The Greatest Showman

Chapter 794: Sweating

"Director, it is undoubtedly a huge challenge to choose an actor who is such a young actor and a heavy and profound role for Lan Li-Hall. How did you choose Lan Li in the first place?"

"Lan Li, welcome to Berlin, thank you for bringing such a work. I would like to ask, before you took the filming of "Transcendence", you have achieved good commercial success. You have chosen such a strong and experimental art style. Works with a strong nature inevitably require courage. What did you think about it at the beginning?"

"I want to ask about Lan Li. I was most impressed by two, no, three scenes. One was a bus scene, one was a farewell scene to Erica, and the other was the final recitation scene. In these three scenes, how do you figure out the characters? The emotions and emotions in each scene are very strong and delicate, and the connection between the beginning and the next is clear and accurate. I am very curious about how you perform."

"Tony, my question is: In this work, you used a lot of close-up close-ups and restored the grain of the film. What inspired this choice? And how did you capture the performances of Lan Li What about the details?"

"Len Li, can you talk about your co-actors? Two young actors, they are on the big screen for the first time, but their performances are really brilliant. Can you talk about your interaction during the performance?"

"Len Li, I have a curiosity, why Henry's emotions were calm, even indifferent and alienated when he first appeared on the stage and when he finally finished. There is no sorrow and pain in the imagination, nor the loneliness and loneliness in the imagination. Loneliness, how did you figure out this role?"

"Tony, I want to ask about Adolf Hi/T/Le's hint, does this have any profound implications?"

"Len Li, how did Henry deal with his relationship with his grandfather and mother? How did Henry become a teacher without family guidance? And, why? You can share with us the performance process. In, are you guessing and understanding?"


According to the convention of the film festival, after the screening, the audience will ask questions and communicate. The audience is very proactive, with questions one after another, and there is almost no breathing room.

As the top priority, Lan Li took on two-thirds or even more of the questions. The microphone is like a hot potato, stuck in his palm. He has been trying hard to transfer, but he has never succeeded. Even if Lan Li pinpointed the problem to Sami, Betty, and even Carl, Marcia, Tony and others, after a round, the problem would return to him again.

Not only that, every problem is so professional and profound. The average quality of the problem far exceeds that of Sundance and Telluride, which really makes Lan Li a little overwhelmed-but this is the audience's purpose. They hope to share their opinions with the main creators, and they also hope to argue with the crew for certain points, either in favor or criticism.

The significance of art is that it can trigger all kinds of different ideas. If after watching a movie, all the audience's ideas are the same, there is no change, no diversity, no hierarchy, then at least from the artistic level, the work is a failure. As for popcorn, what it pursues is pleasure/sensation, not art, which is another matter.

The 30-minute audience questioning session was packed. When the last question was asked, it was already overtime, but Lanly answered it amicably; the reporter’s questioning session followed closely, which was different from the audience. The reporters left their seats and surrounded the crew members in full bloom, scrambling to ask questions.

The least crowd around is not the two newcomers, but Karl Lund, who is a screenwriter-behind the scenes of the crew, the attention is always slightly insufficient, but even Karl is surrounded by seven or eight people. Reporters, one question after another, is really overwhelmed; as for the focus of attention, let alone.

Lan Li’s side was surrounded by three floors and three floors outside, and the crowded scenes were astounding. It was comparable to the popular booth at the San Diego Comic-Con.

But even so, reporters around the periphery are still in an endless stream. Even Tony, Marcia and others have all fallen into trouble, "You can ask Lan Li for these questions", "Why don't you ask Lan Li", "I think Lan Li More suitable to answer"...

The boiling crowd was like a sea wave, swept in one wave after another, tightly surrounded in all directions, there was nowhere to escape, almost equivalent to a secret room-unless Lan Li was able to plug his wings. In the dense crowd, the air began to thick and hot, and gradually, Lan Li's back started to sweat.

This is absolutely incredible.

In this life, from childhood to adulthood, one of the important etiquettes of the nobles is to avoid sweating profusely in public as much as possible, especially in summer, after sweating under the armpits and the shirt is soaked, it is a very rude action. Either change clothes immediately or wear a tight coat to cover up.

What's more, they start to control their sweating volume and really do what they want, which completely violates the physical phenomenon. As for those who can't do it, some people choose to use surgery to block the sweat glands under the armpits.

