The Greatest Showman

Chapter 711: Asura Field

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The crowds are increasing and fierce. The shouts of "Young Master", "Lan Li" and "I love you" are mixed with the screams of "Ah ah ah", like squally storms, stormy waves, and high waves. After a wave, there was no room to react at all, or even to breathe, Lan Li instantly fell into an encirclement, and the crowd around him continued to grow, which made him feel like a cocoon. The circle was wrapped in another circle.

The stroking, rubbing and pinching from all parts of the body makes people unable to resist, but this is not the most serious. What’s worse is that even the lungs begin to become hot and cannot capture the air. The oxygen in the air, the suffocation feeling amidst the roar and cheers like the surround sound effect, gradually began to rush towards the head, and it was about to explode frequently.

Protecting an important part of his body, Lan Li stood up straight and tried to call for help using his height advantage. Fortunately, the crowds around him reached his shoulders at most, which allowed him to see the surrounding situation for the first time. However, he hadn't found the security guards out of his sight, but saw the shrimp beside the broken railing. ——

A girl curled up in a ball, she hugged her abdomen in pain, hung on the railing in a weird posture, and did not slip off. The crowd behind her kept pouring out, slamming her back fiercely. Then she hung there constantly shaking like a dead leaf in the rainstorm in late autumn.

Lan Li couldn't help but was stunned, and then he reacted. I am afraid that the girl was stabbed by the broken railing. This was the first thought in his mind, but Lanly hoped that his guess was wrong.

The most urgent situation now is not him, but the girl. In an emergency, Lan Li calmed down instead, raised his head, and looked at the reporter’s interview area. It was about thirty steps away. All of this was too fast and too fierce. The scene before him was like a scourge. They simply There was no time to react, and he was a little dazed for a while. It seems extremely long to describe, but in fact it is only a matter of seconds.

Lan Li stood on tiptoe to give full play to his entire height, waving his arms vigorously, attracting Paul's attention, and beckoning him to bring someone to help. Sure enough, Paul was the first to react and ran quickly, followed by Ryan and Jennifer, the smiles on their faces disappeared, and they rushed in panic.

After seeking a helper, Lan Li began to squat down, bend his tall body, and get out of the gap between people. This is not an easy task, but it is Lan Li's only chance to escape the encirclement. On the body and head, countless arms can be felt slapped, but Lan Li has no time to entangle them, so he can only make a quick fight and escape quickly.

The shouts in the air never stopped, "Master, I love you", that eager and eager voice is full of irony at this moment.

Lan Li finally escaped from the entire cocoon. The irrational audience didn't seem to notice the disappearance of the protagonist. They were still sprinting over. Lan Li's eyes quickly searched in the chaos, and once again found the big bank that broke the embankment. Kouzi, and the girl who is getting more and more painful, this is a disaster, a total disaster.

Ignoring the audience, Lan Li rushed to the girl’s side, then squeezed in with his body, and protected the girl with his back. However, it was too difficult because the crowd was constantly rushing out. Can't even grasp the center of gravity, let alone resist the surging crowd.

Lan Li had to stand up straight, and shouted at the crowd who continued to sprint forward, "Back! Back! Back all! Calm down!" Suddenly a face in the line of sight zoomed in, crazy and paranoid. Shouted, "Master! Master!"

However, Lan Li did not respond. He raised his head solemnly, and his cold eyes slammed directly into the past, like a wounded lion. He roared with expressionless and bleak eyes, "Stay back!"

The fierce eyes pierced back fiercely, and the bursting shout was like thunder on the ground, and it exploded directly. A small circle of spectators around was stunned, but in the turbulent chaos of the scene, it was still difficult to shake the whole. situation. Just after a pause for about half a second, the crowds behind rushed up again, a steady stream of people, their eyes have been blinded, completely ignoring the Lan Li standing next to the gap, just rushing towards the encircling circle on the red carpet regardless of recklessness. After the past, the mouth was still yelling "Master", crazy, completely crazy, the screams and shouts plunged the whole scene into chaos.

At this moment, after the opening of the railing was opened, the supporting force was lost, and the part on the right hand side began to fall apart, slowly and slowly collapsed, and the first row of people were firmly attached to the railing. At that time, they couldn't make any reaction, and they could only fall down with the railing. After the crowd behind lost their center of gravity, they pressed down layer by layer.

The scene finally reacted, the enthusiastic screams began to become frightened, and the crazy screams began to become stern, like an Ashura field, completely out of control.

