The Greatest Showman

Chapter 809: Actor Silver Bear

"Yes, this is a masterpiece. In this year's film list, besides'just wind', my personal second choice." Rachel Mavazan's award once again made the work "War Wizard" Appearing in front of everyone, Tony Kaye curiously asked Lan Li's opinion. Lan Li expressed his love concisely and clearly.

Tony showed a look of surprise, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

However, Lan Li smiled and nodded, affirming again. Tony then wrinkled his entire face in annoyance, "God, see what I missed."

At the Berlin Film Festival, there are really not many distributors; and the distribution of such infrequent works as "War Wizard" is even more difficult. After I missed Berlin, I don't know when and where I can see it.

"At the 62nd Berlin Film Festival, the winner of the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor is..." On the stage, a bright and cheerful voice came, and Lan Li and Tony both paused their conversation and cast their sights politely. , And then Jack announced, "Len Li-Hall,'detached'."

Lan Li subconsciously raised his hands and prepared to applaud, but the action had not been completed yet. Without warning, joy and happiness burst out in an instant. The adrenaline shock caused the brain to be slightly taken aback; the next second, scorching eyes from all directions They swarmed over, blooming on the surface of the skin like fireworks.

He won a prize?

Tony's body stiffened involuntarily for half a second, and he looked at the stage reflexively, cast his gaze for verification, and then saw Jack's brilliant face, and his gaze fell on Lan Li who was beside him accurately. Joy, bursting open, Tony stood up abruptly, clapped, and clapped vigorously.

If you try to find Lanli's biggest supporter on the spot, there is no doubt that Tony will stand out. As the director of "detachment", Tony witnessed the birth of the miracle with his own eyes. In his mind, this year's Berlin actor is Lan Li, a well-deserved choice, a well-deserved choice!

Everything is so logical.

Tony is not alone—in fact, before the closing ceremony tonight, when it comes to the most popular candidate for the movie actor, Ren Li’s support voice is far ahead and unsurpassed.

The official comment of the "Silver Screen" magazine described it like this, "Every viewer who watched the'transcendence' has been conquered. We clearly know that he is capable of any role, but there is no doubt that he once again handed over a perfect Answer sheet.

Before the camera, he was so incredible, not letting go of every detail, and every emotion displayed and converged was so real and profound. There was no deliberateness, no trace, or even the slightest effort, all emotions flowed out between gestures, conquering the audience. Like a miracle. "

In addition to the "Silver Screen" magazine, other media with different opinions on "transcendence" also unanimously expressed their recognition: Lan Li once again conquered the big screen, everything seemed so easy and so beautiful. . This 22-year-old young British actor won the love of everyone when he landed in Berlin for the first time.

Especially after the "detachment" propaganda ended, Lan Li still stayed in Berlin, which is undoubtedly a signal. Many people have guessed that this year's best actor in Berlin should belong to Lanli.

Sure enough, the hunch came true!

Therefore, this is not an upset, indeed it is not an upset, Jack's response also proves this point, this is what everyone expects; but from another perspective, this is indeed an upset, and another shocking upset.

At only 22 years old, Lan Li has become the second youngest winner in the history of the Berlin Film Festival!

Similar to North America, European male actors are also in the trend of getting older and getting more mellow. Although, relatively speaking, the pursuit of European art is more pure, and the age of actors is not that important; but overall, among male actors, the advantages and disadvantages of age still exist. After years of tempering and experience precipitation The mature male actors of, are often able to burst out more power and aftertaste on the screen.

In other words, the struggle and hard work of young actors in Europe are full of thorns.

In the history of the Berlin Film Festival, the youngest actor winner is Lou-Tayler-Pucci (Lou-Tayler-). He won the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor in 2005 for his "Thumb Sucker". Only twenty years old, wrote a record.

This year, the 22-year-old Lan Li once again won the Silver Bear Award. Compared with male actors who are generally in their 40s and 50s in the golden age, this is undoubtedly an unpopularity. It is definitely an unpopularity that breaks rules, routines, and routines!

Following last year’s Berlin Film Festival, the best actor and best actress were awarded to "A Farewell" in an unpopular manner, commending the outstanding performance of the protagonists and the Iranian social phenomenon reflected in this work. After that, this year's Berlin Film Festival broke out again.

The chairman of the jury headed by Mike Lee decisively and bravely awarded the best actor and best actress to the young actors.

In the final analysis, young actors are the future of the film industry, and it is also the future of artistic creation and social development. The mainland of the United States is facing actor cutoffs after the baby boom generation, and Europe is also facing a similar dilemma. Therefore, this year’s The Berlin Film Festival is at the forefront.

