The Greatest Showman

Chapter 745: Sparks brewing

The two guys, Lanly and Jennifer, have already made the scene burst into laughter, but at such a moment, how could it be possible to have another live treasure?

Donald ran up to the director Paul and said with a flattering smile, "Director, or else, let's make this scene? How good is the chemistry between the two of them, nervous, exciting, and It can also create a laugh, and the audience will definitely like it. It's better to go further, I think..."

"Fuck you/Mom/'s like!"

Donald’s subsequent suggestion was interrupted before he had time to say it. Paul did not hold back after all, and the **** came out, but the unbearable smile on the corner of his mouth made the scolding useless, and he himself could only be helpless. He shook his head again and again, "Hey, you two, can you save a little bit of chemistry? We are going to shoot the kissing scene next. You are all running out now, what will we do later?"

"Friction generates heat." Jennifer responded with a loud voice, but after speaking, the laughter on the scene disappeared instantly, and there was no sound. Jennifer immediately realized that something was wrong, and then saw Lan Li's face "I don't know what happened. "What" expression, with his hands behind his back, once again made the appearance of a "beautiful" gentleman, but a deep smile filled his eyes, which made Jennifer flushed cheeks and covered his mouth. I'm not, I didn't mean that..."

"Haha! Haha!" The audience burst into laughter.

Standing in place, Jennifer couldn’t argue with words. Thinking about it seriously, she couldn’t help but laughed helplessly. Then she saw Donald Shiran approaching with a very leisurely pace, which seemed to be a leisurely walk, but her footsteps. Passing in front of Jennifer, he stopped without warning, then raised his hands and rubbed each other, with a playful expression on his face, looked at Jennifer squintly, and raised his eyebrows slightly-simple Said, it is the expression of beating.

"Donald!" Jennifer gritted his teeth, but the action was faster than the sound, and he lifted his right foot and gave it to Donald.

Donald didn't expect Jennifer to be so swift and clean. He kicked his **** sturdily, and then he jumped up in a frenzy. The whole person flew up, "Oh, I didn't do anything. You. Is it a guilty conscience?" While yelling, while running away, "Lan Li..."

Donald was about to open his mouth to call for help at Lan Li. He pulled Lan Li into the water and teased together. Turning his head, he saw Lan Li raise the barrel and the black hole aimed at him. Donald was frightened. His eyes were rounded, his eyes were about to fall off, and he ran towards the crowded place as soon as the smoke slipped, still yelling in his mouth, "Male and female robbers, male and female robbers!"

The whole crowd was in a commotion, and laughter sounded again.

Jennifer turned her head and gave Lan Li a vicious look. Lan Li was full of innocence. Instead, he looked at Jennifer and seemed to be asking, "What's wrong with me?"

Jennifer couldn't argue, but was not reconciled. He could only clenched his fists, grind his teeth, and vent his annoyance and anger. As a result, Lan Li said, "If this goes on, there will be sparks, but it's not quite right. "Jennifer was stunned, trying to get angry, but after all he didn't hold it back, and laughed after a sneer. The more he thought about it, the more funny he became. After all, he didn't hold back and laughed.

Standing aside, Alexander raised his hand to touch his chin, with a look of inquisition, and said seriously, "I deeply believe that the scandal exists."

Unexpectedly, Paul Walker said, "You can tell Lanly directly."

Alexander immediately put down his right hand and chuckled, "Hey, this is just a private conversation between our brothers, right? There is no need to tell Lan Li. Lan Li has a heavy shooting task today. Don't disturb him with little things, right? I think he is just rehearsing, yes, pre-rehearsing for the next scene."

Kaya and Lamy, who were standing next to them, didn't show any face, and laughed chucklingly.

The noisy studio finally recovered its calm and went back to shooting. The scene was always filled with a relaxed atmosphere, not at all like shooting a plot of life and death and death together.

Both Lanly and Jennifer were dedicated enough. After the "start shooting", both of them were fully engaged, and they were not affected at all. The NG situation caused by the laughter only appeared twice; but after each shooting, the two Individuals can't help but laugh, and the smiles on the faces of all the crew members have never disappeared.

It took nearly four hours before and after, before the filming progress advanced to the last scene of today's whole scene, which is the life and death of Cage and Rita, and the most important kiss scene.

"Hohoho, kiss scene, kiss scene!" Donald began to booze around again indefinitely, singing aloud in a weird tone, "Len Li and Jennifer are sitting on the branch! Lan Li and Jennifer are sitting on the branch. !"

