The Greatest Showman

Chapter 736: The new favorite of the market

The box office of "anti-cancer me" exceeded 100 million in North America. Although the box office professional forecasting analysts had already predicted such an outcome after the box office fell the next week, when the facts really happened, the exclamation still came out involuntarily. This seems to have become a phenomenon-level work. Lionsgate was so happy that tears fell, while the insiders fell through countless glasses and were puzzled. How did all this happen?

There can be many reasons. The theme is pleasing, the script is solid, the director is controlled, Seth Logan, and the occasion of the festival... But after stripping off all these additional factors, the focus of attention finally fell on Lan Li. Especially after the accident at the premiere, the controversy surrounding Lan Li and the way he handled it is even more impressive.

Renly and Seth attended the "Allen Show" interview. During the show, Allen De Janis raised the question, "Controversy, it seems that there is always controversy surrounding you, but you are very Less gaffe, no panic, no arguing, why on earth is this?"

Faced with such a question, Lan Li answered:

"I always believe that the world is objective, but it is subjective in everyone's eyes. This also means that what kind of attitude you look at the world, then the world that is presented to you will be what it looks like. Possibly. It is hatred, it may be kindness, it may be happiness, it may be disaster. In my world, those so-called disputes are meaningless. The reason they can cause harm is because you allow them to hurt you."

This mature, wise, intelligent and philosophical answer won Allen's treatment with a standing ovation.

"The Anti-Cancer Me" is such a work. It can be a simple comedy, a diary of introspection, or a warm Christmas carol-or a carol of life. The accident gave this movie more meaning.

This is not the first time that Lanly has created a miracle.

In the past three years, Lan Li has starred in a total of four works. Except for "Buried Alive", the other three works have successfully achieved more than 100 million achievements in North America. Among them, "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" North America 300 million, Lan Li played as the third supporting role, the credit cannot be counted on him; but "Love Crazy" and "Anti-Cancer Me" are undoubtedly more exaggerated. Yes, the investment in these two works is extremely low. The former is 250,000 and the latter is 8 million. The box office results are so crazy. This is the miracle behind the numbers.

Whether it’s "crazy love" or "anti-cancer me", Lan Li is a well-deserved and important contributor. This young actor of Generation Y first proved his talent in acting, and then he proved himself in the market. The charm of this aspect deservedly became the biggest discovery in the North American market in 2011.

In the eyes of major Hollywood film companies, Lanly's commercial value has soared! It is even comparable to actors at the level of Robert Downey Jr. and Johnny Depp. Why? Because...good quality and low price!

Discussing this topic at this moment is really interesting, or it is particularly ironic.

Not long ago, Lanly left the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 6" crew and joined the "Edge of Tomorrow". According to rumors, the pay figures could not be negotiated. This is one of the important reasons. Universal Pictures released eight. Millions of dollars still failed to impress Lanli. In the end, Warner Bros. generously offered 10 million U.S. dollars plus a 5% box office dividend condition, with Blue Gift as the core to create the "Edge of Tomorrow" project.

Hidden behind these numbers, people know that Universal Pictures is stingy and Warner Bros. is generous. For eight million, Universal Pictures gave up the blue gift; for 10 million, Warner Bros. got the blue gift.

Looking back at Lan Li’s three works this year, "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", Lan Li’s remuneration is 0.5% of the dividend, the income is 1.5 million, and the North American box office of the work is 300 million; "Love is crazy ", Lan Li's remuneration is 20,000 plus very red, with an income of 1.3 million, and the North American box office of the work is 120 million; "Anti-cancer me", Lan Li's remuneration is 800,000 plus The five percent dividend is paid out based on the current box office data. The income is 1.3 million, and the current North America is 100 million.

In other words, the highest remuneration of Lan Li so far is only 1.5 million, but each work has made several times the profit return. Although the relevant list of "Forbes" has not yet come out, it is certain that in the list of actors with the highest return rate this year, Lan Li will take the title of champion with an absolute advantage, far ahead of the top Hollywood stars.

For such an actor, don't say 10 million, even 15 million, or even 18 million, it is worth it. So, did Universal Pictures lose or lose?

After "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", Renly entered the attention of major Hollywood film companies for the first time, and his name began to appear on the cast list of many projects, including some super blockbuster projects, but influential After all, his power is still limited; now, "Crazy Love" and "Anti-Cancer I" have successfully completed two combos, the commercial value of Lan Li has risen, and in an instant, he has become the hottest new favorite in Hollywood.