On the artistic level, among the three major European film festivals, Berlin has always been in the lead, with clear thinking, keeping up with the times, reforming and innovating, and advancing with the times.

Thus, the Silver Bear Award at the 62nd Berlin Film Festival, Best Actress, Rachel Mavazan, Best Actor, Renly Hall.

This is unpopular, but not unpopular.

Tony stood up first and applauded. The other guests exchanged their sights. The applause rang out first, and the thunderous sounds gradually joined together; then, the guests finally realized the meaning of these two unpopularities, and they all stood up one after another. Finally, today For the third time in the evening, the audience stood up and applauded, and the applause became louder and louder, surging violently.

In an instant, Lanly became the focus of the audience's attention, and thousands of sight lines projected over, like a spotlight. Surging happiness filled his chest, and involuntarily, the smile on the corner of his mouth rose, and the light in his eyes brightened.

On the left hand side, both Sami Gale and Betty Kaye clapped vigorously, the hot tears kept falling, and there was no sound of weeping. The excitement and excitement were even more turbulent than Lan Li. Lan Li chuckled lightly, and a touch of touch slowly flowed through his chest. He stepped forward and gave two little nizi hugs to express his gratitude and comfort. Then, he moved away. Steps, walked towards the stage.

On the stage, Jack was holding the trophy in both hands, standing in place with a smile on his face, waiting quietly. However, after a short while, he broke his work. After seeing Lan Li came to power, Jack took the initiative to greet him, opened his arms, and gave Lan Li a big bear hug, the real bear hug, and he punched Lan vigorously. Li's back—without any reserve, "Man! Oh, man."

A simple sigh, but the mixed and turbulent emotions were all done.

Lan Li chuckled softly, "Man, don't you plan to give me my trophy?" A joking sentence made Jack laugh happily and offered the trophy with both hands. Then he took a big step back and did. After giving a knight ceremony and showing respect, he left the field.

Looking down at the Silver Bear Award in hand, the taste of the tip of the tongue is mixed. To be honest, he had imagined and expected. If he said that he did not, it would be too hypocritical; but when this moment really happened, it was still difficult to express the emotion, the excitement, and the turbulence in words. In all the pictures in, even one-thousandth of the excitement could not be captured.

The naive little bear, which is a symbol of Berlin's city, raised two paws cutely, seeming to be agitated and welcoming. The silver arc circulates under the light, a bit rough, and more real. It was heavy, far beyond imagination, and it seemed that even his hands could not support its weight.

That's it. This is Renly's first actor's trophy at a top international film festival, and it is also the first heavyweight actor's trophy in Renly's career. Following the unexpected surprise at the Sundance Film Festival last year, this year's Blue Gift went a step further and gained the affirmation of the Berlin Film Festival. For many actors, they may not be able to reach such a high level in their lifetime. However, Lan Li reached it at the age of twenty-two.

A thousand words, but after all, he couldn't accurately describe Lan Li's mood at this moment. Any words seem too pale.

Gently squeezed, and gently squeezed again, the weight fell heavily and heavily in his heart, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was completely free from the shackles, and it bloomed wanton and brightly.

"Please forgive my impoliteness. If possible, I would stand here and stare at it for a long time, and then leave directly. I think UU reading should be the most consistent with Berlin's award-winning speech." Lan Li finally After recovering, I ridiculed myself into the microphone. The light and easy humor succeeded in making the corners of people's mouths rise.

"So, I came here. Phew, this section of the road is closer than I thought, but it's also a little harder." After saying that, Lan Li chuckled slightly, "closer", actually insinuating himself. Being younger and "tougher" seems to imply that he has outstanding talents and should have come out earlier. It was both mocking and joking, especially Lan Li's clever tone, which was very humorous.

Lan Li immediately said, "It is undoubtedly a challenge to shoot the movie "Transcendence". There is a shot in which we shot seventy-one times. Believe me, it is definitely not a wonderful memory, but it is But it is an important memory that cannot be replaced, polished bit by bit, to make me believe that I can become an excellent actor."

"However, after experiencing this shooting, I think that next time Tony seeks cooperation again, I should think about it." After the conversation turned, Lan Li teased again, and many people at the scene chuckled lightly. , And then Tony replied, "You too, little madman." Then everyone burst into laughter.

Lan Li himself couldn't help but laugh, and replied "Thank you", the laughter on the scene became more and more joyous, and some couldn't stop it.

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