The Greatest Showman

Chapter 778: Demon trap

In the past two months, the upper class in London has added another talkative resource for people to talk about.

First, it was rumored that the eldest son of the Hall family, Arthur Hall, for a woman, in the tennis club’s locker room, fought with another person, Ji Li Hazel, against the Hamilton family’s second son, John Hamilton. -Hamilton), the point is, this woman is dating Hamilton's youngest son Andre Hamilton.

This kind of gossip, like a stimulant, instantly refreshes people. In comparison, the rumors of the triumphant return of the Hoer family's youngest son as an actor immediately became weaker, and in a blink of an eye, it became a yellow flower.

Soon after, the rumors made the latest development: not for a woman, but for a man. Andre Hamilton and Ji Li Hazel’s date have been updated again. It is rumored that Andre has a new love and abandoned Ji Li, but Ji Li is unwilling to give up, so he takes the initiative to hook up John, but John does not. interest. So, this led to a clash between John and Arthur by accident, because both of them fell in love with the same man——

The identity of this mysterious man is temporarily unknown, and there are countless speculations among the upper class, but no one can detect the truth.

The scandal reached its climax at Christmas.

That night, the Hall family hosted a Christmas party, which was the first external event of the Hall family since the release of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5". As Lan Li gradually moved away from the sight of the upper class and was quietly filming in the countryside, he did not even participate in hunting; George and Elizabeth seemed to finally be ready to re-enter the social occasion.

They invited three hundred guests. The theme of the party was the pastoral life of the nobles in the 18th century. Not only did the clothing, furniture, tableware, and decoration all follow the retro style, but also the process of the banquet, the holding of the dance, and the preparation of the meal. Strictly follow the style of the year. This party was well received by all guests. The Halls returned to the upper-class social circle in London with a very high profile posture.

However, the focus of the night has shifted quietly. Arthur attended the party with a close friend who was a man.

In fact, in aristocratic social occasions, this is very common and normal, especially the eighteenth-century themed parties-in the previous era, the private meeting of the opposite **** was strictly controlled, and the dance party often became young. The best occasion for boys and girls to fall in love.

However, given the rumors in the past period of time, this seems a bit unusual. At the party, Matthew Dunlop, Eaton Dormer, and Andre Hamilton were originally gathered together, but after Arthur and his friends appeared, Andre left the two companions until the party ended. They There is no communication between them; in contrast, Matthew and Eaton seem to have a very happy conversation with Arthur and his friend.

After the Christmas party, the rumors were very loud: rumors about Arthur's sexual orientation became more and more intense.

The most amazing thing about the whole incident is that Arthur, who is known to be well informed in London, did not respond positively from beginning to end, as if... as if completely kept in the dark and didn't know what happened; moreover, As another source of the news, John Hamilton, the news revolved around him for just a few days, and then it seemed that nothing happened to him, and there was no news update afterwards.

When Arthur reacted, the matter was irretrievable. George and Elizabeth were furious. They didn't listen to Arthur's explanation. In desperation, Arthur could only escape to Sicily and hide in the middle of the Mediterranean, enjoying the winter. Bright sunshine. Because Arthur knew it was a trap, a well-arranged trap.

The trap from Lan Li!

Not only John and Andre, not just Matthew and Eaton, not just the close friends around him, Arthur strongly suspects that even the guy Edith is on Lanly's side and is in the same way! Otherwise, with his news network, how could it be possible that he didn't hear anything about it, and he also brought rumored friends to the Christmas party?

In this regard, Arthur expressed his desire to cry without tears. He just stood on the balcony and watched a good show for a while. Why did he end up loving men?

At the same time, Edith was sitting on the CMB heading to Kandahar. The entire CMB was constantly bumping up and down. The sand was filled with dust outside the window and the sun was blazing. She only felt that the bones of the whole person would fall apart.

In fact, she is not just an official photographer of the United Nations, she is also performing tasks assigned by the United Nations, but her term of office has ended, so that she can spare time to do what she wants, but she still has nothing to do. When leaving the United Nations, she will still be obliged to take over the task when there is a shortage of manpower occasionally. Such as today.

The phone in her pocket vibrated violently, and she took it out and took a look. The caller ID showed that it was Arthur. Edith couldn't help but laugh, shrugged, and simply turned it off, then put the phone back in her pocket Here, she whispered, "Sorry, you can only rely on yourself this time. Good luck!" She absolutely does not admit that in this incident, she actually enjoyed it, not entirely for Lan Li The picture on the phone.

