The Greatest Showman

Chapter 759: Moment of fate

In January, London’s ice was biting and the haze persisted. The whole world seemed to be shrouded in a grayish blue. The faint ink color fainted between the towering buildings and the quiet Thames. There was no rain or snow. , But a large group of water vapor drifted in the air, it seemed that layers of water vapor were oozing out of the bones, damp and cold, which made people unable to cheer up.

Even Eddie-Redmayne, who was born in London and grew up in London, complained and complained constantly about the weather, with cold hands and feet, and numb limbs, so that he had to stay where he was. Jump a few times, move your hands and feet, let the blood circulate again, and avoid stiff movements like mummies. That would be a total disaster.

The simple warm-up exercise made the heart beat violently, and the calm emotions suddenly began to tense, and the mouth could not help being a little dry; the thoughts about the next audition began to emerge in my mind, and the surging turbulent, this It was absolutely helpless, and the sound of heartbeat began to hit the eardrum violently, and even the temples were aching. Tension, uncontrollable tension, almost suffocating.

This is not his first audition, but it is the most important audition in his career as an actor.

The Redmaine family is a typical emerging elite in Britain. Richard-Redmayne was once the chairman of the Mineral Resources Bureau of the British Empire, and then he was awarded the title of honorary knight, and he was among the upper class. Thanks to Richard's success, the whole family was able to rise up, his son It's a banker, and his wife runs a human resources company, continuing the elite attitude.

Eddie is the third generation after the rise of the Redmayne family, Richard is his grandfather, and all boys in the family can go to Eton College and truly enter the upper class. However, Redmayne is not a nobleman, and there is no **** of family culture, so Eddie’s father and mother divorced and both remarried; so Eddie’s brothers and sisters entered different universities, Oxford and Cambridge have... these The situation is absolutely impossible in aristocratic families. However, the times have changed, and the upper class society has also changed.

In a way, this also changed Eddie's life.

Eddie has been very interested in acting since he was a child. His parents did not stop his interest, but encouraged him to pursue his dreams and make different attempts; and to give him more support within his ability.

When he was only twelve years old, Eddie boarded the stage in the West End of London, and appeared in a rehearsed version of "Orphans in the Fog", which was the first official performance of his life.

It is worth mentioning that the director of "Orphans in the Fog" was the famous Sam-Mendes (Sam-Mendes).

This time the guest performance allowed Eddie to determine his goal. After entering Eton College, he frequently participated in the school’s drama performances, and also toured with the National Youth Musical Troupe; after graduation, he entered Trinity College of Cambridge University, studied art history, and then officially started Own actor career.

After becoming an adult, he first appeared in dramas such as "Twelve Nights", constantly polishing himself on different stages, and then appeared in many TV series to further adapt to life in front of the camera; in 2006, he also landed in Hollywood for the first time, Participated in the star-studded "Secret Service" and played Angelina Jolie's son. After that, his actor career officially opened.

First collaborated with Julianne Moore in "Maze of Desire", then starred in "Glorious Age" starring Cate Blanchett, and then in "Another Wave" starring Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman. "The Lin Family Girl", this year also played the first-perspective "me" in "A Week Between Me and Monroe" starring Michelle Williams.

Unfortunately, the response to these works was not as good as expected. As an actor, he has been in the industry for ten years in a blink of an eye. He is 29 years old this year, but he is still waiting for his blockbuster opportunity. Now, he has finally waited, the turning point of his career, the stage to show his talents-the Hollywood version of "Les Miserables" movie!

The play is adapted from the original drama, faithful to the stage effect, supervised by the original drama producer, directed by a local British director, and the main production team is the West End and Broadway. The actors are selected for theatrical actors who tend to have photogenic effects, and more The important thing is that strength is more important than fame...

Every selection condition seems to call Eddie, seems to be tailor-made for Eddie, and seems to prove that this is the opportunity Eddie has always dreamed of!

Marius, this is Eddie’s goal, youth, background, culture, identity, etc., are almost tailored for Eddie.

When he was at Eton College before, Eddie once played Marius and was highly acclaimed; but he was still relatively immature, and his acting skills were not really polished. Now, after years of precipitation, Eddie believes that he can give horses to horses. Lu Si's more colors really show the essence of the role!