Even though Lanly is filming "Edge of Tomorrow", the next schedule is completely uncertain; even though the awards season has officially entered the college public relations stage, Los Angeles has gathered countless celebrities... But Andy Rogers has become the most popular agent in Hollywood. One of the people, inquiring about the schedule, the situation, and the inquiry items are endless.

Benefits come first, entertainment to death, this is the essence of Hollywood. Twenty million clubs have been considered an important basis for judgment when an actor’s status in the industry undergoes essential changes for a long time, but it is not so much the club itself, as it is the interests hidden behind the club. Driven by, reputation, rights, and status have changed accordingly.

This is how Lanli is now.

However, the box office journey of the "anti-cancer me" is still not over, and the New Year's Day holiday will soon follow. For the Western world, Christmas is similar to the Chinese New Year. Although it is a holiday, family reunion is the most important thing. Relatively speaking, New Year's Day is a time for friends to party, which also makes the movie market present a prosperous scene.

Not only the three days on weekends, but also the days between Christmas and New Year's Day, the cinema has also become the best choice for leisure and entertainment. The box office data of the entire market has recovered in an all-round way, sweeping away the downturn and silence of the previous four weeks, showing a gratifying show. Rising momentum, with heads up and heads up to welcome the arrival of 2012.

In this week’s weekend box office rankings, the top 20 works, except for "Mission Impossible 4", the weekend box office data of all other works showed a green reverse growth momentum, with the least increase." "Game of Shadows" has 3%, and "War Horse" and "New Year's Eve", which have the largest increase, have both exploded with 90% increase!

The enthusiasm of New Year's Eve makes "New Year's Eve" undoubtedly the most perfect work for the scene, which is highly sought after.

After "Mission Impossible 4" has handed in good answers for two consecutive weeks, this week, under the bonus of the holiday, the weekend decline was only 0.5%, which is almost the same as the next week's data, although it is not green. The increase, such data is still worth cheering; more importantly, thanks to the crazy box office surge in the middle of the week, the cumulative box office in three weeks has reached 132 million, and the hope of 200 million in North America has dawned.

To be sure, "Mission Impossible 4" is one of the best performances in December this year, but the box office champion in December this year is another person: "I am anti-cancer."

Entering the fifth week of the release, the "anti-cancer me" craze has continued unabated, with a 30% increase in the box office on weekends, and another $12.4 million in revenue. At the same time, the midweek box office performance is also exceptionally good. , The enthusiasm for watching movies has always been high, which makes the film's five-week cumulative box office reached 143 million!

Not "Mission Impossible 4", not "Shadow Game", not "War Horse", not "The Adventures of Tintin", not "New Year's Eve", nor "Girl with Dragon Tattoo", but "anti-cancer me" .

This small-cost independent comedy sturdily became the box office champion in December 2011, so that it has surpassed the cumulative box office of "Crazy Love" in North America; it also tied the box office of "Juneau" in 2007. The box office data is also 143 million; what's more, Seth’s famous work "One Night" has a North American box office of 148 million, which also means, "anti-cancer "My" is about to become Seth’s highest-grossing live-action movie!

Except for the incredible, any language is pale and powerless. The time, the right place, the harmony of people, the wrong accident, the right time, the wrong place, the right way, the "anti-cancer me" accidentally fits into the perfect timing between right and wrong, and finally writes an indispensability. Copy the legend.

After the New Year’s Eve frenzy, the box office growth momentum of Cancer-Fighting Me has finally slowed down, highlighting the disadvantage of insufficient stamina. In the first week of 2012, we handed over 100%. The forty-two box office drop was also the first time since the movie was released that the drop exceeded 40%, and the pace of rapid progress has slowed down.

Despite this, the film was released in various theaters until April, and it was released for 20 weeks. In the end, the North American box office reached 176 million U.S. dollars, sturdyly ending its dark horse miracle. trip. Cumulative box office results even surpassed the "bridesmaids"'s 169 million, becoming the biggest dark horse in 2011 and also the work with the highest return.

This is the comedy with the best box office revenue since "My Grand Greek Wedding" in 2002. Back then, "My Grand Greek Wedding" was exactly the same. No one cares about it, no publicity, niche works, no big names, and even the distribution venues are only more than one hundred—not a screening, but an independent publisher negotiation. There are no more theaters, only small screenings.

In the end, this five-million-dollar work swept the box office of 240 million in North America, writing the most magical history in film history.

Now, the "anti-cancer me" has successfully replicated this feat!

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