The Greatest Showman

Chapter 770: Collective melee

Two trophies for "Descendants" and two trophies for "Artist". The two works lead the drama category and musical comedy category respectively, becoming the biggest winners of the 69th Golden Globe Awards; Martin Scorsese and Meili High-profile stars such as El Streep, George Clooney, Michelle Williams, etc., each won, and the last best screenplay award was awarded to Woody of "Midnight Paris"- Allen, it can be said that everyone is happy and has a lot of focus.

The Golden Globe Awards came to an end in another year. As one of the three major weather vanes of the Oscars, in recent years, this title has become increasingly unreliable, almost in name only. The Hollywood Foreign Correspondents Association is tirelessly pursuing entertainment to death, and the skill of dividing the cake is becoming more and more sophisticated. Every year, it is stable, has a share of the audience, lacks surprises, and lacks authority.

Looking at the entire list of winners, Lan Li and Ryan are undoubtedly the biggest regrets.

The two representatives of the new generation of actors, not only this year's double promotion and double fall, but also both double and four zero. So far, Ryan has won four Golden Globe nominations for his "Inflatable Doll Love", "Blue Valentine's Day", "Crazy Stupid Love", and "President Killing Game". "The Pacific War", "Buried alive", "Crazy Love", and "I am Anti-Cancer" also received a total of four Golden Globe nominations, but neither of the actors was able to make a breakthrough, and both encountered the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. Ignore.

For Ryan, this year is a breakthrough year. In addition to the two works, there is also a "Desperate Driving" for the director Nicholas Wending-Refn (-inding-Refn), which won the best director of the Cannes Film Festival. The award can be said to be proud of the spring breeze. The industry generally believes that the outstanding performance of the two works "Desperate Driving" and "President Killing Bureau" is enough to make him a **** road in the award season.

For Landly, it goes without saying that the upward momentum of a TV series and a movie last year, and two independent movies and a commercial movie this year is simply unstoppable. The outstanding performance of the two works of art this year has made him the strongest opponent in this year's actor battle, comparable to Leonardo DiCaprio in 2006.

In those days, Leonardo relied on "Blood Diamond" and "The Infinite Walker", two works, which spread throughout the awards season, and was fierce. Unfortunately, he met the more powerful Forest Whitaker, who relied on " The soul-shaking performance of "The Last Dictatorship" successfully attacked Leonardo.

The overall momentum of this year’s Blue Ceremony is one size smaller. The two works naturally cannot be compared with Leonardo’s two works. However, the overall layout, posture and battle of the works in this year’s awards season are also a full size smaller. The chances of Lan Li have risen sharply, and it is very possible to create miracles.

The reality is regrettable. Regardless of whether Ryan or Lan Li, the two actors both lost the Golden Globe Awards, and the Oscar nomination was immediately overshadowed.

After the list of winners was released, someone could not help but speculate maliciously whether Renly knew in advance that he had no hope of winning, so he missed the awards ceremony and expressed strong dissatisfaction with the Golden Globes; however, such rumors have no soil and no market. , It only spreads for a short while, it dissipates completely like smoke.

The reason is very simple. This year's awards season is a melee, with small-cost and small-format films getting together and showcasing each other. Even Meryl Streep of "Iron Lady" can't be said to be the best, because the quality of the finished film is really too bad, and it is seriously hindered. The media review is only 50. Four points, which is completely terrible, which also makes the queen's battle suspense sharply increased. This is especially true for other departments. Everyone has an opportunity and everyone has a possibility.

Among Renly’s two nominations, he is the hottest winner, with Michael Fassbender in the drama category, and Jean Du Jardin in the musical comedy category. If done properly, he will be nominated for double trophies. This is not impossible-Kate Winslet achieved such a feat in 2008, "Road to Revolution" and "Reader" were both nominated for awards.

Even if Lan Li did not win the prize, in this year's chaotic situation, attending the Golden Globes will further promote the college public relations and increase the bargaining chip of the third stage. This is profitable and harmless.

It can even be said that this year may be the best time for Renly to win the award.

In the mass melee, there is no absolute strong leader. The excellent performance of the two works "Crazy Love" and "Anti-Cancer Me" provide a double bargaining chip, enough to make people ignore his 22-year-old. In fact, cast a vote for Lan Li's ascent to the top of the actor's throne. Even in close combat with close strengths, Lan Li may still be a little bit ahead. Last year’s "Buried alive" accumulated a lot of character, as well as all kinds of characters during the filming of "Anti-Cancer Me". Bonus option.

Therefore, if it is not a last resort, it is impossible for Renli to miss this year's awards season.

Nevertheless, the empty-handed return above the Golden Globes still made the media sigh. However, it is regrettable that the media cannot condemn the Hollywood Foreign Correspondents Association, because this is the fact:

This awards season is the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period when a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend!

