The Greatest Showman

Chapter 597: start sailing

They are just a bunch of children. They don't understand anything, but they understand everything.

Lan Li looked down at his palm. Inside, there was a small doll of Captain America, the size of a finger. It was given to him by Alex just before he left the ward. There were tears in those bright eyes. Guang, his face was full of smiles, "Len Li, do you think I will become as strong as Captain America?"

The little trembling hand held Lan Li's palm tightly and tightly, revealing the fear in his heart, but stubbornly reluctant to say it, but didn't want his parents to worry about it.

"No, no." Lanly replied, "Because Alex is much stronger than Captain America. The real strength is not here." His fingers pointed at his heart, and then at his brain. "And here. So, Alex is the strongest child I know."

He gently gathered his palms, the plastic dolls were sharp and sharp, and the tender flesh in his palms felt a little painful, but it was so real.

There was a trivial sound of footsteps rubbing against the ground, and then a figure sat down on the right side of the bench. It's Heather. However, she didn't speak, but quietly looked at the scenery that was not beautiful or magnificent in front of her, letting the silence spread, and after a short while, she said abruptly, "Alex has entered. "Then there was silence again, and his voice was drowned in the gust of New York afternoon.

"This is a good thing." Lan Li said.

This is indeed a good thing. After waiting for three years, I finally found a matching heart, finally won the opportunity to get rid of congenital heart disease, and finally gained the possibility of officially opening life. As long as the heart transplant is successful, the body will not reject it.

Heather nodded and repeated, "This is a good thing."

It was obviously a good thing, but the voice was trembling slightly. Any operation, even with a 99% success rate, still has a 1% chance of failure. Unlucky people, even an appendicitis may stay in that operating room forever.

Optimistic people see 99%; pessimistic people see 1%. But in Lan Li's view, people with crystal clear minds see 99%; people who have experienced vicissitudes of mind see only 1%. Those who are indifferent to life and death see a turning point in their lives. As for the scenery on the road ahead, it doesn't matter.

After resurrecting his life, Lan Li could not see through it after all.

"This is a good thing." Heather said repeatedly for the second time, and then the smile on the corner of his mouth rose. "At least he got a chance to give it a go."

Lan Li raised his head and looked at Heather. He had forgotten that for Heather, she didn't even have a chance to give it a go. However, there is no irritation or anger between Heather's eyebrows, but sparse calmness and clarity, just like the dawn of the early/spring treetops illuminating the verdant green.

Heather turned his head, met Lan Li’s gaze, and showed a big smile, "The timetable is out." Lan Li is not clear. So, Heather went on to explain, "The audition timetable for'American Idol' is official. Out."

Lan Li's eyebrows could not help but raised lightly, joy as if ripples, lightly rippled in the bottom of his eyes.

"The first game was on the last Friday of September. In Minnesota, I really want to go there." Heather crossed her hands and stretched her waist. With such a simple movement, she was a little strenuous to do it, and her fingers were slightly twisted. , The arm could not be straightened, but she did it after all, "If I tell my mother that I want to go to Minnesota to participate in the first audition, would you say she will nod and agree?"

Looking at Heather's bright and brisk smile, Lan Li's mouth rose up along with him, "You obviously already have the answer, why do you want to ask me?" Ally will agree, but only if the doctor nod.

Both Ellie and Derek love Heather very much, but they have not lost their principles. They will not allow her to act recklessly because of Heather's illness, but they will not imprison her in a cage because of Heather's illness. What Heather needs is not special treatment, but equal treatment. This is difficult, extremely difficult, but Ally and Derek are working hard.

Heather rolled his eyes and spit out mercilessly, "It's boring." Lan Li didn't refute, but he chuckled slightly. Heather raised his chin, "However, I am in a good mood today. I don’t care about you. I am going to participate in the audition in New Jersey. This year, there is no audition site in New York, but East-rutherford in New Jersey."

"Oh, the home of the New York Giants." Lanly reacted at once. The New York Giants are a team of the American Football League and have won the league's highest honour Super Bowl twice. "That stadium can accommodate more than 50,000 people. There are nearly 60,000 people. Phew, I can already foresee that the competition is bound to be very fierce."

After further obtaining the detailed information of the audition, Heather's expression became excited, "Really? Would you say there will be a crowd of people at the scene? Then you have to wait in line for several hours? Maybe, the audition will take three days. !" Excited, Heather couldn't help but danced, "The audition is on February 13th, which is the second to last stop of the entire audition. Do you think it's because of this?"

