The Greatest Showman

Chapter 800: The craze never fades

Early in the morning, William Taylor did not sleep in bed abnormally. Instead, he got up early, sat in front of the computer, and began to browse the news.

Just type in the keywords of "Berlin Film Festival" or "Renley-Hall" in the Google search window, and the news will be displayed overwhelmingly. It was dawn in Los Angeles at this time, but it was a good time in the afternoon in Berlin. The reason why William got up early was to pay attention to the news of the premiere of Lan Li's latest work.

"Beyond", which is being shown on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, is obviously eye-catching. It doesn't need to be too laborious. A simple search will display countless latest news on the computer screen. However, the situation seems a bit bad.

"'Transcendence' encounters the word-of-mouth Waterloo, the first failure of Renly Hall's career as an actor?"

"Praise and criticism are intertwined, and'transcendence' faces condemnation from film critics."

"Word of mouth is far below expectations, and'detachment' is facing a severe test in Berlin."

"Four minutes of standing and applause at the premiere; 2.3 points in the official show. The two heavens of'transcendence'!"

"The audience's bad comments are like a wave: high cold, self, hypocritical.'Transcendence' ushered in a voice of controversy."

"Extreme liking vs. extreme disgust.'Transcendence' is facing a severe test. What happened to Tony Kaye?"

"Len Li-Hall dedicated his career best performance; Tony Kaye dedicated his career worst work-the predicament after the premiere of "Beyond"."


The dazzling news is simply overwhelming. Positive and negative, positive and negative, all kinds of news are pouring out like a flood. There is no buffer space, no room for thinking, and it is in a mess. , William couldn't make accurate thinking at all.

In fact, before the "transcendence", Ren Li's four film works and one TV work have never had a smooth reputation. Even the most outstanding "Love Crazy" at present has also ushered in a lot of critical voices. Moving forward in the midst of controversy, this seems to have become a label of Lan Li’s work-and at the same time the status quo that independent art films must face.

But this time it was different.

William can clearly feel that the overall trend of the Berlin Film Festival is full of negative atmosphere, it seems to be sliding down the abyss bit by bit, only a rope is left to maintain vitality and avoid the tragedy of a complete crash, which makes William suddenly Frightened, he quickly opened the Yahoo community, and found the corresponding section in a familiar manner.

The hottest post came into view, "The Premiere Record of'Beyond'-Live Broadcast at the Berlin Film Festival."

At present, the click-through rate of the post has exceeded 500,000, and the number of replies has reached more than 8,000. Obviously, some people stayed up all night watching the grand occasion before and after the premiere.

Click to enter, and the post of the host will come into view, "First of all, the young master is so handsome! The young master is so handsome! The young master is so handsome!"

The beginning was a series of admirations, and William couldn't help but laugh, and his mood was a little lighter. This poster described in detail what happened on the red carpet of the premiere, and even included the exchanges with several other German fans, as detailed as possible about the forty-eight hours after Lan Li arrived in Berlin.

Scanning quietly, uncontrollably, William began to envy him. He also wanted to meet Lan Li in the city streets of Berlin. He also wanted to talk to Lan Li in the lobby of the midnight cinema. He also wanted to be in Red. "You are my favorite actor" shouted on the carpet. Film festivals are always the case, making every movie lover feel happy.

When William read about the end of the film screening, the audience stood up and applauded for four minutes. This was the first time for this year's Berlin Film Festival. His nervousness eased slightly, but this state did not last long. , With the appearance of movie reviews, emotions began to sink little by little:

"To be honest, this is not a flattering movie. A lot of narration, a lot of empty shots, a lot of emotional accumulation, and even mumbling with chalk animation, it feels like a winter in Berlin. , Hazy and depressing, it makes people breathless. It not only requires patience, but also requires accumulation, otherwise the film will be very difficult to produce a sense of substitution.

However, this is definitely a work worth watching. Not only is the young master's dedication to textbook-level performances again, and his charm value is exploding; but also because the role played by the young master shoulders the weight of the entire movie, from the individual to the system, and then to the society, challenging everyone's education view.

This is bold and crazy. It presents a state, but also a crisis. Every character in the movie is trying to break free and try to save, but their resistance is only in vain. The deep helplessness, helplessness and powerlessness are like a rapidly accumulating bubble that quickly dissipates in the air. Then infiltrate everywhere. I was so sad that I couldn't speak. "

William couldn't help but lift up his spirits. This is a favorable comment, and this is a positive favorable comment. Obviously, this poster is not only an avid fan of Lanly, but also a senior fan of the Berlin Film Festival. He has a certain degree of film viewing and theoretical knowledge, which enables patient analysis and in-depth discussion.