In the best film competition, "Hugo", "War Horse", "Descendants", "Help", "Penalty Kick", "Desperate Driving", "President Killing", "Midnight Paris", "Artist" "Farewell", "Crazy Love", "Anti-Cancer Me", "Girl with Dragon Tattoo", "A Farewell" and other works, all ranked first in the group.

The works of the first group are very close in strength, and the average level is almost the same. Among them, it is almost impossible to select any leading figure. Each work has its advantages and disadvantages, and each work has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are strengths and shortcomings, even the "descendants" and "artists" who stand out above the Golden Globes.

What's more, after the first group, there is a second group that pursues fierce battles, "potters, tailors, soldiers, spies", "tree of life", "very loud, very close", and "indistinguishable male and female". , "Bridesmaids", "We Need to Talk About Kevin", "Bad Guard" and other works, the reason why they fall into the second group is that the shortcomings are slightly obvious on the one hand, and the other is the college public relations in the first half of the award season. Slightly weaker, but the average level is still not too far behind. If the reversal can be completed at the final sprint of the nomination stage, then the third stage of the battle is the real bayonet.

Twenty works before and after, there is no absolutely strong work, no absolutely weak work, no absolutely outstanding work, and no absolutely unpopular work. This year’s awards season is truly a melee. Even after the Golden Globe winners list is hotly released, people still cannot predict which works will be shortlisted for the Oscar list.

After the Oscars ended last year, the college was actually controversial.

In 2009, public opinion has been criticizing the college for refusing to work around, and there are only five seats for the best film Oscars each year. It is not eighty years ago. The film industry has gradually matured. The number of works produced each year is gradually increasing, and the number of outstanding works is also increasing. Five nominations are really not enough, and there will be a lot of regrets every year. So, driven by public opinion, the college decided to expand the number of seats for the best film to ten.

However, after only two years of implementation, the question reappeared: In order to fill the ten nominated seats, is there any suspicion of overfilling the number? Take last year as an example, the shortlisted works such as "Toy Story 3", "Bone of Winter", "127 Hours", "Inception of Dreams", etc., are eye-catching and worthy of encouragement; however, these works are in the award ceremony. However, Shanghai has been completely reduced to spectators, and the particles have not been collected. Then, does the meaning of increasing nominated seats really exist? Or is it just tasteless?

After deliberation, the college made a slight change to the policy: the best film seats each year, at least five, at most ten, there is no hard and fast rule, how many works will be nominated.

In other words, if there are too many outstanding works, then all ten seats are filled; if there are not enough works that meet the standard and the number of votes does not reach the minimum standard, then do not force it. Five works are five, and six works are six.

This year is the first year of the implementation of the new policy, and it has encountered the melee pattern of the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. Of the 20 works, ten works may be mentioned, but there may be only five selected. This open roller coaster competition is really irritating.

Not only the best film, but also other departments. It’s the same melee, but it’s a melee of the strong like clouds——

George Clooney, who has two works of "Descendants" and "President Killing Bureau", and Brad Pitt, who has two works of "Penalty Kick" and "Tree of Life", has "shame" and "dangerous methods" "Michael Fassbender with two works, plus Renly, who also owns two works, and Ryan, who owns three works.

In addition to these five actors, there are strong competitors such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Jean Dujardin, Gary Oldman, Owen Wilson, ~ Waiting for the opportunity.

Among the actresses, Meryl Streep, Viola Davis, Glenn Close, Tilda Swinton, Kate Winslet, Charlize Theron, Judy -Foster, Rooney Mara, Michelle Williams, Felicity Jones, Jessica Chastain, Berenes Beggio, Judy Dench, Carey- Carey-Mulligan...

These are all contenders for the best actress. Everyone has at least one up-and-coming work. They have already gained a certain foundation in the early stage of the awards season. Relatively speaking, the general trend of actresses this year is: outstanding strength, works It is relatively weak. Except for "helping" the actress group drama, the overall momentum of other works is weak, which also means that the next competition is a head-to-head contest between the actors.

This is just a list of actors competing for the protagonist.

From works to actors, from directors to screenwriters, this year's awards season presents a dazzling melee.

What's more gratifying is that the rising momentum of Gen Y actors last year continued again, but unfortunately, the thunder was loud and the rain was small. Just like last year, there was a hustle and bustle, and there were few names in the Oscar nomination list. Fortunately, Natalie Portman was successful.

What about this year? In the Golden Globe Awards, the Y-generation actors were once again wiped out. Does this mean that after entering the Oscars, even the nomination list will be purged? This is not good news, and it has also become the focus of major media attacks after the Golden Globe Awards ended:

The rise of Generation Y can no longer be stopped. Does the college have to stand still and refuse to keep pace with the times?

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