The Greatest Showman

Chapter 764: Loudly

Enjolras stepped back, but his eyes were still firmly locked on Marius. His deep eyes were so firm that all the negative emotions disappeared quietly, disdain, anger, disappointment, grief, bitterness, all. It's gone, only the determination left, the determination to sacrifice one's life for righteousness, the determination to never look back, and the determination to die together! The dazzling brilliance bloomed, like the stars in the sky, falling down the eyes.

One look, just one look, makes people excited/excited and passionate!

"Red, the blood of people's anger!" Enjolras gritted his teeth, his fists gradually clenched, and the excitement gradually rose. Then, after a turn, Enjolras faced the auditorium directly in front of the stage. , Took a step forward, short but firm, heavy but powerful, "Black is the darkness of the past years!"

The moving melody, the turbulent emotions, and the powerful lyrics, like a raging fire, moved quickly in the blood, and the air began to heat up involuntarily. The majestic and passionate singing voice, like a horn, awakened the deep emotions and enthusiasm in the heart. The audience sitting in the audience could not help but start to surging, the violent emotions in their chests were breaking out of the cocoon——

Under the torrent of the times and under social tragedies, no one can be an exception. This is the collapse of the entire world. If the country does not rule the country, why is it home? If people don't treat people, how come from me? For freedom, for dreams, for life, and for the future, they must unite together, they must stand up and fight, and they must be united!

On the small stage, the small figure is so tall and straight, like a giant standing in the sky, supporting the whole stage, the whole curtain, and the whole world; the empty stage, there are only two figures, but standing The one at the front of the stage is enough to fill the entire stage. It seems that the bustling crowd is standing behind him, responding to the call of the times, responding to the call of history, and resolutely devoting himself to a greater cause.

The stage is so small, and the stage is so magnificent.

Enjolras clenched his right fist. Because of too much force, his body muscles began to tremble slightly. The strong shoulders supported the weight of the entire era, and then he turned around and took two big strides, simply and neatly. The ground jumped on the table and chairs, stepped on the chair with his left foot and the table with his right foot, raised his right fist, held it tightly, and shouted loudly, "Red! It's the world that is about to break!"

The stalwart and tall figure seems to be able to see the flames burning, the life that has been released to the fullest burst of unprecedented light, and the whole world is brightened. Inspired, finally someone could not bear their emotions, and stood up, one, two, three...... Wow, a large group of people stood up, clenched their right fists, held them high, their souls In the depths, I was responding to Enjolras’s singing, letting go:

"Black! It's the long night that will end!"

Accompanied by the surging and passionate melody, Enjolras slowly and slowly leaned forward, his whole body collapsed like a mountain, but the high right fist never let go, let alone relax, like a bright flag in the ruins. , Always guiding people to move forward, behind that right fist, followed me mightily with countless people, the poor in rags, the children who can’t eat enough, the women with bruises, the men with thin bodies...and Enjolras What?

The man who wore aristocratic clothes but had a dirty face, the man who was born noble but refused to get along with the dirty, the man who could have fun but devotes himself to the cause of revolution and life, the man who would rather be brave but refuse to go for a life, his footsteps staggered. Firm, his figure is thin but tall, bang bang bang! The sound of firm footsteps reverberated on the stage, and the unstoppable, unstoppable, and courageous sound glide down like a falcon, setting off a wave of air.

The audience sitting in the front row couldn't help but hold their breath. For a moment, they all thought Enjolras would choose to sacrifice their lives for justice. The determination and firmness rushed toward their faces, singing the song of blood and fire, burning. Life, burst into light!

However, after an emergency brake, Enjolras stepped on the forefront of the stage with his right foot, and the whole person reined in the cliff, his right fist stopped heavily in the air, drawn an arc, and recovered to his chest. Melody, stop!

"Red and Black" arias, end; Enjolras's performance, end. Just right, seamless and flawless!

No language is needed at all. The other actors who stood up in the back field clapped one after another. The thunderous applause sounded almost spontaneously, and no one can make an exception. Surrender, surrender thoroughly! The turbulent applause gathered together, and offered their compliments in such a simple, pure but supreme way!

