the iconic smile was also stained with a hint of heaviness at this time. Apart from the awards season, Lan Li can't think of a better answer.

It seems that the Weinstein brothers have made another tough move.

According to the historical trajectory of the previous The Weinstein brothers are determined to win this year's awards season, showing a strong momentum and exerting their public relations and publicity skills to the fullest. Now, the historical trajectory has slightly changed. His little butterfly has naturally become a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh of the Weinstein brothers.

Faced with Lan Li’s ridicule, Andy twitched, “Those reporters? Indeed, the awards season has now entered a white-hot stage.” Andy affirmed that the Weinstein brothers are aggressive and are stepping up industry news step by step. At the beginning of the release to the reporter, it was like attracting a shark, breaking a blood vessel, letting the smell of blood spread little by little, and detonating the slaughter at the most critical moment.

"But?" Lan Li's eyebrows moved slightly closer to the center, and Andy wasn't quite right today. It was not details such as smiles or facial expressions, but aura.

If Andy hadn't rushed to the airport personally, came to pick up the plane; Lan Li's most reliable guess is that Andy's personal life has something to deal with. But now, Andy appeared in front of him, which meant it was a job, not a personal matter. So, what is it?

Roy and Nathan also noticed the solidification of the atmosphere in the carriage, and the joy and joy of "escape from birth" quietly settled down, and both cast their sights at Andy.

Andy sighed lightly, without further delay, "Len Li, Heather Cross's condition suddenly deteriorated. I don't know the specific situation. I only know that she entered the operating room for first aid, and it seems that there is blue. alarm."

Lan Li's smile stopped like this, and the whole world seemed to stop suddenly. Even the soul stiffened, like a heavy punch hitting the stomach, and the internal organs began to fall into the sea. Got up, but he couldn't make any response. There was no sound at all.

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