Lan Li was not so crazy, but in a quiet state, he did not sweat easily. What's more, now he is in Berlin in the cold winter of February, and now his back is starting to sweat.

Finally, the reporters gradually dispersed, but Lan Li didn't know how much time had passed and how many questions he answered. He just felt like his throat was on fire, dry and painful, which was really embarrassing.

A bottle of mineral water was handed over, and at the same time a cautious and polite voice rang, "I will be prepared next time." Looking back, Lan Li saw Jack Gyllenhaal——

Jack stood far away, about two steps away, clearly dividing the separation line; then straightly raised his right hand, holding the bottle of mineral water, because the distance was too far, so that he had to upper body slightly Leaning forward, but the steps still refuse to approach, as if there is a bottomless abyss between the two; there is a gentle smile on his face, his eyes are calm and natural, but he is still slightly jerky and restrained, with tight shoulders and dryness. The lips revealed his cautiousness.

It looks like this, it really makes people laugh.

Lan Li did not excuse himself, took the mineral water, raised his hand in salute, unscrewed the bottle cap, and poured two small sips of water into his throat. After his dry throat was moisturized, he finally came back to life. Wei Fucked eyebrows also relaxed slightly, and looked at Jack, "The difference between a novice and a veteran can still be seen in the details."

This self-tackling made Jack smile shyly, "With the first time, the second time is much better. Although, for many people, the first time is left out in the cold."

"Are you complaining about your first trip to the Berlin Film Festival before?" Lan Li asked with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Jack shrugged and curled his lips. "I have never participated in the main competition unit of the Berlin Film Festival." Then he saw Lan Li's surprised eyes and shrugged again, "I'm telling the truth. . To be honest, I don’t know why the main committee chose an actor who has never participated in the main competition unit as a judge."

"They also invited an Algerian writer." Lan Li's answer made Jack stunned, and then nodded seriously, "In this way, I'm still very competent."

This is always the case for the three major European film festivals. The composition of the jury every year is puzzling, with writers, photographers, models, painters, and even actors who have never heard of it. As the name suggests, art is common. However, the chairman of the jury is often more reliable, and they are the helms of the overall direction.

For example, at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival, the chairman of the jury was Quentin Tarantino. He praised the documentary "Fahrenheit 911". After intense discussion and negotiation, the Palme d’Or was awarded. "Fahrenheit 911". If it weren't for Quentin, it would be almost impossible.

The chairman of the jury of this year's Berlin Film Festival is Mike Lee.

Jack noticed Lanly’s sight, and then added, “Back then, Brokeback Mountain applied to Berlin and Cannes, but they were rejected. So, I have been to Cannes and Venice, but Berlin? This is the number one. Time." Lan Li suddenly realized, and gently retracted his jaw After a pause, Jack continued, "Congratulations, the work just now is very wonderful." Then you can see Jack's upper body leaning forward slightly again. , Always keeping a distance, but can’t suppress the excitement, "To be honest, your lines are really wonderful, do you have any skills? You know, you don’t need to put too much effort into hiding all emotions between the lines. At the same time, there is not much modification, but that kind of power fits naturally with the plot. How did you do it?"

This was only the first time that Lan Li and Jack met. It was the first time to say hello on the red carpet. The two people didn't even introduce themselves formally. However, at this moment, Jack showed incredible enthusiasm and perseverance. After Lan Li understood it, he couldn't help laughing.

"Jack, you are an excellent actor..." Before Lan Li's words could go on, Jack interrupted directly, "but not outstanding, let alone great." Jack made no secret of his disappointment, sharp. He complained, "When performing'Brokeback Mountain' before, Li always emphasized that he let me feel those emotions and feel those lines. I can't do it, I really can't do it. This is really frustrating. By the way, I think if you cooperate with Li, it must be very exciting, and you can definitely meet Li's requirements."

In "Brokeback Mountain", Jack's performance was wonderful, even facing Heath Ledger. But Jack said so, which shows that he has strict demands on himself.

Therefore, Lan Li no longer polite and modest, but frankly said, "Jack, have you tried to learn orthodox academy acting in the UK? If you take similar courses, at the very beginning, reading lines is a basic skill. The point is, what we read aloud is not the script, but the newspaper...") Download the free reader!!

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