Lan Li is only one person. He has no way to control the situation of the audience. He can only focus his attention on the injured girl in front of him, but behind the girl is a layer of people, it seems It's like a big mountain.

He can choose to leave, he can choose to ask for help, he can choose the dispatcher to come and control the situation, because a person's power is just indifferent and inadequate under such circumstances. Only by solving the problem from the root is the wisest. Also the most effective. It is more likely that it is not just this girl who is injured, but there are others who need help in other places, but he can't do it, he can't let any life slowly go by. He still couldn't do it after ten years in bed.

Without any hesitation, Lan Li rushed forward, gritted his teeth, and with his shoulders against the crowd behind, preventing them from continuing to press on and alleviating the poor situation of the girls under pressure, but this was in vain. He only felt that He was like the Monkey Sun under the Wuzhi Mountain. No matter how hard he tried, the crowd behind him did not move. That kind of powerlessness made Lan Li's muscles tighten to the extreme. He raised his head and shouted at the people behind, "Back! Everyone back!" The voice was a little hoarse, but he didn't notice it. The pain in the throat just kept shouting, "Back!"

Tessa saw Lan Li.

She was pushed out by inertia and stumbled onto the red carpet. Her palms, arms, and knees were all scratched, and then people continued to rush over, pairs of messy footsteps staggered in the line of sight. She felt like a little rabbit hidden in the grass, mixed in the great migration of the zebra herd, and her life was at stake.

She saw Lan Li at this moment. Lan Li is like an ant trying to move the earth, pushing up the crowd behind with his shoulders, and under Lan Li's arms, protecting a petite figure. The girl is full of pain and her abdomen is slowly oozing out. Scarlet blood.

Tessa couldn't help covering her mouth, her vision instantly blurred, but she immediately heard Lan Li's hoarse cry, "Back! Everyone back!" She immediately wiped away the tears that hadn't had time to condense in her eyes. , Got up quickly, pushed aside the crowd, and shouted, "Back! Everyone back!" Lan Li needs help, the girl needs help, she must do something.

Tessa hurried to Lan Li’s side, avoiding the continual jumping crowd, and then found the figure of William, exhausted all of her strength, clenched her fists, and her voice erupted from the depths of her dantian, "William , Back! Back!” At the same time, Tessa’s hands were constantly pushing back, looking at the strange or familiar faces in front of him, signaling everyone to unite, "Back!"

William finally noticed Tessa in the chaos, but he didn't have time to react. Suddenly a huge force came from behind him, and he staggered out, stomping deep under his feet. He didn't lower his head, but he was pretty sure. He seemed to have stepped on someone. Just thinking of this possibility in his mind, William became anxious, stopped quickly, turned around, and then he saw it. Blue gift.

Tessa's words flashed through his mind, and William opened his mouth wide and tried to make a little noise, but he didn't The whole scene has been reduced to hell. The audience in the front row was squeezed to the ground, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves was like purgatory on earth; the audience in the middle was still following, stepping, kneeling, and rolling, trying to escape to heaven; the audience behind was still unknown, so they cheered, Shouting, constantly rushing forward; on the red carpet, a lot of wounded lay, wailing in pain.

Even more frightening is that the audience on the other side of the red carpet saw such a chaotic scene, and they began to be afraid. They all turned around and tried to stay away. Some people moved forward, some walked sideways, some backed away, and the whole crowd became a mess. Then the railing began to sway violently, and the clanging sound made people frighten, as if they were on the verge of collapse at any time.

In the turbulent crowd, Lanli has also become a symbol. Some people push, some people squeeze, some people block, some people ram... all these are understandable. In a crisis situation, survival instinct/ability is the first element. However, there are people who are actually trying to hug, kiss, lick/oil, and even lay hands on Lan Li. This is unbelievable and beyond the bottom line of morality.

Anger, uncontrollable anger spontaneously arises. Such an unprecedented rage is the first time since rebirth.

Lan Li ignored those trivial little movements, raised his head, and shouted angrily at those who had recovered his freedom next to him, "Back! Let everyone back! Don't continue to rush forward! Back!" This disaster, Only if everyone works together to stop him, he needs everyone to unite, and the frantic shout and support in his ear is so ironic at this moment.

Looking down at the girl in front of her, her eyes were bright and focused, she looked at Lan Li seriously, and then smiled, "Master, thank you."

I don't kill Boren, Boren died because of me.

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