After three rounds of selection and breaking through the siege, he finally won the opportunity to face the interview mirror. Today, today, producer Cameron Mackintosh and director Tom Hober will appear in the audition in person, which further proves Eddie’s guess: they attach great importance to the actor’s stage ability.

Because every drama lover knows that only by seeing it with his own eyes and experiencing it with his own eyes, the tension and charm of stage performances are real.

So, this is it, this is the time to change destiny!

Even though he has experienced countless auditions, even if he has been on the stage in the West End of London, even if he has polished his acting skills repeatedly, at this moment, it is inevitable that the nervous mood will surging. It is because of caring that it is urgent. Take a deep breath, take a deep breath again, compulsively let the brain gradually cool down, the excitement and anxiety settled down little by little, and gradually returned to calm.

"Eddie Redmayne?" A call came from the entrance of the stage. The staff took the check-in form, looked around, and called again, "Eddie Redmayne?"

"Yes!" Eddie reacted and replied with a loud voice. The whole person bounced directly, and his steps fell on the wooden floor, making a creaking sound. This is the case in the old theatres in London, with every corner. With the imprint of time. Eddie didn't care about it anymore, and hurried forward to meet him.

The staff member glanced at the information in his hand, "Eddie Redmayne, is the audition role Marius?"

"Yes." Eddie nodded in confirmation.

"Marus's audition stage is'Empty-Chair-At-Empty-Tables'." Since this is already a face-to-face interview mirror after three rounds of selection, the crew will treat every actor Now that they have a clear positioning, they clearly know what they are looking for, so the audition requirements are more clear. "After going on stage for a while, don’t rush to start performing, walk the stage, stand, lighting, all After the position, we will officially start."

Then it is a complete formal performance.

Eddie understood immediately, and nodded again to express understanding.

"Before entering the arena, you stand at the entrance of the side stage and announce your name and the role of the audition loudly. After a short pause of two seconds, there will be a signal on the stage, and you can enter the stage." The staff explained all the requirements. After that, "Very good, is there anything I need to ask?"

"Is it complete?" Eddie asked empirically.

"The empty chair next to the empty table", the whole sing is about three minutes, this is Marius's most difficult sing, and it is also the most widely circulated sing, full of emotions and excitement.

Whether or not to sing a complete transcript, the difference is: during the film’s audition, the casting director or producer may interrupt the performance, believing that they have received enough information and do not need the actor to continue performing, if the actor is stubborn again Persevering spiritually, on the contrary, points are deducted; but in the audition of a drama, the casting director must take into account the reaction of the audience, and sometimes deliberately make noises to disrupt the actor’s performance rhythm, and then see if the actor can continue to perform. .

"Les Miserables" is a movie version, but adapted from a drama. Therefore, Eddie needs to know how to define these details.

The staff raised his head and glanced at Eddie, showing a smile, "Complete the transcript, in the way of a stage play." It seems that an actor in front of him made such a careless mistake, which led to a mistake in the audition. Now Eddie can find out in time, this is the difference of experience, "Then, good luck!"

Eddie let out a long breath, came to the edge of the side stage, and started doing simple warm-up exercises. There was an emotional singing on the stage, which was "the empty chair beside the empty table", which also meant that the actor who was auditioning on the stage was also here for Marius. However, at this time Eddie can't be distracted to pay attention to the opponent's state, he must concentrate on himself.

With such a difficult chant, any slight distraction or omission may lead to irreversible The breathing gradually became steady and long. Eddie closed his eyes, got ready, and waited. After an actor finished his performance, he took two steps forward, and the voice of the staff member came from the stage, "Next one."

Eddie took a deep breath and secretly cheered on himself, this is his moment! This is the moment when he shines! Then, the loud voice said, "Eddie Redmayne, audition for Marius." A brief and clear self-introduction, and then calmed down, the whole person entered the state of performance, and after seeing the signal from the other end of the stage, Step onto the stage confidently.

The moment he stepped onto the stage, he was no longer Eddie Redmayne, but Marius.

The footsteps are confident and calm, like a newborn sunrise, full of vitality, and finally stopped in the middle of the stage, adjusted his breathing unhurriedly, and politely fell on the left, middle, and right sides, and then bowed slightly. He signaled, then turned around, sat down in the chair next to him, his body gradually relaxed and entered the state.

The moment that belongs to him is coming soon!

But at this moment, there was a shocked sound from the audience, "Lan Li?"

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