Each round of audition may take three to five days, because there are too many contestants. Therefore, the audition began in the last week of September, and lasted forever in January of the coming year.

"Maybe." Lan Li shrugged, noncommittal, "February 13, which means you only have four months left to practice. Are you sure you want to play and sing?"

"If I don't play and sing, and I don't have an accompaniment tape, what should I do?" Heather looked at Lan Li with a grieving expression, condemning Lan Li's "irresponsibility" both inside and out.

Heather told Lanly before that she decided to sing the song "The Beast" and participate in the audition of "American Idol". For this reason, she has been practicing guitar for a long time and also as part of her rehabilitation life. However, time is passing. For four months, no one knows whether Heather's condition will deteriorate in early February and whether Heather will be able to play the guitar completely.

Heather wanted to participate in the first audition in September. Apart from his unbearable excitement and excitement, there was no such worry in his heart.

"Are you sure?'The Beast' is not a song suitable for singing competitions." Lan Li expressed his concern in a friendly manner, but he saw Heather twitching his mouth and showing a face, "I'm not worried. The silent expression of "What are you worried about" caused Lan Li's smile to bloom at the corner of his mouth, slowly falling deep in his eyes, "Then, this gift is just right."

Lan Li took off the satchel on his shoulder, took out the album inside, and handed it to Heather.

Heather took it in puzzlement and looked at it carefully. At first, I didn’t react. I turned over and looked at the back cover. My eyes widened. He raised his head in surprise and looked at Lan Li. He looked at the expression on that face in ecstasy, and then looked at that clear and juicy expression. I found my answer in the eyebrows, and the screams could not help but overflowed from the corners of the mouth, "Ah!"

Immediately afterwards, she bit her lower lip to avoid losing control of her emotions, but her hands and feet could not help but began to tremble, using all her strength to express her inner happiness. Turning to the cover again, he took a serious look, "Don Quixote." Fingertips whispered on the cover, whispering this familiar and unfamiliar name in a low voice, as if chewing the deep meaning behind the word , Caught off guard, tears burst the embankment.

Lan Li really didn't expect such a reaction. He was rushing to find something to wipe away his tears, but found nothing.

Heather chuckled and laughed, crying and laughing, looking so embarrassed, raised his vigorous face, did not conceal his tears, and did not care about his embarrassment, "Can you give me an autograph? ?"

Looking at Heather's teary but proud expression, Lan Li chuckled and nodded, "Of course."

Heather immediately tried to tear open the outer packaging of the album, but his fingers didn't listen, and he didn't pull it apart for a while. She was a little anxious, but did not ask Lan Li for help. Instead, she found the bonding point intently, earnestly, and devotedly, and then pulled it apart, her smile from the bottom of her heart rose.

Lan Li took the album and opened the inside page. Write a sentence in the blank space, and then sign the name again. After writing, handed it to Heather again.

Heather watched attentively like this, always reluctant to leave the album, as if it were the most precious gift in the world, until he took the album, looked at the line of cool fonts, and read it softly.

"To Heather Cross,

Salute those things that darkness can never take away from us, salute those dreams of sailing. A warrior, a warrior, a dreamer, a lonely Don Quixote.

Forever blue gift-Hall, your companion. "

Heather smiled and laughed wanton, but the tears couldn't help falling down. These were tears of happiness, beautiful and sweet. She raised her head and glanced at Lan Li, and through that dim gaze, her smile remained so deeply in the depths of those smart eyes. Such a Heather is so beautiful that the sixteen-year-old flower season is in full bloom.

Then Heather lowered his head again and began to turn over the inside page. He couldn't help but complain, "God, you are really low-key. Lest anyone knows, is this your album?" There are no photos of people on the page, all of them are photos of Bulgari, there are guitars left alone on the ground in the rental house, there are crowds of people in the shadow of the subway, and there are drunks singing in the streets at midnight... But there is no positive face, let alone Lan Li.

"The secret is for the careful person." Lan Li said with a smile.

Then Heather turned to the last page of the inner page.

A man sits cross-legged on the side of a street in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. Behind him is an old mottled stone wall bar. Next to it is a garbage truck. There are also two homeless people lying in the corner. It looks like a mess, deep Grey walls, brick-red roofs, sea-blue doors, wine-red window frames, and stone-grey floors.

The man sat on the street like this, with a white T-shirt and black jeans, without any extra attire on his body, simple and generous, handsome and timeless, it seemed that when he just raised his head, the lens captured that moment, that pair of bright and dazzling eyes. A mark was left in an instant.

That is Renly Hall.

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