The Greatest Showman

Chapter 803: Extreme means

The hotel checked out less than an hour and checked in again. However, during the Berlin Film Festival, the hotel rooms are always busy and crowded. It is impossible to live in the same room. Fortunately, the Grand Hyatt Hotel still has spare vacancies, so that Roy will not be in a hurry.

There were suitcases neatly placed on the floor of the hall. Roy didn't pay attention, and kicked his toes up. Tears were about to burst out from the pain. He had to grit his teeth and stand in place to relax. The call came from the other end. Andy's familiar voice, "Roy? Are you okay?"

Roy let out a big breath, "It's okay." Kicked his left leg, then limped and sat down on the sofa next to him, "I personally think that this exchange will be a good thing for Lan Li, regardless of Is it a movie circle or a theater circle. If you can take this opportunity to invite some young filmmakers to go to London or New York to watch Lan Li’s plays—provided that Lan Li can take the role, then this is for Lan Li’s Reputation is definitely a good thing."

For the stage play version and movie version of "Les Miserables" in the past two weeks, there is no further news update for the time being. During the period, Lan Li participated in two auditions, one for the stage play. Once for the movie version. The former auditioned for the role of Jean-Agen, the latter auditioned for Enjolras and Marius. Now waiting for follow-up news.

The actor's fame and heritage, in addition to the work, is the recognition of industry insiders and the attention of fellow actors.

To some extent, the four film works have established a certain degree of industry recognition for Lan Li, but the number of works is still too small, and the influence of the works is still too weak. After all, it is difficult to become a climate. "Beyond" was an opportunity at the Berlin Film Festival, and Dieter's invitation was another opportunity. In Roy's view, this would be the third chance to participate in the "Les Miserables" stage play.

Roy made the most favorable choice between the electric light and flint. In just 120 seconds after receiving Dieter's call, he chose to stay.

"In addition, my personal instinct is that Renly might have a chance in this year's Berlin." Roy said meaningfully, and then shrugged, "Even if it doesn't. Lanly is still here now."

In just four days, Lanly got acquainted with Jack Gyllenhaal, Dieter Koslik, François Ou Jong; and also had an intersection with the loyal audience of the Berlin Film Festival. These seemingly useless foreshadowing and accumulation are in fact the source of fame and reputation.

There was still a hint of lingering rhyme in the pain of the toe. Roy was almost choked by his saliva and had to take a sigh of relief, "What do you think? I just called and cancelled the ticket, but if you have any comments, We can still discuss it."

Not to buy another ticket, but to discuss it again. The relationship between Roy and Andy is always in a game state, not a partner.

As a manager, Roy unilaterally decided to stay in Berlin; as an agent, Andy has already made a deployment plan in Los Angeles.

Now, the two people’s decision-making directions are in conflict. They can complete the communication and reach a consensus on their own, but the final decision is left to Lan Li to choose. In the final analysis, Roy and Andy are both employed by Lan Li.

"...Where's Lan Li?" Andy pondered for a moment, instead of rushing to express his opinion, but inquiring about Lan Li's situation.

"Movie theater." Roy pursed the corner of his mouth, not surprisingly Lan Li's choice.

Lan Li has always been a movie lover. Compared to the coveted college public relations occasions in Los Angeles, the attraction of the Berlin Film Festival is much stronger. Therefore, after Roy briefly explained the situation in the car, Lan Li did not object, but returned to the Grand Hyatt Hotel again. Otherwise, Lan Li can request a U-turn at any time.

Andy chuckled softly, "Sure enough, it's Lanly." Then, after a slight silence for two seconds, Andy went on to say, "It's okay. Lanly stay in Berlin and come back after the film festival ends."

Agreed, Andy actually agreed, without even further discussion and arguing.

Not only did Roy have no surprises, but cleverly sniffed out the unusual, "Andy, what happened?"

"The college public relations thing." Andy has no intention of concealing it. Even if it is not Roy, he must tell Lan Li. Otherwise, when Lan Li returns to North America, he will be in a hurry and unable to parry. "The Weinstein brothers simply It's just two mad dogs, for the Oscar, regardless of whether they look at it, their faces are really eye-opening."

There is no complaint or anger, but smiling ridicule and ridicule, but the hidden ridicule is extremely sharp.

The public relations of the college is like this every year, the eight immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers. On the road leading to the little golden man, strong hands are like clouds and densely covered with thorns. No one can know who will sprint to the finish line.

On the whole, the college public relations of the major film companies are open and honest: hold small viewing parties, organize formal parties, organize charity events, organize brand sponsorship activities, attend film critics association awards, attend media promotion occasions, and distribute DVDs for free ...It's nothing more than all kinds of occasions, the guest list hides mystery, and everything is done through social interaction and publicity.