Two people sitting on a tree branch. This is a stalk from an American nursery rhyme. It means that two people are sitting on a tree branch and kissing, to imply that two people have a good affection for each other or are in a relationship. Every child in elementary and middle school knows this stalk and often makes jokes about it. Last year, a movie about two underage children's young and young first love, "Pumped", the poster showed two little protagonists sitting on a tree branch.

Alexander patted Donald on the shoulder, "How do they brew emotions like this? How can there be sparks? At that time, they may really rub against each other." His face was not flushed and breathless, and the expression was full of hints. According to the words, Alexander is the real master.

"They've been used to it." Paul Walker, who was standing next to him, said quietly. As a result, everyone cast their eyes in amazement, which made Paul stunned, and then he realized his own words. By mistake, he waved his hand and denied, "I mean, they had collaborated on'Love Is Crazy' before, and they started kissing inside, even the bed/scene was filmed."

In "Love Is Crazy", Lanly and Jennifer did have a bed/scene, and it was still very intense.

It's okay if you don't explain it. As soon as you explain it, you will have a lot of thoughts. Everyone started to make a suddenly realized voice, "Oh", even if there are no more words, a meaningful look, this is enough.

Jennifer looked at the men in front of him speechlessly, dumbfounded, trying to refute, but worried that he would overreact, but wanted to cover it up. Turning to look at Lan Li, the calm expression on her face was not painful or itchy, which made Jennifer start grinding her teeth involuntarily. I don’t know if the sound of her grinding teeth was too loud, Lan Li was irritated, but Lan Li spoke up--

"Don't pay attention to them. These men who have been suffocated recently have no adult videos in the dormitory. They are / wanting / begging for dissatisfaction now, and can't hold back even when they see the kissing scene." Lan Li is watching. As Jennifer said, but the voice rose slightly. As a result, all the people standing nearby who were booing closed their mouths, looking aggrieved, and could not say a word.

"Puff chick," Jennifer laughed directly, and Kaya standing next to him. To be precise, all the female staff on the crew laughed, while the male staff quickly looked away, as if thinking You need to clarify the relationship and prove that you are not "desired/desired."

The filming was ready, and Jennifer’s smile was not completely suppressed. She raised her hand and motioned, "Give me a minute." Then she began to take a deep breath, take another deep breath, and turn her head to see Lan Li’s. She opened her face, but couldn't help but break the power again, and Lan Li's calm voice came in her ear, "Girl, if you go on like this, the kiss scene will become a comedy."

Jennifer raised her hand and gave Lan Li's arm, "Don't make me laugh." Then she bit her lower lip, took a deep breath, took a deep breath, calmed herself down again, turned her head, and said, "I Ready!"

Lan Li raised his eyebrows, shrugged, and then gently closed his palms, "Come on." The appearance of opening his arms and welcoming the door made Jennifer laugh again, and Lan Li looked innocent. He raised his head and looked at the director, "I didn't do anything." Then he shook his head and said to Jennifer, "If you delay, I will work overtime today. I don't say anything, don't worry, I don't have anything. do!"

With that said, Lan Li lay down on the ground again—this was the initial action of the scene, and then opened his arms, lying flat.

Jennifer picked up a smile and pressed the whole person on Lan Li's body. The two people formed a state of one up and down, and four eyes interchanged. However, Jennifer supported the ground with both hands and opened the distance between the two people, keeping as much space as possible. . But even so, the posture still becomes ambiguous.

If it is placed in normal times, the physical contact may become ambiguous; but the atmosphere on the set today is really too happy. Now that Jennifer sees the face of Lan Li, he wants to laugh Not for any particular reason, but the whole pattern of getting along. So, there is no ambiguity/ambiguity at all now, but it is full of joy.

Lan Li cleared his throat, "Concentrate."

When Jennifer saw the expression on Lan Li's face converged, her eyes became concentrated, and she quickly lowered her eyelids, and said in a low voice, "Give me three seconds." She must put herself into a professional posture and show the actor. After calming down, he raised his eyes again and saw Lan Li's dark brown eyes.

The clear eyes are now reflecting the fire light on the ceiling above the head, swaying like a quiet lake. Gradually, deep in the eyes, there is a strong and gentle halo that combines hardness and softness. Firmly grasping Jennifer's mind, ignoring the dirt on his cheeks, ignoring the muddy mixture of sweat, mud and blood, ignoring the surrounding atmosphere, the heart was suddenly grabbed.

Just for a moment, Jennifer reacted immediately, bending her hands and approaching Lanly, the gap between the two people disappeared completely, they hugged tightly, and in silence, they could hear the sound of each other's heartbeat, puffing, puffing. ... calm but fierce, seeming to hit his chest, trying to break free.

"Start shooting!"

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