The Greatest Showman

Chapter 751: Feet not touching the ground

Absent from the Golden Globes is a last resort; for the shooting of "Edge of Tomorrow" and for the subsequent series of itinerary arrangements. However, this is not good news for the audience at the Golden Globe Awards.

After the nomination list comes out, everyone, including reporters and industry insiders, is looking forward to the "Twin Stars Shining" by Ren Li and Ryan Gosling, and these two topic figures can concoct nowhere to focus. Now, without the blue gift, Ryan is on par with top stars such as Brad Pitt and George Clooney. The thickness and popularity of the whole topic seems to lack a little chemical reaction, which is really embarrassing.

"What about the Grammys? Are you planning to attend?" When the Golden Globe Award was mentioned, Andy also mentioned this incident. This is also one of the important tasks of this trip to London. "Before I set off, Grammy Mei sent out a formal invitation letter. They couldn't find your music agent, so they spent a lot of time and finally passed it to me through the 11th studio."

For singers, if there is no manager, then the record company is the person in charge of their work.

"Does Grammy and Berlin overlap in time?" Lan Li did not answer directly, but asked another question.

Berlin Film Festival, as the most artistic and political film event of the three major European film festivals, its attention has plummeted in recent years. The reasons are complicated. First, the film festival refuses to compromise with the market and Hollywood. Attention; second is the film festival's adherence to political attributes and artistic purposes. The selected exhibits are becoming less and less popular, and the high-cold route is really not close to the people; third is the embarrassing schedule. February is the coldest time in Germany, and the audience's enthusiasm for going out It was greatly reduced, and at the same time it encountered the Hollywood awards season in the sprint stage, and most of the media reporters stayed on the mainland of North America.

There is also a factor that is not the main reason, that is, the Berlin Film Festival’s time every year collides with the Grammys. Although one is a movie event and the other is a music party, there is no direct intersection between the two, but it is undeniable that the choices of entertainment reporters may still be slightly shifted.

At this year's Berlin Film Festival, Tony Kaye's "Beyond" successfully entered the competition unit. Lanly will be on the stage of the three major international film festivals for the first time, accepting the attention and judgment from the world.

However, the publicity schedule of the film festival is quite special.

For a simple example, suppose the date of "Departure" premiered at the Berlin Film Festival is February 5th, then Renly’s promotional schedule will continue from the 4th to the 6th, up to the 7th, which is almost four days before and after, including The press conference before the premiere, the red carpet on the day of the premiere, and the interview and promotion after the premiere.

After all activities are over, the crew members will leave Berlin. As for the closing ceremony and awards ceremony? The awards of the film festival are selected by the jury through discussion. Before the closing ceremony, they will have a closed meeting, which lasts for a few hours or a whole day. After the jury has discussed a context and direction, it will notify the staff of the organizing committee, and then through the organizing committee, the potential award winner will be called back.

This is true in Berlin, Cannes, and Venice. On the day of the closing ceremony or the day before, reporters will be waiting at the airport to see which actors or directors who have left have been called back. Then, they are likely to be the winners of the award. Of course, there is also a small probability event. They are present as award-giving guests or red carpet stars to confuse the audience, but the probability is very small.

Therefore, even if the Berlin Film Festival and the Grammys overlap, the specific attendance depends on the schedule of the movie's release date, the trend of word-of-mouth after the premiere, and the possibility of winning the award ceremony. There may be variables. There are many factors.

"What if they overlap?" It was not Andy, but Nathan who asked, his eyes widened, and he said incredulously, "Renley, that is Grammy! The highest hall of music, everyone is eager to attend Grammy. nice!"

As Nathan said, different from the blooming of movies, Grammy's strong influence in the global field is unique in the field of music, far ahead of a series of award ceremonies in the United Kingdom, Japan and Europe. For any singer, to be able to show himself on the Grammy stage, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Lan Li laughed blankly, "I am an actor, not a singer. If time conflicts, of course I will choose Berlin. Isn't that there is no suspense?" There is no need for hesitation and consideration, the choice is already doomed, "but if time If appropriate, as you said, that is the Grammy, the most special music event. I am almost certain that if it is not this year, I may never have the chance to appear on that stage in the future. So, I would be very happy to take a tour, it should be very interesting."

Just like the Emmys two years ago, I received nominations, but I joined the carnival as a spectator. It was a very special experience.

