The Greatest Showman

Chapter 701: Celebrity steps

After they started shooting again, Jennifer, Donald and the others became more and more exaggerated. The flurry of demons standing behind the camera became more and more exaggerated. Lan Li's suffocation and suffocation were really hard, and he must be fully involved in shooting the emotional atmosphere. So, Andre witnessed a "face changing" drama on the spot:


   I was still laughing wildly for the last second, and I couldn't help but laugh; the next second I turned into a violent madman, full of love; the next second, after the sound of "card" came, the scene turned into a sea of ​​laughter.


For the first time, Andre knew that behind the glamour of the stage and the turning of the screen into magic, there was a strange cave hidden behind, which reminded him of the world he saw after Harry Potter knocked on the brick wall of Diagon Alley. . Vaguely, he somewhat understood that Lan Li's persistence and enthusiasm for performance was at least from the angle he understood.


When Ji Li Hazel entered the studio, what she saw was this scene. The entire staff laughed and laughed. The joyous atmosphere was like boiling water, but before she continued to take her steps, she had long gray hair. The middle-aged fat man walked to the front and waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. Then he turned and walked behind the monitor. Shooting started again. The noise on the scene quickly disappeared, leaving only a little jumping dust in the air. Permeated.


Ji Li had to relax, lest her actions would disturb the peace of the crew. Turning her head, Ji Li showed a bright smile to the man who led the way next to her, thanked him, and then lip-synched. "Next, just leave it to me." The man chuckled, looked up and down Ji Li, reluctantly stepped forward and turned away.


   Ji Li did not rush forward, but stood still, took a deep breath, took a deep breath again, let her emotions slow down, and then looked for her goal among the crowd. This is not a difficult task.


Lan Li standing in the center of the venue, black T-shirt with camouflage army pants, covered with a strange armor, sweating profusely, as if he had just been fished out of the water, with irregular oil stains on his face. Really a little embarrassed, but the smile that bloomed from the corner of her mouth easily attracted Ji Li's eyes, like a bright moon in the dark night.


   Ji Li couldn't help but bit her lower lip lightly. This is definitely a superb man.


To be precise, everyone who can appear in the Hringham Club is the best; what's even more rare is that in Lan Li's body, you can't smell the lifeless and decadent aura of the nobles, nor can you see the upper-class people. The condescending and arrogant temperament, the vigorous vigor, the vivid vitality, the elegant manners, and the sedimentary connotation, make people shine in the quiet.


   Of course, young, handsome, and famous. This is added value. If you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter. If you have it, it will naturally be icing on the cake. It should not be overlooked that this man is an actor, a real actor, it is not that Ji Li has any admiration for actors, but that after the actor has faded from the aura of nobility, she can sit on an equal footing with her, she is no longer a vase, and No longer a play/thing. Ji Li knows deeply that this is an excellent opportunity for her, a great opportunity for the sparrow to become a phoenix.


   Since the meeting at the Hringham Club that day, Ji Li has been inquiring about "Ren Li-Hall". When she learned that Lan Li was shooting a movie at the Warner Bros. Photography Base, she did not act in a hurry. Instead, she made a detailed plan. She needed to take the initiative, but she couldn't stick to the door; she needed to be coquettish, but not vulgar/Next/ Flow, this is not an easy task.


Pulling the hem of the shirt, she did not choose a close-fitting evening dress or skirt today, but chose to wrap herself tightly. A pearl white shirt paired with navy blue suit trousers, 12 cm big red high heels, and finally Put on a long blue woolen trench coat, capable and neat, with some uniform temptations; while the looming shirt shows the advantages of the body curve, the noble and cool temperament and the baby-like face are formed Strong contrast.


   Ji Li knew that men would fall for themselves. For example, the middle-aged man who led the way at the door just now; and the general manager in charge of the daily operation of the photography base. Now, she needs to add another name to her list of ministers under her skirt.


In order to avoid interrupting the work of the crew, Ji Li lightly stepped forward, step by step, and finally stopped outside the encirclement of the staff, without making a sound or coming forward, because she knew that she was free. A woman who disturbs other people's work is unpleasant.


   just stood by and watched quietly.


The filming of the whole scene lasted for about 15 minutes. Because the actors next to them were dancing awkwardly, the atmosphere of the scene was always happy. After the final filming, the actors did the birds and beasts, and they still yelled, "No revenge. No revenge!"