However, after that, it started to take a turn for the worse.

Skip the previous sighing, envy, and screaming posts, William quickly saw the audience replies after the premiere.

——It's terrible, it's unintelligible. I'm so disappointed.

——I was depressed at first, and after watching this movie, I immediately wanted to commit suicide.

——It feels like I am an outsider, from beginning to end, there is no way to blend into my emotions. I don’t want to have this kind of movie watching experience again.

——What happened to the Berlin Film Festival and why did it allow this work to enter the main competition unit?

——This movie is really too pessimistic and too desperate, leaving almost no room for survival, nor any room for relief. I don't know whether I like it or hate it.

——Zero points, if possible, I choose zero points.

——What is going on with the audience upstairs? Objectively speaking, this is an excellent film, even if it is not a full 100 points, but at least 95 points; at the same time, this is also a film that is not worth recommending, because it is too deep and too heavy. It's too cruel. Masterpieces can be divided into two types, one to excavate the ultimate beauty, and the other to excavate the ultimate pain. This work belongs to the latter. What's more, it's just a performance at the actor level of Renly Halla, this work is already worth seeing.

——What the hell? It feels like the inner monologue filmed by the director himself. The script should be his diary when he was young and frivolous?

——Various artistic techniques, various religious metaphors, various realistic allusions, long shots, pseudo-records, film and high-definition, with strong contrast to show the inner poetry of the hero. In terms of form, this is indeed refreshing; but the content is empty and empty, with no value at all.

——It is divided into two parts: emotional appeal, very full, and powerful visual effects. Lan Li’s performance is amazing; but the narrative is in a mess. Lan Li has been introverted, then introverted, and has even been suppressed. Indifferent, but still can’t stop the director’s self-pity and self-pity young literary heart. After too much depression and sorrow, there is only an empty shell left, just like the actor’s large preaching line: contrived And superficial.

——No matter what others say, I don’t like this movie.

——Disappointment, really disappointed. This is the first time that Lanly-Hall has disappointed. I don't know why he chose such a movie.


The discussion frenzy spread all the way from the streets of Berlin to the Internet. It was bustling, boisterous, and noisy, and it was obvious that negative feedback had the upper hand.

As the least watched and most neglected of the three major European film festivals, Berlin lacks enough topics every year to attract the attention of the public. Even if it occasionally invites the top Hollywood names to visit, the hot spots are and The lack of gimmicks still led to a deserted situation. Coupled with the approach of Grammys and Oscars, Berlin is even clearer, more like self-entertainment.

Even compared with the rising star Toronto, Berlin has gradually fallen behind.

After the release of "Transcendence", such a grand occasion on the Internet forum is really long-lost for the Berlin Film Festival, whether it is media controversy or audience disagreement, it is so lively, it seems a little bit. Neither "Berlin".

What is even more commendable is that not only on the European continent, but also on the North American continent, the craze is gradually rising. During the awards season in full swing, "detachment" has become an alternative dark horse, which has brought more focus. When people discovered that this work was premiered in Berlin and missed the competition for this year's awards season, the surprise and astonishment became even more obvious.

In less than twenty-four hours, on the Yahoo forum, the popularity of live posts has already reached 10,000 replies. You know, in the past ten years, the Berlin Film Festival did not have any related topics, and the discussion heat can reach such a high level. Even the joint discussion heat of the entire film festival may not be as good as a "transcendence."

The paradise and hell-style discussion and confrontation have been fermented on the Internet.

However, this is not a good thing for William. He became worried, worried about the reputation of "detachment", worried about Renly's performance, worried about the prospects of the Berlin Film Festival.

Although independent art films always face such challenges, even old dramas like Meryl Streep, Daniel Day Lewis, and Sean Penn are no exception. They are messed up art films. There are really no fewer. In the final analysis, "art" is a process of continuous self-exploration. Even if it is not today, someday in the future, Lan Li will face such a difficult situation.

But William was still involuntarily nervous. He hoped that "detachment" would win recognition. He also hoped that the Berlin Film Festival could open up the European art market for Renly. Now, "detachment" is caught in a controversy. The media is like this, the film critics are like this, and the audience is like this. This is really bad.

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