Quickly picked up the camera, pointed it at the ragged, skinny children outside the car window, pressed the shutter, and recorded the bewildered eyes. Edith got into working condition.

Looking at the phone in his hand that hadn't been answered for a long time, Arthur let out a long breath, and couldn't help feeling a dull pain in his temple. That guy Edith, who really didn't talk about loyalty, let him face the demon Lan Li alone!

Calculate the time, it should be 8 o'clock in the morning in Berlin, and Lan Li should have received his gift. Arthur dragged his chin, thinking seriously, should he write another email, extending an olive branch to Lan Li?

By the way, Arthur-Hall's full name is Arthur-George-Hall, the middle name George is from his father, and the English abbreviation is "AGH". Calla lily, that is the internal code of the Hall family.

"Len Li, this is actually a gift?" After eating breakfast and ending the styling, Nathan saw the card next to the bouquet when he was about to leave. He originally thought it was a hotel breakfast service, but apparently it was not. "Do you know who sent this?"

Lan Li shrugged, changed into skate shoes, and said half-jokingly, "Perhaps a strange anonymous admirer." Then he walked straight towards the door, "Go, there is not much left from the press conference. Time is up."

So, Nathan followed in a panic, came to Roy, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know who sent it?" Out of courtesy, Nathan didn't read the card, but he still didn't. Suppressing curiosity, he cast a gossip glance at Roy.

Roy was also at a loss and curled his lips. "Who knows, maybe it's Tony Kaye?" Originally it was just a joke, indicating that he didn't know it; but Nathan took it seriously, and he and Roy actually When discussing the possibilities, it really made Roy dumbfounded.

After leaving the room, you only need to take the elevator and you can directly reach the press conference site-the press conferences of the Berlin Film Festival are all held in the Grand Hyatt Hotel, which is very convenient.

During the life of "Ding", the elevator doors opened, and the bustling crowd scattered in the spacious space in front of them. After hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads in unison, realizing that what was standing in the elevator was their goal. The flash slammed down, and the noise around the ears suddenly became noisy.

Renly's footsteps paused for a moment, Nathan and Roy took the lead to go out, opening the way in front, and then Renly followed closely behind. However, the reporters did not encircle them, but followed Lan Li's footsteps, moving forward in parallel, and the shutter sound always maintained a dense and high frequency.

Among the crowd, there were more than a dozen ordinary spectators. Three or four of them dared to the front and said, "Lan Li, I heard that you went to the cinema to watch the exhibited film last night. Will you go there today?"

With a film festival-style question, Lan Li couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, "I hope I still have time today."

The voice did not fall, and then two people rushed up. Nathan took the initiative to greet him and blocked him with a wall gesture, but Lan Li patted Nathan on the chuckled. Said, "It's okay."

Sure enough, in the next step, the two people handed over a stack of thick book-like things, which should look like books or manuals, and then there was a roll of posters, "I heard yesterday that you have not seen any'transcendence' posters. We have prepared a special copy. On the back of the poster, there are also signatures from a group of our supporters. I hope this movie will not let us down."

This time, Lan Li was truly flattered. A word that was casually spoken yesterday has become an important thing that fans will remember.

Lan Li couldn't help but stopped, and even stopped with the entire "team", and asked with a smile, "Are you fans of Berlin?"

"Yes. It is mainly fans in Berlin, and then from all over the world, London, New York, and Melbourne. They regretfully have no way to come to the Berlin Film Festival, so we will bring their greetings and support." The brawny man on the left looks like an ordinary blue-collar pick-up. He is wearing a plain plaid shirt and brown jacket. His hair is still a bit flat. He doesn't look like a fanatical fan at all, but his eyes reveal sincerity.

Lan Li looked down at the gift in his hand, "Please be sure to thank everyone for me!" Involuntarily, Lan Li was a little poor. If possible, he hopes to communicate face-to-face with these fans and express his heartfelt gratitude. However, many times, the words are indeed very pale. So Lan Li smiled and said again, "Thank you!"

Stepping forward again, the group of fans did not continue to follow, but stopped, stood behind and shouted, "Master, come on! We look forward to criticizing your work and your performance!"

Lan Li couldn't help but laughed happily. This is really a group of lovely fans.

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