"Fortunately, this is not an annoyance this year. The Grammys have postponed the event and will be officially held on February 19th this year." Andy took over the topic, "In the past several consecutive awards ceremonies, Grammys The ratings have been declining, and the momentum will definitely not stop. They are also racking their brains this year. I am not sure about the specific reasons, but the official announcement of the date of the awards ceremony, the 19th, Sunday, is one week later than in previous years. "

Roy added abruptly, "British Music Awards also postponed the awards ceremony, and it was determined to be held on the 12th, in order to avoid the Berlin Film Festival. Then the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award and the Boston Film Critics Association Award were also held respectively. Held on Saturday and Sunday."

It seems that this is a knock-on effect, just like dominoes, even for Grammys, they have to make more trade-offs. For all award ceremonies, how to attract more audiences and retain more focus in the Internet age is always a topic.

Lan Li raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? Who will participate in Berlin this year? The British Music Awards worry that European entertainment journalists will shift their focus?" This is not a miracle, but it is not a common occurrence. In Europe, the influence of the three major film festivals is still unmatched by other awards ceremonies, not even the British Academy Awards.

"I know." This time Andy came to London specially. The Berlin Film Festival is one of the core reasons. "First, this year Berlin will present Meryl Streep with a lifetime achievement award; second, Berlin this year The Crystal Bear Award department has been officially opened, which corresponds to the Teddy Bear Award, specifically commending teenagers and children’s films; thirdly, the chairman of the jury this year is Mike Lee."

Mike Lee is a British director who has focused on shooting ordinary people's daily lives for decades. He is one of the most important contemporary British directors and his influence in the British film circle is second to none. In his career as a director, he has won the Palme d’Or in Cannes and the Golden Lion in Venice. He is one Berlin Golden Bear from the Grand Slam. Now he is the chairman of the jury of the Berlin Film Festival. Out of Berlin's attention and affirmation of Mike.

Lan Li gently closed his jaw. It is foreseeable that this year's Berlin should be quite lively.

After the digression, Andy once again returned to the topic at the beginning, "This year's Berlin Film Festival will be held from February 1st to 11th. Before the Grammys, there was a full week of rest and adjustment time. You You can enjoy a short vacation. So, are you sure you want to attend the Grammys?"

"Why not?" Lan Li shrugged and simply agreed.

"Then are you going to perform on stage?" Andy asked again, such a common question, and Nathan, Roy, and Renly all cast their sights. Andy thought about it seriously. There is nothing wrong with this question. "Why? Lanly has received six nominations above the Grammys, keeping pace with Adele and Bruno. Isn't it natural for Grammys to invite him to perform on stage?"

Nathan and Roy showed a suddenly realized look, and then Andy also reacted: Not only Lan Li, in fact, they are the same deep down, "Lan Li is an actor, not a singer", Attending the Grammys is more like an onlooker. They never thought that the Blue Lyrics would stand on the Grammys stage to perform.

Thinking of this, Andy became more interested and raised an eyebrow at Lan Li, "If you are on stage, then I think this year's Grammys are worth seeing."

After the reaction, Andy immediately understood. When Grammy communicated with the 11th studio, he repeatedly emphasized that he hoped that Renly could perform on stage, even if it only performed two songs. Such a posture does not have the arrogance and coldness of Grammys at all, but rather warm and kind-you know, the Grammys are not on the stage where any singer can stand on Lan Li paused. For a moment, he laughed blankly, "Do I have time for rehearsal now?" After asking, Andy choked involuntarily.

The Grammy’s stage is world-class, and it was broadcasted on a live broadcast on a global scale that night. This also means that every singer performing on stage must rehearse and rehearse before being officially on the stage. Even for the top big names, the first two or three rehearsals can use stand-in singers to adjust the performance lighting, stage design and other details, but after the rehearsal, you still have to go to the battle and practice it yourself.

Not to mention that he went to Los Angeles to complete the rehearsal in person, and Lan Li didn’t even have much time to rehearse and perform in London in private—the shooting of "Edge of Tomorrow", the promotion of the Berlin Film Festival, and Andy’s next work to be discussed. Arrangement... The awards season is always the busiest season of the year for the actors, but Lan Li's busyness is not for college public relations, but for real work, really busy to the feet.

It now appears that absent from the Golden Globes is a wise choice; Andy even began to consider whether he should also persuade Lanly to absent from the Grammys?

"Why? If I refuse to perform, Grammy refuses me to attend?" Lanly said jokingly, and Andy immediately laughed.

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