   As a result, another person standing next to him shouted, "I regret and fear now? It's too late." The sentence caused everyone to burst into laughter.


Ji Li couldn't help but looked over. The person who spoke just now was tall and handsome, and possessed a Scottish wild and rough, completely different style from Lan Li, but he wore a custom-made suit. But it was very valuable, and Ji Li looked at her with a contented look. After her gaze, she noticed Lan Li who was walking towards the rest area, and then she quickly retracted her gaze and took a step forward.


   "Hey, stranger." Ji Li yelled without getting too close.


   The sights all around were projected over, and she put her right hand in her pocket, showing the heroic spirit of the heroine. It's just that her facial features are too coquettish, her body curve is too prominent, the whole person looks too rouge, even if it is a woman disguised as a man, but the feminine temperament is still beyond words.


   But, this is what Ji Li is after. Some of the staff immediately recognized her that football is the number one sport in the United Kingdom deservedly, and her influence is unmatched. With the popularity of football baby Ji Li, for ordinary citizens, she is definitely a goddess, even Someone exclaimed, "Jesus Christ, Ji Li Hazel!"


After the surrounding sounds began to ring, Ji Li stepped forward and walked to Lanli confidently, showing a bright and charming smile, "Long time no see, do we need to introduce ourselves? "After speaking, Ji Li still stuck out her tongue playfully. It seemed that Lan Li really didn't remember her words at this time, and she would be extremely sad.


   Lan Li's eyebrows raised slightly. Of course he remembered Ji Li, but what he was curious about was why Ji Li appeared here? If you guess from the preconceived notion that Ji Li is moving around to catch the golden turtle and her son-in-law, then the purpose of coming to the outskirts of the outskirts today could not be clearer; but Lan Li II is a human, he knows that things are far from it. It seems so simple on the surface. Before knowing the truth, it is best not to speculate about others at will. Ji Li appeared on the filming set, and there are countless possible explanations.


   "Someone has reminded me just now. If I don't remember anymore, I guess I need to go back to the hospital to see it." Lan Li did not mention whether he remembered, but replied in this way. A simple sentence contained too much meaning, but Ji Li couldn't hear it. "Miss Hazel made a special trip to the photography base today, is there a job?"


Ji Li's eyes flashed slightly, "I'm here to visit the class." There was a pause for a moment, which was meaningful. The frizzy eyebrows were full of hints, leaving infinite lingering rhyme, "A friend of mine is responsible for managing the schedule of the photography base. Arrangement, he mentioned before, there is a crew here that is filming. Recently, we have been busy with work. We have not seen each other for a long time. Today I made a special trip and it turned out that Mr. Hall is the lead actor of the crew. I thought, maybe You can come over and say hello."


   It's a simple story, but Ji Li said it in a melodious tone. Even the blind can see it, she is hinting: she is here for Renly. Whether it is the look in the eyes or the words, the meaning can't be clearer.


   Lan Li is neither blind nor deaf.


"I thought it was Arthur who came with you." Lan Li evaded all the hints of Ji Li with a clever stroke of two or two, and reminded: Last time you were in the Wasn't it a pleasant conversation with Arthur?


   However, facing such ridicule, Ji Li didn't panic at all, and smiled shyly, "Since the last time I met, I haven't met Arthur again. Is everything okay with him lately?"


   This answer is smart enough to make Lan Li look at him with admiration. Clarified her and Arthur's relationship, but naturally took the initiative to greet her, and narrowed the distance between her and Lan Li. This small detail can be seen, Ji Li is not only breasts. "The last time I met was the last news update between me and him. I'm sorry I can't help."


   "Want to ask about Arthur's current situation, are you sure you can't find a better way?" A voice was inserted beside it, not abrupt, and subtly integrated into the conversation, and then appeared on the stage.


Ji Li was a little surprised, but Lan Li's eyes flashed slightly, and he looked up and down Andre, "This is Andre, my friend. Come to visit today, he and Arthur are also good friends." Simple After two sentences of introduction, Lan Li saw Ji Li smile again and took the initiative to introduce herself, her pretty eyes shining brightly.


   If Lan Li was worried that he had made a wrong judgment just now, then after this brief conversation and the fluctuation of his eyes, he knew that his judgment at the first impression of the club was correct. Ji Li is looking for a step into the upper class. Every man is her prey. Arthur is, he is, and so is Andre.


   It's not right or wrong. Ji Li didn't conceal her purpose. Just like Jiang Taigong fishing, he would be taken the bait.


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