This is the charm of theater. No need for extra language, no malicious competition, everything is so simple. Under the crush of absolute strength, everyone willingly gave their own applause, not because of surrender, but because of admiration! Any actor who has polished absolute strength is worthy of admiration, because they know better than anyone:

There are no shortcuts here. Honing your acting skills down-to-earth and honing your basic skills over time is the only way. One minute on stage, ten years of work off stage, this is definitely not just talking. What is presented on the stage is what is paid behind the scenes, and the performance will not lie.

This situation was really unexpected by Cameron. An interesting smile appeared on his face. He turned his head and saw that all the actors behind had stood up, silent, but applauded with thunderous applause. The turbulent applause presented their highest respect, and the fiery eyes presented their highest courtesy.

Looking back, Cameron saw Tom's amazing and astonished eyes, and the two smiled at the same time, and then both clapped. Not only them, but other staff members have joined the applause one after another. No one can make an exception in the entire theater.

To be honest, Cameron had to admit that the stage presentation far exceeded expectations, and even beyond imagination!

The "Red and Black" episode is not the most difficult of the entire repertoire, but it is a sparkling one. The complete transcript is a little over two minutes, to be precise, one hundred and thirty-six seconds. In the chant, Marius and Enjolras are two people, you come and go, tit-for-tat, and do not back down. Both of them cling to their beliefs and try to convince each other. In the end, Marius succeeded in gaining the upper hand, and the call of the times was irresistible after all.

This passage is undoubtedly difficult for the actors to test. The actors not only need to focus on their own part, but also need to focus on the confrontation and sparks between the two sides. In the performance just now, Eddie and Lan Li both gave an absolutely high-level performance!

Eddie's performance is delicate and tough, and the fullness of emotions will be immersed in love to the extent that the blindness and throbbing of his eyes will be blinded, and it will be displayed vividly.

Throughout the entire sing, Eddie’s emotional tension was a little too overwhelming, and he exerted too much force. At the end of each sentence, he uses vibrato to express his inner excitement, and uses transpose and drag to express his inner excitement, but in this way , The mood is too full, and there is no ups and downs, but it weakens the appeal; however, Eddie’s solid basic skills and vivid interpretation make people shine, affectionate and stubborn, dedicated and passionate image of Marius It's really good.

However, if Eddie’s performance is of high standard, then Lan Li’s performance is of super high standard!

From the eyes to the posture, from the steps to the singing, and even the use of stage space and the control of the melody and singing, Lan Li has truly dedicated a textbook-level performance.

Enjolras is not a lunatic, he is a sincere and sincere trend of the times, all his thoughts and dreams, all his youth and emotions have been dedicated to this country, and the people living in this country in dire straits, he is eager to use To change the course of history with one's own power, even if it is to give life, it will not hesitate. In the peaceful age, such a person is a lunatic; but in the era of the story of "Les Miserables", such a person is the cornerstone of the renewed dawn of French society.

In Lan Li’s performance, delicate and firm, turbulent and calm, passionate and decisive, the whole mood is relaxed, and advancing and retreating properly not only performs the arias perfectly, but also through a simple aria, The entire character image of Enjolras is outlined-look at the reaction of the audience, the last line of the lyrics everyone can not help but sing in unison, this is the charm of performance, this is the power of performance, at the same time, this is The thickness of the drama "Les Miserables"!

The whole performance, when you should close, you close, and when you put it out, you let it go, all in one go. More importantly, the details of the performance fill up the entire vocals without being too exaggerated. They are just right to mobilize the emotions, while leaving room for the audience to think about themselves.

Powerful performance aura, covering the whole process!

Eddie is very good, this is undeniable; but on the stage, all the light, all the sight, all the weight fell on Lan Li. The call at the last moment, as if Lan Li was the only one left on the stage. At the moment of the spotlight, this is the situation.

This is really unbelievable and unbelievable, but it is actually happening.

Even if it is veteran like Cameron, he has to admire. Compared with the audition video, the blue ceremony performed on the stage is a real beast, easily controlling the audience!

"God, how did he endure before?" This is the only thought in Cameron's mind. Compared to drama, those Hollywood movies seem to be only pediatrics for Lan Li. This is where Lanli shines!

It's just that Lan Lilly plays Enjolras, which is really overkill. But if you skip Enjolras and Marius, do you really have to challenge Jean Ajean? Prior to this, the crew had had a preliminary conversation with Hugh Jackman. Now, is it too late to change the actor candidate of Jean-Agent?

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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