But the Weinstein brothers are an exception. In order to reach the top of the little golden people, they often ingenious and uncompromising means.

As a conventional example, in 1996, in order to promote the switch-blade knives, which had hardly any reputation, they made a list of the infrequent and veteran judges who were "not in Los Angeles, not attending the party", and then they delivered the movie discs to the door one by one. , Invited the judges to watch this "not to be missed during the awards season" work.

After that, I made a return visit by phone and email every three to five, "Don’t you think Billy Bob Thornton’s performance is worthy of a nomination?" Or, "Have you noticed the movie’s lines and scenes? Here is It is of special significance". Recycle, recycle, until the judges watched the movie and communicated with them.

In the end, "Switchblade" missed the Golden Globe Awards and missed the major film critics associations, and completed the counterattack, and received two nominations for best adapted screenplay and best actor above the Oscars. The little golden man with the best adapted screenplay is in his pocket.

An extreme example. Last year, dirty water was used to slander “social networks”, from David Fincher to Alan Sorkin, from Mark Zuckerberg in real life to Eduardo Savarin, criticizing, slandering, All kinds of negative comments such as provocatives are endless, and even David's racially discriminatory comments are full of uproar.

Reputation is a very delicate matter: after slander and slander, the lie is clarified, but the reversal of the fixed impression is extremely difficult. More importantly, in the process of gossip dissemination, what people care about is not the truth, but the excitement and novelty. Therefore, the spread of negative news tends to be faster.

Sony Columbia Pictures, the producer and distributor of the "social network", clarified the negative rumors as quickly as possible, and the Weinstein brothers took it as soon as they saw it. They no longer contributed to the situation, but the impact has already been caused. The final result is clear at a glance: "The King's Speech" overturned the leading "social network" all the way.

This year, again.

"In order to promote the'artist' to the top, they are now frantic and do everything they can do." Although the words are sharp, Andy's tone has always remained steady, just lightly telling the facts, "They are attacking the film, the director, In the four departments of the leading actor and supporting actress, the negative news about Martin Scorsese and Woody Allen has been flying all over the sky."

In North America, the rumors condemning Woody's creative vitality has gradually disappeared but refuses to retire so far are clamoring; on the other hand, he mocks Martin at the top with "Infinite Walker", whose strength is not proportional to fame. It is completely a false name and defeated that year. Alessandro Gonzalez-Inaritu and Clint Eastwood were in a grievance.

For these two industry leaders, such rumors are actually just sprinkling water. They have gone through countless winds and waves, and they don't care at all. But the real intention behind the rumors is: they are all too old and lacking vitality, and should not be awarded.

Once public opinion is formed, the competitiveness and combat effectiveness of "Hugo" and "Midnight Paris" will drop by a notch.

"As for the best actor, they focused on Lan Li." After a few short sentences, Andy got to the point. "Recently, there are rumors in the industry that Lan Li can successfully take the position at such a young age. Obviously Someone was behind it; during the awards season last year, Chris Spalling, the screenwriter of Buried Alive, sent a boastful e-mail, and some people suggested that it was instigated by Lan Li."

"Absurd." Roy frowned slightly and blurted out.

Andy did not respond, but continued, "More importantly, the e-mail incident caused the entire crew to fall into a qualification crisis, but the result? Lan Li became It is the youngest actor in history to win the Oscar nomination for his debut work." Andy laughed without anger and chuckled. "The key point is that these rumors do not mention who is behind it."

Thoughts circulated in his mind, and Roy suddenly realized.

The focus of these rumors is not on the connection between Lan Li and the mail incident, but on the fact that after the incident broke out, Lan Li retired and won the nomination.

This sentence succeeded in killing two birds with one stone: first, the hidden Lan Li is directly related to the email incident; second, the implied person behind Lan Li is implied. However, none of the real handles were left behind, just catching the wind and catching the shadows, and on the contrary, it became more and more unpredictable.

All the rumors did not mention names, but they were directed at Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg.

The ingenious thing is that if the names of the two big men are mentioned, then there is nothing wrong with this matter. George Clooney also took the initiative to support each other on the platform of Jean Dujardin this year in the public relations of the college. There are countless cases; but, unfortunately, the rumors did not mention it, which obviously implied that there was something tricky behind the matter.

Furthermore, neither Renly nor Tom and Steven could stand up to explain their innocence, otherwise they would not confess themselves; moreover, they directly settled people's speculations.

Smart, really smart. The Weinstein brothers used only one rumor and immediately put Lan Li into a predicament. But is that all?

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